In the Extraordinary Era, My Career Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 176 Returning to the Ancient Era Again

The raging river meanders down from the high peaks.

Qi Sui roasted a big fish he had caught and stuffed it into his stomach.

"I've known for a long time that the crazy people in the Divine Court are deeply involved with the Divine Religion, but I didn't expect that even the oracle of the Beast God Religion was sent out!"

He patted his bulging belly and stood up, his eyes showing a solemn look.

The strength of the oracle needs no further explanation. As the spokespersons of the old gods in the world, they are more terrifying than most martial arts masters and are truly at the top of human society.

Even with Qi Sui's current strength, even if all his cards are out, he can't be the opponent of the oracle.

"We've done everything we can. I hope the National Security Bureau can act as soon as possible. As long as the power of the state intervenes, an oracle can't make any waves on the land of Daxia!"

Although he said so, Qi Sui always felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if he had overlooked something.

It was such a frustrating feeling to know that Qinhai City was in danger, but could only watch and do nothing.

"Never mind, let's try again to see if good luck can favor me. Am I the child of destiny?"

Qi Sui adjusted his spirit to the peak and returned to the Goddess Secret Realm again. After a simple warm-up, he climbed up along the vines with his hands and feet.

The power of "80" points made everything very easy.

Without much effort, he appeared in the void near 100,000 meters of the vines.

And this height is far from his current limit.

"Try it again!"

Qi Sui's eyes condensed slightly, looking at the gray fog in the void above, where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face. No one knew what was at the end of the vines.

A moment later.

The boy's muscles were coiled like a dragon, and the inner strength under his skin was pushed to the extreme. He was as burly as a giant bear. With the powerful force, he broke through the endless gravity, and with his arms, he stepped into the "110,000" meter void for the first time.

"The limit!"

Qi Sui was sweating all over and breathing heavily. Less than one centimeter above his head, the gray mist seemed to have undergone a qualitative change, like a sea hanging upside down in the void.

The transformation from gas to liquid.

The terrible degree of gravity filled in it can be imagined.

He tentatively put his finger in, and the terrifying pressure directly flattened the finger muscles, and even the bones were blown into blood mist.

"Super self-healing" was running at a high speed.

The flesh and bones of the fingers were reshaped quickly.

"This is probably the limit of the martial artist. If you want to go up, you have to wait until the master level!" Qi Sui's eyes flashed with palpitations.

He was no longer curious about the void above, but began to observe the situation at this height.

No doubt.

The number of light curtain fragments floating at 110,000 meters far exceeded that of the void at 100,000 meters, just like a handful of fine sand flowing through his fingertips.

And they were bigger and brighter, giving him the feeling that they were real worlds.

"The best... the best situation is to return to the ancient times again, get the skull of the undead, and with the bonus of 12 points of spiritual four-dimensional attributes, I can meet the minimum requirements for awakening the hidden profession."

Qi Sui's eyes kept searching among the dense light curtain fragments.

But it is so difficult to accurately find what you want among such a large number of fragments!

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind.

If the main body directly enters the light curtain fragments, then it can only come out when the mental power is exhausted, but if it is a condensed "soul body" that enters, can it leave at any time?

If this method is feasible, then the speed of his search for fragments will be greatly improved!

Thinking of this, Qi Sui decisively condensed the "soul body" and then randomly sent it into a light curtain fragment. After confirming that this was not the world he wanted, the "soul body" dissipated directly and turned into spiritual power to return to the body.

"It really works!"

Qi Sui showed a happy look on his face.

Because his spiritual power was not consumed too much, he condensed the "soul body" again and sent it into the light curtain fragment.

Just like this, he tried again and again.

After failing dozens of times, the smell in the air suddenly became familiar, and there was a refreshing feeling in the damp cold that had never been polluted by social industrialization.

"Hmm? This world seems to be in the ancient era!"

Qi Sui is very sensitive to smells, and can even distinguish the proportion of components in the air in different eras.

But he did not rush, but carefully explored the surrounding area, using the extraordinary characteristics of [Spirit of Grass and Trees] to communicate with several large trees, and the feedback from him surprised and delighted him.

This time his luck seems to be very good.

The timeline of this world is indeed in the ancient era, and coincidentally, there is a powerful tribe called "Feng Clan" in this wilderness.

But what is surprising is that this "Feng Clan" seems to have a close relationship with the "Demon Eye Clan" and jointly rule this wilderness.

"Will it be the Feng Clan from last time?"

Qi Sui frowned, not quite sure in his heart.

After all, he had already forged a grudge with the "Demon Eye Clan" last time. Even if the two sides are not enemies, they should not have any intersection!

But no matter what, he has to go and take a look.

The soul body then disintegrated, and Qi Sui's body broke into this light curtain world at the same time.

The black soil under his feet was extremely soft, and a thick centipede came out and crawled onto his shoes. He shook it off and crushed it to death with a casual kick.

Career panel gives hints.

"Entering a special state, mental power continues to flow, 1 point/min. When the mental power is less than 20 points, it will be forcibly teleported."

"Psychic power: 726/880"

Since he had already consumed a lot of mental energy while searching the world, he only had a little more than eleven hours left.

"If everything goes well, there will be enough time!"

Qi Sui straightened his back and looked into the wilderness of the north.

The information transmitted by the big tree showed that a large number of people from the Feng tribe were moving in that direction.

at the same time.

In the steep and steep peak cave, a feast with a warm atmosphere was being held.

The stone table is filled with all kinds of precious meat, honey and wild fruits. What is a little annoying is that there are also some human body parts, such as arms and thighs, and the white flower in the middle. His brain is the bloodiest.

Feng Yun sat in the main seat.

Her skin is dark, some obvious wrinkles can be seen on her face, and her body has entered the aging stage.

But that domineering and powerful sense of majesty has not diminished but increased.

Beside her, a tall and burly middle-aged woman sat cross-legged, with a height of almost 1.9 meters, which was already very exaggerated among humans in the ancient era.

The woman's face was marked with red marks like maggots, which squirmed as she breathed, looking rather cold and strange.

"Ancient leader, thanks to the help of your Demonic Eye tribe this time, we were able to take down the Linghe tribe so smoothly. At the cost of less than twenty warriors, we killed hundreds of their warriors and captured more than 200 of them in one fell swoop. !”

Feng Yun licked her lips and showed a pleasant smile.

The two hundred or so people include more than a hundred women who are in their childbearing period, which can greatly speed up the reproduction of their Feng clan. If this continues, it won't take many years for her to be qualified to establish a kingdom!

"No need to thank you, this is what we agreed before, but out of the two hundred people, you will get one hundred of us as rations!" The red-striped woman's voice was hoarse.

Hearing this, Feng Yun couldn't help but feel a little painful.

But she didn't dare refuse.

The "Magic Eye Tribe" led by this woman is more powerful than the tribe that was destroyed by Qi Sui three years ago. The tribe has a population of more than a thousand people. There are three mysterious and powerful wizards, and it is said that there are more than three wizards. There are more terrifying death warriors.

Although the Feng Tribe is much stronger than it was three years ago, fighting against this "Magic Eye Tribe" is like hitting an egg against a stone.

"You don't have to worry about this. Food rations for a hundred people have been prepared. You can take them with you when you go back this time!"

"Very good, happy to work with you!"

The red-striped woman nodded slightly, and the atmosphere in the venue completely relaxed.

After determining the distribution of benefits, Feng Yun brought over a plate of bloody fresh beef, with a flattering smile on her face, and said: "Ancient leader, this is our tribe's delicacy - Huangling beef. It tastes very delicious. Please give it a try! ”

"I'm not interested in this food!"

The red-striped woman pushed it away, and then, under the coveted gazes of the other Demon Eye clan members, she brought the plate of white brains in front of her.

She was not in a hurry to eat, but put her hands in a strange posture, with a pious face, and said: "Gods of flesh and blood, please protect your people..."

Dazzling red light was released from the tattoos on her face, and a scarlet vertical pupil slowly condensed between her eyebrows. The atmosphere in the cave suddenly dropped, and an indescribable pressure suddenly came, which made everyone feel a little nervous. Difficulty breathing.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Feng Yun's eyes were full of fear and envy.

This ancient leader was too strong, so powerful that she wanted to grovel at his feet in humility.

After a few minutes, the ceremony ended.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the ancient leader directly grabbed the brain, then stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it hungrily, with a strong look of satisfaction on his face.

Immediately, she looked at Feng Yun aside, handed over the half-eaten brain, and said, "Here, try it? This is the real deliciousness!"

The smile on Feng Yun's face froze, and she smiled awkwardly: "This, this is not necessary, right? If you like it, ancient leader, just enjoy it yourself!"

Even though the Feng tribe also eats raw meat, but they still inevitably feel fear and nausea when they see this kind of cannibalism. This is an instinctive reaction engraved in human genes.

But the people of the Demon Eye tribe seem to have lost this instinct. There is no fear in their eyes, but only covet and desire.

According to the teachings of the God of Flesh, power can only be obtained by eating a large amount of flesh and blood.

Since there is no genetic isolation between similar flesh and blood, there is almost no obstacle to absorbing energy, so they will regard it as the most precious food.

The ancient leader didn't take Feng Yun's reaction seriously. She swallowed all the brains and asked casually: "Chief Feng, are you interested in bringing your people to join our Demon Eye tribe and jointly believe in the great power of flesh and blood?" god!"

Feng Yun's eyes were slightly focused, with an obvious look of struggle, and she said: "Chief Gu, I think our current cooperation method is quite good. As for joining, let's forget about it!"

"Chief Feng, don't refuse in a hurry!"

The ancient leader took another stump and gnawed on it while saying slowly: "Belief in the God of flesh and blood will allow your body and soul to find a home. As long as you are willing to dedicate yourself, you will obtain extremely powerful power from the great God. "

"Isn't the totem of your Feng tribe just a wind bird? Can that thing help you survive in such a wilderness full of wild beasts?"

"As far as I know, more than ten brave warriors from your tribe died in the belly of the saber-toothed tiger in the past few days, but even that kind of beast would not dare to attack my Demon Eye tribe even if it had ten courages. Because I can beat it to pieces with one punch!"

The woman's words were very seductive. She sat up straight, her aura was like a towering mountain peak.

No one can doubt the truth of the woman's words.

Feng Yun had witnessed with her own eyes that this woman killed a brown bear king that was more than three meters high into minced meat with just a casual palm. The visual impact was even greater than that of another king of their tribe. , and it’s going to be terrible.

The ancient leader continued: "Threats to the survival of your tribe are not only the wild beasts, but also the God of Fire, the God of Water, the God of Plague, the God of Thunder, etc. There are no gods guarding you behind you, and the only path waiting for you is destruction!"

"Furthermore, Chief Feng, you don't need to worry about your status. I can guarantee that as long as you lead the Feng Tribe to join us, you will be the number two figure in the Magic Eye Tribe and will be rewarded endlessly by the great gods. Weaker than my strength."

Hearing this, Feng Yun's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate a little. She was really excited. Not only could she keep her position, but she could also gain strength. Then her life would definitely be more nourishing than now.

However, for such a major matter as the merger of tribes, she still needs to pretend to discuss it with her tribe members.

"You have all heard what the ancient leader said, right? What do you think about it?"

A woman with a rough face couldn't wait to stand up and express her position: "Chief Feng, I don't think there is anything to consider. Everyone can see how powerful the Magic Eye tribe is. Without their help in the past few years, our Feng tribe would not have been able to develop to this point. With a scale of thousands of people, joining them is also for the tribe to have a better future. "

"Yes, leader, I don't want to go back to the days of the past. I am always on tenterhooks every day, worried that I will be eaten by wild beasts, worried that the gods of fire and thunder will impose divine punishments. We humans are still too weak in front of everything in the world. We must Go rely on a god!"

Some members of the tribe agreed, but others expressed objections.

"Chief, I think our Feng tribe is developing very well now. You need to be cautious when deciding to join the Demon Eye tribe!"

"Believing in the god of flesh and blood and devouring the same kind of people, I don't think I can accept it."


Seeing more and more people coming forward to express their opposition, Feng Yun lost her face. She placed her palms heavily on the stone table and coldly snorted: "That's enough. I have already made a decision in my heart. That's it. Let’s take stock of some tribal resources and prepare to move to the Demon Eye Tribe together.”

She has always been an arbitrary and domineering person, and the opposition from her tribe made her feel a little embarrassed in front of the ancient leader, and she was very angry.

The ancient leader looked at all this with a smile, and secretly made a hungry gesture of licking the corners of his lips.

How long would the food rations for a thousand people be enough to feed their tribe?

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