In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 493: Jon's Wand

It was the evening of the second day of Christmas when Jon woke up.

He had slept through the entire day and night, during which time Hermione had been watching.

By the time he woke up, it happened to be dinner time, and there was fruit by his bedside from an unknown student or professor, so Jon sat on his bed and hungrily ate the dinner that Hermione had brought him, while at the same time looking at the newspaper of that day.

The headline of the newspaper was of course related to the situation in Britain.

Almost all the wizards in Europe knew exactly what kind of battle took place in the Ministry of Magic in Britain last night, and knew the result of this battle would affect the future trend of the magical world.

And today the result was obvious.

At midnight on the very same day that Jon had left with Dumbledore, a resurrected Voldemort announced his victory to everyone, and at the same time proclaimed Dumbledore to be dead.

This was verified early this morning after the Witching Horizon that had remained throughout France were silently evacuated, and all of the Witching Horizons' men were moved north to Grindelwald's command.

And so the news, shocking enough to shock everyone, spread to every corner of the wizarding world.

The man had won again, and Dumbledore had lost another duel with him, but this time it was at the cost of his own life!

Everyone knew exactly what Voldemort's victory meant.

He had once again gained the right to claim the entire wizarding community!

Witching Horizon's move to retreat represents that the southern European continent of Britain and France will fall into Voldemort's hands.

This is a fact. He has been operating for so many years to gain a deep background, and in the war between Dumbledore, he can lose many times, but as long as he wins once, he can regain all the lost or even gain more.

The Witching Horizon led by Dumbledore can win many times, but as long as they lose once, then it is equivalent to spitting out all that they have eaten before.

The good thing is that nowadays there is still Grindelwald in Northern Europe, plus Voldemort is estimated to have spent a lot of losses in two consecutive resurrections, the next period of time he will at most reoccupy France, and if he wants to continue to launch an invasion on Northern Europe, he still needs to take a period of time to recuperate.

Jon looked at the newspaper's phrase "The great gentleman won a great victory, the magical world will be enveloped in a bright future again", and a cold smile appeared on his face.

"He will never tell, he was killed twice last night."

Hermione, who was sitting next to Jon eating dinner with him, asked with some astonishment.

"You killed him twice working together with Professor Dumbledore?"

"To be exact, the Professor killed him once, then I killed him once, but he came back to life both times. Both times weren't exactly useless, I guess, at least it was a way to figure out why he couldn't be killed, and a way for me to let off some steam."

Jon muttered a couple of words before putting the newspaper down in his hand.

What had really happened yesterday would certainly not just be talked about internally, right now Witching Horizon was in a state of disarray and in need of some news to stimulate confidence, it was expected that in a couple of days when Moody, Kingsley and the others could react, they would be going to proclaim the fact that Voldemort had been killed twice to bolster the public opinion on their side.

However, these are all things that Jon does not need to worry about, right now his main concern is, exactly the current condition of Dumbledore.

After simply filling his stomach, Jon did not stay, he went straight to Grindelwald's office.

And when he arrived, Grindelwald was leaning his back on his chair like he was contemplating something.

"Mr Headmaster, so what is the condition of Professor Dumbledore now?"

Nothing could be seen from Grindelwald's face as he opened his mouth and said slowly after hearing Jon's question.

"He wasn't made like this by some spell, but by using a power that shouldn't be used. It's completely out of the realm of what can be healed by normal means, and he's in bad shape."

Jon frowned as he thought of the words that Voldemort had uttered rampantly last night.

'Death didn't take my life, but he seems to like you a little better.'

So Dumbledore would really have to leave them for good soon?

Jon took a deep breath as he looked at Grindelwald.

"Where is the Professor, now? I'd like to go and see him."

Grindelwald, of course, did not refuse this request, and he took Jon with him out of Durmstrang and arrived at one of the best magical maladies hospitals in Northern Europe.

The ward that Dumbledore was in was guarded by two people, in addition to McGonagall, there was also Flitwick here. While Dumbledore was lying quietly on the bed, it could be seen that he was still obviously breathing, and the frequency of his chest floating was much smoother than when Jon had just brought him out.

But while there were no injuries on the surface of his body, he just didn't seem to be waking up.

"Do you know the Dementor's Kiss?"

Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore and said softly.

"It was once one of the harshest penal laws of the British Ministry of Magic, where the dementors would kiss the condemned subject and suck their souls out of their mouths, leaving only an empty shell of flesh. Although this empty shell still breathes, has a heartbeat, and has all the vital characteristics of a normal human being, that person is actually a dead human being."

Jon, who was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed watching Dumbledore in silence, looked back at him in shock, and both McGonagall and Flitwick had unbelieving looks on their faces as well.

"You mean the Professor.. he's now..."

"I was just making an analogy." Grindelwald's voice wavered a little as he looked down at Dumbledore on the hospital bed, "He's in a state that resembles that condition, yet it's only just that, for example, right now he's still able to even greet you all."

At his words, Jon and the rest of the group all froze.

When they turned back to look at the hospital bed again, at some point Dumbledore had actually opened his eyes.

He looked exhausted and breathless like he might be about to fall asleep at any moment, but he still had a smile on his face, that gentle smile he usually sported in general.


McGonagall exclaimed, a rare sob creeping into her voice, tears already streaming down her face.

Flitwick was also expressing his elation, as long as Dumbledore is still alive, that would be the best possible outcome for them.

Jon's face also showed excitement at first, but after he carefully watched Dumbledore's face, he couldn't show half a smile.

Because compared to Dumbledore who was not in any serious condition, his current situation was more like a reflection of the past.

Dumbledore obviously noticed the change of expression on Jon's face, he was lying quietly on the bed, and the look on his face was as peaceful as an old man who was enjoying the afternoon sunshine.

"There's no need to show such an expression, Jon, everyone has their own path to follow, no matter which path I'm going to follow, it's my own choice, you should be happy for me instead of being sad."

Jon's voice had a hint of hoarseness to it.

"So, you're still going to die?"

"Die?" Dumbledore's smile grew even wider, "No, it's just that someone wanted to invite me to another part of the landscape to have a look around, it's a situation I had anticipated before I planned to go and face Voldemort, and it's also a deal that I made with him, a deal that is fair, and one that he and I agree is good for both of us."

His voice grew quiet.

"It's just that in the future, more things are going to depend on you to carry the load, Jon. Horace was always critical to me on some occasions for burdening you with too much that you shouldn't have to carry, but even if he curses me out now, there's no way to change this; there's more for you to shoulder."

Jon looked at him.

"So you'll come back?"

"Ha, a very good question! Even though you guys always say I like to keep some things to myself, anything I say is guaranteed to have truth in it right?"

Dumbledore winked at him.

"It's the same this time. Since I said that I was just going for an appointment, that means that it's a journey that involves going and coming back, it's just that I don't really have much control over the timing, and when exactly I'll be back, up to anyone to guess. It could be just a day, it could be a year, it could be a hundred years or even ten thousand."

When he said this Dumbledore raised his head and looked at Grindelwald.

Grindelwald didn't make a sound like he only needed eye contact to know exactly what Dumbledore was trying to say, he pulled out a wand he had and proceeded to hand it over to Jon.

By this time, Dumbledore had laboured to raise the Elder Wand, which had been covered in wooden knots, from his side.

"I know you're a person who is nostalgic for the past, and it must have hurt you to have that wand, which has been with you since you first entered the wagon, blown up, but what's that saying, out with the old and in with the new. Well, it's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to find you a new wand anymore Jon, so I guess you won't mind if I leave this ancient wand in my hands for you to use for a while, right?"

Jon looked at Dumbledore, who had raised his wand, with some shock, and looked at the Elder Wand, and quickly reacted to what Dumbledore meant.

After he had defeated that normal timeline Voldemort last night, the ownership of the Elder Wand had reverted back to him, and after that, Voldemort, who had completed the fusion, hadn't actually defeated Dumbledore in any sense of the term, and the one who had really made Dumbledore what he had become now was in fact himself.

That is to say that the ownership of the Elder Wand did not change during this period, and its owner is still Dumbledore.

And now Dumbledore was looking right at Jon, he was holding that wand up like he was initiating a duel, all the while meeting Jon's eyes with a look of affirmation and encouragement.

Jon took a deep breath, and without pausing, he too raised the wand that Grindelwald had handed him and touched it against the Elder Wand in Dumbledore's hand.

Then Elder Wand fell to the ground, and at that moment, Jon Green became its owner instead.


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