inanis journey[new]

chapter 1 – one blink, it was all it took

i will post the first three chaps as they are ready but the following ones will be posted as i make them, the chap 4 is in the making. this chap is a bit short but the following ones are more lengthy with more dialogue more world building etc

Today I will tell you the story of a lucky person.

On earth a person was calmly walking by the sidewalk, just like the dozens of people around them, they were completely normal, this earth didn't even have anything extraordinary.

Then– one moment, one blink, it was all it took-a bustling modern city full of people, then a forest. No truck-kun. No flashing light. No sound. No mysterious portal that sucked them. And no entity granting them wishes.

They just blinked and were in the forest like they had always been there and just noticed it now.

‘???’ was what they could only think as it happened.

After some loading their brain seemed to create a spark of progress ‘a forest?’

As they looked around trying to see where they were, a bush nearby suddenly moved and made some noises.

They were praying for it not to be a wild animal, but their prayers went unanswered, because from the bush something jumped out, it was a… bunny.

A bunny– white, round-you might even say a bit too round, small- very small actually, and there was a single black horn on its head.

It jumped out of the bush, looked at the person standing there and immediately turned 180° bolting from there.

But the bunny’s appearance didn't escape the eyes of the lucky person.

‘that definitely is not a normal bunny'

 the next instant a robotic voice sounded in their mind and a screen appeared in front of them.

[System starting… preparation complete]

[Congratulations, the system is now active]

As these appeared they suddenly gained knowledge on how to use the system.

‘so I got isekaied?’ They were rather calm about everything.

They then summoned the status screen; it has simple things such as skills which already have a few, level which is at 1, shop points which are at 500, name and race.

It was mostly normal, except for name and race, they were different.

the name still was empty strangely enough, but the race was filled, and it was not as “human”, it was “low ranking outer god”, something that was confusing to them as they weren't feeling like “I will devour your reality!” Or like “I will enslave entire worlds for fun!”. 

But this change in race was made obvious because on the screen there was a 3d image of their own body, they were completely different from their human self, and… they were naked, which was soon verified to be true when they looked down.

Obsidian like skin that seemed to absorb light, almost glowing white short hair, well defined muscles that they didn't have when human, a pair of black horns that spiraled on the side of their head covering the ears, triangular shark like teeth, sharp eyes that had a black sclera, black pupil and white iris along white rings surrounding it that seemed to glow, and finally, white, complex tattoo like patterns that were spread around their bodies almost covering it entirely with them.

But they didn't get time to take a good look at themselves because they received another notification.

[As a starting gift the host has received 2 random skills tickets, they were transferred to your inventory]

‘what is going on? Do you know how I got here?’

[The system don't have access to such information]

Not getting the answer they wanted, they couldn't do much, so they went over the inventory and took out the tickets before ripping them to use them.

[Congratulations, you received [threads]]

[Congratulations, you received [hidden fog]]

Looking over the description of both skills they were happily surprised, one allowed them to make silk with different properties and the other allowed them to make a cool fog that had various functions but the main one was hiding things that are inside it, one could be used to make clothes and the other to hide from predators, it was suspiciously exactly what they needed.

They immediately activated the hidden fog consuming some mana and enveloped their bodies, something they learned when they gained the skill. but unfortunately, this skill won't hide much as it is low leveled at the moment, but luckily it still works like a normal fog.

Now with the predator's problem solved there was another one, where were they?

Going to the system shop they bought a skill that might help with that problem, [map] that cost only 30 points, but to their bad luck it only showed places you already visited, and it doesn't exactly tell you where you are, such as showing the place’s name.

suddenly [New mission available: find or make shelter and put some clothes on.

no time limit.

description: find shelter and clothes, you can make both.

reward: 32 shop point



Why exactly 32? was their main thought, a thought they quickly put aside as they accepted it, chose a direction and started walking towards it.

their map skill allowed them to see a certain radius around them and using their new senses the direction they chose wasn’t so random, they were following the scent of water and wet dirt along the vague sound of running water in the distance.

luckily their small gamble was right as they found a river not that far from where they appeared.

‘dont they say ‘follow a river upstream to find people'?... Well, only one way to find out’

With this misunderstanding they followed the river upstream. During this walk they did encounter animals; some kind of panther, more of those rabbits, various kinds of bugs and lizards, a few interesting looking birds, she even encountered a huge boar with deer like antlers, the animals avoided the suspicious ball of fog walking around and the ball of fog avoided them, but they found no people. They also saw quite a few plants that were suspiciously colorful but she didn't want to pick any of them as she didn't want to mess with the ecosystem or something.

They walked for around 40 minutes until they found the end of the river, a waterfall on a cliff wall with a pond below it, where the river was coming from.

By the pond, on the cliff wall there were a few openings that led to “caves”, some were just cracks on the wall, others were barely a meter deep, but one seemed to be deep enough to sleep in.

The lucky person went to it and entered it, it was indeed a spacious cave, not deep, but still spacious, so with a roof over their head, a door like entrance, fruits from the nearby forest and clean water from the pond the system considered it a shelter and the completion rate of the mission went up to 50%, only one thing left; clothes;

They messed around with the threads skill for some time and exhausted their mana making a simple pair of underwear, baggy pants and a long sleeved shirt, it actually wasn't exactly hard, they just didn't know which kind of clothes to choose.

With the mana they have left they made a sticky sheet with a color similar to the cliff wall and covered the entrance before sitting on the ground.

As they sat on the ground they started to go over their status to see something, their race description.

It read as : “you are low ranking outer god, you are the lowest and weakest outer god, but still one nonetheless, you are eternal, something more, and only something rather outrageous can truly kill you, your physical form is more of a shadow of your true self so if it is destroyed it will simply reform where it was destroyed or some place you marked.

Being a outer god, even if the lowest ranking one, have its benefits, such as not needing to eat, drink, breath etc, having senses many only dream of having, or having a innate shape shifting abilities, or the natural ability to speak every language,or the ability to make avatars that have a portion of your strength, and the obvious ones such a higher mind, body and soul, among many other abilities.

But there is a catch on your case, normally outer gods gain their abilities through a few ways: being born with them, having their parent impart the abilities to them (magically or by teaching), or by simply creating them in the span on millions of years. So, because of your special circumstances you only were “born” with a few abilities, such as shape shifting and the a few of the senses a outer god has, the rest of the abilities you should have at birth were sealed, and you can “buy” them to gain access to them

but there is another catch, you can't simply buy all of them at once, if that was the case the sealing would be meaningless, so you not only have to buy them with points you can get by various means but you have to “level them up” by using and understanding them to make them stronger… I think that covers everything -with love, Eldritch mom.]

As they read the description something clicked in their mind and they suddenly can sense things in various spectrums, like seeing radio waves, magical particles, smelling sound, tasting light, among various types of sensory abilities. Surprisingly, it was not overwhelming.

Along those new senses they gained an understanding of how to use their shape shifting ability and the avatar one like when they gained threads and hidden fog.

But with a thought they deactivated most of their senses outside the normal ones and vision on a huge range of colors.

With another thought their horns uncurled and started to move as if they were made of rubber and were alive, settling on various poses and shifting colors, from black to gray then to white, they even were changing if they glowed or not. But after some playing around they decided to stop and returned the horns to its original state.

‘interesting, but not that useful, outside the senses thingy’

After some thought they decided to lay on the ground and sleep, and the sleep surprisingly came quickly, but it wasn't exactly sleeping, it was more like turning off with a programed time to wake up, they still could dream, and dream they did, it was something about princesses guarding dragons in towers or something.

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