inanis journey[new]

Chapter 6.5 – the talk with the parents

They said calmly “yes, I will live for some time and the average person I saw are a few thousand years old, we have plenty of time indeed”

“Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me”

They gave a warm smile “I am happy that you are happy”

I felt relieved they were this understanding, but also somewhat worried, worried that some scumbag would take advantage of them, they seem easy to fool, they been nothing but warm, generous, considerative, understanding and silly-headed, they didn't seem to have a smart thought on their heads outside a few random good ones, so any scumbag could come and scam them like buying their silk for cheap, tricking them into doing a indecent act or lead them into doing….

My face darkened thinking of horrible things that could happen to them, or they could do by accident.

But seemingly reading my thoughts they said “do not worry, I can defend myself, I have some common sense, and only something rather outrageous can truly hurt me, I will regenerate from any common damage, and I can survive any hostile environments”

I narrowed my eyes “How did you know exactly what I was thinking?”

Their answer as to laugh a bit, again making the sound of a running river made of chaos and say with warm emotions “you kept muttering things like ‘scumbag…trick them’ ‘no brainy thoughts’ ‘silly-headed’ and a few other things”

I immediately looked to my tea cup and grabbed it with both hands before drinking from it, trying to ignore what they just said, and failing to do so, there must be something on these cupcakes I swear!

They added “I am happy you worry about me, but as I said, only rather outrageous things can stop me temporarily like throwing a exploding star on my head or the classic complete obliteration, and only things even more outrageous can kill me, if that is possible at all”

Good, at least they won't fall dead the next day, but i am not sure they are speaking the truth, not that they are lying but just don’t understand the dangers of the world.

Hearing that I felt more comfortable in my seat, my shoulders relaxed as I let out a deep breath.

But as comfortable I was here I needed to go home, organize things better, my thoughts, and my room, so I said “sorry, everything is good but I need to go home, talk with my parents, about all of this”

They spoke with a vaguely negative emotion “normally I would invite you to stay more or spend the night here as it is raining and it seems that it will not stop soon, but I just moved in so I did not have time to get basic things like a bed, or couch, so it is for the best that you go home”

They made an umbrella with their finger silk thingy and gave it to me along two huge bags they put two cupcakes inside each saying “have a safe travel”

I said “ thanks, for everything”, made a small bow and left.

you must be asking “how can you leave so easily?!”

the answer is simple, i came for answer and to see if we could take things slowly coming forwards, which we achieved, i could leave at any moment; in fact, i didn’t feel like i was being forced to stay at all, i stayed because i wanted, and i left because i wanted, i didn’t feel like i would die if i left their presence or anything like that, i did have a desire to come back later but it was because they were nice, and interesting, and cooked well, but it is my choice, i didn’t even feel any hints outside those first two.

so i walked home, not fast nor too slow, the streets were still full of people, a bit less than earlier but still quite a bit, rain is common around here so people don’t stop to wait for it.

the wind was cold on my skin but i still felt warm, i felt warm during my whole walk, no idea why tho.

But once I arrived home I simply opened the door and sighed in relief because my parents were nowhere in sight. I wanted to talk with them, but I needed to prepare myself, but as I turned and silently closed the door, the moment I turned back they suddenly were there, smiling. It startled me obviously, they normally don’t do this kind of stuff.

mom immediately asked with a teasing tone “so, did you guys do it?”

i immediately blurted out ”no?! we just talked mom”

she just said “uh-huh” not believing me one bit

“they made cupcakes, i brought a few”

i walked to the couch on the living room and put the bags on the coffee table after putting the umbrella aside.

they sat opposite to me on the other couch and dad asked without missing the opportunity to joke about it “how was your ‘talk‘? ”

“well, first we confirmed a few things, we indeed are our missing whole, aaand we will take this slowly, see if it can work out and everything, we didn't fall in love instantly and they confirmed that they didn't feel any suspicious factor interfering or forcing us to do it, but we talked mostly about ourselves to each other”

Mom suddenly acted like a teenager girl asking for gossips “so! Tell us! Did they share some juicy secret?”

Replaying our talk in my head I noticed that they did, but such info was quite personal, but we are talking about my mom and dad here, I probably can share some stuff

“They talked about their kind, and a bit about themselves, it turns out the ‘outside’ on their kind name doesn't refer to outdoors or deep forests at all” they nodded and dad said “well, we didn't know much if anything about their kind so is no surprise” I continued “it refers to outside universes and sometimes realities”

Their eyes widened and mom immediately said “that's incredible! Beings that live outside universes are indeed rare and mysterious, but a common trait they have is that they are quite strong”

I shifted on my seat to get more comfortable “Well, one thing led to another and we ended talking about possible babies, they were worried about it”

Mom “what's the problem? You two are incompatible or something? Or they can't have babies? They are shifters aren't they?”

I scratched my arm “It's the opposite, they are too fertile, and fear birthing world ending evil babies, a strange fear if I say so myself”

Their eyebrows shot up, mom asked “why would they fear that?” she added with a teasing tone “heh, and you said you two just talked~” dad observed in silence.

“According to them their kind is know for four main things, an absurd fertility; being able to have children with things such as mountains, forests, any species, and even concepts!”

This time they frowned and looked at each other, having a telepathic conversation, they turned to me and mom said nothing but her face was screaming “grandchildren!” dad said “continue”

I didn't understand what was going on, why were they speaking in secret? so I continued 

“Doing outrageous things like blinking and erasing someone from all realities casually”

Mom massaged her chin saying “that sounds familiar”

“Also being one of the extremes such as extreme order or extreme chaos, and finally being absolute evil, they said and I quote ‘if one of my kind gets into a universe you can only say goodbye to it and pray they will not suffer much’”

They assumed a thoughtful expression then suddenly both went pale, looked at each other and started to gesture with their hands, obviously having another telepathic conversations.

After some talking they nodded at each other, relaxed and turned to me with mom saying “we think we have heard of their kind, but just to confirm, did you notice anything… ‘strange’ about them?”

“No? They were nothing but kind, generous, considerative and understanding, honest, quite innocent, abnormally calm, and didn't seem to have any smart thought, only silly ones, heh, they were seriously pondering if they can cook a egg on my hair, why you asking this?”

They glanced at each other then cast discreet diagnostic magics on me, I was no child anymore so I noticed it, the magic were complex and powerful, they were magics to check my mind soul and body for any tempering, corruption, or influence without being intrusive, in fact, I didn't knew they had such power until now, I knew they were ex-mercenaries but they never told me the details, only vague stories.

It only took a couple seconds, but I had my heart at my throat waiting for the result, so after they were done I raised an eyebrow and asked confused “what was that for?”

They almost melted on the couch from relief, it seems like the results came out right.

Mom said “Sunny, their kind…” mom looked at dad which he nodded so she continued “their kind is famous and well known, but only by those older than a certain age, this is the kind of stuff you only tell your child when they are ten thousand years old, if you tell them at all”

I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

She continued ”the reason it is not taught earlier is because it would only cause unnecessary worry, you see, their kind is called ‘Gods from the outside’ or ‘outer Gods’, and your other half said the truth, but words don't do them justice, they are called ‘Gods’ but a God compared to them, a God might as well not exist if you compare their level”

My jaw dropped to the floor, was Scarlet packing all that punch under those silly fueled muscles? but dad continued “if they enter a universe and it doesn't simply pop along being sent to oblivion, them the inhabitants of that universe are doomed, existential erasure is paradise compared to what they will suffer, but if your other half is one of them and we aren't dead or worse then something is very wrong or very right”

“They did say they were a anomaly of their kind, maybe is that?”

They sighed in relief together.

Dad “maybe, but we can't help but worry, for you to be the other half of one of… them…”

I grumbled unde my breath “but they're nice” but they heard me nonetheless making mom make a over the top dramatic display of putting a hand over their heart faking pain and rolling on the couch and ending with a hand to their forehead all the while saying “the betrayal! My precious innocent baby was fooled and led astray by a delinquent!”

I couldn't help but smile, but dad asked unsure “ I don't think this is time for jokes?”

Mom waved dismissively to him “relax, Sunny is fine, we aren't dead, the universe didn't blow up, they baked cupcakes, everything is a-o-kay”

Dad looked seriously at me and asked “do you think they were acting? Do you think they were trying to fool or trick you in some way?” mom also got serious and sat straight, but a fake serious, she obviously was finding this amusing.

I put a hand over my heart “I don't think so, they were very open about things, they didn't do any underhanded trick or psicological trick that I detected, they even seem easy to trick and fool, I kept discreetly inspecting the cupcakes, the tea, the ambient mana, the air, anything that they could use to mess with me, but still found nothing, I just went there and we talked a bit over some cupcakes and sweet tea”

They looked at each other before mom said “are you sure? Like really sure? They are known for liking to make characters and put themselves in that role, like tabletop roleplay but real, there was even a few recorded cases.

one in particular catches attention because it was about one who disguised themselves into a normal person, their disguise was perfect, for the outside world they were just your average Noe, for 17 thousand years they played their character perfectly, only when the character died they revealed themselves, I might tell the details later but they aren't important now.

Their character had friends, family, a humble job, were not extraordinary in any way and were even below average in many things.

Do you understand my point? They can and probably will play a stupid role for thousands of years just because of some incomprehensible game and a strange sense of amusement, and do it perfectly on top of that. So, are you really sure they weren't acting?”

That sounded scary, like, what if your friend or even lover of 20 thousand years were actually just a character, an impostor since the start?


I smiled as I remembered the talk with Scarlet, I turned to mom and dad saying “mom, dad, didn't I tell you? they were very open about things, they straight up told me what they were, talked about their kind, and even shared some personal secrets, they didn't act any character, they didn't hide their interesting traits or extraordinary abilities, and if what you said is correct then it only proves they were honest”

They froze and I chuckled as I could hear the gears on their heads turning, after a moment mom slapped her forehead and dad followed nor far behind.

But mom quickly returned to joking “they might not be delinquents…yet, but to get their hands on my precious baby they need to at least cook well, let's see these cupcakes!” She grabbed one bag and took a slice out, dad could only smile warmly at her antics before picking one for himself.

They took a bite and their reaction told everything I needed to know, but I still asked “so how good is it? From 1 to 10, is it a 20 or 21?”

Mom immediately gulped it down and screamed putting a fist in the air “we are having a gazillion grandchildren!!”

If Scarlet is a wife as good as how well they bake cupcakes them I will be the happiest woman on Terra

“Heh, if you say so”

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