Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 13

Trish, who was still getting accustomed to her newfound existence as Damian's Superior Minion, felt compelled to ask Damian about his goals, powers, and the knowledge he possessed. She inquired, "I’ve been meaning to ask this. What do you wish to accomplish with your powers and the knowledge you've gathered?"


Damian took a moment to ponder the question, and then he responded, "I want to live. That's all. I don't have any grand plans like causing the extinction of humanity or helping them evolve, as some Conduits might. I simply want to exist and take life one day at a time. Maybe see the rest of the world."


Trish was taken aback by the simplicity of his answer, and it prompted her to chuckle. His response seemed more normal than she had expected from someone with such incredible abilities and knowledge. She smiled and said, "I really wasn't expecting that answer, but somehow I really like it."


However, she couldn't ignore the grim reality of the Ray Field Inhibitor and the potential consequences for all Prime Conduits, including Damian. She pointed out, "If Cole ends up using the Ray Field Inhibitor in the future as he did in our memories, then your dreams of simply living may remain unfulfilled. All Prime Conduits, like yourself, would die."


Damian acknowledged this sobering fact and revealed his plan for the future. "That's why I want us to do three things. First, we'll locate and absorb Blast Cores to augment my abilities. Second, we'll find and consume the scientists of the First Sons who built the Ray Sphere. If they designed and built it, then with their knowledge, we should be able to find a solution to things like the RFI. Lastly, I'll consume those who would be dangerous to our collective, like Sasha and the Beast. As for the rest, I'll just play it by ear."


Trish understood the necessity of these actions but also brought up another target, Sebastien Wolf, stating, "Yes, it's best that no one ever gets that knowledge and creates a catastrophe like this again. That means we'll also need to consume Sebastien Wolf in New Marais."


Damian was intrigued by her omission of another name, Kessler. He asked, "Huh, I'm surprised you didn't mention Kessler. You know I plan to consume him too, correct?"


Trish winced at the mention of the name Kessler because she now knew it belonged to a future version of Cole the man she loved. She couldn’t forgive Kessler because the blast had killed her sister but that was before she had become what she was now. After leaving here she would find Amy’s body and add her to the collective. Due to that, her hatred had died down somewhat and now she felt pity for Kessler.


“I know, but if you could, I want to be the one to consume him. Please, I feel that that end would make him happier,” Trish requested, her eyes moist and her voice filled with empathy for the man who had once killed her but had ultimately sacrificed much in his attempts to save the world.


Damian recognized the shift in Trish's perspective. Her request to be the one to consume Kessler was rooted in a sense of empathy and understanding for the man behind the alias, who had gone to great lengths to protect the world, even at the cost of her sister's life.


Somewhat understanding the importance of her request, Damian acquiesced. "I see. You have your reasons, and I respect that. When the time comes, you can consume Kessler. It'll be your choice. Whether you do or I do, it’s all the same in the end."


Damian shifted his thoughts back to their current predicament and Trish's suggestion regarding Oscar. He stated, "All right, enough of this talk. I better head out before Oscar get worried and barges in here. Like we planned you sneak out through the back and locate some Reapers. Lead them here and they’ll kidnap him and brainwash him into a Reaper. If it works, that’ll buy us the time to sell the story we need. After we rescue him, even if he remembers you getting shot, we can just lie that Sasha’s control messed with his memories."


Trish agreed with Damian's plan. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. I'll do as you suggested. I'll head out and find some Reapers to lead here. Let's hope this goes smoothly."


As Trish headed toward the back exit, Damian remained behind to ensure Oscar wouldn't interrupt their plan. He watched her go, and as she disappeared from view. Damian then walked over to the sink and partially washed the blood of his hands leaving a few drops here and there on purpose.


He then went to the front of the medical supply store where a worried Oscar asked, “How did it go, is she alright? Did you manage to save her?”


Damian stood in front of Oscar, who was eager for information. When asked if Trish was alright, Damian decided to lie and replied with a heavy heart, "Yes, she's okay. She's resting right now."


Oscar, relieved to hear that she was safe, asked, "Can I see her? I'd like to make sure she's all right."


Damian quickly thought on his feet, coming up with an excuse to prevent Oscar from entering the back room. He explained, "I'd love for you to see her, but there's still quite a lot of blood around, and I don't want to disturb her. Actually, that's why I'm here. I need some supplies to clean up the blood."


Oscar nodded in understanding, accepting Damian's explanation. "I see, of course. You should take care of that. The supplies are in the back. Help yourself."


"Thank you," Damian said with gratitude. He went to the back to retrieve the necessary cleaning supplies.


After cleaning up Damian felt a powerful sound pulse most likely from Trish warning he they were close. Going to the front of the store, Damian addressed Oscar, "Hey, I need to make a phone call to see if I can get a stretcher sent here, either today or tomorrow, to move her. I'll be back in a few minutes. Stay here and look after her for me. She's still sleeping, so don't disturb her too much, okay."


Oscar agreed and said, "Of course, I will. Take your time. Since she's sleeping comfortably, I won’t disturb her until you get back so that nothing happens."


With that, Damian headed outside to wait for Trish and to confirm that the Reaper would take Oscar.

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