Infamous Shifter’s Genesis

Chapter 45

She looked at the EMP device in her hand, already picturing how it could create the perfect opportunity. It wouldn't take out every electronic device, but it would cut off communications long enough to sow panic. Her plan, though, still hinged on one important element—finding a First Son she could control to start the fight.


Sasha stashed the EMP for now and began scanning the area. She knew the First Sons had a presence nearby; they always lurked in the streets of the city, causing problems when they weren’t plotting something more sinister. After a few minutes of quietly moving through alleyways and rooftops, she spotted a small group of First Sons patrol units in the distance. Perfect.


Moving silently, Sasha shifted her form slightly, black and red tendrils of biomass sprouting from her back to aid in her movement. She dropped down into the street below and approached the group of First Sons, their distinctive uniforms marking them as targets. Without a sound, she reached the one lagging behind the others and placed her hand on his neck.


The tar spread quickly, and before the man could react, his mind was hers. The control was instantaneous, his will bending to her command. Sasha instructed him to quietly gather the rest of his patrol and lead them to the checkpoint. Once there wait a few minutes before opening fire at the DARPA agent stationed there. With a nod, the First Son obeyed, approaching his comrades and relaying a fabricated story about needing to regroup at the checkpoint for an important mission. Sasha kept her distance, watching as they followed the now-mind-controlled soldier, unaware of the trap they were walking into.


As they approached the checkpoint, Sasha stayed in the shadows, biding her time. The First Sons patrol unit walked straight into the checkpoint, where DARPA agents were already stationed, eyeing them with suspicion. It was tense—just what Sasha wanted. She waited until the moment was right, until the tension was thick enough to cut.


Then, the order she gave activated.


The controlled First Son suddenly raised his weapon and fired, the sound of gunfire shattering the stillness of the night. The DARPA agents reacted immediately, returning fire without hesitation. The firefight erupted within seconds, chaos spreading as bullets flew in every direction. The First Sons were caught off guard, but Sasha’s control over her puppet soldier ensured they fought back fiercely.


“What are you doing!” yelled one of the uncontrolled First Son soldiers.

“Dammit! Someone call for backup. The First Sons are trying to break the blockade,” said a DARPA agent


In the midst of the confusion, Sasha slipped closer to the scene. She pulled out the EMP device, activated it, and watched as the checkpoint's electronics flickered and died. Radios went silent, lights dimmed, and the agents’ communication lines were severed. The panic was palpable now, both sides unsure of what was happening but too entrenched in the fight to stop and think.


The DARPA agents, unable to call for reinforcements, were stuck fighting against the First Sons, and as Sasha predicted, they had tried to desperately call for help before everything went dark. She made sure her mind-controlled First Son did the same, sending out a distress signal to his superiors. Both factions would soon realize something had gone wrong, and by the time they tried to respond, the damage would be done. However, before she turned to leave she made sure to ‘accidentally’ get the controlled First Son killed.


Sasha stepped back, content with the chaos she had unleashed. The battle would continue, drawing more attention and forces from both sides. The bridge would become a war zone, effectively sealing it off from being an option for anyone trying to cross. But that wasn’t her plan anymore.


With that the water nearby should now be free of patrols, she could make her way across by boat, bypassing the Warren entirely. But first, she needed to find a boat. Luckily, the nearby mostly-destroyed docks should still be crawling with people trying to make a quick escape from the city—or, in Sasha’s case, a quick way in.


Carrying Dallas and his equipment she moved swiftly toward the docks, leaving the firefight behind her. Once she reached the docks, it didn’t take long to find what she needed—a small motorboat docked and unattended. Sasha hopped aboard, quickly checking the fuel and engine but without the key, she couldn’t start it up.


However, this was not a problem as she turned into her alternate form. Sasha’s body seamlessly shifted as her dark biomass reformed into intricate shapes, her wings morphing into propeller-like structures. The black, viscous substance twisted and reshaped as she stepped into the boat, ready to power it manually. With a low hum, her wings began to rotate, generating enough force to push the motorboat forward. The water rippled beneath her as the boat began to glide smoothly across the river.


As they moved further from the docks, the distant sounds of gunfire faded, leaving only the soft splashes of water behind. The bridge she had considered using was now nothing more than a battleground, a distraction she had masterfully set into motion. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction—watching her enemies tear each other apart while she moved unnoticed.


Glancing at Dallas, who lay unconscious with his luggage piled up beside him. The Neon District, with its looming buildings and flickering lights, was just across the water. As the boat neared the edge of the Neon District, Sasha slowed her pace, adjusting her wings and easing the boat into a quieter approach. She didn’t want to alert anyone nearby to her arrival. Due to this the boat sluggishly traveled until it hit the edge of the marine terrace.


Once they were close enough to the shore, she deftly shifted back into her human form, her wings retracting and her body reverting to normal. With a single, fluid motion, she lifted Dallas over her shoulder while carrying his luggage and jumped off the boat onto the terrace. To the people who saw this, it was a strange sight to behold.

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