Infected with the undead disease, he had to specialize in suicide magic

Chapter 28 Longan Grass! Fight! (1/2)

After hearing Xiong Gang's words, the scene instantly quieted down, and the atmosphere became heavy.

The Golden Hoop leader stopped crossing his legs, his face was solemn, and his eyes flickered.

"Boss Li, aren't you afraid that you can't defend such a large territory of the Black Fox Gang?"

Xiong Gang was disdainful, with contempt in his eyes, "Don't use your ignorant thoughts to speculate about Boss Li! You just need to answer! Pay the ransom! Or talk to Boss Li!"

The three harsh words made everyone look ugly.

Ransom! Isn't that the money that only slaves and brothel girls have to pay!

They are warriors! The backbone of the Black Fox Gang!

Master Bai has not left the Black Fox Gang yet, and in terms of status, he is second only to the gang leader and deputy gang leader!

Li Jiu actually asked them to pay money, and called this money ransom?

Isn't it treating them like slaves?

"How ridiculous! Does Li Jiu really think we don't have temper! He is only in the middle stage of Qi and Blood! Even if his combat power is stronger than that of the late stage of Qi and Blood! So what!" The Golden Hoop leader slammed the table, his forehead was bulging with blue veins.

"Killing the seriously injured Wu Kuyang, he won't think he is as strong as Nei Zhuang!"

"Brothers, we will go together! He may not be able to kill us all!"

Several leaders looked at Master Bai, waiting for Master Bai's decision.

Master Bai stopped fanning his folding fan, lowered his eyelids, and pondered for a long time.

He picked up the teacup, lifted it into the air and let go. The teacup fell to the ground, but it did not break, only a corner was knocked off.

"Go back and tell Li Jiu that we won't pay the ransom money, and we want the Black Fox Gang's ten streets! The ten streets with the most money! Including the Blacksmith Street he used to manage! He took the Water Street title deed and ate enough! If you don't spit it out, be careful that your stomach will burst!"

Temple Master Bai paused for a moment, and his tone became fierce, "It's just like this teacup. We won't die if we fight! At most, we will suffer a little loss! Don't forget! We have eaten the Blood Burst Pill, and our potential has been exhausted. It doesn't matter if we eat it again!"


Xiong Gang laughed out loud, and without dissuading him, he turned around and left to report to Li Jiu.

Temple Master Bai silently took out a porcelain bottle and poured out four red pills from it.

"One for each person, use it for self-defense, and eat it decisively when you meet Li Jiu. Everyone will work together to kill him and divide the title deed of Water Street equally."

The leader of the golden hoop was the first to pick up the Blood Burst Pill and hid it in his sleeve for easy consumption.

"What if he doesn't come?"

"If he doesn't come, we will accept the ten streets with plenty of money and slowly eat away at the Black Fox Gang's territory."

Time passed silently, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The Golden Hoop leader laughed contemptuously twice, "It seems that our new gang leader is not a brainless reckless man, but also knows how to be afraid."


The roof suddenly exploded, and tiles, wood chips, and loess fell, raising clouds of dust.

A mighty figure appeared in the smoke, with a layer of gray evil spirit on his fist that was jumping like flames, spreading upward to the elbow.

Before a leader could see the figure in the smoke clearly, he was hit by a fist with huge strange power and roaring like wind and thunder!

The chest exploded, the ribs and internal organs were broken and splashed everywhere, and the body seemed to be weightless, flying backwards at a very fast speed, passing through the wall, and was submerged by the fallen bricks and stones!

Master Bai didn't care about his demeanor anymore and screamed, "It's Li Jiu! Take the Blood Rage Pill!"

The Golden Hoop leader reacted very quickly. As soon as there was a movement on the roof, he took the Blood Rage Pill.

Suddenly, the Golden Hoop leader's eyes were bloodshot, his face was ruddy, and his blood was stimulated, quickly running through his body, providing him with stronger power.

The power made the Golden Hoop leader's self-confidence swell, and he had the idea of ​​competing with Li Jiu.

"Strong! I'm very strong now! Even if it's a bronze-skinned warrior! I can beat him!"

The Golden Hoop leader locked onto Li Jiu in the smoke and dust, and stared hard with his legs, like a tiger hunting, treating Li Jiu as prey and rushing forward.

Headbutt! Neck twisted to the right! Victory!

The Golden Hoop leader had only one thought in his mind! Kill Li Jiu!

Li Jiu saw the Golden Hoop leader rushing over, opened his arms, took the initiative to step forward, and hugged the Golden Hoop leader.

The powerful force that could pull the city and the tripod apart exploded, and the crackling sound of bones was like the most exciting moment of playing a piano.

The golden hoop leader's eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, but he couldn't make a sound. The excitement on his face was swept away, and the hideousness and fear replaced everything.


One second! All the bones in his body were broken by the huge force, his spine was broken into several pieces, and the broken ribs pierced his internal organs.

Li Jiu loosened his arms, and the golden hoop leader slid down softly as if he had no bones.

"How can the power given by a mere pill compare to the strength I have gained through hard training?"

Li Jiu raised his head and smiled "kindly", "It's your turn now. Don't worry, you will soon agree with my reason."

A leader looked at Li Jiu in fear, "Isn't it reasonable?!"

"Power is reason! I will let you appreciate my full strength! Agree with my reason!"

Li Jiu moved. He had not yet mastered the Wind Chasing Step, so he moved straight back and forth without any footwork.

The big hand grabbed the leader's neck, and the strong force made the five fingers violently pierce the flesh and touch the shin.

The leader's face was blue and black, and he was in great pain. He grabbed Li Jiu's right hand with both hands in panic, trying to pry open Li Jiu's fingers, but he found in despair that even if he took the Blood Rage Pill and his strength increased greatly, he could not pry open a single finger of Li Jiu with all his strength!


A crisp bone sound rang out

The leader stopped struggling, his body relaxed, his eyes closed, and he fell into a permanent sleep.

The black-robed leader came behind Li Jiu at some point, holding two spike-like weapons in his hands, and stabbed Li Jiu on both sides of his neck.


The spikes vibrated and failed to pierce Li Jiu's membrane, leaving only two white spots.

Under the shock, the black-robed leader's mouth split open and blood flowed.

"So tough!" The black-robed leader was shocked.

He obviously took the Blood-Blood Pill! Greatly increased strength! It should be able to break through Li Jiu’s copper skin!

Li Jiu tilted his head slightly, "This blow is okay, it can hurt me yesterday, but it's a pity that I have become stronger again!"

He turned around suddenly, his arms moving with his body, and his big hands grabbed the head of the black-robed leader.

Qi and blood rushed through the iron bones, like ignited gasoline. The hot and explosive force surged into the arm and was blasted out!


The walls are collapsing! The head of the black-robed leader exploded! The red and white things were quickly buried under masonry and dust.

Li Jiu patted the dust on his body, raised his head and looked at Hall Master Bai, "It's your turn."

Hall Master Bai took off his outer shirt. He was not as thin as he appeared on the outside. His muscles were refined and the marks were obvious. There was a scar on his abdomen, extending from his lower abdomen to his left chest.

"Many people think that what I am best at is swordsmanship, but this is not the case. My strongest point is this body that I have honed for twenty-four years!"

"This injury was left by the deputy gang leader. Seven years ago, I disguised myself and sneaked into his house to steal the Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt. I was discovered by him, but he only wounded me and failed to kill me."

Mentioning the glorious achievements in the past, Hall Master Bai couldn't help but smile proudly.

To escape from the hands of an inner strong warrior with the advanced level of Qi and Blood is something worthy of bragging no matter where you go.

Before, he didn't dare to say it, but now that Gang Leader Qiao is gone, he can finally say what he has been holding back for several years.

"That's it?" Li Jiu sounded surprised, as if he couldn't understand.

Isn't it worth showing off that he defeated the Nei Zhuang warrior and was almost hacked to death by the Nei Zhuang warrior?

Hall Master Bai frowned, dissatisfied with Li Jiu's reaction.

After all, he was just a lucky man with mud legs. He didn't know how strong the Nei Zhuang warrior was. It was stupid to underestimate the Nei Zhuang warrior after killing an injured Wu Kunyang.

He opened his hand and there was a vermilion pill in his palm.

"Do you know why I talked to you calmly? Because of it! The best violent blood pill! The ordinary violent blood pill is a first-grade medium pill, while the ultimate violent blood pill is a first-class high-quality pill! It is more effective!"

There are nine levels of elixirs, and each level is divided into upper, middle and lower levels.

Hall Master Bai was also lucky enough to buy this top-quality violent blood pill.

With a shake of his palm, the ultimate violent blood elixir entered his mouth.

"Boring, I thought you could give me a surprise, but this is what happened!"

Li Jiu pulled out the Pu Dao, and twelve gray evil spirits detached from his arms and wrapped around the Pu Dao.

With a flick of his arm, strong wind roared, and a sound similar to an explosion of air exploded.

Pu Dao turned into a gray meteor, leaving gray tail flames wherever it went.


The Pu knife passed through Hall Master Bai's abdomen and inserted into the wall behind him.

The knife was stained with gray evil, and the moment it pierced the flesh and blood, it destroyed Hall Master Bai's internal organs.

Endless coldness and loneliness surged into his heart, and black and red blood gushed out from the corner of Hall Master Bai's mouth. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the transparent wound, with regret and hatred emerging in his mind.

The distance is too close! The effect of the ultimate violent blood elixir has not yet been exerted!

He had no time to dodge the Pu Dao thrown by Li Jiu with all his strength!


Hall Master Bai's body softened, he knelt on the ground, and then fell sideways.

On the verge of death, he saw Li Jiu skillfully search out money bags from several leaders, and then opened the cellar door where he hid the treasure.

The cellar is not big, and there is only one box in it.

Li Jiu pinched off the lock and opened the box.

He took out a dried herb from the box, compared it with the memory in his brain, and determined whether it was longan grass or high-quality longan grass.

I lowered my head and looked again. There were several longan grass plants in the box as well as other medicinal materials needed to practice Dragon Yin Iron Cloth Shirt.

"He didn't steal the Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt. How did he know that this medicinal ingredient is needed to cultivate the Iron Cloth Shirt?"

Li Jiu shook his head. Everyone was dead and he couldn't ask any more questions.

In addition to some medicinal materials, there is also a purple pearl bracelet and two pigeon egg-sized pearls, which seem to be of high value and can be exchanged for cultivation resources.

Li Jiu closed the treasure box and carried it out of the cellar.

Outside the small courtyard, Xiong Gang was guarding the gate. When he heard that there was no movement inside, he raised his head and stared at the gate.

"With a cup of tea, the gang leader's strength is a bit stronger than I expected." Xiong Gang thought silently in his heart.

The door opened, and Li Jiu walked out carrying the treasure box, "Dispose of their wealth and replace it with the herbs I want."

The herbs in the treasure chest can prepare about ten secret medicines. If you save some, you can complete the Dragon's Roar Iron Cloth Shirt in five or six years.

But Li Jiu wanted to complete it in half a month or even less, and ten secret medicines were not enough.

After giving the instructions, Li Jiu returned to his residence and eagerly began to prepare the secret medicine.

The secret medicine is not a pill. You don't need to learn alchemy. You just need to operate it according to the secret book. There is no technical content and you can make it with care.

Li Jiu kneaded each medicinal plant into powder, which was finer than what was pressed with a stone mill.

Various medicinal materials are added according to the proportion. The last medicinal material and the most important longan grass is not mixed with other medicinal materials. Instead, the longan grass is mixed into the water and left to stand for half an hour. After the medicinal power of the longan grass is integrated into the water, many medicinal materials are mixed together. Pour the powder into the water.

In this way, a copy of Dragon's Yin Body Tempering Secret Medicine is completed.

Each step must be done correctly. If it is wrong, the secret medicine cannot be completed and will not have any effect.

Looking at the black liquid in the bathtub, Li Jiu murmured: "This is considered a success."

He tore off his clothes, jumped into the tub, and practiced the Zhenglong Posture.

The Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt has the internal breath method and the three Zhenglong Postures. It is possible to cultivate it only when the internal breath method is used when practicing the posture.

Single postures and internal breath methods cannot be cultivated.

Li Jiu's chest rose and fell violently, and his internal breath was hot, as if there was a fireball inside. The high temperature baked his body from the inside to the outside, and every inch of his skin and flesh felt a pain similar to a burn.

The medicinal power in the liquid medicine was inexplicably attracted, and it flowed into Li Jiu's pores all over his body, blending with the internal breath. The fireball was covered with a layer of oil, and the fire spread and became more and more intense.


Li Jiu exhaled a breath of white air, which shot several meters away, his face flushed, and white steam came out of his head.

"Strong enough! It's worthy of being a superior body-tempering method!"

No wonder the secret book says that the medicinal bath time should not exceed half an hour. A warrior with a weak will will be knocked unconscious by the medicinal power if he does not come out for more than half an hour, and then his blood vessels will burst and die.

With dual special talents, he has a hunch that he can persist for four or five times longer than ordinary warriors! There is a chance to absorb all the medicinal power contained in a secret medicine! Don't waste the medicinal power!

Time is like water, and two hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

The medicinal liquid has become clear, and the medicinal power is minimal. Li Jiu opened and closed his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air. The weak toxins and impurities in his internal organs were vomited out by him. He instantly felt refreshed and free of burden.

Hua La

Li Jiu finished his work and stood up. There was some dirt on his skin. This was the impurities in his flesh and blood being discharged.

Qi and blood circulated throughout his body, and his body shook, and the impurities were shaken away!

Li Jiu clenched his fist, his strength became stronger and stronger, and he activated the Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt Internal Breathing Method. A golden pattern appeared on his back, and in the dark room, it was also shining with golden light.

When the golden patterns combined into a dragon head, it was the time to officially enter the Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt!

"A wonderful feeling!"

He condensed a golden dragon pattern in his first practice, which was equivalent to the result of practicing for two or three months without taking a medicinal bath!

Li Jiu put on his clothes and ordered people to change the water.

Yes, he planned to continue practicing with a medicinal bath!

After taking a medicinal bath, other warriors need to calm their qi and blood, strengthen their foundation, and take healing pills to repair the small hidden injuries damaged by the medicinal power. It takes at least one month before they can take a medicinal bath again, otherwise their bodies will not be able to bear it and various problems will arise.

Li Jiu does not need it. The first generation of immortal disease will solve these problems. When he finished his work and exhaled, the first generation of immortal disease repaired the small hidden injuries in his body.

At this time, he was in peak condition, but his qi and blood were still slightly irritable. After calming his qi and blood, he can take a medicinal bath again!

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