Infernal comedy: A Rias Gremory self-insert (Highschool dxd/Sandman Au)


 Thanks to wobbelhd for Beta reading this chapter.



I felt A smile split my face as a rain of flame arrows rushed toward me. The destruction inside of me was begging to be released. Not now, but later, I promised.


Fire, how could I fear fire when I made it mine? The authority I had gained, I had usurped rushed through my veins like ecstasy.


I moved my hand as if praying, as if reaching for the blessings of the divine. The arrows stopped, turned unmoving, still, as if time had been frozen.


I closed my hand and the flames compacted in the shape of a spear. It flew with an invisible command to my hand.


Above me, the sky opened as if ready to release its wrath against me. A huge mass, one that couldn't be called anything else than a planetoid emerged from the dark clouds.


A chuckle escaped me. Truly, it was unbelievable, how could something like this be artificially made?


The wind roared in agony, the Earth shook and the world ignited in agony as I called even more of the authority usurped.


I was a devil! I was Rias Gremory and there was nothing that could stop me unless I wished for it to do so.


I cocked back my arm and threw the spear toward the falling meteor. The spear flew through interacting with the little planetoid.


A shockwave exploded. When they met in the sky, a shockwave travelled everywhere, annihilating everything it touched. Except me. The moment it it sought to tear me apart, it fizzled out into nothingness.


In the sky, while my spear and the meteor battled for supremacy, I saw something that made my eyes widen and made me even more excited.


A second meteor, a bigger one was falling. "This is some Madara Bullshit! I love that shit!"


He took it to another level, it was time for me to do the same. The second meteor, a bigger one touched and pushed down the first.


I could feel my flames, they were fizzling out, dissipating. As if I would let them! Fire, more fire surged into my hands.


It formed and linked my hands moulded to my will, to my desires. It took the shape of an arrow.



"Let's see what you will do now Mather! Fuga."


The arrow flew piercing through time and space, ignoring concepts like distance to reappear just behind the spear. The spear and the arrow touched and merged.


The flames rushed forward devouring, world swallowing. They pierced through the little planetoid, their target? The one standing against me.


black lightning, came down as hungry looking as hungry, as malevolent as my flames.


Divine flames and demonic lightning battled in the sky like angry animals trying to tear each other apart completely.


"I'm sure you have planned something more. Make things interesting Mather!" I shouted.


As if it was the signal he was waiting for, space distorted before my eyes, broke down around the flames and the lightning.


I tried to analyze, to understand the phenomenon before me. Space, he was folding space! I realized.


Of course, nothing less could be expected from the bishop of my brother. Here is a little question. What happens when a lot of matter is condensed, compressed very tightly?


A chuckle escaped me "A Black Hole."  Above me, the flames and lightning lost shape being sucked in with all the matter surrounding them.


Wings made of fire erupted from my back to stop me from also being sucked in by the cosmic abomination before me.


The cloud above took the shape of human hands. Those hands cradled the little back sphere unaffected by its gravitational pull.


Black, deeper than black sparks flew from the hands to the matter-eating sphere forming a halo around it.


I recognized them. How couldn't I do so when they had been the keys to my freedom? "You're really crazy Mather. Under all that veneer of civility, you're just like me, aren't you? Just insane."


I knew that with my power of destruction or even my newly gained marble phantasm, I would have been able to easily counter the abomination above me but I had chosen to limit myself to only my flames.



I released my grip on my flames. They burst free, oozing from my flesh. The flames I had usurped from Kagutsuchi, the flames I absorbed from Issei, they conglomerated before my eyes.


I know they just needed a trigger, a command to set everything ablaze. Memories of a Fiend, of a Daemon assaulted my mind. Memories of an all-consuming fire.


I let those memories guide me, I let hatred bloom and fuel my flames. I let pride and anger feed them. I fed them until they felt almost alive, sentient. I fed them until my control of them became tenuous.


I extended my right arm fully and pointed one of my fingers to the heavens above. The hands pushed the black hole down.


I stood calm as it rushed toward me.  My flames took the shape of a little orb no bigger than a tennis ball before my finger. No matter what would come, I knew my flames would not rest until they dominated and swallowed everything "Maragidyne," I whispered and my flames exploded.


They unfurled as if they were exploding out of cocoon. Nothing and I meant nothing was ignored by their devouring and cruel nature.


Under, above, space, matter, time, they swallowed all. It didn't matter that it should be impossible. The only rule they followed was the commandment of ending everything.


Before my eyes, atoms and molecules were devoured and split to become fuel for my flames.


I knew that if I hadn't been their creator, I knew that if I hadn't been the one to usher this catastrophe, I would have been swallowed even with my essence.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I heard him laugh. I didn't know if he did because he saw something he thought was interesting or if it was because my flames made him go mad from the pain.


I turned my gaze above toward where I knew Mather was supposed to be. He had asked me to not underestimate him so this is what I did.


He was the bishop of my brother, especially chosen to face against a super devil. If he couldn't survive my flames, he had no place at my brother's side.




"Come on Mather! I know you're planning something! Show me!" I shouted to the man.




For a moment, nothing happened, the next moment, everything stopped. The world, My flames, my breath, my bodily functions, they all stopped.


"I CAN'T DESTROY YOUR FLAMES! IT DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T STOP THEM!" the overjoyed voice of the bishop shouted.


The bishop appeared before me launching a sword made of crystal towards my heart. It would seem that I had lost. I was trapped, almost powerless but unfortunately for Mathers, not totally. I was a sore loser, I hated losing.


My essence surged from my soul. It didn't matter that I shouldn't be able to move. It didn't matter what was possible or not. My essence had already faced Darkness itself in its purest form. My essence had already encountered the Anti-life equation and more importantly, had learned.



My right arm bent unnaturally. It was hard as if I was holding weights but it still didn't change the fact that I was still moving.


I saw the befuddled look that appeared on Mathers's face "How?"


All my flames rushed moving past absolute Zero, past time to coat my arm "I'm just different," I told him before launching my arm at his face.


To his credit, he tried to escape whispering a magic incantation to teleport him away. Unfortunately for him, my essence chose this moment to completely free me. My left arm closed around his sword before he teleported making me teleport with him too.



My punch moved towards his face. Shields made of demonic energy and arcane mysteries sprung up to protect him.


My flames devoured them, turning them into nothing. My fist met his face and he flew down like a divine being bereft of their grace.


"You think that it is enough to beat me?!" he shouted. His right hand moved, rushed toward his face, the place my flames had begun propagating from and ripped it out.


"That's bullshit," I said shocked and impressed. My flames would burn everything they touched. It seemed logical that to not be affected, you just needed to excise the flesh affected but even then "it won't be enough but I'm sure you already know it so what are you planning Mathers?" I thought out loud.



I watched as my flames rushed toward his falling form yet even with his bloodied face, I would have sworn that I had seen a smile.


He opened his hands as if waiting to be embarrassed by an old friend "Perseus," I heard him whisper before something dark crimson, something so similar yet so wrong to my power of destruction bloomed and swallowed my flames.


"How?" I asked. "What you just did is more than amazing, it is more than incredible," I told him.


The abyss born from his hands rushed at me. In my soul, my power of destruction begged to be unfurled, to be released against what it saw as a pretender.


I pushed it down. It would go against my goal. It would stop being fun if I won using my power of destruction plus my essence had and was still changing me, making me better, stronger, faster.


My wings of fire fizzled out at my behest making me freefall towards the orb of destruction made by Mathers.


A simple katana made of fire appeared on my right hand. Face-to-face with the orb of destruction, I swung the weapon made of fire, its sharp edge maintained and created by my will encountering it.


The orb of destruction was like a cancer trying to swallow, make everything his but unfortunately for it, I wielded true destruction. Unfortunately for it, I knew what made the power of destruction, its strengths and its weaknesses.


The power of destruction worked simply. It turned everything it touched into nothing. That was the principle. The exception came in the fact that the power of destruction could be negated and resisted when something way stronger encountered it.


'It just means,' I thought as the flames of my Katana turned from orange to white that I needed to break my limits!


My left hand joined the right one holding the Katana to help apply more pressure. "IS THAT ALL MATHERS?" I shouted my hands shaking.


My sword pierced into the orb "Do you truly think that this is enough?!" I yelled before cutting it in two.


The orb of destruction lost shape exploding just before my face punching it back. It felt as if I had been slapped but except that, nothing. I couldn't feel any injury. I had just grown so much stronger.


I could still sense and smell Mathers. The smell of hellfire and sulfur, the telltale sign of the use of demonic energy assaulted my nose.


My eyes pierced through the distance to the form of the bishop of my brother "RIAS-SAMA, LET'S END THIS SPECTACURLALY!"


My eyes widened as I felt something else well up in the air, something I was inherently weak against, something inherently opposed to me due to my nature as an unholy being.


"Holy Energy, you're using Holy energy," I realized amazed. Mathers wasn't a Nephilim like Akeno, I knew he wasn't someone that had as a human an above-average amount of holy energy like  Kiba or Holy sword wielders.


Before my eyes, two orbs that orbited each other, one of the deepest black and one of the brightest gold appeared.


Demonic and holy energy were fundamentally opposed. Some scholars went as far as to say that they were the manifested wills of Helel and his father. Those two energies naturally viciously tore at each other. An equilibrium was something that had been tried in the past by mages but it had been shown impossible.


I knew that it was possible. It would happen in Canon with Yuto creating through his Balance breaker a Holy-Demonic sword because God and The Satans were all dead.


The systems they had created, that they had been maintaining by their existence were falling apart. We may have super devils, beings who could rival the original Satans but Heaven had no one who could rivalize  The Presence. Maybe, the two Demiurgic Archangels had the potential but none of them had been at least in canon able to perfectly fit in the role of their father.


It meant that things that were supposed to be impossible became possible like the fusion of Holy and Unholy.


"You're right Mathers," I said to the bishop of my brother. "It's time to end this fight but it won't end the way you think it will!"


Holy and unholy were inherently part of creation. They represented the concept of creation and destruction. What would happen to someone capable of wielding those two together even if for an instant? What would happen to someone who for a moment would break the rules enforced by Helel and his father, the Tetragrammaton?


I knew the answer as black and gold converged and formed a twisted and rugged halo over the head of Mather. They would become for an instant an equal to God!


My essence, my soul screamed at me to flee, to run. My essence could only work when I had time to adapt to something. I knew I wouldn't have time to adapt to what he would throw at me.


This was an assured failure. There was no way I could win against God just with my flames, yet I didn't want to back down.


"Hesitate and you'll die," Sophia had told me. It didn't matter that my soul, that my body screamed, begged to escape.


My flames following my will exploded from my back like a geyser. For a brief moment, they took the shape of gigantic wings, wings so big it seemed they could cradle the world.


If the person I was now wasn't strong enough, it meant that I needed to think, to be something else, something stronger.


I thought of a man so naturally strong that he was seen as a destroyer, a god even though he was no more than mortal. I thought of a man who never lost, who couldn't even be equal to what was created especially to bring him down. Who else could I try to emulate than The one who didn't need faith to stand equal to gods?





I watched with my eyes how Mathers began moving, a divine command, an unavoidable attack shining in his right hand. It was one I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge no matter the distance. It was an attack that I knew would without doubt stop me from reaching him. Fortunately, space and time could be bent to my liking with my flames.


In another world, where flames ruled supreme, a boy due to his connection with primal flames, with fire in its purest form would be able to move so fast that he would be able to enter a state of light speed, causing his body to split into subatomic particles in the process. The particles then would surpass the speed of light, allowing them to go a few seconds back in time.


I could feel the touch of death. In a corner, I saw her smiling, waiting. "I'm sorry but it won't be today beautiful," I told her. Never if had something to say about. If I couldn't dodge the attack, I just needed to go so fast with my flames that I would reappear before it could be released.


I wasn't like the boy with a connection to an alternate reality only made of flames. What I had instead were divine flames, conceptual flames that represented the drive, the hopes, the advancement and the efforts of hundreds of millions of people across time.


I fed my demonic energy to my flames. My demonic energy was only embedded in one command, with a guide to my flames "Adolla Burst," I whispered before my wings batted.


I lost shape, I lost all sensation. I could feel myself become nothing yet I was still me, conscious. I could feel myself moving both forward and back.


I reappeared before Mathers. A half-formed spell took shape before my eyes as he tried to stop me, to delay me for less than a nanosecond. We both knew it would be enough time for him to win.


Unfortunately, I was fast, too fast for him to react. I tried to create A bastard sword made of fire to puncture the Bishop with. I found myself stabbing him with a half-formed weapon more akin to a knife in the Heart.


His eyes widened in surprise "I won this time Mathers," I told him.


A small smile bloomed on his face  "Yes, yes, you did Rias-sama," he told me before I let myself fall to the ground.

Honestly, I wrote this chapter because I missed writing fights. I read a comment that said that my writing felt like reading the lucid dreams of someone with ADHD, something unfortunately too accurate. I think in trying to do too good, I did too bad so I'm going back to my roots with absurd and big fights, betrayal, suffering and all that stuff.  Thanks to the ones who stayed til now and I hope I'll be able to bring back the excitement some lost reading This story. Anyway, I got five more chapters of infernal comedy and 1 chapter of Demiurge on my Patreon( 

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