Infernal comedy: A Rias Gremory self-insert (Highschool dxd/Sandman Au)

Dunk in love

A laugh that sounded more like a sob came out of her “I Love you too Rias. Please never do what you just did. I found you unconscious, your soul unable to be reached. I almost thought that you had.”


She didn't finish but I didn't need her to do so to know what were the next words she hadn't been able to say. I couldn't blame her when in the past, she saw how I chose to self-destruct to win against Riser.



“I'll never leave you,” I told her softly. “I'll be there with you for all eternity if needed until you get bored of me.”


“I want to believe you Rias, I truly want to but I don't understand you anymore. I don't.  You hide things. I know you do and I won't ask you what because I'm sure it is important to you but it seems as if you don't trust me.”


“With the way I had been acting, your words make sense and I'm sorry. The truth isn't that I didn't trust you. The truth is that I was scared.”


“Scared? Because of the war?” she asked me.


“Yes,” I confirmed. “I was scared of losing any of you, of losing everything. Zekram and the recent events had shown me that my brother wasn't as invincible as I thought. The recent events had made me paranoid.”


“So what changed?” she asked me. “What changed to make you stop being scared?”


“I realize I had the key all along in me. Hey, Akeno, would you still love me even if I did the most despicable things?”


“I am the reincarnated devil half-breed child of a cadre of the Grigori born of rape wjo loves inflicting and receiving pain Rias.”


“I would follow you in the deepest abyss Rias,” she whispered. “It'll never change because the love I have for you is an essential part of me. Akeno Himejima, Baraqi, whatever else name I have I don't know about will always be at your side Rias Gremory.”


“Akeno, this war, let's end it before it begins or at least make sure that nothing will be able to affect us, to affect our family.”


“What do you propose?”


“We're already strong but against what we will probably fight against, it is not enough. Uncle Surtr was right on one thing. Power that isn't given can be taken. We’re devils. What could be more appropriate than golden apples?”


Her eyes widened “The apples of the Greek and the Norse Gods.”


The funny thing that most mortal myths hadn't been able to transcribe was the fact that the immortality-giving golden apples of the Norse gods were the same as the ones present in the garden of the Hesperides, the daughters of Atlas.


It had been a marriage gift from Odin to Hera. Greek gods didn't unlike their Norse counterparts need them to survive, to be immortal. What the apples could do to an immortal though was to give them a huge boost of power.


We devils were technically immortals. No devil had unfortunately been able to die from old age. Every devil who had died in the past did so brutally most of the time.



Stealing golden apples was something dangerous to most beings but Akeno and I weren't most beings.


“Yeah, those apples,” I confirmed.  I felt a smile bloom on my face “Imagine, with them, all of us, all of the members of the peerage would grow stronger. If we're able to bring enough apples, I'm sure the Satan Beelzebub or other pillar clans with the ability to control plants would be able to replicate them or create a variant.”


Devils respected strength above all. It wouldn’t matter that I attacked another pantheon that wasn’t allied to us if firstly, I won, secondly, became stronger and finally came back with a way to make our entire race stronger. They would treat me in that scenario like the second coming of Lilith.


“It is an ambitious plan. Which one should be our target?” she spoke. I really really loved her. I had asked her hey, do you want to come with me to invade the territory of another pantheon, steal their stuff and probably create a lot of destruction and her question was which one would be our target.


I restrained the smile I knew risked literally to split my face in two “I am not sure, to be honest. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.”


The garden of the Hesperides is less protected but the risk will be higher. The Greek pantheon is one of the strongest still existing pantheon. Some would even say that just after us and the Hindus, they come third.


Kronos, the father of the older Olympians had been abnormally strong even for a deity. He had been the Greek pantheon equivalent of a super devil.


All of his children had to fight together to bring him down and they almost lost. It was said in our books that If he hadn't been partially criplled in their fights by being denied his use of his authority over the Earth and nature due to losing the favour of his mother, he would have won. The elder Olympians had fought and won against someone way stronger than an Archdaemon.


Hades, the first son of Kronos, one of the strongest beings in existence, who was acknowledged as one of the possible ten strongest existence was a part of the Greek Pantheon and he loathed devils.


This is why I hesitated to steal the apples of the Hesperide Gardens. It either would be going super well or super bad.


The other option, the Norse one was the original golden apples, the golden apples made from the essence of Idunn.


The Norse pantheon wasn't weak but unlike the Greek pantheon, it wouldn't be wrong to say they lacked into heavy hitters.


The only one I felt cautious about in their Pantheon was Odin, the all-father. The God wasn't the head of his pantheon because he was the strongest even though I was sure siring Thor helped to make things easier in a martial-dominated culture.


Odin was dangerous because he was smart. The god had sacrificed an eye for knowledge and wisdom.


In the myths, they spoke of him receiving the power of the runes only but with Zekram showing me that things like the anti-life equation existed, It would be dumb to not worry about the notoriously knowledgeable deity.


Even then, I wasn’t scared anymore to face something like the anti-life equation or the darkness.


Sophia had been right when she said one thing. Nothing could stop me if I didn't wish to. My essence reacted to my intent. I could feel it in my soul. It was like a resting snake waiting to act at any moment.


Even then, in the case my essence would not be enough, it was a good thing that as a devil, I couldn't forget anything. I didn't know if Zekram had done it on purpose or not but in my head, I could perfectly recall the incomplete formula he had used. Odin if he tried something similar would be met with a nasty surprise.


“I think it'll be best if We don't rush our decisions,” Akeno spoke softly. “As long as we do it before the tournament at best and just before the war at worst, it should be good.”


“You’re right Akeno. You're right.” I lost myself gazing at her. Even now, I still feel as mesmerized as the first time I saw her.


She was so beautiful, beautiful in a way that wanted to make you cry due to the splendour you were looking at.



The best thing was that this magnificent person, she was my girlfriend, she was mine.  I felt as if I was breathless but in a good way.


I saw a little smile bloom on her face “You’re looking,” she said playfully.


“Yeah, at perfection.”


I watched how her cheeks became red “I never had any other choice but to fall with you Rias,” she whispered.


“Do you regret it?”


“Not at all. You would have made my hair go grey if we were mortals with the way you acted those last days but even then, I would never be able to regret being at your side.”


“Akeno, I'll be better.”


“I trust you Rias, I trust you.”


Her head came down and came closer to mine. I leaned a little and kissed her on the lips. It was a simple kiss, a chaste kiss but it was one that felt at this moment like the sweetest nectar.


“Hey Akeno,” I said her name. “My brother isn’t back yet and the others are for the moment doing other stuff. Maybe we could you know do that.”


Her eyes widened. The blush I could see staining her cheeks deepened. I could see surprise and anticipation in her gaze “By that, you mean that right?”


“Yes,” I told her softly. I felt as if my face was on fire. What was it so awkward? We should have been passed that right? Why were we acting like useless lesbians? We weren't useless lesbians, right?



I blinked to see that we weren't in the bathroom anymore. My gaze was directed toward a different ceiling. I could also feel under me the comfortable bed that still felt as sinful as before.


I was brought back to reality by a kiss from Akeno, a really nice one that wasn't shy. Yeah, I'll worry about everything else later.





I reciprocated the kiss. Unlike the previous time, it wasn't a kiss that felt forced, that felt rough. It was one where the only thing that mattered was the contact with the other. It felt as if time didn't exist.


I don't know for how long we kissed, for how long my tongue intertwined with hers. We weren't humans. We didn't need to breathe so we didn't rush to separate.


After a while, I reluctantly retreated away. Her face looked flushed as if she was drunk. I was sure that I had a similar expression painted on my face. I was the one who made her look like this. This beautiful woman, she was mine and I hers.


She looked so beautiful “I don't want it to be like before,” I breathed. “I want it to be slower, softer Akeno.”


“Of course Rias,” she whispered. She came closer to my right ear “Your pleasure is my gift,” she said before biting softly my neck.


It wasn't painful. It didn't hurt. The only thing it did was make my body get so much hotter that it felt almost unbearable.


She alternated between kissing and biting leaving behind only more want, only more lust. I didn't stay idle as she continued to kiss my neck and slowly continued doing so lower and lower.


One of my hands moved. With a flick of my will, the top she wore disappeared as if it never was there to only leave behind her boobs in black lace sheer bras.


I hadn’t been able last time to really pay attention to her boobs and what an error, what a sin it was.


They literally seemed like a cut piece of heaven, ones I immediately chose to cup in my hands. I couldn’t resist, I pressed them and a loud moan escaped from Akeno’s lips.




Soft, they were soft. Was that paradise? I could see big pink areolas that looked sinful, that looked perfect.


With a flick of my will, the bra disappeared into nothing letting the boobs of Akeno free. Akeno’s boobs were big and instead of making them bigger, the bras had instead made them seem little.


I pinched softly one of the areolas through and with the way, she was above me, I was able to put one of her in my mouth. I didn't know if it was because I was now a devil if it was because of what Akeno Was or if it was because my brain was tricking me. After all, I loved her so much but Akeno tasted good when she shouldn't have.


I began to suck softly the areolas. I wanted more of this taste, I wanted more of her, I wanted more of Akeno.



A pleased sound came out of her lips “It seemed you… really like my boobs Rias,” she breathed.


I removed her boob from my mouth “It's because they are your boobs Akeno. I love all of you.”


I honestly don't think I would be enjoying it as much as I do now if I didn't care, didn't love her. I had enough.


With my words said. I went back to playing with her breasts trying to quench the desire I felt deep in my heart, in my body with them and Akeno, she moaned, she sang, she cried under my touch.


In retaliation, she became faster, more frantic with her touch. One of her hands moved to play with one of my boobs.


The way she touched me made it so very hard to think. It was a mix of torture and pleasure. I was at the threshold of Nirvana yet as if it was done on purpose, each time It felt as if I would finally come, Akeno would switch locations or stop for a moment.


Akeno stepped back away from me. Before I could ask why, she shut me up with a kiss I really didn't mind.


“Don't you think we have played enough Rias? Wouldn't it be a good idea to finally go to the main course?” She said before kissing me on the right corner of my lips.


“Yes, let's,” I breathed.


She flashed me a smile before beginning to kiss my body. She began at the neck, continued at the clavicle, at one of my breasts after, and continued with the spot just above my Belly button. She stopped after kissing my pubis just above where I needed her.


I looked down. I could see playfulness in her eyes. She knew how she was making me feel, how close I was to cum.


I was too horny for her games. One of my hands moved, appearing and grabbing her hair in less than an instant. I saw surprise bloom into her eyes before with the grip I had on her head, I dragged her to my aching sex.


It felt as if a haze had influenced if not taken control of my mind. I wanted to cum, I needed to cum.


As if my thoughts were a divine command, Akeno began to eat me out. It felt as if electricity had been injected into my spine but in a good way.


Even though my hand was above her head, she was the one moving and not me doing so. I felt her hungrily eat me, explore me with her tongue.


She sucked, she bit, she licked as if her life depended on that, she did so as if this was the most sacred and important thing.


A groan of pleasure escaped from my lips and as if it was the beginning of a deluge, moans that could only be called wanton followed.


I didn't know how long it lasted, how long she ate me out. I just now that the Nirvana I had been unable to reach since the beginning opened and everything in my vision went white.


At that moment, I only felt Bliss, everything seemed perfect. I could hear something but it was muffled.


I finally heard the voice “Rias.”


I blinked and Akeno was in front of me. I could see worry in her eyes. The voice, it had been Akeno’s.


“Are you Okay?” she spoke.


“I had never been more okay,” I told her softly. With my hands, I guided her head toward mine and kissed her.


I retreated away from her lips “I love you,” I told her.


“Love you too Rias.”


“Now,” I began “it's time for me to make you cum.”


A giggle escaped her “I already did. Eating you was enough but,” and then a lustful grin split her face “I won't say no to more.”


It was at this moment Before I could agree that I heard the voice of Gasper “May I come in?!” he asked.


I felt disappointment bloom in me “I'm sorry, we'll have to do it later.”


Akeno kissed my forehead “Don’t worry Rias. Later.”


She snapped two of her fingers and time seemed to rewind as if what we had been doing minutes ago had just been a dream. I felt clothes materialize on my skin and saw that the same happened to her.


I kissed her quickly on the right cheek “Love you, you're the best,” I whispered to her.


“Enter Gasper! Enter!” I shouted before Gasper and Koneko just at the other side of the door entered our room.

This is the end of the second arc. We can finally go back to more actions, more stakes and more interesting things. This is the second smut scene written in this story. Hope people will consider it better than the last one. The doubt about choosing the Norse or the Greek pantheon was eliminated by my patrons who voted. I like this story but I'm realizing that I made too many errors writing it, errors lowering its quality. I'll be taking my time but I'll try to correct most of them. Anyway, I have the next five chapters of this story and one chapter of Demiurge available on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Eileen715. Don't hesitate to visit if you want to read more. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.