Infernal comedy: A Rias Gremory self-insert (Highschool dxd/Sandman Au)


Wrote this listening to Unravel by Alesti and Siamese 

I pushed my body to dodge the incoming blow by moving on my side. I watched how the sword grazed my clothes, put them on fire and continued into one of the buildings of Kuoh academy setting it ablaze.

I took a step on the overheated and sent myself flying toward the fire god. I watched how he changed the grip that he had.

Without thinking, I ducked and like I had expected, the blade of his sword flew where my head was seconds ago.

I continued to rush toward him. I coated my body in my power of destruction and shouted toward him like a meteor.

The god didn't try to move. This is why he was unable to do anything when my power of destruction ate through his fire and allowed me to send a power punch into his stomach making him take two steps back and grunt

The god since the first time we had been battling moved against his will. Shock bloomed on his face. It was quickly covered and swallowed by anger and hatred “How dare you touch me with your filthy hands,” the god spoke.

“I am a devil. It's in my nature to violate everything divine,” I told him.

I saw anger appear in his eyes. Good, That was what I needed. Anger meant that he would be acting more erreatically than the way he would normally have. The Anger of an opponent could be his demise I reminded myself.

With a snarl, the god sent another slash toward me. This time instead of moving, trying to dodge, I rooted myself put my arms on my side and clenched my teeth.

The sword crashed against my arm with a giant boom sending debris flying everywhere I felt pain but it was a pain that I could take.

I felt my bones creak, my skin being set aflame In an agonizing way but I felt a smile bloom on my face. 

For the first time, the Shinto fire god didn't make me back down. “How?” I heard him mutter.

I closed my arms around his fire sword and pulled twirling on my heels. The god that still had in his grip the sword was also pulled.

I finished the twirl my face turned toward the sky and I threw the sword and the god in it. I didn't allow him to get back his bearings.

I threw myself in the sky after him, my power of destruction surrounding him. I felt My power of destruction swallow everything material and metaphysical on our way toward the god.

“Not even In your dreams, filthy devils” the god spat.

His sword came falling down,  his flames so intense that I saw with my eyes how atoms themselves were erased, something that should not be possible.

I continued flying toward the sword. I prepared a punch. I saw the eyes of the fire god quickly flick toward my fist.

This was the reason why the god was left dumbstruck when instead of flashing against his sword, I pivoted in the air at the side of the fire blade dodging the tip, my hands sheathed in destruction raking against the flat surface of the blade.

I appeared in front of him, my palms suffused in dark scarlet a blast of destruction already sent flying.

Fire erupted around the god but unlike the previous time when his fire was able to stop and keep at bay my power of destruction, this time, my power of destruction struck through, eating through his flames like a tasty aperitif.

My power of destruction beam pierces through his flesh, making a hole in his chest the size of a tennis ball.

Shock was marring his aristocratic features as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. ‘It was a good thing’ I thought as I prepared to send a right hook coated in the power of destruction.

It meant that he was distracted. I sent it toward his face with the goal of killing him and rushing toward the other gods that  I had felt falling toward Kuoh.

This is why I was surprised when the god stopped my punch with his palm. I felt something hit me in the chest and my internal organs protest.

I felt blood well up in my body, the metallic taste overpowering my taste buds before being rendered nothing thanks to my essence.

I grasped my demonic energy and willed the winds to stop my impromptu flight. I turned at my side to see a gigantic beast of fire flying toward me.

It looked like a Phoenix. The bird was setting with each flap of his wings the world itself ablaze. Clouds evaporated, air streams distorted and heat shot up.

The sky had taken a warm orange colour. I would have found it beautiful if the author of such a scene wasn't coming toward me looking pissed.

I directed a finger toward the gun. “Would that be enough?” I thought out loud.

I added another finger. Imagination, you only need imagination. I thought about another redhead devil, one that had been able to create craters, kill devils and send the strongest of them flying to space. 

“Bang” I spoke. My power of destruction let itself be guided sailing through space and time invisibly.

The Phoenix screeched in the air his mouth opening, a warm glowing orb appearing in it. ‘As if’ I mentally scoffed.

I was proven right an instant later. The disgusting sound of punctured flesh made itself known followed by the screams of agony and pain of now the falling bird.

I pointed my forefinger at him more precisely his head. “Bang,” I repeated and with the word I uttered, his head disappeared not even blood left.

“Is that all?” I goaded the god I knew must have been listening. I needed him to not think, to only focus on me and not on Kuoh for now.

I didn't need for things to be worse. I knew in my heart that there were already human casualties. I could not stop them but what I could do was limit them.

I saw a flash of orange and put my left hand toward it. I lost touch with it. I turned at my side only to realize that my hand had been severed and was bow burning.

The god didn't give me more time to think. He reappeared before my eyes, the hole in his chest now closed.

A hurricane of flames followed him. I felt something punch through my right eye and through my brain and continue.

My mind halted for an instant but my opponent didn't. With one of his feet , he sent toward my face a kick.

I felt it crush against my ruined face and burned face. My right hand surged as I was sent flying.

I thought about a redheaded boy who chose to make himself a  piece of art and who only saw beauty in eternity.

Searing Threads surged at the tips of my fingers to bury themselves in the skin of my enemy pushing and biting into it deeply and painfully.

Physics were forced to play their roles and he followed me. Something welled up in me brought to the surface by my essence. It was something older, deeper than my power of destruction, something more inherent to me “I̶̝̼̻͂̃̅̂͗̚͘̚ş̵̞̙̲͖́̈́̊̃͊͆̓́̽̇̾̄̉̚͝͝ ̷̛̯̹̤̦̰̜̾̒̑͂̒̐͌̔͊̅̇͑̚͝͝t̷̨͔̮̞̟̲̩̳̼̪͔̘͉̓̅́̚͜͠h̷̨̳̺̫̤̪͛̄̇̎́͒̈̄̓̂̓̅̚͝͝͠͝ͅa̴̯̣̳͑͒̏̓̍̽̅̎̾̓̎͂̈͒̆̄͆͠t̶̢̙̜̜̥͓͈̞͕̗̣̝͓̿͊͌͆̎͑͜͠ ̷̡̢̙̼̱̫̠͔́̾̐̂̎̃͑͐̑͂̅̽̽͑̆͠à̷̺̳̺̯̳̘̖̙͇͆̎̄̾̀̑̈́̅̅̑̌̇͌̊̚ͅl̴̢̡̳̭̦͕̫̳͓͚̱̱̘͎̭̋̏̀̽̌̌̀̔̀́͐͌̚̚l̸̮̪͕̖͙͍̗̙̻̀̽́̓́̃̎͒̆̈̂̆̀̿,̴̗̜̂̔̆̓̄͌̐̀̂͂̊̇́́̚̕͠͝” I found myself screaming.

A new hand erupted n existence in a shower of bones, nerves flesh and skin to replace the one that I had lost.

I could feel my essence working closing the hole that the god had been able to put through my head.

I grabbed his head with my newly regenerated arm. I watched his eyes widen and how golden fire erupted from and coalesced around him like a shield. I ignored the burning sensation of my skin being slowly consumed, by his divinity that now that I was paying attention was trying to run amok and destroy me from the inside “Let me give you something in return,” I whispered.

I lit him up, throwing with wild abandon my power of destruction at him. His light and my darkness, his divinity and my unholiness clashed.

His flames were angry, hateful and scared. I could taste it and it was so freaking intoxicating. I shouldn't have been able to do such things.

Since I had been incarnated in this body, this thrill, this pain, this struggle where my heart was beating, where pain and despair met, all of it had been nothing but addicting.

I felt drunk. His barrier held against my power of destruction so I fired again. 

It held again, so I fired again.

I fired again.

And again.

And again until finally like a mirror, it broke and this time, the god was unable to dodge. I did what I promised him. I may have been a devil but I wasn't a liar. 

My power of destruction pierced through his skull and the god made something that sent a thrill and happiness in my heart. 

He broke the mask of strength that he had adorning himself to since the beginning of our fight and screamed. 

He was able to push through my guard. Maybe it was desperation, anger, hatred or a cocktail of all those things but they gave him enough fuel to punch me. The god sent an uppercut and I was sent flying away from him toward the stratosphere.

My chin broke and healed so much stronger and so much better than what it could have been naturally.

A chuckle escaped me. I felt The corners of my lips curled, involuntarily -- and i fought back hard as my cheeks swelled momentarily with the pressure -- but it was no use. Wide full laughter won and erupted.

A part of me knew that I should only be focusing on winning against the god in the quickest way possible so that I would go help the others but this part was beginning to be drowned by other parts of me that only wanted for this fight, for the fear and suffering of the god to persist longer.

“How is it possible?” I heard. My laughter stoppe. The god had reappeared before me. His skin looked now golden as if he was a furnace, his hair was flying following invisible angry air streams.

“Since the beginning, you only grew in strength. Such a thing is unnatural,” the God spoke.

I had forgotten from where it was coming and I was probably paraphrasing but a sentence appeared in my mind ‘Don't speak with your enemy until you killed him.’

The smart thing should have been to not listen to him and directly attack but I felt like an overjoyous hyperactive child and due to this, logic was lost against pleasure.

“It's simple,” I answered him. I drifted in the air, gravity kneeling before my will. I relaxed as if I was on a floating bed like a pink-attracted vampire with daddy issues.

My gaze slid over my clothes, well what remained of them. They were more burnt rags at this point than anything else but it was alright. An unbuttoned white jacket with a black t-shirt inside of it and wide baggy jeans followed by red and black Converse with the Gremory rune etched on it appeared all over me.

With a push of my will, the rags were erased and replaced by the new clothes. I finally turned toward the god “We devils are just better than the rest of your kind and you,” I finished.

Unlike what I expected, the god didn't erupt in anger. “I see it now,” he whispered.

“I thank you, father and mother,” he spoke. “I had thought that you were just an average pure-blood devil but it is clear that you are just like your abomination of a brother or to be more precise almost. You're not one yet.” 

The god smiled. It was one deranged, the one that you would see on a fanatic as they gladly and happily slit the throat of their family before doing the same for themselves. “It is Fate, the Darma smiling at me. It doesn't matter if we succeed or not. Only one thing matters and it is to kill you,” he told me.

“You will try,” I said to him.

“I'll do more than try.” I watched him rise in the sky going further and further until he advanced  beyond the exosphere, beyond the moon, beyond Pluton, beyond our solar system.

My gaze stayed stuck on me. I knew that I should have attacked him before he could exact whatever action he was doing. I knew that I shouldn't be watching.

That was the same error that a prideful prince had once made due to his pride and that had been the cause of his loss and the death of many.

I still stayed idle even knowing the errors of the action that I was taking. I watched him stop, his gaze still fixated on mine.

His skin pulsed as if there were a lining creature under it. I watched his skin move in a way that should have been unnatural before a sword pierced his head. No, it would be more accurate to say that a sword exploded from his head in a shower of ichor.

Others appeared in a similar bloody way on his knee. It continued appearing and bursting from his back, his articulations, from his face.

I watched Throughout the ordeal how his gaze remained fixated on mine. Slowly, he moved his bleeding right arm toward the sword encrusted in his head that was now glowing.

Slowly, he pulled and I watched how it cultured through his flesh and made him bleed like a fountain before he exploded.

The light travelled and arrived to me blinding me momentarily before my essence kicked into function.

He hadn't exploded I realized for the first time since my transmission silence by shock. He had instead extended.

He had extended into a little white dwarf star. ‘That was ridiculous,’ I thought. ‘In the fight Against Riser, when I had supposed that ultimate beings could swims through and resist stars, I was joking. I never thought that I would have one day literally fight against a star.’ 

A feeling began to bubble and bloom him. I looked at my hands and they were shaking. “I am truly who I was anymore, am I?” I found myself wondering.

After all, a normal human would have been filled with fear instead of being filled with excitement.

I should have been more focused on the lives that I knew I had the literal duty to protect, on the lives of those that I called family.

‘Maybe I hadn’t changed at all,’ I thought. I had always gained and lost quickly interest in things and people.

I pushed in the back of my mind their well-being, Gasper’s cuteness, koneko's smile, Yuto and his loyalty, Akeno and her beautiful emerald eyes that made it hard to breathe.

I pushed them all in the back of my mind, of what I once was or maybe I never truly was. I coated my body in the power of destruction making it surround me like a shield and a spear. Light years away, the new star shone with an every ethereal light before sending flying a giant red of plasma toward, the Earth, toward me. I allowed myself to lose myself in the euphory I was feeling and threw myself toward it.

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