Infinite Anime: Legacy Of Fujitora Smiles At The Beginning

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


The blade slashed across the flesh, making a dull sound.

Hot and red blood gushes out like a fountain instantly, splashing on the snow on the ground.


One arm fell heavily on the ground and plunged into the snow.

Tong Mo was extremely miserable under Lin Yu’s knife.

Not only was the only weapon in his hand the long knife used to resist Lin Yu, but even under Lin Yu’s knife, he lost an arm, and even his chest was pulled sideways by Lin Yu’s knife.

Tong Mo’s body, which was as hard as steel, was cut open as easily as butter under Lin Yu’s blade.

From the red flesh and blood in the chest, we can even vaguely see the organs that are constantly squirming.

However, in the face of his miserable appearance, the look on Tong Mo’s face not only didn’t change ugly, but instead he smiled openly.

“No wonder Xianxian Lu will die in your hands, no wonder Lord Wu Mi is interested in the power you possess.”

Tong Mo licked his lips, wiped his fingers on the wound on his chest, and looked at his red blood, like something interesting.

The seemingly miserable injury on his body quickly recovered while speaking.

For ghosts, as long as they are not decapitated by the Sunwheel Knife, other injuries can be easily recovered. For Shangxian, this is even simpler.

The super strong ability to regenerate and recover makes it a fantasy to want to kill a singer.

Lin Yu looked at the child who had regenerated his arms, with a faint look of regret in his eyes.

For Tong Mo, everything about Lin Yu is so unfamiliar and unfamiliar, and he can only constantly test in the battle to find out what Lin Yu’s strength is.

However, relying on the opponent’s ignorance of him, Lin Yu’s two attacks in a row, except for the first time, all others returned in vain.

It was not that Lin Yu had insufficient combat experience, but in terms of hard power, he was somewhat inferior to Tong Mo. Moreover, as a ghost, Tong Mo could not care about any injuries other than the vital ones.(Read more @

For Lin Yu, the only good news is that the abolition of Tong Mo’s two weapons has greatly affected his offensive ability.

You know that Tong Mo has a lot of blood ghost skills, all of which are released through folding fans.

A child mill without a weapon will be weakened a lot in terms of strength.

Lin Yu took a breath, and the cold air suddenly lifted his spirits.

The temptation link is almost over, and there will be no double-fan children’s milling, and it is obvious that a real and more fierce attack will be launched.


A mouthful of white mist was spit out, and there was no more words between the two, and they launched their own attacks once again.

“Blood Ghost Art·Han Lie’s Bai Ji!”

After getting a rough idea of ​​Lin Yu’s offensive mode, it was naturally impossible for Tong Mo to choose to engage Lin Yu in close combat after losing both fans.

From the way of fighting, Tong Mo is more inclined to be a long-range mage.

All kinds of blood ghost arts are emerging in endlessly, and naturally they choose to distance themselves.

With a smile at the corner of Tong Mo’s mouth, he stepped heavily on his feet and leaped into the distance.

And at the moment he left, the surrounding ice and snow seemed to be manipulated by invisible forces, and began to gather quickly on the ground.

Two lifelike ice lotus in the form of a girl, all made up of ice crystals, suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yu’s eyes.

The two ice lotus, only the upper body of the girl, is an ice lotus below, and the two ice statues are almost as high as the surrounding houses.

As soon as the two ice sculptures appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, even if Lin Yu’s physical fitness had reached the point where it was not invaded by cold or heat, he felt a little chilly.

“Take out your full strength and let me see it. I am very interested in your strength.”

Accompanied by Tong Mo’s words, the mouths of the two young girls’ ice lotus opened slightly, and a cold air that seemed to come from an extremely cold place gushed from their mouths.

The pale blue icy air rushed out wildly.

Everything around was frozen and condensed under the freezing air of extremely low temperature.

Under the freezing air, the houses on the side were instantly covered with thick frost, and the hard walls were even frozen as hard as steel.

And this is just the beginning.

The temptation was over, and the Tong Mo who wanted to see Lin Yu’s true strength did not seem to stop after summoning two Bai Ji.

With a wave of hands, there were once again many more ice vines on the ground, all of which were condensed from ice crystals.

“` ‖(Ms. Zhao) Blood Ghost Art·Man Lianhua!”

The ice vines spreading their eyes on the ground, like a giant python choosing people to eat, rush towards Lin Yu.

The blades formed by ice crystals on the vines are as sharp as the blades of steel.

It can be said that after Lin Yu’s hand suffered from the disadvantage that speed is not dominant, Tong Mo naturally made the choice to limit Lin Yu’s speed.

Whether it is frozen air or ice vines, as long as it is entangled by any of them, it will be difficult to move and become a fish that can be slaughtered.

With a life span of hundreds of years, Tong Mo is naturally very thorough in his combat experience. If he wants to repeat the first results, the only thing Lin Yu can do is to surprise him again! .

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