Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 54 Meeting Under The Tree

Fu Han had already guessed that he would have to deal with other people in the Shenmu Contract. To be honest, there had been no movement in the past few days, which surprised Fu Han.

And today, what was supposed to come has come...

Fu Han thought he was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect that he would still feel uneasy when things happened.

Originally, everyone was chosen by the divine tree. Logically speaking, the last hope in the apocalypse should be good people like themselves. But the lady in scholar's robe that day specifically reminded herself not to trust anyone, which inevitably made Fu Han begin to doubt Shenmu's criteria for selecting people.

Moreover, Fu Han guessed that he was probably the weakest among all the people. He had just been promoted to the junior level and was captured to be the world's last hope... Fu Han was also speechless.

With great anxiety, Fu Han didn't sleep all night. Fortunately, now that my mental strength is strong, staying up all night is not a big deal.

At dawn in the morning, Fu Han went downstairs to eat something, then returned to the dormitory and waited quietly.

Watching the sun climb to the top little by little, it was noon. Fu Han immediately felt an indescribable calling in his core. At a certain moment that Fu Han didn't even notice, he found that his consciousness had sunk into his core.

Then Fu Han felt himself being irresistibly pulled towards the sacred tree. Then, just like last time, Fu Han walked through the hot golden canopy and came to the foot of the tree.

The eight seeds under the canopy also emitted bright light at this time.

Fu Han reached out and pinched the ball of light in front of him... The trunk of the sacred tree gradually disappeared, and the figures were outlined by the light, forming a circle.

Fu Han, who had already planned to talk less and watch more, observed quietly without saying a word.

"1, 2, 3,..."

Fu Han counted the people one by one and found that there were 7 people in total including himself. But Fu Han remembered that there were clearly 8 seeds here...

Taking a closer look, Fu Han discovered that a fat man in a suit was actually holding two light balls on the left and right.

Fu Han suddenly frowned, and a bad premonition came to his heart... Could he have snatched someone else's into his own hands?

At this moment, the lady in scholar's robe was the first to speak: "Chief Sir, everyone is here."

At this time, the chief on Fu Han's left gently responded: "Yes."

Fu Han looked at the chief, and that light was that of an elder with a long beard. He was stooped, holding a cane in one hand and holding a ball of light in the other. The thick beard and hair almost hang to the ground, and are neatly braided.

In Fu Han's first impression, this old man had the weakest breath among all the people. Unexpectedly, he was actually the chief and seemed to be very respected.

At this time, the chief began to speak, his voice was slow and his voice was slow. Fu Han was sure that the call he heard before was made by him.

"As you can see, there is very bad news... The eighth seed of the sacred tree has arrived, and we have a new member."

Fu Han wanted to cry but had no tears. Grandpa, it doesn’t matter if you don’t welcome the new arrival. What does “extremely bad news” mean? ...Then I leave?

At this time, the chief changed the topic and said: "However, we should give a good welcome to the new members and get to know them. This is the purpose of calling everyone here today."

Fu Han suddenly realized that the "extremely bad news" meant that the seeds of the sacred tree had arrived again. But I can still welcome this by-product.

"Then as usual, let's introduce ourselves first... I'll start first." At this point, the old man paused and seemed to be organizing his words.

"Newcomer, I am the chief tree planter here, and I am also the favored person of the sacred tree. I initiate and preside over the daily meetings. At least at the meeting, you should follow my instructions and pay attention to your words. In addition, you You can call me [Old Man] or call me Chief like they do.”

Fu Han didn't dare to say anything. He bowed slightly and nodded to show that he heard clearly.

The chief nodded slightly and said: "Then, let's continue in order." After saying that, the chief used his crutch and lowered his head, as if he was in trance.

So Fu Han turned his gaze to the person next to the old man.

The second seat to the right of the old man is a very tall and strong man. This strong man has no clothes on his upper body, and the light outlines his rough muscle lines. His hair was a little messy and unkempt, but he had the strongest aura among them all. Fu Han thought this person was the boss at first.

...After a long while, the strong man said only one word in the eyes of everyone: "Passed."

Fu Han was stunned... He heard the girl on his right burst out laughing.

Fu Han looked around and saw that the girl had cat ears on her head and a cat tail swaying gently behind her back. She looked very lively. The girl noticed Fu Han's gaze and quickly covered her mouth, but Fu Han could feel that she was still snickering.

At this time, the third seat to the right of the strong man, the female scholar who had reminded Fu Han before, said: "Let me introduce it to you. The [taciturn person] next to me is very good if he can speak one word. Please don’t be offended.”

"The Silent Man is the most skilled in martial arts among us. If you have any questions about martial arts or fighting, you might as well ask the Silent Man. He will be able to say a few more words just by mentioning these."

At this time, the taciturn man holding his hands nodded seriously and agreed with the female scholar's statement.

Fu Han instinctively felt that both the female scholar and the taciturn man were good people, so Fu Han bowed slightly and nodded to greet the taciturn man again.

Then the female scholar continued: "I am the third seat, a scholar. If you have any questions about knowledge, you can communicate with me. Of course, knowledge also needs to be exchanged. By the way, you call me [scholar] That’s good.”

Fu Han quickly bowed to greet him again, and the scholar politely returned the greeting to Fu Han.

At this time, Fu Han felt a little secretive in his heart. This place seemed to be a place for communication, exchange, and exchange of needs. Fu Han began to realize the value of this place.

Then Fu Han turned his attention to the fourth seat.

The figure in the fourth seat was wearing a robe and a hood, and his aura was very gloomy. As for the robe he was wearing, Fu Han looked left and right and felt that it looked familiar but couldn't be sure for a while until the fourth seat started to speak.

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant: "Hello newcomer, I am a Death Priest. If you also believe in the gods in the stars, then I will be very happy. You can call me [Priest]."

The priest of death...the gods of the starry sky...the believers...

Fu Han was shocked beyond measure, weren't they the old gods?

Damn it! ! Sun Wood is really not picky at all. Have all the old gods been involved?

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