Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Chapter 72

Chapter 72. Fairy Garden (5)


Even while I stepped back, almost frightened out of my mind, my inventory was slowly, but surely, sending the Giant Iron Boar out of it.

The inventory freely soared through the air, hovering over a spot in the open area I had just walked by as it spewed out the Giant Iron Boar. Along with a thud, its massive body made the mansion’s open ground its home. Although I had expected it to a certain degree, it really ruined the mansion’s mystical atmosphere.

After it finished spitting out the entire Giant Iron Boar, my inventory automatically closed itself, as if to say it never acted on its own accord. Hopefully, something so surprising would not happen again. While I was pondering why the boar even popped out, the boar’s head began to crack with a thunderous sound.

“Ah, that’s it!”

The answer was obvious. Bluestone! The Mana Stone I had was the boar’s Bluestone! I watched the scene with a dumbfounded expression. Soon, a Bluestone, no, Mana Stone, bigger than my own body, popped out from its head.

This boar really did have one, a Mana Stone. If China found out about this, they were sure to be painfully jealous. Just how expensive would that thing be if it were sold?

Such a thought was useless, as the Mana Stone flew towards me while becoming smaller. The light it radiated also became stronger. When it arrived in front of my eyes, it had become the size of my thumb, while it shone with a dazzling light. It was almost as if it had compressed itself to increase its purity.

[Place a drop of your blood.]


After making a light cut on my finger with my spear, I let a drop of blood fall onto the Mana Stone. Then, the Mana Stone let out an almost blinding light and flew into the mansion. I tried to follow its trajectory, but it had disappeared into the hall’s central area in the blink of an eye.

Oong! Immediately afterwards, the entire mansion rumbled.

[You were successfully authorized as the mansion’s owner. You can return to the dungeon using your key at any time, and likewise, you can return to the mansion from the dungeon. When your vitality becomes zero, you can return to the mansion, in which case you will still not be able to re-enter the dungeon for a week.]

When my vitality became zero. It meant when I was kicked out of the dungeon after my HP became zero. Although I hadn’t died lately, I was glad I could return to the mansion if I did, since I wouldn’t want father to find out.

Plus, the fact that I could go back and forth between the dungeon and the Residential Area was the real benefit. I was looking forward to selling things in the Residential Area as well. Not to mention, there were street vendors and bars that were only available here.

Just like that, I became the owner of a mansion I had never even dreamed about. All hail the dungeon! … In truth, it had not sunken in yet.

[With the Mana Stone installed in the mansion, ventilation, temperature management, cleaning, and other maintenance will be automatically done. However, it is recommended that you appoint another mansion administrator.]

“I mean, since it’s so big… just looking around the mansion will be a chore.”

[You will be guided.]

“Mm… No. Before that.”

Holding off on the message noona’s unusually generous service, I turned around and stared at the boar, which had its head cracked open. Now that was a chore.

“I have to take care of it.”

I gave up after two hours. He was too big! There should be a limit to how big a monster could be. If I wanted to dismantle him completely by myself, even four full days would not be enough.

“Should I put it back in my inventory? Wait, if I just leave it like this, will it rot?”

I murmured as I stood on his head and knocked on it a few times. Then, a semi-transparent window that explained its status automatically appeared in front of my eyes.

[Giant Iron Boar’s Corpse (Unique)

The corpse of a B-rank massive raid boss. Its meat is in a class of its own compared to the taste of other monster meats. If handled well and used in medicine, it can permanently increase your stats. Its bones and leather can be used to craft up to A-rank items. It might be better used as a sacrifice for black magic. Even as a corpse, because of the bountiful mana it holds, it will not rot, even if left alone.]


I learned a few things.

First, eating raid boss meat increased stats. Second, raid boss corpses could be used to craft defensive equipment or weapons that were a rank higher than the boss. Third, I wanted to see the boar become an undead one day.

Most importantly, the fourth, it would not rot even if I left it alone like this!

“Alright, that’s its home for now.”

I nodded my head imperiously and jumped down from its back. Since it wouldn’t rot even if I left it here, there was no need to put it back in my inventory!

When I examined it from below, it really was enormous. However, even if I used it to make defensive equipment or weapons, they would only be A-rank at the highest. Judging by the Black Earthen Spear, which was a reward from an A-rank Event Dungeon, even the best crafted item would only be comparable to the Black Earthen Spear. That said, I would be able to make quite a lot of them. Although it would be perfect to sell them to other Awakened, there was no need to go to that extent to earn money. Not to mention, China might take notice.

“Now, what should I do?”

Since I finished being authorized as the mansion’s owner, I felt relaxed. Should I look around the mansion first? Or should I look for the spring Loretta talked about?

Although I pondered for a long time, the decision was made in an instant. Since it was on my mind, I decided to just visit the spring first. I left the garden and walked into the forested area, while thinking just how absurd it was that a mansion had a forest in its boundaries.

After about 15 minutes, I heard the sound of water. When I hastened my steps towards where the direction of the sound was coming from with joy, the Fairy Spring was there.


It was truly a picturesque scene. In the spring that wasn’t big or small, a stream of water was shooting out. Inside, small fish were swimming in the almost transparent water.

In addition, numerous flowers surrounded the spring, as if to envelope it in their embrace, and a small tree cast its shadow next to it, creating the perfect resting spot. Although the small area didn’t quite fit in with the enormity of the mansion, it was just my style. Just like the name Loretta called it, I felt like fairies would pop out of the spring at any time.

[You have the key to the Fairy Garden’s entrance. Would you like to use the key?]

“… What?”

What did it say? I took out the light blue crystal key from my inventory. What? Fairy Garden? Didn’t I hear that name somewhere…? It shouldn’t have been too long ago, but I couldn’t remember.

After thinking about it for a bit, I gave up. Since there was no chance that Loretta would get angry, I decided to open the entrance.


[The gate opens.]

Something like the spring splitting in half didn’t happen. Instead, the spring’s water shot up into the sky and spun in a donut shape. The donut became bigger as more and more water shot up, until it became big enough for a person to fit through. I wouldn’t end up underwater after jumping through it, right? Deciding to trust Loretta, I jumped into the gate.

The scenery warped and a strong headache swept over me. For a moment, I couldn’t withstand the dizziness and closed my eyes.

When I awoke, I was already in the Fairy Garden.

[Look, it’s the Prince!]

[Elemental Tempesssst!]

[I loved that. Spin~]

[I want to form a contract with him.]

[His lightning elemental was so beautiful.]

Voices of elementals were something I always heard, both in the dungeon and on Earth. However, there was an overwhelming number of elementals in this place. My surroundings were full of their colorful lights. If an elf was here to see them… it would be like an amusement park.

Plus, this place didn’t just have elementals. There were also fairies, which, unlike elementals, even ordinary people could see. They were spinning around me along with the elementals. In truth, they were quite distracting.

[Queen-nim wanted to see him.]

[I was beaten by the Guild Master for saying it.]



[Queen-nim got beaten!]

[Thieving cat—!]


[You called, Master?]

I called Peika who I had unsummoned after entering the Residential Area. When Peika appeared, even more elementals and fairies gathered.

[Pretty elemental!]

[Come play with us!]

[W-Wait, go away!]

Looking at Peika acting flustered, I lightly smiled and spoke.

“Go play with the elementals for a little bit. Though, if you don’t want to, it can’t be helped.”

[I-If it’s Master’s request. Okay, what do you guys want to play?]

[Let’s play tag!]


[I like spin spin~]

You probably can’t spin spin without me, probably. With that, I left the elementals and fairies to Peika, then walked forward to the inside of the garden, which seemed to be an enlarged version of my mansion’s garden. Fairies and balls of light were floating about the area.

There I found a pavilion where a few members of the Faerie race were gathered. There was water flowing around the pavilion, and they sat in the pavilion in a circle, drinking tea. As there was a stack of papers next to them, they didn’t look like they were just playing around.

Amongst them was a hobgoblin, an elf, and a beastman with cat ears and tail. Wait, a beastman shouldn’t be part of the Faerie race, right?

There was also a short human-like man. He was most likely a dwarf, which was a member of the Faerie race.

“Mm? Who are you, nyan?”

Amongst them, the cat-eared beastman girl was the first to notice me. She didn’t try to hide the furry triangular ears that protruded out of her brown bobbed hair. Her eyes shone with a yellow light similar to gold, while cat-like vertical pupils glared at me. Because of her excellent figure that contrasted with her babyface, I was instantly reminded of Yua.

“Why are you even asking, you nyan cat. Master said a human will come by soon, remember?”

The hobgoblin that was drinking tea next to her noticed me in response to the beastman girl’s words, and spoke as he smacked her head with the teacup plate. The beastman girl growled and threatened the hobgoblin, but went quiet after more teacup plates struck her head.

The dwarf then turned to face me. I, who was expecting a bearded face like the dwarves described in novels, was surprised after seeing the dwarf was a handsome young man.

“Humans, really. You thought I’d have scraggly beard and muscular body, right?”

“Kuk, you’re right. Sorry. I’m Kang Shin. You are?”

“Lotang De Flaima. As you know, I’m a dwarf. Nice to meet you, human.”

“I’m the hobgoblin Eladel. I heard from Meladel that the owner of the Marianne’s Garden appeared. That must be you.”

“Yes, it’s me.”

Hobgoblins were said to be able to communicate with others of their race through their minds. Eladel must have heard about me from Meladel.

After hearing the word ‘Marianne’s Garden,’ the beastman girl that was sniffling with her head down raised her head.

“Marianne’s Garden, nyan? How did a human who looks so weak become a Special Mansion owner, nyan?”

“Strength doesn’t matter, you nyan cat. What matters is how Lord judged his achievement. Hello, boy. I’m Shikatra.”

“You must be an elf. Nice to meet you.”

The one who introduced herself last was an incredibly beautiful woman. She had grey-silver

hair, emerald-colored eyes, and a certain mature charm. With her teacup in hand, she looked like she came out of a painting. If the teacup plate from her hand hadn’t hit the beastman girl’s head, she would have looked even more beautiful.

“I see, you’re Master’s… huhu, nice to meet you. Take good care of Master.”

“Um, I’m asking just to be sure, but is the Master you’re referring to Loretta?”

“That’s right.”

Shikatra nodded her head like it was nothing. So it was true. A mere Floor Shop owner was being called Master. If I took into account the similarity between the crystal key to the Fairy Garden and the mansion key…

“Is Loretta the Master of the guild, Fairy Garden?”

“That’s exactly right, Human. Though, Fairy Garden is a bit different from the guilds created by explorers. In fact…”

“It’s a guild for those who manage the dungeon, right?”

“Yes. The First Dungeon has a total of five administrative guilds, and Fairy Garden is one of them. It’s named after this area we’re in.”

The dwarf, Lotang, nodded his head with satisfaction. It was as I thought. Administrators who managed the Floor Shops and parts of the Residential Area… although I was curious about their identities, I did not ask since they did most likely would not answer. The beastman girl’s initial hostility seemed to have subsided as she scanned me and said, “My name is Loka, nyan.”

“Nice to meet you, Lokanyan.”

“It’s not Lokanyan, nyan! It’s just Loka, nyan!”

Of course, I was just joking. Her reaction was exactly what I wanted as well. Watching me nod my head in satisfaction, the hobgoblin Eladel spoke as he stared at me fixedly.

“I assume you’re here to meet Master?”

“No, Loretta just said something good will happen if I use the key at the spring. But since I’m here, I do want to meet Loretta.”

“What was Master embarrassed about, even after handing him the key…”

While Eladel was murmuring to himself, the elf Shikatra explained in his stead.

“You see the path there, right? Don’t stray off the path and keep going. Remember, you have to think of Master as you walk. If you follow where the fairies lead you, you might not be able to come back.”

“Just what is this place?”

“Mm, it’s not the material realm. It’s closer to the faerie realm. So make sure you stay on your guard, young man.”

“With your dazed face, the fairies will trick you, nyan! Be careful, nyan!”

Did they not know about my ability? I was an Elementalist, and had skills that let all spirits see me in favorable light. The fairies I met on my way didn’t try to trick me. Loka’s worry was probably for nothing.

While I was following the path, I suddenly remembered about Peika. She disappeared after being dragged off by the elementals and fairies.

‘Mmm, well, I could always unsummon her, so I guess I can just leave her be.’

Thinking casually, I walked deeper and deeper into this garden of the fairies.

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