Infinite Journey

Chapter 46 - Kick the gym iron fist

In a short period of time, he saw the final result of picking the dragon. A thick spine quickly shrank under the dragon, refining almost one-sixth, turning it into sections of steel, reaching a A hardness beyond his imagination.

After completing the selection of the big dragon, the next step is to Zhen Siji, refining Xuanwu, and casting dragon heads. They represent the human body’s limbs, the ribs of the chest and back, and the most important head, covering 90% of the human body’s bones.

The secret scriptures of the outer power world of the King Kong Gate are also considered to be the top secret methods in the northwest. If all of them are cultivated to the peak, there are only a few gates in the body, so the masters of the internal and external skills of the King Kong Gate emerge in an endless stream.

Imagine the consequences of hundreds of humanoid monsters slamming into the army formation. Every monster is capable of carrying a cauldron.

Tang San even calculated that if hundreds of top experts in the foreign power world put on modern body armor and undergo systematic training, they would be almost the most elite special forces, even if it was possible to sneak into an enemy country and carry out beheading tactics, with fewer than a few people. Tens of thousands, without heavy weapons, it is absolutely impossible to stop this kind of troops.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn’t help thinking: “Could it be that there are such troops in the Republic, or even the kind of special troops composed entirely of super warriors, that have carried out this kind of beheading tactics against Western countries, and it has deterred these countries from daring to riot. .”

Thinking of this, he feels more and more likely, because only for this reason can people in Western countries feel a real threat.

According to Tang San’s current understanding, Western civilization is similar to the countries during World War II, but there are not so strict security measures. For the masters proficient in martial arts, once they attack in groups, it is a disaster. Ordinary people can’t stop these martial arts masters. .

“Let’s put these aside for now. It has nothing to do with me directly. Let’s understand the bone-shaking chapter first.”

Time passed slowly, and it was another month in the blink of an eye. Tang San was always brought upstairs for his meals, immersed in bone-shaking every day, also drinking ginseng wine and medicine-bone soup, while bone-shaking , making it stronger and harder, replenishing its own consumption.

In another month, after comprehending the essence of the bone-shaking chapter in the endless relics, Tang San finally reached the pinnacle of bone-turning. Except for the dozen or so bones that he could never exercise, all the bones in his whole body were already gone. Hard as iron.

He even smashed a piece of steel with his fist and hit it with a metallic roar.

The strength of the bones brought great strength, Tang San’s body also recovered to about 175 cm during the exercise, and all the magazines in the bones were removed.

And through the macroscopic observation of the uninterrupted relic, he found that although his bones were pure white, there were traces of fine black patterns all over the pure white. Those patterns were all metal substances deposited in Tang San’s bones, buried in the millennium. , has been integrated with his body, to the point of indistinguishable from each other.

At the peak of bone transformation, Tang San’s power has reached an unprecedented peak, and his resources are almost exhausted.

Tang San was bored in the hotel for two months, cultivating hard every day, all kinds of medicinal materials and rent, and the consumption of food was huge. Without income, he will be kicked out of the hotel.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, his natural divine power has also improved a lot after the completion of bone transformation. Tang San is confident that even if he is a figure at the peak of the external power world, he will not be stronger than his own power.

“It’s time to find a whetstone, feel the power right now, and master it completely.”

At this time, the rumors about the giant man had long since died down. Tang San stayed at home, leaving those who were watching the fun fluttering away. After a few days, he was no longer interested. Not everyone was so bored, and the hotel resumed again. calm.

Early the next morning, Tang San left the hotel and walked towards his goal, the Tekken Martial Arts Academy.

Tekken Martial Arts Hall is a second-rate martial arts hall in this barren city. The owner of the hall, Tie Qiong, is a disciple of Tekken Sect. He opened Tekken Martial Arts Hall in the barren city. There are some industries under his command, and the monthly harvest is about a thousand silver dollars.

There are hundreds of disciples in the martial arts hall, most of them are ordinary warriors who cannot be passed down. The strongest is in the skin refining realm. Only a few of the disciples and disciples have the cultivation realm of bone-turning realm. , At the peak of the fusion of tendons, if you practice a pair of “Unbreakable Iron Fist”, you will die if you hit it, and you will be injured when you touch it.

According to the news from Tang San’s investigation, this Tekken martial arts is secretly supported by the Tekken Sect. If something goes wrong, the Tekken Sect will definitely come forward, but Tang San doesn’t care. Accumulation, as long as he gets these things, it is enough for him to cultivate to the realm of fusion.

At that time, the outer power world will be completed, and you can go to the northwest. Unless you are encircled by the army, or strangled by stronger warriors, you will no longer have to worry about your life.

On the street in the early morning, there were hardly many people, only the various vendors had already set up their positions, and the shouts sounded from time to time, attracting the attention of passers-by.

The wind was blowing under Tang San’s feet, and he went straight to the Iron Fist Martial Arts Hall, UU reading www.uukanshu. com He has always acted resolutely and acted decisively, and it is even more imperative for the Tekken Martial Arts Academy.

Within half an hour, he arrived at the gate of the Tekken Martial Arts Academy.

In the early morning, the martial arts hall just opened, and there was a sound of shouting from the door.

“Ha ha…”

“Hu, huh…”

Xia practiced three-fu, winter practiced three-nine, and martial artists could not slack off for a day. The disciples of Iron Fist Sect had already started to practice hard in the early morning.

The arrival of Tang San caught the attention of the two gatekeepers of the Iron Fist Sect.

They were dressed in dark warrior clothes, full of energy and sturdy. Their bodies were all solid muscles. Their skin was delicate, with a hint of bronze color. At first glance, they were not ordinary people, they were already in the realm of leather refining.

Looking at the two leather refining warriors guarding the gate, Tang San also secretly said, “What a big hand, is this the facade?”

The two gatekeepers seemed to see that Tang San was not good, and looked at him warily, one of them said solemnly, “This friend, this is the Iron Fist Academy, idlers are not allowed to enter.”

When Tang San heard this, he said in a cold voice, “That’s an idler, I’m not an idler, go and tell you the owner of the museum, I’m here to kick the club.”

When the two gatekeepers heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, then sneered in their eyes, looked at Tang San and said, “Boy, you don’t even have all the hair, you dare to come to the Iron Fist martial arts gym to be wild, respect you as a friend, don’t know what to do, get out of the way. Go, or I want you to look good.”

Regarding the threats from the two, Tang San said sternly: “It seems that you guys don’t plan to report it. Well, then I’ll go in.”

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