Infinite Journey

v2 Chapter 1014 - real confidence

Hearing the words, the hider shook his head and said, “You are wrong, I actually don’t know where the mystery is. I can only tell you that that area will only appear at the end of the era, when the world of truth takes shape. When there is a qualified existence in this era, it will automatically appear in front of you at an appropriate time. One? Novel?????”

Hearing this, the Lord of Redemption squinted his eyes and said: “In this case, everything depends on luck, if you don’t meet the standard of that mysterious place, you will never be able to enter it, and put your hope on it, It seems that I thought it was too simple.”

Hearing the words of the hider, the Lord of Redemption was very unhappy, this guy didn’t say everything when he came last time: “Sure enough, there is something wrong with this guy, how can things be so simple, we can safely get out of the robbery’s search , fortunately I didn’t completely put the eggs in a cage, they are only spare after all, only on our own.”

The alliance’s fire plan is his real confidence. When the kingdom of robbery thinks that the fifth-order powerhouse has a large number of casualties, and the civilization alliance has no chance to turn around, the hidden truth powerhouses in the civilization hall will instantly burst into full force, Use power to destroy the remnant world, **** up the entire remnant source in an instant, and then rely on the power of the source to push the ultimate power of the palace of civilization to rush out of this world and escape into the endless nothingness, even if they have detection methods, but face For the palace of civilization and the 108 fifth-order powerhouses that absorbed the origins of the Thai half-world, as well as the power of Tang San’s deity and incarnations, there is still a certain chance of escape from the kingdom of robbery by pure hiding and escaping.

And he can be sure that Jie is probably not omnipotent. After all, they were born in nothingness. Although they have become more understandable beings, they must not surpass this infinite nothingness. Everything is possible in nothingness, even if the world is sealed. Inside, it is also a part of nothingness, and the power of robbery will also be affected inside, as long as his incarnation and deity continue to break through the sixth order. In the end, the three corpses merged into one, swallowing all the origins of the world, and it is not impossible to break this inexplicable barrier.

At this time, the Lord of Redeemer could vaguely feel a layer of inexplicable estrangement covering this almost infinite nothingness. That kind of estrangement is invisible and intangible, but it can’t stop his infinite mind, making him feel vaguely.

Seemingly seeing the Lord of Redeemer’s distrust of himself, the Concealer said again: “You don’t have to worry, we have already learned the conditions for entering that mysterious place after studying countless times.”

The Lord of Redemption raised his brows and said, “Oh. I would like to hear the details.”

“The conditions are actually very simple. One of the conditions for entering it first is that one person must reach the sixth level, and the second must be when the time and space of truth is truly destroyed, and the destruction of the world of truth is so great that it will even affect the stability of the entire sealing world. , At this time, the mysterious place will act, and as long as you enter it once, you will be able to automatically enter it in the future when the time and space of truth is formed, avoiding the calamity of the era.”

Hearing the words of the hider, the Redeemer thought. Then he looked at him and asked the last question: “Then, I have one more question for you. Do you know that the seventh-rank commander will appear in the battle?”

The hider looked at the Lord of Redemption, nodded slowly and said: “You are very keen, it is not without reason that you can grow up to now, then I tell you, when you see the seventh-order commander appear, there are only two things you have to do, first One thing, completely detonated the world of truth. Only this kind of power can get a trace of vitality from the hands of the seventh-order, and the second is to use the destruction of the world of truth to maximize the power of your civilization palace, and play a nihilistic sign in nothingness. Then hide, try your best to hide, if you can hold on until the mysterious place opens the door to you, then you will be saved, if you can’t hold on, then the chance of others getting caught is 99%. And you get caught. The probability is 100%, there will never be any accident, this is the power of the seventh order.”

Hearing the words of the hider, the Lord of Redemption sank in his heart, and his eyes were gloomy. Looking at the hider who was slowly disappearing after finishing speaking, he knew that he was in big trouble.

According to his calculations, it is enough for a few sixth-order civilization-level powerhouses to lead troops to invade the time and space of truth, and a seventh-order commander is completely redundant, but now it seems that the fundamental goal is the existence of sixth-order civilization. No level existence can escape, unless you can enter the mysterious place, or break through the seventh level, break through the seal, and enter the real nothingness.

Entering that mysterious place is good to say, but if you want to break through into the seventh-order, an era of time, it is simply impossible, and even the most amazing people can’t do it. If you want to reach the seventh-order pass, Resource, talent, opportunity and time are all indispensable. Since countless epochs, no one can do this thing to see how terrifying the seventh-order threshold is.

In the hall of civilization, four figures gathered here, Tang San’s eyes were indifferent and ruthless: “Now it seems that it is similar to what we guessed, our situation is very dangerous, in comparison, the others are much better.”

The Lord of Redemption nodded and said: “The problem of the mysterious place is too random. If we put our hope there, maybe we will have no choice but to end up in a dead, so we only have one way, three corpses. Return to one, achieve the seventh rank, break the seal, and escape the cage.”

Tang San’s deity nodded and said: “Yes, there is only this way, but if we want to reach this way, we must all successfully hit the sixth rank. When the world is shattered, extract the remaining origin of the entire world and inject the seeds of time and space of truth into it. A truly perfect river of destiny evolves, and then we make the final transformation, using the killer tool to break through all the difficulties in one fell swoop.”

Feeling the inexhaustible relic sleeping in his body, Tang San’s eyes showed a gleam of brilliance. Last time he rushed into the disaster of fate, mobilized the power of fate to refine himself, condensed the foundation of civilization, and already vaguely grasped the inexhaustible relic. Mystery, the origin of this thing is probably so scary that he can’t even imagine it, because the breath he feels is really amazing.

Time passed quickly, and decades passed in a blink of an eye. After the war entered a tug-of-war, the defense line of the sky and the earth was completely caught in a situation of intertwined teeth. Bloody battles were taking place every moment. The masters of the alliance are fighting from the sky to the earth, vying for every inch of land.

First of all, I would like to thank the readers for their clicks, recommendations, subscriptions, collections and support. I also thank the book friends “Nai Canghai”, “Fiction Fan Xun” and “Han Yanran” for their reward and support. Tianji will continue to work hard. (To be continued.)

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