Infinity Armament

Book 5: Chapter 48: Black Pearl (part 1)

The big black ship in the distance was like a black swordfish. If it only looked like a ghost image at first, then when Hong Lang took up the telescope, the ship's details could be seen clearly.

The first thing that caught the eye was the strange bow.

Compared with the Black Pearl in the movie, the Black Pearl in front of them was longer and thicker. If the Flying Dutchman's prow was like a giant shark, then the Black Pearl's was as if the medieval knight's long lance, with a soul-stirring momentum.

The waves slammed the hull and surged up. The voice of the shouting whistle could be heard vaguely and reverberantly.

"What the hell! It's so fast! I haven't seen a sailing boat that quick!" Hong Lang hysterically yelled.

Looking from afar, the Black Pearl loomed on the surface of the sea. It moved so fast, its figure expanded in their eye with the speed of a flying arrow.

Shen Yu revisited the telescope and constantly adjusted the focal length of the telescope and calculated its speed: “The speed is 25 knots, and it is still accelerating… It's almost 30 knots. It's a submarine! ”

"This is incredible." Exclaimed Wen Rou: "It is impossible for sailing to reach such a high speed!"

“Even with the modern high-speed sailing boat, that was the fastest speed can be achieved theoretically. When it goes to the Black Pearl, it becomes normal speed.” Shen Yi answered that he was still watching.

"Our ship sails at only 7 knots, it is impossible to outrun Black Pearl," said Jin Gang.

"Then do not run, ready to go to war, they are straight toward us." Wen Rou replied.

Hong Lang licked his lower lip: "This is a monster worth 6000BP, don't know how bad it will be."

This was not the six thousand BP made up of twelve small pirate ships, but one of the BOSSes in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Even Shen Yi did not dare to expect how kind Captain Jack Sparrow could perform under such circumstances – pirates were pirates. The occasional compassion could make them more famous, but the important point was "occasional", not "compassion".

But at this moment, there was a sudden sharp cry.

"Look behind!"

At the same time, everyone turned their backs and saw that there was also a huge warship in the rear of his own.

It was a super huge golden battleship.

It looked a full lap larger than the largest sailing boat of the 16th century. The bow did not have a large chamfer, obviously not an impact ship. Some parts of the hull were covered with fireproof leather, which could effectively prevent the attack of shells and flames.

There were three decks on the hull, and each side has a large number of artillery on its side, including the rapid-fire heavy artillery like the one on the HMS Rover, but the caliber was larger. The dense artillery windows made people feel numb at first sight.

If the Black Pearl was like a speeding hurricane, then the golden giant ship is like an iceberg moving slowly over the sea – not too fast, but giving a feeling full of strength and oppression.

On the main deck of the golden giant ship, a red and blue flag with a dark blue background hung high.

"It's HMS Dauntless!" exclaimed Wen Rou: "The flagship of the British Royal Navy!"

Hong Lang's expression was stagnant: "Damn, what's wrong with our luck? The two ultimate warships in the Pirates of the Caribbean have come out together."

Jin Gang corrected: "It should be said that the two ultimate battleships in addition to the Flying Dutchman."

"Fuck, I don't need you to correct this." Hong Lang did not have an uproar.

Shen Yi looked at the HMS Dauntless and then looked back at the Black Pearl. Finally, he said, "So this is the case. They did not come for us."

"What do you say?" everyone surprised.

He pointed to the Black Pearl: "Look!"

The Black Pearl was like a sea tornado rolling towards the merchant fleet.

The HMS Dauntless at the rear also approached this side.

Their fleet actually became virtually a midpoint between two ships.

"I understand." Jin Gang exclaimed: "They came for the other side."

"Yes." Shen Yi nodded.

The pirate and the navy were natural enemies, and it's normal for them to attack each other.

However, this time the two BOSS-class warships collided with each other, and they happened to appear between the two. It was quite a coincidence.

"What do we do now?" Facing this situation, Hong Lang was dizzy.

"What can we do?" Shen Yi replied: "Let's become innocent bystanders."

Jin Gang reluctantly reminded: "Beware of ‘when the gods fight, mortals suffer.'"

Shen Yi coldly replied: "They are not gods, we are not mortal."

He jerked his head and shouted: "Turn 25 degrees, raise the left mast to take the wind, keep the sail half-open!"

The sailors quickly followed the instructions.

The fleet quickly sailed away from the central belt and left the battle area. The distance between the Black Pearl and HMS Dauntless was getting closer and closer and gradually formed a big triangle trend.

As Shen Yi expected, the Black Pearl really did not aim at them. The ship flew straight toward the HMS Dauntless. From the distance, they could even see a man standing the ship's head. He was wearing a triangular cap and carrying a large sword, stood proudly at the forefront.

The line of sight gradually became clear and Shen Yi could even see the man's eyes.

They were facing each other for a moment, and then they both looked at HMS Dauntless.

"That's Jack Sparrow?" asked Jin Gang curiously.

"I don't know, I can't see his face clearly, but he looks really good." Hong Lang muttered.

As team Break Blade's members whispering, the two battleships are getting closer and closer.

"Seven hundred meters, six hundred and fifty meters, six hundred meters, five hundred and fifty meters, five hundred meters…" Shen Yi carefully calculated the distance.

As the distance was shortened, the HMS Dauntless slowly turned its large body, welcoming the Black Pearl.

With a roar of thunder, dozens of artillery fired at the same time, as if dozens of beasts were roaring. A series of rising white smoke exploded in the Caribbean Sea.

If the HMS Rover's firepower could turn the sea surface into a fountain, then the firepower of the HMS Dauntless turned the surface of the sea to a boiling water pot. At the same time, hundreds of cannonballs were accurately positioned and fall almost entirely within the same area, forming huge, dense, and powerful waves!

The Black Pearl was like a frog jumping into boiling water. After being heated by boiling water, it suddenly jumped up. It rushed out of the giant wave area and changes abruptly from the original straight line, turning in a zigzag route while still going toward HMS Dauntless.

The artillery kept firing, rolling waves curled around the Black Pearl, and from afar, the Black Pearl was like a heavy truck driving into a pond. The hulls slammed large torrents on both sides.


A shell hit one side of the hull of the Black Pearl, and the wood chips flew.

A sailor shouted and flew into the air in a huge explosion.

Not waiting for him to fall, but also two consecutive rounds of shells hit the deck and the other side of the hull and the debris fluttered in the air, like a whirlwind leaf, whistling and circling.

The shells kept raining down and the whistle buzzed, forming a continuous long tone…

At that moment, this spectacular and fierce scene made team Break Blade feel like they had returned to the battlefields of World War II. The sky was full of smoke and there were shells everywhere.

All of this was caused by an ancient 16th-century warship.

"My mother, this is an old-fashioned warship?" Hong Lang murmured: "A modern cruiser has no such firepower."

"Even if there are two F22 planes on board, I won't be surprised." Shen Yi said.

Compared to the HMS Dauntless' and terrifying firepower, he was even more surprised at the performance of the Black Pearl.

Despite facing such majestic firepower, the damage to Black Pearl was minimal. This was not because the HMS Dauntless attack is not accurate. In fact, those cannonballs were abnormally accurate. Shen Yi was almost certain that he himself had to face it, then one or two rounds were enough to sink his entire fleet.

But the Black Pearl was different.

Not only its speed was too fast, but it was also too agile!

When the shells were still in the air, the Black Pearl could always turn ahead of time and avoid the most concentrated area. Not only that, it could even use the turbulent waves to build its own momentum, just like what Shen Yi had done with HMS Rover, quickly jumped from one area to another. This incredible ability to control ships has exceeded the limit of practical application, it existed only in this fantasy world. Its dexterity and speed were like the vehicles under the control of Zhou Yiyu, completely subverting the laws of physics.

The Black Pearl kept escaping and circumventing in the vast waves, and it now was 300 meters from the HMS Dauntless.

This was where the fire is most dense. The waves were like boiling water in an autoclave, the steam was constantly blowing out. The Black Pearl runs in the wind and waves like a rainy swift soaring freely.

When it evacuated again horizontally and escaped another round of cannonballs, Hong Lang and others finally couldn't help but shout: "Well done! Shen Yi, did you see what this ship did just now? It's like a person playing parkour on land!"

"It's really beautiful!"

"As long as the distance is shortened to two hundred meters, they will be able to attack the HMS Dauntless." Jin Gang said quietly, "I'm sure that the Black Pearl can rush up so unscrupulously because fighting at close range ensures their victory."

The British navy has powerful long-range firepower, the pirates were good at fighting on board. This has been confirmed by the previous battles.

"The problem is that they may not be so easily approaching the HMS Dauntless." Wen Rou suddenly said.

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