Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

A song to celebration

Francis apparently went to spy on the Dragonborns. Without me around she sure is adventurous, well, it's my fault that the students kept getting attacked by animals and messing with her all the time.

Do I feel bad? Not for someone I'm being petty about.

It's nice to not have her around here.

"Now, is someone confident enough to tell me if El Dorado is truly made of gold?", I asked them all.

The students look around at each other, deciding on who should they sacrifice to me. I love feeling imposing, I am already tall so sitting on the coffin makes me even taller.

Eventually, Armyllis came up.

"I believe the stones of El Dorado are not made of gold.", she proclaimed.

"Can you share with the class why that is the case?", I tilt my head with an amused smile.

"Umm... the color and shine might be similar to that of gold, but the texture from the look of it isn't gold. It is too rough to be gold.", that was her answer.

"Anyone else?", I look around to see if anyone else volunteers.

"Mike Efton?", I tilt my head.

"Well... I think it's some sort of pyrite.", he answered simply.

"Come on now, let's hear all of your answers.", I smile as I switch my sitting position to crossing my legs.

After the first two, ten more students spoke their opinion. Most agreed that El Dorado is not made of gold, despite the shining city behind them.

"For the rest who are afraid to speak up, when we get back send me an email. Those who answered today will get bonus points.", I stated as I hopped down the coffin.

"We are getting points?", a student asked.

"Yes, but I won't tell you guys what constitutes those points.", I answered his question, "Now then, gather around the campfire, and I shall sing for you all."

I summoned Anima Lacero right in front of them, which made them question me.

"Professor, you can teleport stuff?", Armyllis asked me.

"Yup, with some Alchemy.", I raised my right hand to display some sparks.

"It is... excessive.", she said with a frown.

"True.", I shrug and begin to tune this guitar. I fiddle with it a bit and find out that there is a way to dial back the elemental amplification last year around March.

I like using dangerous things because they make me feel giddy, but at the same time, if I can prevent an accident not of my own design or intention then I would. This guitar is a murder weapon, even I had it rough with this thing.

By rotating the Alchemical Circle on the body, I can change the intensity of its amplification.

I plucked the strings, playing a chord that made everyone shiver, announcing that this would be a wild ride.

I hopped off the coffin and went over to the campfire. Taking off my gloves and display my glowing scars, I began to play while humming to myself a soft melody.

Let the song begin!

"Mhmm~ hm~ mh~
Against the tide of nature~
We whet our steel~
We filled our bullets~
For the hunt we feel."

I closed my eyes, gliding my thumb's nail against the string.

"The moon it rises,
The night turns cold,
But in the shadows,
We grow bold~"

I played a rift, changing the tone of the song.

"With the wind at our backs,
We push through the storm.
Facing the wild where our courage is born~
Through forests thick and mountains tall,
We hunt~ we fight~ we rise~ we fall~!"

I look around, seeing everyone entranced by my song, they spoke no words, just standing there and enjoying my beautiful voice.

"The wolves they howl,
The bears do prowl,
But we stand firm~
We take no bow~
With arrows drawn,
And rifles high,
We stake our claim,
Beneath the sky~"

I tapped my foot against a golden tile, creating a slow drum beat.

"With the wind at our backs,
We push through the storm.
Facing the wild where our courage is born~
Through forests thick and mountains tall,
We hunt~ we fight~ we rise~ we fall~!

The rivers rage,
The trees may break,
But we’ll survive,
For nature’s sake~!
We conquer beasts,
And meet our foes,
The fire in us,
Forever glows~!"

I tune the melody down, making it softer.

"With the wind at our backs,
We push through the storm.
Facing the wild where our courage is born~
Through forests thick and mountains tall,
We hunt~ we fight~ we rise~ we fall~!"

And I plucked the last string, letting my voice end the song.

"Against the tide of nature,
Our spirits soar,
We’ll fight this battle,

I put the guitar down, letting it all sink in for them. Mitsuki then began to clap, and they all followed suit.

"You should sing more, professor!"

"You are amazing!"

"That was awesome!"

"One more song! Please!"


More cheers for me, complimenting my amazing voice. I know I am the best at everything I do, but it always feels nice to feel validated.

"I said I'll only sing one song, but I might change my mind later. I went ahead and grabbed some skewers of grilled capybara meat.

It is good, but Americans love their spices, so it is a bit too intense for my liking. I am Greek after all, I like my food mild because food is all about enjoyment while keeping a balanced diet.

A student came running to me... huh, she was bleeding seemingly mauled by an animal... but the cuts are a bit too clean. Her name is Rianna Dolan.

"Pr-Professor! There is something hiding inside the forest!", she cried out to me.

"Calm down now.", I snapped my eyes toward a student, "You, get some emergency aid, we have to stop the bleeding."

"Yes, ma'am!", he ran off to the storage area.

I quickly got a hold of her and helped her lay down on my thighs. I then took off Ars Goetia and ripped the bottom part of her shirt, using it to wrap above her bicep and apply some pressure.

She was in distress, so I began to hum, using Euphoria to influence her mind, and calming her down.

"You will be fine, just trust me.", I whisper to her.

She gave me a nod while crying.

"Professor! Here is the aid kit!", that student came back rather quickly.

"Thanks.", I grabbed it and took out some disinfectant, "Someone get me clean water."

Gai came up and without hesitation, he summoned a ball of water to wash the blood off. Then I began to pour the disinfectant onto her wounds, making her let out a painful cry.

I grabbed the bandage and wrapped it around her arm. Then I grabbed a few pills of painkillers, signaling to Gai as he create another ball of water. I fed her the pills and he gave her the water to down it.

"Did you go alone and what did this to you?", I asked while caressing her head.

"I... I went to collect woods and... something black... like, entirely black... attacked me.", she explained.

This is why I had them going in pairs. And I'm pretty pissed that nobody else tried to help her first, with me singing and Francis going on her adventures...

Oh, speak of the devil.

"What the fuck happened here?!", she went back to the camp, her eyes immediately snapped to me with an accusational stare.

"Two students move Rianna close to the campfire and monitor her condition, I have to discuss something with Francis.", I gently gave her to a male and female student, having them carry her to the fire.

Someone already laid out a sleeping bag for her to rest on.

"Come with me.", I spoke to Francis, then I snapped to Mitsuki, "Mugen, you too."

"You better explain what is going on!", the Queen didn't even bother hiding her hostility.

"Tindalos.", I said that one word, and her expression changed.

We made our way deeper into the forest surrounding El Dorado.

I crossed my arms, leaning against a tree.

"So, what is this all about?", Mitsuki tilts her head, asking with a smile.

"I thought I got rid of the Replica of the Lord of Tindalos, seeing the Dungeon being able to exit it and all...", I clicked my tongue, "I overlooked the part that I didn't see any victory notification and The World Border doesn't want to talk to me."

Then a blue screen appears just to annoy me.

[It is more interesting this way :) ]

"You have The World Border with you all this time?!", Francis yelled at me.

"Yes, now onto the main point.", I brushed her aside, "The Replica is somewhere out there..."


I summoned Galatine, pointing it toward Francis, and pulled the trigger. She dodged the point-blank shot and glared at me with fury.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!", she yelled at me again.

"Tch, I missed.", I clicked my tongue, walking past her and not answering her at all, "Mitsuki, just run straight."

I can't use Maloce here with the students around, Just too as it has very noticeable visual effects...

That leaves...

"Let us play a Game, of Joy and Despair."

I cracked my knuckles as golden crystals began to grow, and my eyes turned silver.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

As I walk, I leave behind crystals with every step I take. From my hands to my forearms, a pair of golden gauntlets with silver trim formed.

"Making it through the Path of Pain and Despair with Joy and Laughter, for the Elation all Chase and Reject."

A pair of golden greaves formed on my feet, and my speed increased. I broke into a sprint.

"For the Future I Hope to Grasp."

Parts of my hair turn a shining magenta, glittering with a golden shine.

"For the Euphoria I shall Achieve."

The mass of shapes was in my sight, smaller than once it was a Boss. I don't need Justice for this one...

I summon the Emblem of Monte Cristo, igniting my fist in golden flame.

"This is my Stage now!!"

I punched the ground, creating a burst of golden flame that crystallized. Mitsuki and Francis also came just in time...

"Game... set."

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