Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Final Voyage: The Land of Abominations

When the creatures of the abyss stirred, they heeded the call of the World, in the city of eternal twilight, in the nation of everlasting darkness.

The Dragon awakes, its giant body lumbers as the sea ripples. And it let out a terrifying roar, waking up all the denizens of the deep.

And watching the Dragon waking up is a blade of absolute darkness, drawn upon the guardian of the depth. The burning purple gaze of the Fragment of the Universe focused. Her target is the Priest of Gaia...

Cthulhu, the mass of primordial sludge formed into a humanoid dragon with the head of an octopus. It roared as the Last Dragon and the False Dragon clashed.

Anti-matter blade against the claws of creation.

Each of their attacks shook the Sunken City, the abominations of the deep watched on as the two beings fought.

While in the background, a sinister smile bloomed. A woman dressed in darkness, her crimson eyes gleefully watch the two fight for dominance. The blade that can cut anything against the body that can regenerate from nothing.

And another shadow watches, one seemingly fused with the darkness cast by the crumbling ruins of the city. It too smiled, as it awaited the chance to strike.




Alright... here is the thing... there is a huge fucking storm that threatens to capsize even my ship. And the students aren't doing any better...

Still, I calmly smoke my cigarette as I stand against the immense wind. I have to do something about this...

I summon Quirinus, "In the Name of Humanity, Protect this vessel from the Storm."

The lance resonates with me, its spikes glowing red as a wall of wind surrounds the entire ship. The wind is dealt with, but the rocking sea is another problem...


A seagull landed on my shoulder.

"The Other Ego had made their move.", they chirped.

I scowled.

"So I took my sweet time... and this is what happened?", I clicked my tongue, "Tch, so much for one final trip before doomsday."

I am now in a terrible mood, my plan was destroyed like some sort of roleplaying game where the game master decided to fuck the story progression.

"Utopia, send all the students and the other two back on land in a speedboat. Prioritize their safety.", I commanded.

"[As you Command, Your Highness.]"

I took in a deep breath, this is going to be tough...

"Avalon, wait for me at Atlantis Minor. We are heading straight into the belly of the beast with this."

A flock of seagulls began to gather, and Utopia set to fly in that direction... to the Atlantic Ocean, where Atlantis Minor is.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I need to be serious...

"Abandon all Logic, and Unleash my Madness."

Boiling purple steam enveloped my body, as well as circuit lines pulsing throughout my skin.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

"Let my Delusion run Wild, without Bound, without Reason."

I leaned against Ouroboros Omniscia, opening the front of the coffin... it has been a long time since I used this... some modifications were made too.

"I Cast upon the World a Falsehood, for the Eternal Flame to burn."

A scarf made of lavender steam wrapped around my neck, and my eyes turned to silver. I wield my gauntlet, crackling it with electricity.

"For the Forever History of Humanity, I shall Chase that Illusion."

I summoned Walpurgis Festival, and with a snap of my finger, a giant portal was made in front of the ship. The birds flew through it, as well as my vessel.

"Walking the path of Human... I shall rule all."

I stroked Ouroboros Omniscia, transforming it into four sword hilts, floating around me. They all ignited into sabers of light.

Amidst the rolling sea and dark clouds, covered by a heavy layer of thick mist. Ugh... the smell... this is putrid as fuck. I'm glad I didn't go here instead of El Dorado.

My glasses turned into a mask, covering my face and filtering the air.

"Fu...", I closed my eyes.


The ship crashed into the island, sending me forward from the sudden stop. I landed perfectly onto the soft grassland... it felt more like a bog with the constant floating.

A seagull landed on my shoulder.

"Open the entrance."

Then another one.

"Give Kalpas a way to the World's Abyss."

More birds surround me.

"So we may kill."

"End the Great Game."


Ending the Great Game, huh... this should be fun.

"Where is the entrance—", I stopped myself.

The calculations are finished...

I see...

I reached down, parting the moss... Runes, this entire landmass is made of Runes. Now... how should I open this?

I commanded one of my swords to slice the ground open.


The blade severed through the moss and vines... huh, it's this easy? It's the same feeling I get from entering Londinium's portal, this ominous, off-putting sensation. Where the blade touched, I could only see a black void.

"Take this.", a bird dropped a plastic bag full of clay onto my free hand.

This familiar feeling... Enkidu's clay. This is for the Records of Nature to take root, which I believe is the most valuable asset.

"Alright.", I clenched the bag of clay.

"Utopia, as the Silver Princess of Humanity, I command you to bring down a Hammer of God."

"[As you Command, Your Highness.]"

The Hammer of God is a kinetic weapon developed by the Mi6 as an alternative to nuclear weapons. Dropping down a 6-meter-long, 0.3-meter-wide tungsten rod from orbit, yielding...

—a rod approaches the center of this island, which is about the same size as O'ahu in Hawaii— impressive speed of Mach 10, resulting—


—An explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb.

The protection from Quirinus was more than enough to protect me from the blast.

I walked toward the giant portal, a dark abyssal vortex that leads to the Sunken City. I gulped, not wanting to go in...

But I have to...

This is my duty.

The birds had already flown in, each bird replaced by monstrous beasts of epic proportion...

I too dropped in with my eyes closed, feeling the weightlessness of the abyss, then the pressure of the sea, then nothing, and finally... the clash of power underneath it all.

This place is R'lyeh, the Capital of Atlantis... illuminated by a false sun of bioluminescence siphonophores.

And the residents... the Sea People, abominations without form to call their own, engaging with the thousands of beasts belonging to the Hivemind.

I quickly slice the bag open, spreading the clay of Shar... and the Flower of Life, in all of its brilliant white light, bloomed before me. And thousands of puppets made of stone, dirt, and plants emerged.

The world rumbles as behemoths crawl out from the Flower, their roar filled with the primordial cry of nature.

Against this amount... I can see why Sinclair was so desperate. Without Ambition, I can't imagine what I could do against these things.

Amidst the ruins of this city, pillars bearing similarity to ancient Greek architecture, buildings resembling Egyptian houses, and towers following the form of Asian temples. And curves structures following the current of the sea.

We are underwater, yet I can breathe normally...

I just have a terrible idea.

"Open, Gate of Akasha.", I commanded, opening a giant dark void in the sky...

"I call upon you, Vessel of my Silver Knight, Prydwen!!!"

My ship went through the portal, crashing onto the battlefield.

"Utopia! I command you to transform!"

The ship transformed into its angel form, and it began to fire indiscriminately, at Avalon, Kalpas, and the Sea People. All suffered by my Silver Knight's barrels.

"One more time! Open, Gate of Akasha!", the black portal above me pulsed, "Come! The Grand Treasury Beyond Love and Hatred! Legacy of Monte Cristo!!"

A flood of golden coins filled the place, its Curse began to disrupt the form of the Sea People, letting the armies finish off them more easily.

I raised my hand and snapped my finger. Hundreds of spells fired at the same time, and the blades began to dance around me as I walked forward.

"I summon thee, the Beats of 72 Demonic Hearts.", I channel my power, and the circuits flash on my skin once again, "Manifest yourself, Demons of Solomon."

The Demons of Hell formed, which rushed to clear a way for me. My destination, the Temple of R'lyeh.

This combination is the most versatile one, the power of both Survive and Delusion, together they grant me two extra abilities. The power to control everything with my mind, Telekinesis, and the power to control technology, Technomancy.

This is why I can condense and split the power of Ouroboros Omniscia without unleashing the near-infinite amount of stuff Sinclair stored in there.


There is something strange in the air. My eyes snapped toward a shadow cast by a house... something that can manipulate shadows...

I will keep that in mind.

For now... The Priest of Gaia.

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