Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Let us play a Game

WARNING: This chapter contains gore.


It has been a week after killing The Crawling Chaos, nothing really bad happened except for students dreading over the fact that I, the Princess of Humanity herself, am too difficult of a teacher.

Can you believe that?

Well, I have pent-up frustration I am letting out slowly, but still, they are too rude.

But today is the day I have to fulfill my Contract with Welt Ealam the World Border. I am going to disrupt a tournament between the strongest of an entirely different system.

Which is why I am in my ship in its aircraft mode.

"Utopia, what is the significant thing about Welt Ealam's system?"

"[It contains twenty-four worlds with Gates that link all of them together, Your Highness.]"

A sun with twenty-four planets, that's quite interesting.

For this expedition to another system, I think I'll only use the Legacy of Monte Cristo and Fallen Starlight. I had already equipped Prydwen with Ouroboros Omniscia, so raining down terror upon the world isn't too much of a hassle. It is always good to travel light, after all.

Well, if you consider bringing a hundred thousand tons of steel is light. There is only Utopia, Lughz Dustur, and me on this ship. I sent Enna away since I don't want her to be in my way.

I don't need an inhibitor, I need an enabler. Utopia is my perfect hypeman after all, while Lughz Dustur is just... idling around.

[Are you ready to go on a long voyage?]

"Wait.", I just remember something, "I'll come back to the same timeline, same time as I left, right?"

[Yes, you will be back with a time displacement of <3-10 hours>]

That isn't so bad...

"Then let's go... a voyage beyond the stars."

An iridescent portal opens before the ship, a wormhole connecting worlds together. It is beautiful in the sense that it is incomprehensible, a vortex of color that leads elsewhere.

"Let us play a Game, Meaningless and Beautiful."

Silver and gold sparked around me as the ship flew towards the portal.

"Embrace the Void, Dive into Infinity."

"On the Path of Pain and Despair, a Candle to guide the Way to Salvation."

My right eye turned silver while my left gold, glimmering gold and silver dyed my hair. We crossed into the portal.

"The Hope that brings Endless Potential."

Ars Goetia's bluish-white fabric turned golden, and the silver trim shine more brilliantly. Across this colorful space... I feel not a sense of discomfort, as if I walk into a park or a garden, just like when I enter a Dungeon.

"I shall bring upon a Dystopia, a Beautiful Utopia ."

I held the Emblem of Monte Cristo, its fire changed into a golden flame crackling with silver electricity.

Then we exit the portal in a flash...

"So Wait, and Hope."

Flying amongst the cloud, I can see a grand structure in the distance... a floating arena made of cogs and unfamiliar Runes. It was big, as if it could hold an ecosystem of its own there... despite being an engineering feat of the Fakes, I must say... it is beautiful.

Imma steals the design.

Then a screen popped up. It is a red one, unlike the previous blue screens.

[Requesting integration of Alpha System]

"Do I really have to do this?", I frowned, crossing my arms.

[For the greater <Narrative> of this World, yes]

"Fine... but I expect this to be removed once I get back.", I glare at the screen.

[As you wish ;) ]

Then I got my own character sheet...

Name: Charlotte Silvi
Title: Silver Princess of Humanity (composite Title), Stardust Hunter
Level: <ERROR> (Fate Value too high to calculate)

-Health: 100%
-Stamina: <ERROR>
-Mana: N/A

-Strength: ???
-Dexterity: ???
-Consitution: ???
-Intelligence: ???
-Wisdom: ???
-Charisma: ???

-Akasha (Special Skill) (Composite) (Rank: ???)
-Library of Humanity (Special Skill) (Rank: ???)
-Soul Link (Special Skill) (Rank: S)

-Alchemy (Active Skill) (Rank: ???)

-World of Chalk (Ultimate Skill) (Manifestation) (Rank: A)
-Enuma Elis (Ultimate Skill) (Extinction) (Rank: SSS)
-World Breaker (Ultimate Skill) (Extinction) (Rank: SSS)
-Phantasmal Denial (Ultimate Skill) (Rewrite) (Rank: ???)

-Plot Armor (Hidden Skill) 

Huh, this look... more disappointing than impressive. Why the fuck is all my status question marks? And Plot Armor? Why the hell do I need that in the first place?

Another red screen popped up.

[System successfully intergrated]

[Assigning Role...]

[Role Assigned]

[Tale End]

"You want this to be disruptive, right?"

[ :) ]

"Give out the prompt to the people...", I smiled, "Utopia, transform!"

"[As you Command, Your Highness]"

Prydwen began to transform, I leaned back as a throne formed behind me, moving me into the command bridge.

The countless terminals lit up, showing the parameters of the mecha. The flying form isn't a mermaid, but an Angel with four pairs of wings made of thousands of thruster, four arms, and no legs - only a crystal-like structure to keep the form look nice.

This uses up a lot of power, but luckily, Utopia's Core has something called a Perpetual Engine that can generate infinite energy.

The mermaid form I had named Ruina Syreni, going full Latin with it.

For this angelic form... Angel of Warfare.

And now, this giant Warmachine had pointed its barrels at this world.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder...", the golden coins start spilling out from the ceiling, flooding the command bridge.

I held the Emblem to my chest, and I cracked a crazed smile.

"I shall grant Finality."




[Rite of Steel and Gunpowder]

[A trial for all people under the Sun's Gaze]

[A Princess of another World shall come and test]

[Are you worthy of your Existence?]

[Is your cause worth fighting for?]

[Tale End: Defeat the Silver Princess]


As soon as the screen popped up for everyone in the stadium, a hail of bullets rained down, killing people indiscriminately.

A mother saw her child turned into red mist, before turning into one herself shortly after. 

A pair of lizardmen tried to get to shelter, only to have their bodies pierced and explode into piles of gore.

An Elf cast a barrier to protect everyone, but it was not enough against the rain. Everyone got hit and burned by incendiary rounds.

A turtleman tried to shield his lover, but the bullet rain pierced through his shell, yet not fully - they ended up exploding and burning from the inside out. His body fell, crushing his lover.

The two combatants had no time to react, they could only protect themselves from the incoming storm.

A woman in red and black, wielding a gunblade. Her cold gaze trembled as she looked at the sky...

The rain of bullets ceased. For merely three seconds, almost all from the stadium were dead, with the remaining heavily injured.

132,904,015,870 people were shot to death.

2,544,764 people were heavily injured by the rain.

Rose Avensir, the Dark Hero of the World Walker War, who had seen countless people die before, eaten by monsters beyond comprehension. She had never seen such brutality.

Compared to savages, this level of destruction was sickening. She wanted to vomit, but she had to stay strong...

Her opponent did not have the same calmness as her.

The hero in blue, a man who looks ordinary yet is the Hero of The Fallen Terror, Devan Ringelotrtiddr, who single-handedly stopped a Tale End Event. He almost witnessed the end of the world... yet he cannot stomach this level of inhumane.

She returned to what she was looking at in the sky, a silver eight-winged angel descended - a 60-meter tall being with a wingspan of 120 meters, a holy being made of metal, with every part of its body covered guns of all shapes and sizes.

As it gets closer, all the people here... hear the music made from the moving parts of the angel, cooling liquid coursing through its veins, the screeching heat it expelled, and the haunting sound of weapons reloading.

One can only watch as the false divinity goes quiet. Its head, bearing the symbol of an eight-pointed star, stares down at them. Its guns roared to life, pointing at everyone in the stadium.

But then, its guns lowered and its chest opened. A woman in silver and gold stepped out, wearing a silver mask bearing the eight-pointed star.

"Greetings, people of this Star System.", her voice was serene, like a whisper in the wind. Yet the pressure was like an oppressing roar, "I am the Silver Princess of Humanity, and I am here to bring you a game—"

Someone shouted at her, "You fucking piece of—"


They were vaporized by a blue lazer beam from the mechanical angel.

"[Do not Interrupt Her Highness.]", the angel spoke in a booming gravely tone.

"Thank you, Utopia.", the woman nodded, "Now..."

She snapped her finger, summoning a black portal that blanketed the entire sky.

"Let us play a Game, of Destiny and Despair."

Gold coins rain from the sky, crashing down upon the stadium like a glittering storm.

"There are a total of eight million coins scattered around this place. For two coins you gather, you can revive one person—"

She disappeared in a flash of white lightning and appeared on the arena ground.

"But be careful, if two of you wish for the same person, the wish will be nullified."

She stepped in between the two Heroes, with both of them on guard about her.

"With the time limit being...", a marble rifle appeared, "When I defeat the Heroes of this system."

"Let me introduce myself again.", she flicked her mask up, revealing her face, and turned into a silver crown.

Instantly, Rose and Devan felt the oppressing gaze of her heterochromatic eyes. Those eyes, they bear the power of a foreign Eldritch God - carrying the power of The Pale Court - the Eyes of Judgement.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, the Silver Princess of Humanity.", she cracked a wide smile and her eyes opened wide, "But not yours."

She appeared behind Devan, stabbing the bayonet into his back1 if you don't remember, yes, Charlotte attached a bayonet to Fallen Starlight back when she created it. But the Hero tried to backhand her before it went too deep—

But all he felt when she caught his arm was an indestructible wall.


Rose fired her gunblade, using the brief gap with Devan between them.


But Charlotte caught the bullet between her teeth with a cocky smile. Devan yanked his arm out of her grasp, almost ripping his arm off— and he got away from her.

He got to Rose's side, staring down at the Silver Princess.

"Well, what the hell do we do about her?", he tried to lighten the mood.

"...", Rose was being silent, observing Charlotte as she spit out the bullet.

"Hmm, an alloy between Palladium and Silver.", she nodded, "Neat."

Then she stomped the ground.


A wave of golden flame flew towards them. Rose disappeared into red mist while Devan enveloped himself in an ethereal layer of armor— and he bore the consequences.

"ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!", the flame ate through his shield, his armor, burning not only his flesh by his very soul.

Yet he kept on resisting the flame, not letting it consume him— but Charlotte did not give him time as she appeared in front of him.

She casually points her rifle at his chest. There is no way Charlotte would let her prey get a character development. And she pulled the trigger. 

A beam of light pierced his chest, and then they went to the other side, splitting into eight beams that flew toward the sky. At the apex, the beams merged into a singular bullet. It fell down towards Devan, its light shining bright like a celestial body.

Like a Fallen Starlight.

And it pierced Devan's skull, going through his entire body. But Charlotte feels he is not dead yet.

"A bit uncouth of me...", she plunged her hand through his chest, penetrating to the other side. She ripped her hand out, holding his heart.

[You have defeated <Enemy of Finality - Level 100>]

[0 experience gained]

"One down...", her eyes snapped toward the other side of the area, seeing through Rose's invisibility, "One more to go."

"Let the hunt begin..."

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