Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Planning for the journey

"Alright, remember that you can only explore the deck and the guest quarter, anything below that is off-limit.", I remind them, "Do you get that?"

Most of them look tense, murmuring to each other. Some of them decided to ignore my call and wander off. I can see Armillys staring at the sea.

"Relax, take your time, and enjoy the trip.", I laughed, "The time to worry about your own survival hasn't arrived yet."

I crossed my arms, "The three students who were selected as the leaders, please step forward for a brief rundown on your responsibilities. The others are dismissed."

I turned around for a brief smoke break, walking toward the edge of the ship. I hopped on the railings and spun around.

"Guan Armillys, Gai Gartena, and Joyce Allen.", I spoke out their names.

Armillys is as straightforward as usual, dressed in an all-green Chinese dress - a mix between armor and elegant clothes. For some reason, the dress code of the Hunter Association includes 'dress as cool as possible', like, it has been there since the third revision back in 1819. Though her emerald hair is too long and... wavy.

Gai Gartena is what you would expect from a jock, someone who is tall and handsome, blond hair combed back neatly, and always with a smile on his face like a certain psychopathic cape-wearing product. He's on the Scout team, and pairly reliable from the documents.

And Joyce Allen, someone who is pretty reclused so I have no idea how they got chosen to be a leader. Wearing a checker pattern scarf, their blue eyes stare into nothing while their light brown hair sways in the salty wind. They are a hermaphrodite as well, but still determine and strong enough to go on this trip.

"Listen up, I have a few things I want you all to do.", I began to speak in a deeper tone, "You three will be responsible for reporting the activities of the other students every night, as well as keeping them from doing anything stupid."

"Armillys will take care of the camp since you are a warden of sorts."

She just rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at me.

"Gai will help Francis coordinate the Scout team, since she's here it's basically on easy mode."

"Well, the Vice has a briefcase full of ghost after all!", he laughed, "This will be easy."

Hah... I have to sabotage Francis later.

"And Joyce, you will give the reports on the Logistic team as well as managing the hunting party for food."

"Umm... what if we can't find any food?", they asked.

"Just look up.", I said cryptically.

Before anyone could ask me another question, I clapped my hands with a smile.

"That's all, I'll return to the command room to discuss some stuff with Francis."

I turn around to look at the open sea, the clear blue sky above, and the ocean reflecting that shine, what a wonderful view. Except for the VERY obvious Eldritch vortex in the Bermuda Triangle region.

The Flood of the Sirius System, Seria said she would deal with it. But I want to fuck with them for some fun, not now though.

"We will take a whole day to get to the drop site, so just relax and plan around if you can.", I pulled my hood up and walked away.




I took off my glasses as soon as I got into the command bridge, sitting down on my throne with a long sigh.

Seria told me to invade India and destabilize its government, which I had already done with Utopia. The U.S. is about to go there and help the country once the Mongol undead legion comes, well, if things go well they will be able to take hold of the government there, an invasion in the guise of helping the war effort.

I did it because it serves my plans, having someone else take the fall is always the right play.

Well, everything plays in my favor after all.

I didn't spend a year fucking around... mostly fucking around, I planted seeds for destabilization everywhere in the world. I can't escape from my destiny as a destroyer, but unlike Sinclair...

I will give humanity the ability to rebuild.

I am a princess, it is only normal for me to care and love my people - mankind.

I shall sing the song of the end, and celebrate the beginning, after all.

"[Your Highness, Mitsuki and Francis are here.]", Utopia informed me.

"Let them in.", I ordered.

"Charlotte!!", Mitsuki rushed in first as I rotated my throne.

"No hugging.", I remind her.

Mitsuki stopped in her tracks, just right before jumping onto me. She let out a dry laugh and scratched her head.

"Sorry~ oh! The students asked if there was any food prepared?", she changed the subject real quick.

"Tell them we will go fishing later.", hmm, a late-night dive doesn't sound so bad.

Then Francis came in, looking around in awe at the control panels and terminals.

"Wow... do you know how to drive this thing?", that was the first thing she asked.

"Well, I know how to drive this ship. But I have my helmsman, Utopia, to drive for me.", I smiled, "He can practically do anything, he's my knight after all."

"Are you two a thing?", Francis asked.

"No.", I instantly shot it down.

"[Of course not, Ghost Maker.]", he followed.

She just stared at me with a slight smug. Well, I choked her and lifted her up in the sky.

"I have no interest in romance, my heart doesn't have enough love for another person.", I tilt my head, "I love myself the most, that is it."

I let her go, dropping her to the ground, and breathing desperately, until she realized she's a Ghost Maker, she's an undead.

"Back to the point at hand.", I turned around with hands behind my back, "We will arrive at our destination at midday tomorrow, so I want to lay out the plans."

I snapped my finger, Utopia displayed a holographic screen for them to see.

"I know the location of El Dorado.", I dropped that first and foremost.

"What?!", Mitsuki exclaimed, pretending to be surprised at the bombshell.

"So this trip is just for fun?", Francis winced.

"I am the Records of Mankind, after all, I know where everything built by humanity is. El Dorado is no exception."

Utopia displays a ruin made of pure gold, the image from his drones shows what this place was like. Once a glowing city of beauty in the past, one the Spanish so desperately want yet never found, overrun by the jungle and bound in the embrace of primordial nature.

"El Dorado.", I summoned the Book of Akasha to my hand, "The City of Gold and Falsehood."

"Why is it called that?", Francis squinted her eyes, "why 'Falsehood'?"

"Because it isn't truly a city of gold, rather... a City of Blood.", I turned to the images, "Each brick is soaked in ichor - the blood of the divine. You could say that El Dorado is a City of Blood."

Surprisingly, this has very little to do with Remus.

"So.", I glare at Francis, "Do you want to go to El Dorado? Or make this trip fruitless?"

The entire room went dark as I brought the decision upon Francis. Mitsuki hopped to my side with a smile.

"...You are so theatric~", she playfully whispered to me.

I just roll my eyes.

"I... prioritize the safety of my students—", I got in up close to her face, startling her.

"Don't you want to experience an adventure?", I waltz behind her, "You don't need to worry about the students because I am here~"

"But...", she's tempted.

"You wanted to experience the world beyond the throne, that is why you made a deal with Death itself.", I whispered in her ears, "A forgotten city protected by powerful enchantments, knowledge lost waiting to be discovered."

I opened my book, and images of a once prosperous civilization of South America appear along the pages, "Beautiful, isn't it? Just think about walking and witness what had become of them in person."

Francis stayed quiet for a moment, thinking and weighing her options.

I can be a manipulator if I want to, and I don't even need Euphoria. The trick to it is information and confidence.

"Fine... we will go to El Dorado...", she reluctantly agreed, then glared at me, "But the survival of the students is top priority."

I smiled and turned around. Utopia turned on the lights again while Mitsuki was amused by my antics. I sat down on my throne, my cheek resting on my knuckles as I crossed my legs.

"You can go and rest for the time being.", I turned the throne around to look cool.

Francis left without another word, she knew that she was in my world now. Here on this ship, I am the rule.

"So~ you hid that from her?", Mitsuki leaned in.

"I didn't hide anything.", I shrugged, "She just didn't ask."

"Utopia, display the footage from last night.", I commanded.

The holographic screen popped up, showing the nighttime scenery of El Dorado. Lurking in the night are not animals, but humanoid draconic beings with feathers on their arms.

The Children of the Winged Serpents, or a collective term for those who carry the blood of Man and Dragon - Dragonborn.

Dragonborn are commonly found in two places, three if we consider El Dorado. Their common features being the possession of scales and draconic horns, albeit small, and their partial ability to use Dragon Tongue - which will cost them their life for a single use.

Southeast Asia with the Children of Fairy and Dragon, through the union and miracle of the Fairy of the Mountain and Sea Dragon, Âu Cơ the Fairy Princess, and Sùng Lãm the Dragon King of Lạc. They have the highest capability for magic and have access to Fey Magic, which the only other nation have access to is Britain.

Then regions of Northern Germany and Poland had the Fafnirean Dragon Slayers, Dragonborns who slayed and drank the blood of Fafnir to gain the power of the Dragon of Greed. Scale armor that makes them practically invulnerable and draconic knowledge that increases their intelligence to the max. Due to the special property of European Dragons always resurrecting due to the Dragon's Curse, those Dragon Slayers are basically potential vessels for Fafnir to return from.

As for these Dragonborns of El Dorado, they can gain the strength of another creature by eating its heart out, like a ritual sacrifice.

El Dorado, please, entertain me... as that would decide if you exist or... forever remain a myth.

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