Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Whisperer in Darkness

Before me were the students, four in total since they thought they could get away from my class. They didn't read the fine prints, so I just busted into their room through the walls and dragged them out, naked or not.

And I forced them to run around the courtyard and to push them beyond their limit with some light exercise. While I just smoke my cigarettes.

"Alright.", I clapped my hands, calling the exhausted students, "We are taking a ten minutes break, after that we will practice what we learned this week."

"Hah... hah...", a boy with raven black hair raised his hand, "Miss Sinclaire... please... we still have an event tomorrow..."

"Yes, and?", I tilted my head.

"Can we finish early?", he stared at me with his green eyes.

Right, there is still the welcoming event. I had already set up my show so that doesn't concern me as much.

"With one condition.", I smiled, "Trying touching the coffin."

He became stunned by that prospect. And his attention was drawn by Ouroboros Omniscia. He hears the seductive whispers of the Soul trapped inside it, beckoning him to get closer...

And so he did, walking closer. The others were watching in silence, waiting for the result of this game of mine. I on the other hand, stood next to the coffin, ready to intervene if something bad happened. In a trance state, he touches—

—the coffin's front split in two, revealing an organic bleeding maw that leads to a dark void—

—I instantly kicked it away before its tongue could shoot out and eat him.

"H-Huh?", he looked at me, "What was I doing?"

He doesn't remember... so the seduction possesses a hypnotic effect.

"Samuel, right?", I asked.

He just nodded, confused.

"You were about to be eaten by that coffin. Since you completed the challenge, you are good to go.", I keep my promises... I think. Did I forget something? I've had my mind reset so much that some memories are incredibly blurry.

I pat his shoulder and sent him away.

"The rest, however, after the break, try to land a hit on me for an hour. If you hit me, you can go home early. I will only be dodging so don't worry."

They stare at me in despair. It means that I would never let them leave... giving into my sadistic side...


This is what it means to be human, unshackled, yet still within the limit of morality - as it is the thing that separates humanity from beast.




I headed back to my room, where I found... Nyarla.

"Hey!", they waved at me, shapeshifting into their woman form, "Just here to check on you for a bit."

They made their way to me, transforming again as they spun around me.

"What do you want?", I sat down on my chair, they now look like a primary school boy with dark purple hair.

"Hmm, nothing too important.", Nyarla changed into a petite girl, hopping on my bed, "I have found some information on the Other Ego of the World."


"What did you find?", I'm all ears now.

"As you probably know, Theia Khaos and Tiamat Abzu are two planets that collided with each other to form Earth as we know.", they proceeded to pull a whiteboard from under my bed.

When the fuck did they get that to my room?

With a marker, Nyarla drew the impact of the two planets.

"So from here, due to the pressure of the impact, the two Egos clashed and tore each other apart. Tiamat won, and what remained formed the Moon. And something was created.", they drew an arrow pointing toward the impact.

"What was created?", is it the Record of the Cosmos?

"It just so happens that The Original One was awake at that time, the impact attracted its tendrils. Luckily, Heliosol cut off them before they could reach the solar system... but they didn't do a good enough job. Resulting in a piece of Azathoth making contact with the fragments from the two planets."

They wiped the board, then drew Earth and the Moon, with an arrow pointing from the moon to Earth.

"When Theia's consciousness reformed on the Moon it took that fragment as its own and sent it towards Earth. That is how the Records of the Cosmos was created, with the intent to destroy Earth."

"I already know that Theia wants to destroy Earth, like some sort of suicide attempt. And Tiamat had to make it a Game out of it.", to this day, it is absurd how a planet thinks its survival is a joke.

"Yes, that's right.", they nodded, turning into a thin adult man, "I had deduced that the Records of the Cosmos is like you described, a Fragment of the Universe itself. By no way it is—"

I felt something wrong, seeing Nyarla become quiet, their eyes shaken in terror—

They coughed violently, letting black smoke spewing out of their mouth. Their transformation began to falter, tendrils coming off of their face, and their mouth became filled with sharp teeth.

"RRRAAGHHH!!!!", Nyarla let out a scream of pure horror and insanity - shaking my entire room.

I immediately summon Quirinus and stab them in the chest. Nyarla went quiet... then they stared at me, their face half transformed, staring at me while their human half constantly changed.

"Charlotte... run.", they warned me with any amount of sanity they had left.

"What is happening to you?", I calmly asked, "You are... changing."

"My Nebula... it collapsed. I cannot hold myself any longer—"

Before they let out another cry, electricity sparked around me.

"Manifest Destiny."

I grabbed their face— in an instant, we crashed through the wall and appeared outside of the academy.

An Eldritch God is connected directly to their Star or Nebula. It is the Core of their personality and entire power comes from.

But what happens when a Star or Nebula collapse?

"Utopia, what happens when a Nebula collapses?", I asked my trusted companion.

I kicked Nyarla away, sending them far as they hit the Enchanted Rock. I don't think I can call that thing Nyarlathotep anymore... it is just The Crawling Chaos now.

"[Your Highness, when a Nebula collapses it would form a Proto-Star, creating an entirely new celestial body. But for the remaining Avatars of that Nebula, they would turn into Void Beast, creatures without a mind or will to call their own - the last cry of a Star or Nebula.]"

"What is the twist to this Void Beast.", I summoned Ouroboros Omniscia, firing a barrage of missiles. There has to be a twist...

"[That Nebula's Void Beast is a Category-5 Void Beast, which means it can destroy a continent on its own, Your Highness.]"

I look up to the sky... today is a moonless night... fuck.

Even with my constant barrage of missiles, that Void Beast began to grow. A tall lanky figure that walls on three pointy legs, standing over twenty meters, its body is made of countless twisting black and purple tendrils— urgh... this is.

I clutched my head in pain. This is cognitive disruption.

"Utopia, call Seria, NOW!!", I commanded.

"[As you Command, Your Highness.]"

Right this instant, several tendrils shot towards me— I teleported out of the way. Urgh... I... what the fuck?

I can't Adapt to its speed? Just by looking at it hurts my head. I have to buy some time for reinforcement, even I know... I cannot take down this thing.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I stabbed the lance into the ground, awakening it, "Come, the Walls of Wind, protect all behind me."

The World resonates with me, a tornado descended down upon the Academy, covering it in a wall of wind and lightning.

I walked in front of the lance. Throwing Ouroboros Omniscia away, since it kinda... wasn't designed to fight cosmic entities, its purpose was to genocide mankind. The design is very human too. Now...

"I Dream of a Beautiful World, Twisted and Illogical."

I summoned Agápi kai Pólemos and Walpurgis Festival. My eyes glow silver and my hair turns to a glittering lavender.

"Embrace the Void, Dive into Infinity."

I dodged another tendril, easily slicing it with my knife. Lavender-colored electricity sparks around, sending me to the other side, behind The Crawling Chaos.

"Making it through the Path of Pain and Despair with my Delusion, Nothing can Hurt me."

Once again, I moved with Manifest Destiny, going through the Void Beast once again. I swipe my knife, splashing the boiling purple blood.

"To Sink the World into Blazing Madness."

Thousands of glowing white slash wounds appeared on its body, and it stopped for a moment.

"Cast aside the False Reality, and bring upon Revelation!"


The slashes activated, sparking lightning to explode wherever those slashes were. I tipped my hat, activating a spell with highspeed chanting. The slashes reformed.

"This is my Show now!"

With a snap of my finger, more explosions of lightning happened again. But this won't be effective for long.

The Void Beast released purple mist, surrounding itself, and— it vanished. 

I can't detect anything with my senses. So before it could attack me, I moved to the top of the Enchanted Rock.

Then I saw them, the flood of green undead warriors rushing to the scene. Leading them is Francis sprinting with her briefcase in hand.

She ran towards a direction— she smashed her briefcase into something. For a moment, the imagery of the Grim Reaper flashed before my eyes.

The Crawling Chaos appeared again, tumbling down to the ground from such impact. I snapped my finger, recreating the slashes with Magic and Delusion. And I made them explode again.

Ghost Maker, the Heralds and Reapers of The Starlight Psychopomp... experts in dealing with Death. The Crawling Chaos is the last cry of a Nebula... it is technically on the verge of death...

That is how Francis can "see" it.

I continue to repeat the wounds on its body, making them explode over and over again. Trying to have it stay immobile until Seria comes. Combined with the thousands of ghosts, this battle seems winnable...

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", it let out a deafening roar, staggering everyone.

I summon Galatine and combine it with Agápi kai Pólemos to form a golden sword with a silver edge. Then electricity sparked, enveloping the sword while its form became holographic - as if dozens of the same blade existed at the same time, yet not existing at all.

"Reality Rend!!", I slashed the air towards the direction of The Crawling Chaos.


The monster was sliced in half as it tried to stand up.

But it gets worse from here.

Spires made of black and purple stones grew from the earth as soon as their top half hit the ground, warping reality and shooting lazers at the oncoming ghosts. Even Francis had to run around them—


I parried a lazer with my sword back toward what seemed like its head.

This is tough, I don't know what to do against this thing. Even if it looks like I am dealing damage to it, seems like nothing is significant. The constant electrical explosions only slow it down, and I can't use Quirinus with it protecting the academy.


I glanced to my side, Selen was standing there with scales covering her entire body.

"You might be a trouble magnet, Charlotte.", she cracked her neck.

"How am I supposed to know when a Nebula collapses?!", I glare at her.

I snapped my finger again, creating thousands of magical circles surrounding the Void Beast, and a rain of spells crashed into it.

"Francis, move out of the way.", she ignored me, "I am going to do my job now."

She used Dragon Tongue to make her voice louder. Hearing it, she commanded her ghosts to fly back into her briefcase and retreat.

"Charlotte, create a pool of water for me.", she requested.


I deflected another lazer back at it. Then I smiled.

Jumping down from the Enchanted Rock, and sliding down the side I prepare myself. My right hand crackling with lavender electricity.

Then as I landed, I tapped the ground with my palm.

"Deconstruct!!", the land before me caved in, sinking The Crawling Chaos into a pit, collapsing its spires simultaneously.

At the same time, I switched the spells to pour out a massive amount of water, filling the pit up quickly. And in the end, I created a massive lake with a monster made of tentacles writhing as it swims to reach me.

But then, Selen jumped into the pool— a whirlpool formed, sucking the Void Beast towards the center together with its spires. Then I see it, seven rows of spiraling sharp teeth, like a herd of sharks circling their prey.

I realized Selen's true identity— no, that isn't important right now.

"Utopia!!", I shouted.

Artillery shells streak across the sky, exploding when they come into contact with the beast, sending chunks of cosmic flesh everywhere.

Then to my horror, the flesh moved and grew into tiny versions of The Crawling Chaos. Tiny as in they are over two meters tall.

Fucking dammit!! Is there a way to end this thing?!

I grabbed one by its head, swiping it away - deleting its head. But the damn thing still moves, trying to grab me with its arms.

"Can't I just throw Lughz Dustur at it?!", they are literally an Eldritch God at full power.

"[The Enigma Code responded "The scale has not tip enough for my interference". They won't be joining, Your Highness.]", Utopia responded.


I sliced the writhing tendril with my sword, shattering its existence. Then I did it again with another, only to find out that the sword only sliced through it normally.

What the fuck is this thing's mechanism?!


"[Unfortunately, I have no data on The Crawling Chaos. I apologize for my insufficient knowledge, Your Highness]"


I sighed, dodging around one who tried to tackle me, "It's not your fault."

I am getting too agitated now.

Then as I am about to try another thing, from the starless and moonless night sky, a blue blazing meteor crashes down into the vortex swallowing The Crawling Chaos.

That was Seria, flying almost naked with wings made of flame. Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer the Morningstar, and Freedom. The strongest Gem Holder.

She flew up, hovering above The Crawling Chaos.

"In the name of Liberty!!", she grabbed a flaming sword out of thin air.

"You have trespassed on American soil!!", her head grew a crow made of horns, tipped with that very blue flame.

"As the Eternal Protector of this Nation.", then the literal Gate of Hell rose behind her and Demons poured out like a flock of birds, "I shall End you."

"Farewell... old friend."

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