Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

137 - Who's a good boy?

David clung to Claire's back as they approached the bridge leading into Riverport. The massive concrete structure stretched out before them, spanning the wide river that separated them from their destination. Despite its sturdy construction, the bridge looked like it had seen better days, with cracks spider-webbing across its surface and chunks missing from the guardrails.

"Well, doesn't that just look inviting," David quipped, eyeing the precarious-looking crossing. "You think it'll still hold your weight, or are we in for an impromptu swimming lesson?"

Claire snorted, a plume of steam rising from her nostrils. "Please. I've crossed flimsier things than this. Remember that rope bridge back in the mountains?"

David snickered at the bald-faced lie. "How could I forget? It was right after we shot down that alien spaceship but before you did all that parkour."

"Yeah, that's how I remember it going down too.” Claire snickered, a sound like a cinderblock rolling down a flight of stairs.

As they began their trek across the bridge, David's mind wandered back to the events of the past two days. He chuckled, recalling the burnt-out husk of Redfield's City Hall they'd passed on their way through.

"You know, I still can't believe that place actually burned down," he mused. "Talk about karma, huh?"

Claire's laughter rumbled through her massive frame. "Oh yeah. Viktor definitely got what he deserved. Nothing says 'urban renewal' quite like a good old-fashioned inferno. Still, I think we all forgot about those fire-barrels at the time."

David grinned, his fangs glinting in the sunlight. "Remember those feathered monitor lizards that tried to ambush us yesterday? I thought I was going to die laughing when they ran away on their hind legs."

"Chicken shits," Claire growled, but there was amusement in her voice. "Though I seem to recall someone laughing so hard they fell off a log and into the swamp."

David's ears flattened in embarrassment. "Hey, it's not my fault they looked so ridiculous. Besides, a little swamp water never hurt anyone."

As they reached the midpoint of the bridge, David's thoughts turned to the night after leaving Esmeralda's caravan. "You know, I'm still processing that whole bullshit with Azanah getting her face webbed shut. I never thought I'd see the day when a tiny worm could shut down a mouthy weasel. I just wish I could have seen it myself instead of just CuddleVision, though."

Claire hummed thoughtfully. "Makes you wonder what other tricks Esmeralda's got up her non-existent sleeves, doesn't it?"

"Speaking of Esmeralda," David said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "weren't you the one suggesting we hook her up with Gideon? Something about him being 'into that'?"

Claire's massive head swung around, nearly dislodging David from his perch. "You wouldn't dare tell him that was my idea."

David cackled, his voice echoing across the water. "Oh, I don't know. It might be worth it just to see the look on his face."

Their banter was cut short as they neared the end of the bridge. The Riverport skyline loomed before them, a jarring mix of familiar urban sprawl and bizarre, post-Integration additions. Towering skyscrapers stood side by side, wrapped in a dense net of roots and vines, while overgrown parks had merged with sections of dense, alien jungle.

"Well, would you look at that," David muttered, his eyes wide as he took in the sight. "Seems like Riverport's gone through some changes since we last saw it."

Claire snorted. "You don't say. And here I thought plants were all supposed to grow so fast you could see the difference at the end of every day."

As they stepped off the bridge and onto solid ground, an eerie silence fell over them. The air felt charged, like the moment before a thunderstorm. David's fur stood on end, and he noticed Claire's steps becoming more cautious.

"You feel that?" he asked, voice low.

Claire nodded, her massive head swiveling to scan their surroundings. "Yeah. It's too quiet. Where are all the people? Someone should have seen us by now, we're not that far from Woodland."

David's ears twitched, straining to catch any sound of life. But apart from the occasional rustle of wind through alien foliage, the city seemed eerily silent.

Suddenly, a piercing shriek echoed through the empty streets. It was a sound that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, filled with an otherworldly hunger that made David's fur stand on end.

"Oh fuck me sideways," David muttered, his claws digging into Claire's scales. "I knew I should've packed my Bullshit Repellent."

Claire tensed beneath him, her massive form coiling like a spring ready to unleash. "David," she rumbled, her voice low and deadly serious, "I think we might have walked into something weird again."

As the shriek faded, leaving behind an even more oppressive silence, David couldn't help but agree. Whatever was waiting for them in Riverport, it was clear that their little "vacation" had just taken a sharp turn into nightmare territory.

"Well," David said, trying to inject some levity into his voice, "at least we can't say our lives are boring, right?"

Claire's only response was a low, menacing growl as she steeled herself for whatever horror awaited them in the depths of the transformed city.

David's wings rustled as he lifted off Claire's back, his Cuddlebugs stirring from their slumber in his shadow. The tiny creatures hissed, their beady eyes fixed on their master as they awaited instructions. David briefly recalled how he'd left just three of the little furballs to keep tabs on Esmeralda's caravan after that first night's drama with Azanah. No time to dwell on that now, though.

"Alright, you little gremlins," David muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Spread out and find whatever made that ungodly racket."

The Cuddlebugs scattered, forming a wide net as they zipped through the air. David kept a few circling overhead as lookouts while the rest dove into the urban jungle below. With a deep breath, he fired off a few blasts of Echolocation, hoping to catch the source of the shriek off guard.

To his surprise, the Cuddlebugs found the culprit almost instantly. David's fanged grin spread wide as he called down to Claire, "Relax, big girl. I've got this."

Without warning, David shot forward like a furry missile. He infused his Flight with Wildsoul, becoming a blur in the air. The first beats of his wings cracked the air like thunder, echoing off the surrounding buildings as he barreled towards his target.

Another ear-splitting shriek tore through the air, making David's sensitive ears ring. He caught himself on a tangle of massive vines about halfway up a nearby building, the plant matter groaning and snapping under the force of his momentum. His talons stung from the abrupt stop, but he managed to reach out and delicately pinch shut the mouth of a rather small, chipmunk-like creature.

The thing's eyes bugged out comically, and David couldn't help but smile. "Mind shutting the fuck up, please? That hurts my ears something fierce."

The chipmunk nodded vigorously, and David released its mouth, seizing its tiny paw in a hearty handshake instead. "Name's David. You a lookout for Woodland?"

After a moment of hesitation, a woman's voice replied, "Y-yes, I am. Do I... know you?"

David chuckled. "Well, I'm David, and that fat-ass lizard down there is Claire. Ring any bells?"

The fear drained from the chipmunk's eyes, replaced by a look of relief. She sagged a bit, chuckling nervously. "Oh, yeah. Sometimes people mention you two. Everyone has to hear about the city's first boss kill every time Herold gets in a pontificating mood."

David nodded sagely, certain that a 'pontificating mood' was Herold's default state of existence. The old man-turned-giant beetle was a windbag, but genuinely good people. "So, we clear to head over to the park? Or should we wait for whatever cavalry's coming to investigate your, uh, dulcet tones?"

The chipmunk looked guilty. "Someone's definitely on their way right now."

David shrugged. "No worries. Sorry for startling you, by the way."

The chipmunk took a deep breath. "Don't worry about it."

David could clearly see she'd just about swallowed her own tongue when he'd bore down on her at top speed. He flashed what he hoped was an apologetic smile, but it only served to make him look more sinister.

Hurling himself off the side of the building, David glided down to Claire's position, landing on the battered, overgrown pavement with a skitter of sharp claws. His Cuddlebugs followed, their tiny faces filled with awe as they gazed up at the towering structures around them.

David ruffled the fur of his largest, most powerful Cuddlebug. "See that, Captain? We used to build these by the thousands, all over the place. Hell, we even landed on the moon with stuff we built. You know, back when we had thumbs and coffee."

Claire gave him a weird look. "What's the verdict, bat-boy?"

"Just a lookout with an incredible pair of lungs," David replied. "No invisidemon or whatever the hell you were imagining."

Claire visibly relaxed. "Someone coming to check on all the screaming?"

"That's what Chippy McScreamy said," David nodded. "By the way, it wasn't even a cute chipmunk."

Claire cocked her head. "There are non-cute chipmunks?"

David snorted. "There's no such thing as a cute Snitchmunk."

Claire's blank stare made it clear the joke had missed its mark. David sighed, launching into an explanation. "See, my dad used to hunt a lot. He hated chipmunks 'cause they'd always snitch you out to other animals."

Suddenly, the Cuddlebugs went ballistic, their tiny bodies vibrating with alarm. David had just enough time to register a vague impression of something shiny and golden moving faster than should be possible before he was plucked off the ground like a toy.

In a whirlwind of hard, metallic feathers, David found himself pinned beneath a familiar figure. Kai's voice crooned above him, asking, "Who's a good boy?" as a giant, taloned foot roughly pet David's fur.

David's eyes widened as he took in Kai's new form. The once-giant golden eagle had clearly gotten one hell of an Evolution. He'd doubled in size, easily weighing a few hundred pounds now. His body jingled as he moved, reminiscent of medieval armor.

Where Kai once sported two wings like a normal bird, he now boasted four – two massive main ones and a smaller pair. His body was more streamlined, and his tail feathers had grown longer while maintaining their eagle-like appearance.

As Kai continued his tirade of pet-talk, each stroke of his huge foot pulled David's ears and skin back so hard it lifted the lips off his snout. Claire's thunderous laughter echoed through the street while the Cuddlebugs launched a futile assault on Kai's metallic feathers.

It wasn't until Captain, learning from his brethren's failures, went straight for Kai's giant eyeball that the bird-man released David with a curse. Dodging back to avoid being blinded, Kai glared at the tiny attacker.

David regally commanded, "Captain, stay thy tiny, tiny blade." Then, hopping to his feet, he smoothed his fur down before shooting Kai a mock-severe glare. “Fucker! Two wings like everyone else not good enough for you now?”

As if on cue, a six-legged panther with four tails – each tipped with wicked scythes of bone – lurked out from behind a nearby decrepit vehicle. The beast bounded over, playfully swatting at David with all four of its front legs.

"Thomas, my man," David grinned. "How's Betty doing these days?"

Thomas ignored the question entirely. "Do you always pick the most horrible things you possibly can? Have you managed to literally scare something to death yet?"

David chuckled. "Judging by the sound your lookout made, I came pretty damn close just now."

As Thomas backed up, David got a better look at his old friend's new form. The extra tails weren't the only changes – Thomas was stockier now, with a large hump of muscle on his shoulders. Most surprising were the extra set of eyes slightly above and behind the first pair.

Thomas winked one of his new eyes at David, prompting an exaggerated gag. "Gross, dude. Warn a bat next time you're gonna get all multi-ocular on me. Had a bad run in with something that has too many eyes."

As the group bantered, the tension from moments ago melting away, David couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over him. Despite the weird and wild changes they'd all gone through, some things – like his friends – remained beautifully constant.

Claire bonked Kai with her snout, interrupting his excited rant about her ‘new armor’. "What Evolution did you take?" he asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

Claire snorted, a plume of steam rising from her nostrils. "Haven't taken one yet, bird brain. I'm just naturally this awesome."

Kai's beak dropped open in shock. "No way. Is it... a Bloodline or something?"

Claire nodded, her massive head bobbing with pride. "You bet your shiny feathers it is."

Meanwhile, Thomas was eyeballing David carefully, all four eyes focused intently. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess you've got more than one Bloodline now, don't you?"

David preened, his fur puffing up with pride. "Oh? What gave it away, you overgrown house cat?"

Thomas snorted, his tails swishing behind him. "You're way too hideous looking for it to be just one, even for you."

Suddenly, Thomas's tone dropped considerably, and he leaned in close to David. "So... you down to let me 'try' that hallucinogen of yours now?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, all four eyes twinkling with mischief.

David shook his head, trying not to laugh. "Sorry, buddy. It's lethal now. You'd be tripping balls straight into the afterlife."

Thomas burst into an exaggerated display of outrage, his tails lashing dramatically. "Oh, come on! I have the worst luck! Is it too much to ask for a toke or a beer in this godforsaken hellscape?"

"Better luck next Integration," David chuckled, patting Thomas on one of his muscular shoulders.

Thomas's eyes narrowed. "Don't even joke about that, man. Knowing our luck, we'd probably all end up as something even worse somehow. I don't fancy waking up as a sentient pile of toxic sludge or whatever."

As they began to move through the city, heading straight for Woodland, Kai and Thomas filled them in on the changes that had occurred since their last visit. The once-familiar streets were now a maze of overgrown vegetation and bizarre, alien plants that seemed to have sprung up since they’d left.

Kai suddenly turned to David, a mock-stern look on his beaked face. "By the way, thanks for sending the entire population of a small country our way. I mean, it's cool and all, but a little warning would've been nice."

David shrugged, his wings rustling. "What can I say? I'm a people person. Or bat. Whatever."

Kai huffed but continued, "The military guys are pretty cool, though. They've been contributing a lot in the last two days since they got here. Turns out having trained personnel around is handy in a post-apocalyptic society. Who knew?"

Claire, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "So what exactly has changed? Last time we were here, things were... well, less jungle-y, for one."

Thomas cut in, his multiple eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, you're gonna love this. Those Redfield peeps? Somehow they managed to absorb even more people on their way here. When they showed up, Herold took one look at our population and decided it was time to expand and get serious."

"Serious how?" David asked, his curiosity piqued.

Thomas grinned, showing off an impressive array of razor-sharp fangs as he prowled along beside them. "Let's just say Woodland isn't just a park anymore. We've been... remodeling."

As they continued their trek through the transformed city, David couldn't help but feel excited. Riverport had always been a hub of activity, but this... this was something else entirely.

The towering skyscrapers, still draped in their odd vines and sporting what looked like organic growths, loomed over them like silent sentinels. The streets, once littered with decaying vehicles and bare pavement, were now rivers of vegetation, with bizarre yellow flowers that seemed to follow their movement as they passed.

David caught Claire's eye, seeing his own mix of emotions reflected in her reptilian gaze. They'd come here looking for a break, a chance to catch their breath and reconnect with old friends. Warn them about the caravan, and the coming Wave.

Instead, they'd walked into yet another transformation, another evolution of their ever-changing world.

But as they made their way towards Woodland, surrounded by the banter and laughter of their friends, David felt a sense of hope rising in his chest. Yes, the world was changing, sometimes faster than they could keep up. But they were changing too, growing stronger, more adaptable.

As they rounded a corner, the expanded borders of Woodland came into view, and David couldn't help but grin. "Well," he quipped, "looks like you guys have been busy, huh?"

Claire snorted in agreement, her clubbed tail swishing behind her. "When are they not?"

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