Internet 24

New Affair (Part 4)

Aly walks up to the glass doors, pushes it open with her back, and walks through the empty lobby. She makes it to the next door and kicks it with her foot. ALY Bro. Open up!

The door opens wide enough for Don to pop his head out. DON Don't kick in the door. We have a client here.

His eye bounces from her to the tray in her hand with the pizza slices sitting on it. DON Did you steal that from the food court? Come on; we need to look professional.


We're paying for the food.

What's more professional than that?

Don opens the door all the way to let her in. Sitting in a chair in front of Don's desk is a woman with long blonde hair, a face that would sell out magazines and eyes as green as Ireland's most lush rolling hills. Don places the tray and drinks on his desk then hands out the plates and napkins.

Aly picks up the bitter black coffee and hands it to the lady, then gives the sweet drink to her burly brother and takes the cold brew for herself. DON Where did we leave off, Ms...? Don stops, noticing he never asked for her name. MRS. OLIVE Mrs. Olive. Well, maybe not for long.

She speaks in a soft, sorrowful voice. The siblings begin to eat their pizzas. Don unbuttons his jacket while Aly sits at her desk, laying her napkins on her side and folding her pizza like a taco shell before biting.


Mrs. Olive, I'm excited that you're

choosing to do your business with us.

Aly says before taking a careful bite of pizza. Don is glad she decides not to eat her usual way, which has been compared to a newborn discovering their first plate of mush.


Well, I wasn't looking for private investigators.

I saw this here and thought why not? I mean,

I didn't think I would even find a P.I. firm in this mall.

She says, clearly still shocked by the fact.


So, you're saying that this

location helped with your choice.

Aly eyes Don, who chooses not to acknowledge the look.


Mrs. Olive, something must be

bothering you if you decide to come

here on a whim. Are you being

stalked, threatened?


Are thugs hunting you down?

Were you hacked and are being blackmailed?


Witnessed a murder?


Committed a murder?


What was that?

Mrs. Olive asks, confused and overwhelmed by the sudden interrogation.


You're right, I'm sorry.

Why don't you just tell us what's

bothering you and we can see

if we can help?

Don takes a massive bite. Mrs. Olive collects herself. She starts to talk about her husband, Ben Olive. He currently works at a bank in the city. He has his own desk and cubicle where he consults with people about loans, helps with their finances, and so on.

On paper, the man sounds like your average guy with a loving wife and dreams of starting a family. They have been together for six years, with the recent three being married to each other. Mrs. Olive believes it is a happy marriage, minus a few fights here and there. Nothing. She is in love with the man and claims to know how he thinks and acts.

When his behavior started to change, she became worried. Ben has been leaving the house more often alone than not returning until late at night.


Have you asked him where he's been?

Aly asks after sipping down some coffee.


Of course, we always communicate with each other.

I know he has to be lying. He says he's

been going to the movies and playing cards

with friends in some shop, both in this mall.

That's why I was here in the first place.

He's secretive about it. I don't want to

assume the worst, but my mind began to wonder.

I can't help but think of something ...terrible.

I bet it's a redhead, he loves redhead.

I should of dies my hair.

Don rips a piece of pizza crust with his teeth.


So, you think he's cheating on ya.


Y-yes. She uses her grease-stained napkin

to wipe a tear coming out. Aly, grossed out,

watches the tears mix with the grease.


This seems pretty straightforward.

She pulls out a thick stack of papers stapled together and slams it on her desk. Both Don and Mrs Olive flinch at the lound bang. Aly grins and pretends not to notice.


Here's our contract. It shows our rules,

what we will and won't do. A rough estimated

cost of services and a bunch more. I suggest

reading through before signing.

Mrs. Olive starts to read over the packet and after a grueling amount of time, she hands it all back signed and initial. She gives them a picture of her husband, answers a few questions, and leaves. Don picks up the area as Aly doubles check the paperwork.


According to this, we can start today.


We're still open, though. What if

someone comes in when we're gone?

Don grabs his keys.


Two in one day? Do you

have faith in our location yet?

Don ignores her again, determined not to give his sister any satisfaction.


Still, we have to lock up.

I like leaving this place open

with no one here.

They both step out of the office and head through the lobby and exit.


We need a secretary


I'll put an ad out.


After today we should try to dress

down a bit. It's better we don't

stand out while we follow him.

Don looks up at Aly, who is double-checking her pockets to make sure she has everything.


You don't have the tray?


I don't have the tray.


We need to return it.


Nope, it's ours now. Maybe we will

get a to-go bag next time.


Maybe. That was a good slice.


Apparently, the best in town.

Aly walks out while Don holds the door open for her.


Best I've had so far.

With the door still open, Don presses his thumb on a slip of black metal on the top of the door handle and waits for a beeping sound. The black metal scans his fingerprint, and then makes a digital chime. Once he hears this, he knows that all of the doors in the office are locked, the alarm is set, and the lights are off. With that, Don shuts the glass door.

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