interstellar ego

Chapter 306 Three Commanders

Chapter 306 Three Commanders

"If we send fewer troops, it really won't do much. As long as we can destroy the Blood Maple Star Bandit Group, it's okay to send more fleets. As the saying goes, the more the better, and this time, we can only win, not lose, because this One transfer has already touched the root of our five king-level powers," said Head Bai Lei.

This time, the person who presided over the meeting was no longer Qing Cang, but Captain Bai Lei, because the reputation of the Qingmo Star Pirates has plummeted, and it is indeed not suitable to be the host.

Moreover, the person presiding over the meeting is not fixed, this time it is the head of Bai Lei, and the next time it may be the head of the devil.

Anyway, if this level of meeting can be held, the matter discussed is also related to the five major forces. If it is a private matter, they will only discuss it in their own conference room, instead of discussing it with other forces here.

In the end, after a vote, the suggestion of Captain Bai Lei was agreed, and a new crusade army was about to be formed, a crusade army composed of fifteen Marquis-level forces.

Every giant here has the right to make suggestions, and then decides which plan to implement through voting. This aspect is relatively equal, after all, it concerns everyone's interests.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, the next step is to choose the commander for this time. I hope this time we can choose a more reliable general. If you have any recommendations, you can put them forward, and then everyone will vote to decide "Head Bai Lei said loudly, and then glanced at Qing Cang.

Qing Cang naturally understands the meaning of Bai Lei's actions, feels his face is hot, and thinks that this time is really a struggle, he was hurt by Long Yun, because of Long Yun's matter, Qing Cang has had a hard time these two days Ah, I don't even have the confidence to argue with others. It would be a lie to say that I am not aggrieved.

"Leader Bai Lei, I think this time, instead of just choosing one commander, we should choose three, one officer and two officers, and no longer a single person in power, otherwise things like Long Yun's before will easily happen." Devil Group Long Road, speak out your own suggestion.

Previously, Long Yun was in power alone, so he led the rest of the people to surrender to the enemy.

If there are two deputy commanders, if the commander-in-chief wants to surrender, he must pass the test of the deputy commander, which is equivalent to an extra layer of insurance.

As long as one deputy commander disagrees, their surrender plan will be easily destroyed. Of course, if the three commanders are greedy for life and afraid of death, then there is nothing they can do.

But everyone present believed in their own vision, and the person recommended by him was definitely not someone like Long Yun who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"The head of the devil is right. In order to prevent things like Long Yun from happening again, I originally planned to elect two more deputy commanders." Bai Lei nodded. He also thought of the worries of the head of the devil. Going to do it.

For the rest of the time, everyone recommended their favorite generals, and after voting, three candidates were finally decided.

"Okay, now let me talk about the list of commanders. The commander-in-chief is Molos. Moros is the general rank of the Blu-ray Star Pirates, the deputy commander is Dick, the general of the Devil Star Pirates, and the deputy commander is Goya. The rank of general of the Thunder Star Pirates." Bai Lei recited the result once.

This time, the candidates for the commander, the people present are more cautious. Everyone is an admiral, and everyone is at least over 50 years old. He has experienced many fleet battles in his life. He is a veteran general. The crusading army was handed over to them, and the people present were more at ease.

"After the meeting is over, you have to go back and prepare. Let the Hou-level forces under your command prepare for the expedition. I will notify the five surrounding Hou-level forces and let them bring their fleets to join us within five days. , Seven days later, we will set out together and go straight to the Blood Maple Star Bandit Group." Bai Lei said.

The meeting ended soon, and the people left separately, but under the orders of Captain Bai Lei, they got in touch with other five Marquis-level forces one after another.

Under their intimidation, the five overlords had no choice but to agree to send troops. They would not dare to disobey the words of the central star field.

In fact, giving them five days to prepare is also considering that there are too many things to prepare for the expedition. It is impossible to fully prepare without two or three days.

Moreover, it would take seven or eight hours to rush from the surrounding star fields to the central star field, so they allowed more time to prepare.

And it was only seven days later when troops were dispatched. For king-level forces, seven days passed in the blink of an eye. Anyway, the Blood Maple Star Bandit Group was there and did not run away.

It's not impossible to let the Blood Maple Star Pirates live for a while, that's what they think.


As for the Blood Maple Army, they obtained some warships from the Crusade Army, and the strength of the Blood Maple Army has increased a bit.

Soldier Lin Luo now feels that there is not much shortage, but space weapons such as battleships.

To fully operate a battleship, 200 people are enough, a cruiser only needs about 40 people, and an assault ship can be well controlled by five or six people. However, many people will be brought along in peacetime wars.

For example, on battleships, in addition to other arms, the staff of battleships is only arranged to be 600 to [-] people, because they have to work in rotation.

There are about 150 people on the cruiser and about 20 people on the assault ship, and they drive the battleships in batches.

However, the central star field has not sent any large troops over the past few days, giving the Blood Maple army a chance to breathe.

With the overtime efforts of the Blood Maple Army, the new battleship production line was quickly completed.

This time, the main focus is on the production of cruisers. So far, the new and old cruiser production lines have reached an astonishing twenty.

Because this time the materials obtained by capturing the two star fields are all given priority to erecting the cruiser production line.

Assuming that each cruiser production line can produce five cruisers per day, the Blood Maple Army with twenty cruiser production lines can produce one hundred cruisers per day.

This amount is absolutely astonishing. In the market, an ordinary cruiser can be sold for 30 billion federal coins, so a hundred cruisers is worth 3000 billion. It can be said that the blood maple army can create a wealth of 3000 billion in a day .

Moreover, the performance of this type of cruiser is much better than that of ordinary cruisers. Even if it sells for 50 billion, there are still a lot of people rushing for it.

After all, according to the data given by Bobby, the combat power of the three-ship white shark cruiser is on par with that of ordinary battleships.

"Now that we have so many fleets, it's time to grab more territory. Besides the central star field, there are other five domains. Let's attack the other five domains first. Now the Hou-level overlord has nothing for us." It's a threat." Lin Luo looked at the growing Xuefeng army and said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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