Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

“They exploded!”

March Seven covered his mouth and said in surprise.

This change came too suddenly.

“Kill people?”

Gu Ze said casually, stepped forward, collected their remains, and maybe found some clues.

This self-explosion is most likely manipulated by the big boss hiding behind the scenes, he is afraid that he has been monitoring here, and once he finds that the second boss has signs of betrayal, he will immediately manipulate them to self-detonate to hide himself.

“This silence came quite quickly.” Walter lifted his glasses, “I guess that the big boss is probably still planning some conspiracy or secretly accumulating strength, otherwise he would not have missed the incident of this attack.”

“In short, this guy will definitely continue to attack Luofu, and he must be arrested quickly.”

“Engong has a point.” Su Yun nodded, “Everyone, please go to the Xingcha Sea Center with me first, find some capable people, and there will be a way to track the whereabouts of the big master.”

“It just so happens that we also have something to discuss with the alliance.” Walter said, “Don’t hide Miss Yun, we are here to seal the star core.

“Hehe, I know that the benevolent princes are great benevolent people.” Su Yun smiled slightly, “In that case, then it is even more necessary to follow me to meet Lord Yukong, and it is up to her to decide.” ”

Everyone boarded the star, shuttled through the sea of stars, and headed towards their destination.

The antique and layered building appeared in front of them, Gu Ze’s eyes turned, and he also saw Kafka’s wanted warrant posted on the wall.

“Please allow the little woman to welcome all the grace princes to the Xingcha Sea on behalf of the Tianbei Division.”

After getting off the star cha, Stop Yun said politely to Gu Ze and them.

“Over there is the Sichen Palace, which is the headquarters of the Tianbei Division. Lord Yuku is inside. Su

Yun led Gu Ze and the three to a vermilion gate and introduced.

“Miss Labor Stop Yun went to report.” Walter said.

“Please wait a moment, please wait for a moment.”

Stop Yun turned around and said a few words to the guarding Cloud Rider, and then entered the Sichen Palace.

“Taking advantage of this time, let’s take a look at the current situation.”

Walter lifted his glasses.

“I saw Kafka’s wanted warrant, maybe the Alliance already knows about it.”

Gu Ze pointed to the wanted warrant not far away.

“Then Xianzhou should have started to act a long time ago, their ability is so great, I still don’t understand, why are we here?”

March 7 rarely moved his brain.

“March is right, the alliance must have already responded, maybe the star core has been sealed.”

Walter said slowly as he held his cane.

“If that’s the case, our trip can be regarded as pure sightseeing.”

“Star Core Hunters won’t be fine.”

At this time, Gu Ze spoke.

“If this catastrophic alliance can really deal with itself, and the star core hunter still informs us that a disaster is about to occur here, then maybe there will be a more powerful enemy.”

“A more formidable enemy…”

Walter and March Seven pondered.

“I don’t have a clue yet.”

March 7 touched his head.

“Then let’s gather some intelligence first, but there is an important matter in front of us, the leader of those robbers has not yet been arrested.” Walter to the two.

“Okay, then grab him first!”

March Seven said energetically.

“The graces have been waiting for a long time.” Ji Yun walked out of Sichen Palace, “Lord Yukong is waiting for you inside.” After

saying that, the gate immediately opened, and Gu Ze and the three immediately walked into the Sichen Palace, and as soon as they entered, they saw a tall fox woman busy with something, looking shrewd and capable.

“Welcome, everyone on the Star Dome train.”

Yukong raised his head and looked at Gu Ze and said.

“I have already stopped saying your intentions, but I still have to personally decline your help.”

The scene was quiet for a while.

“Now the harm of the star core is not deep, we have sealed the star core before, we are very experienced in this, if we can find it earlier, it can also reduce the loss.”

Walter explains.

“The Immortal Boat Alliance has the ability to handle this star core, so don’t worry about it.”

Yu Kong’s attitude is resolute, and it seems that he will never let Gu Ze interfere with them.

“Sure enough, the Xianzhou Alliance doesn’t need our help,”

said March Seven, which was similar to the situation she had analyzed before.

“Yukong, don’t be so fierce, if this is passed on, won’t it make Galaxy make fun of Xian Zhou for not understanding hospitality?”

A phantom shadow came slowly, it was a white-haired man with bangs covering half of his cheeks, and a smile on his face.

“General Jing Yuan.”

Yukong looked at him and said.

“Excuse me to meet everyone, I’m Luo Fuyun’s general – Jing Yuan.”

Jing Yuan hugged his arm and smiled.

“Although the star core does not work hard for you to help, there is an important matter to ask you for at present.”

Walter said, “General, but it doesn’t hurt to say.”

“Just now, there was a rebellion of the golden people within the Industrial Construction Division, and according to the information transmitted back by the cloud rider at the scene, those golden people began to attack the craftsmen for no reason for some reason.”

Jing Yuan said slowly.

“And they’re stronger than ever… Now in order to calm the impact of the star core, we have invested a lot of cloud riding to deal with it, and there is a shortage of manpower at the moment, so I have to bother you to go through this situation. ”

Golden Rebellion?”

Walter repeated, holding his arm.

“Yes, those golden people are acting in an orderly manner, and it looks like they have been manipulated by someone.”

Jing Yuan provided another piece of information.

“It won’t be the big boss…” Gu

Ze suddenly remembered the transformation people he met before, they inherited Rupert’s inheritance, and naturally had quite good technology.

Moreover, these guys have stolen metal parts from the Industrial Construction Division, and there is a high possibility that they will go back to commit crimes this time.

“Big Boss? Sounds like a robber. Jing Yuan touched his chin and said.

Gu Ze said, “It’s the guys who stole in the Industrial Construction Division not long ago.

“It turned out to be them…” Jing Yuan nodded silently, obviously having an impression of this gang of robbers.

“Anyway, we’ll help.” Walter held up his glasses and said, “However, the general also has to inform us about the star core, well, we will not help you seal it, so some information can still be told to us.”

“Hehe, it seems that you still don’t trust the strength of our alliance very much.”

Jing Yuan paced two steps.

“Okay, I can tell you about the Star Core, but we’re dealing with this now, and I’ll let you know when things get better.”


Yukong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jing Yuan waving his hand.

“Then it’s a word.”

“In a word.”


“Hey, you’re just swaggering like that? Not afraid of those cloud riders coming to you for trouble? In

the dim basement, two figures stood quietly.

“It’s okay, they are now focused on the star core, and they don’t have time to devote a lot of energy to this matter, which is a good time to start.”

A figure snorted coldly.

“If it weren’t for the big movement when I stole the energy, they wouldn’t have noticed me.”


Another figure looked at the huge glass cover in the center of the room, where a robot floated quietly.

“That’s your killer app? Mr. Wang Dezhu?

His tone was somewhat disdainful.

“This thing alone can destroy Luofu?”

“Hmph, tell your master, my Wang Dezhu is ten percent sure of destroying here.”

Wang Dezhu sneered, not bothering to defend anything at all.

“Let him get what I want.”

“Okay, seeing that you are so sure, I won’t talk nonsense.”

The figure smiled, he turned and walked towards the exit, and when he reached the door, he turned around and said:

“By the way, I will finally confirm the content of the commission with you.”

“One of the commissions this time is to destroy Luofu, and the other is …”

“No matter what, you must kill that kid named Gu Ze.”

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