Interstellar Super Doctor

Chapter 60

Chapter 59 Mental remnants

After hearing Xiao Mu’s question, Novi stretched his right palm up, and three pills appeared on his palm: “I made this. I heard that the empire’s shops selling guide drugs will sell them according to their different effects. I want to ask, how to distinguish the effects of medicines?”

Xiao Mu didn’t answer directly, but asked, “Is there no guide agent for Yanxing? It is impossible that your guide agent is not graded?”

“Of course it is,” Novi looked at him directly, “but as far as I know, the guide medicine is better than the guide medicine, and it will lead to a breakthrough in mental power. The imperial guide medicine is strictly based on the specific mental power of the sentinel. Selling medicine.”

“So I think you must have a way to distinguish the effects of medicines.”

Xiao Mu smiled and said, “It seems that you have checked a lot of information about the guide medicine.”

“Of course,” Novi did not deny, “As Yanxing’s only guide to learn pharmacy, I need to pass on the skills after I go back, and I must figure it out.”

Xiao Mu said: “In this case, I think you should have heard of the Mental Power Meter?”

“Yes, I’ve heard,” Novi nodded. “It is said that the numerical adjustment of the counter was completed with your help. I am puzzled. How do you judge the specific mental value? I can only judge the level. ”

Xiao Mu still replied in the old way: “What I saw is different from what you saw, perhaps because of higher mental power.”

Novi frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this answer, but there was no way, even if Xiao Mu was telling lies, he could not refute it.

He was not a god-level guide, and he had no idea what the scene Xiao Mu could see was like.

“So back to the original question, how to determine the efficacy of the drug?” he asked.

Xiao Mu thought for a while: “The largest company in Imperial Instruments is Zhao, and the mental meter was developed by Zhao. The drug efficacy meter is about to be successfully developed. For this, I think you will have contact with Zhao. reward.”

Novi stared at him: “Did you provide support?”

Xiao Mu did not refute: “If you ask me how to distinguish the effects of the medicine, I may not be able to help you.”

He took the medicine from his hand, his face was surprised, and he thought that he was a guide. The first time he made the medicine, the effect was very good: “When I get the medicine, I will feel the mental power in the medicine, you medicine. Effective 1000.”

He explained: “Able to recover half of the mental power of a sentry or guide who just entered the d-level (2000).”

Novi’s eyes lit up: “So powerful?”

Xiao Mu nodded, suddenly thought of something, annoyed: “I’m sorry, I forgot to remind, the guide medicine is used two hours apart, otherwise it is a waste.”

He has done experiments. Except for the medicine he made himself, the medicine of the other guides will not cause a level breakthrough. The interval is the same. If there is no time to take it, it will have no effect and waste the medicine.

He turned his head to look at Leo, and whispered: “Can you contact the other messengers? Tell them the interval of taking the medicine.”

Leo nodded: “Yes.”

At this time, the domestic robot brought up the brewed tea, and each of the three people had a cup.

Novi was holding the tea and sniffing the tea fragrance, taking a sip with a relaxed expression, Xiao Mu watched him, he had drunk the tea, the red and blue bars did not change.

Xiao Mu was even more puzzled. He picked up the teacup, and the moment he touched the teacup, he felt a very weak mental power. He stared at the teacup and thought about it. Does the spirit remain?

“It tastes good, it smells good, it tastes very weak, try it.” Leo saw him staring at the tea, thinking he was hesitating because of the new drink for the first time, he took the tea and took a sip, then commented.

Xiao Mu looked at him abruptly: “Did you drink it?”

Leo chuckled: “Drink, it’s not a strange beast fresh, what are you afraid of?”

Novi dissatisfied: “The taste is definitely not worse than your empire’s tea, you look disgusting.”

Xiao Mu ignored him, but stared at Leo’s red and blue bars. When he saw the light gray debuff icon appearing under the red and blue bars, his hand shook, tea splashed on the back of his hand, he let go, and the teacup smashed. The sound fell to the ground.

Leo grabbed his hand and licked the red spot: “Does it hurt?”

Xiao Mu didn’t answer, but grabbed his arm: “You, are you uncomfortable?”

He asked, suddenly remembering something, he quickly opened the system backpack, took out an evil spirits powder, and put it directly into Leo’s mouth.

Leo saw his nervous look a little puzzled, and opened his mouth to take the medicine: “I’m fine, it’s you who got scalded, not me.”

Novi looked at Xiao Mu’s behavior, first puzzled and then stunned, staring at Xiao Mu: “Don’t you think I poisoned me? I drank it myself and you didn’t see it, and don’t tell me your household robots. No drug testing function?”

Xiao Mu saw him look upright and awe-inspiring, and he didn’t know the unusual features of tea. He frowned and asked, “Where did your tea come from?”

Novi said: “Of course, my subordinates prepared it for me. This is mined by Yanxing’s best tea garden. All the tea for the royal family is top-grade tea.”

He said, his eyebrows raised: “What do you mean? Are you saying that my subordinates did tricks?” He took a sip of tea, “Do you look at me as if something is going on?”

He pointed to Leo again: “Do you think Major General Leo looks like something is going on? Don’t find fault!”

Xiao Mu didn’t have the time to pay attention to him, and his mood was extremely bad, because he found that after eating the evil spirits, the debuff under Leo’s red and blue bars still did not disappear.

Leo noticed his worried eyes and rubbed the top of his hair: “I feel good, don’t worry.”

Xiao Mu frowned, looking at two people who were clearly okay but said they were all right, and felt tired, but he couldn’t talk about systematic things.

Moreover, Leo is also an s-level mental power, using high mental power as an excuse is not very reliable.

Since it was a problem found by the system, he simply opened the system panel and looked at the sub-panels one by one, hoping to find a solution.

“Does he have a mental problem?” Novi could not help but guess when seeing Xiao Mu’s face still cold.

Leo looked at him coldly: “You can go now.”

Novi’s slumped mouth: “That won’t work,” he looked at Xiao Mu, “Xiao Mu, you must make it clear on the spot that the things I sent are okay, don’t wait for me to leave Yan Xing with unreasonable charges, I don’t admit it. .”

Xiao Mu glanced at him and turned his attention to the system panel again. Finally, he stared at the newly activated skill at the bottom of the skill panel, and his eyes lit up.

He hadn’t used the skill of ‘Clean Breeze Debuff’ to dispel debuffs since he was activated, and he almost forgot.

He looked at Leo and used ‘Breeze Chui Lu’ on him. The next moment, the debuff icon under Leo’s red and blue bars disappeared, and Leo’s expression did not change at all.

Xiao Mu’s eyes are happy, useful!

He looked at Novi, thought about it, and decided to help Novi detoxify. He felt mental power in the tea. This poison is probably related to mental power. There will be a party tomorrow night. If Novi is unstable Factors can be very dangerous.

He released the breeze to Novi, and suddenly a reminder came out of his mind.

Xiao Mu was taken aback, suddenly a dizziness came from his head.

The dizziness and mechanical sound disappeared at the same time, Xiao Mu blinked, looked at Novi and then at Leo.

He quickly understood what the prompts of the system meant. The Leo red and blue strips were hovered by a blue rectangle with very thin edges, and the Novi red and blue strips had an extra border around them, which was yellow.

This means that Leo is friendly and Novi is neutral.

The setting of red-named players in Lenovo games also shows that Novi is not bad-hearted.

However, if you distinguish between the enemy and the other two parties with malicious intent, how do you distinguish between the neutral party and the friendly party?

He thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of the situation when the gang was activated. At that time, his friends had just reached ten, and ten friends corresponded to the number of friends in his address book.

He smiled at Novi: “It’s rude, you worry that the problem won’t happen. Zhao can solve the problem you asked today. If there are any questions in the future, I will try my best to answer you. It is better to exchange communications, or in the future. contact?”

He offered to exchange communications, and Novi’s expression slowed down: “Fortunately, you are acquainted with Zhao, and you may need your help.”

The two parties added communications, and Xiao Mu nodded: “This is okay,” he paused, “but the Zhao family and the Huo family are relatives. If you want to cooperate with them, you’d better ask your brother to dispel the idea of ​​marrying Hawke.”

He said, while looking at Novi, his red and blue borders turned blue as expected.

He verified the conjecture in his heart and was happy, and released a breeze to Novi. The transparent lotus leaf flew into Novi’s eyebrows from his body, and the skill was successfully released.

Novi nodded: “I will persuade him, in fact, I don’t approve of him taking the alien direction…” He said, his voice stopped suddenly.

His face kept changing, his face getting redder and red, suddenly he hugged his head in his hands and gave a short cry of pain, then he fell softly on the sofa, his eyes closed, and he was in a coma.

Xiao Mu was taken aback and got up quickly. Novi’s debuff had disappeared. It should be a good thing in theory. How could he suddenly fall into a coma?

He squatted beside Novi, yelled his name softly, and checked his mental strength and physical stamina. Both values ​​were high, all above the safety line.

Novi was not awakened by Xiao Mu, Lei Ao said, “I contacted the Envoy of the Flame Star, he may have some dark illness.”

Xiao Mu pursed his lips. He knew that Novi’s coma was related to his use of skills, but it was difficult to explain. He said, “You build a mental barrier, and I will look into his mental picture.”

Leo said: “Okay.”

Xiao Mu stretched out his tentacles and directly plunged into Novi’s mental picture. Novi’s picture was very quiet, and all the bright white tentacles fell submissively at the bottom of the picture, just like the master, falling into a coma.

He frowned, twisted the tentacles into a few thicker bundles, and rushed into the bottom of Novi’s tentacles like a shovel, then raised the tentacles and tilted them, allowing Novi’s tentacles to fall freely from a high place.

A touch of black rushed into the line of sight, his other tentacles entangled the black tentacles and picked them out to hang in the air.

He continued the previous action, waiting for all the tentacles to be attached to the bottom again, and after confirming that there was only one black tentacles, he transmitted mental power to the black tentacles.

He didn’t stop until the black turned bright white.

In another apartment, one person looked at the disappearing red dot on the screen with a gloomy expression, stretched his feet to knock down the case in front of him, and stood up abruptly.

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