Interstellar Super Doctor

Chapter 62

Chapter 61 Sort out

Xiao Mu was amused at Leo’s childish behavior, but he didn’t stop it, letting him cling to it. If this can dispel the coveting of others, he is very happy.

In the hall, Novi was awake, but his face was ugly. Thornton and Joe were sitting on either side of him. Thornton did not speak, and Joe asked about what happened before Novi fell into a coma.

When Novi saw Xiao Mu, he said for the first time after waking up: “Throw away the Yancha I gave you. Don’t drink it.”

Xiao Mu sat opposite him: “What do you think of?”

Novi’s complexion changed slightly, his hands hanging down on his knees tightened, and instead of answering, he asked: “How did you find the problem? I don’t feel it at all.”

Xiao Mu touched the back of her hand that had been scalded before: “I felt a mental energy in the tea.”

Novi bit his lip: “I didn’t feel it,” he said, his face sinking, and he turned to Thornton and said, “You call A Le from the diplomatic corps. He gave me the tea caddy as a gift for visiting.”

Thornton originally didn’t know what was going on. He probably understood that the tea that Vino gave Xiao Mu had been tampered with.

The main task of his trip was to be responsible for the safety of the entire mission. Hearing Novi’s words, his eyes flashed coldly and asked his staff to **** Ale over.

Novi assured Xiao Mu and Leo: “I will definitely give you an explanation. Yan Xing and Yao Xing are members of the alliance. We are friendly and will not do anything harmful.”

Xiao Mu smiled and said, “I believe you, what I care more about is, why did you suddenly fall into a coma before?”

Novi tightened his fingers, and he said with difficulty: “I remembered something,” he looked down, “It’s a bad thing.”

Having said that, he stared at Xiao Mu suddenly: “Did you offend anyone? Why else would someone borrow my hand to deal with you?”

Xiao Mu helplessly stretched his hands: “I didn’t have any evil with anyone, and I’m very helpless when this kind of thing happens.”

Novi turned his head to think for a moment, and suddenly thought: “No, maybe they don’t want to deal with you, they just want to make you the same as before.”

“Do you know what you were like before?” Xiao Mu asked immediately.

Novi nodded lightly, with a look of frustration, regret and guilt in his expression: “I have always been proud of being a Grade A guide, and I am even more proud of becoming a Guide A later.”

“The reason why I was in a coma is actually very simple. I don’t know why. I suddenly remembered a lot of things that I had somehow forgotten.”

He glanced at Xiao Mu and gave a wry smile: “I think it’s related to you. But I’m right in front of you, and I’m the party involved, but I didn’t feel what you did.”

Xiao Mu smiled and didn’t admit it, but just asked, “You suddenly became a guide?”

Novi’s face turned pale: “I also thought I was. I was once complacent and felt that I was talented.”

Thornton raised his eyebrows and said: “Prince Novi is the fastest spiritual upgrade guide for Yan Xing. He just went out for a trip and became an A-level guide when he came back. It is a sensation for Yan Xing. There are still people asking Prince Novi to go. Where are you going to play!”

Novi glared at him, thinking of something, his momentum weakened again, and he looked away in a panic.

Thornton narrowed his eyes and sensed something was wrong, but thinking that there were others, he didn’t ask.

Xiao Mu realized the key point: “What happened when you were traveling?”

Novi’s jaw tightened: “I was caught.”

Thornton looked at him swiftly, his eyes sharp: “Are you caught?”

Novi ignored him, but finished in a big breath: “I don’t remember these memories, they all came from before the coma. I was caught in an underground laboratory.”

“I was very scared at the time. I kept yelling that if they hurt me, Yan Xing would definitely razed it to the ground. Perhaps, for this reason, they were very polite to me.”

“I don’t know exactly what they did. My mental power rose to Grade A within two days and was later sent away. During the whole process, I was in a semi-comatose, confused.”

He took a deep breath: “I returned to the guards, no longer have any relevant memories. Instead, I hate the guards following them all the time. After sneaking out to play for two days, my mental strength suddenly broke through.”

“After that, nothing was wrong. No, it should be that when I didn’t think of these things, there was nothing wrong on the surface. Thinking about it, from then to now, I did a lot of things for them without my knowledge.”

Novi rubbed the bridge of his nose: “The last two, one is to let Jonathan go, and the other is to cause chaos at the luncheon yesterday. Those sentinels have had tea with me before.”

“Jonathan really has something to do with you.” Thornton looked ugly. He was responsible for guarding Jonathan. The escape of Jonathan from Yanxing Prison caused many people to question his ability.

Opposing politicians even suggested that he and the star thief were in a gang.

At that time, he was so annoyed that he wanted to find someone to fight every day. It was most suspected that Novi, who only went to jail for mental training, was the most suspicious. However, Novi refused to admit it and greatly satirized his ability.

Novi looked uncomfortable, just at this moment, Yanxing diplomatic corps member A Le was screwed over by Thornton’s men.

Novi’s face is sullen, sitting upright, the royal majesty is completely exuded, and he looks at A Le with a sharp look: “Whose are you from? Where did the tea you gave me as a gift come from?”

A Le is a chubby middle-aged man with mild facial features. He was panting because he was in a hurry. Hearing Novi’s words, he looked at a loss: “Prince Novi, I didn’t give you tea?”

“Sophistry,” Novi scolded, “you mean I’m lying?”

Ale wiped the sweat on his forehead: “I really didn’t give you tea. You told me that I would prepare gifts when you were going out to visit. I didn’t know you were going to visit here tonight.”

“I took tea with me, always ready, but I didn’t send a can.”

As he said, he took out a pot of tea, dark red cylindrical, and the body of the pot was tied with a beautiful flower in red silk, which was used for gifts at first glance.

With a move from Novi’s right hand, A Le quickly offered the tea can with both hands. Novi opened his eyes and handed it to Xiao Mu: “Look at it.”

Xiao Mu couldn’t feel the unmade tea. He asked the home robot to make tea, and then asked Novi: “Are you sure you remember everything?”

“I was sure, but,” he frowned and looked at A Le. “If A Le is telling the truth, I am not sure. In my memory, A Le gave me the tea and reminded me to come home. Don’t forget to give it away when you visit.”

Ale couldn’t help but said, “Prince Novi, I really didn’t give you tea!” He was confused and didn’t understand what had happened.

He looked at Thornton with his eyes, and wanted him to remind him whether Prince Novi had a mental problem, but Thornton ignored him at all.

The robot brewed the tea that A Le took out. Xiao Mu held a cup in his hand, felt for a moment and said, “This is normal.”

A Le stared: “This is Yan Xing’s best Yancha!”

Xiao Mu smiled, took a sip, and nodded: “It tastes really good.”

Novi looked at A Le with a serious face: “A Le, you really didn’t lie? Where were you at 11:30 yesterday morning?”

Half past eleven is the time between the end of the celebration and the luncheon.

Ale thought for a while: “At that time, the members of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs were all together. The celebration gift that will be given to Yaoxing during the luncheon inspection is the S-Mecha.

Novi contacted the Minister of Foreign Affairs and asked him what he was doing at 11:30 yesterday. Although the Minister of Foreign Affairs was strange, he answered his question, exactly the same as Ale’s answer.

Novi gritted his teeth and sent him to take A Le back to his residence. He closed his eyes and knocked on his forehead: “What’s the matter?”

Xiao Mu turned his head to look at Leo, Leo said: “There is a possibility, hypnosis. The person who caused the chaos yesterday will be hypnotized, and he may be the one who gave you the tea.”

Xiao Mu said: “I was originally surprised why only four people suddenly became mad. Now I understand, because they drank the tea in question. This tea was probably used in conjunction with some kind of instrument that caused mental mania.”

Novi’s eyes widened: “According to your statement, I forgot to be arrested before, thinking that I went to play, and it should be hypnotized. Why can I remember but the person who delivered the tea?”

Xiao Mu shrugged: “I don’t know. Maybe there is a slight difference. I can only guess that you were under mental control before, but now you are free of control.”

Novi gritted his teeth: “Give me information about the person who caused the mania. He borrowed my hand to do bad things. I will never let him go! And the experimental base. When I find it, I must blow it all up! ”

Leo said: “We exchange information, I want to know all the news about the experimental base.”

Novi frowned: “I don’t know much. I said that I was in a coma when I went in, and was half unconscious when I came out. It’s not much better.”

Leo looked serious: “Try to provide information, the vibration of the starship, and the length of time, these are very useful.”

Novi opened the terminal: “Well, I will try to remember and write down the details. I hope that the information you give is also comprehensive.”

When Novi finished writing his memories, Leiao said, “You pass it to Xiao Mu, and I have already sent the relevant information to Xiao Mu.”

Novi’s slumped mouth: “Isn’t it easier for us to send it directly?”

Leo said sternly: “You are a guide, and I am a sentry with a boyfriend. You would ruin my relationship with my boyfriend. I will never add your communication.”

Novi choked, and said in a bad mood: “People who want to add my communication can circle your star.”

Leo ignored him, only looking at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu found it funny, he was sure that this kind of thinking was definitely Leo learned from those pink dramas.

He sent Mitte’s relevant information to Novi, and Novi also sent him his memories. He didn’t read it and forwarded it directly to Leo.

Novi opened Mitte’s data, suddenly hey, turned the virtual screen to Thornton: “Look, do you think it’s familiar?”

Thornton’s mouth evoked a sneer: “Apart from his look, he looks like the youngest member of the council of Yan Xing by seven points.”

Novito held his chin: “I have seen his resume. His father had a brother who was originally the head of the family. He also had a cousin. However, the family of the cousin suffered, and the head of the family became his father. This official career is magnanimous.”

Xiao Mu didn’t expect to know Mi Te’s life experience, and reminded: “Although he is an ordinary person, he has mental power attack weapons in his hand and can hypnotize him. Maybe he has other abilities. It is very powerful. You must be careful when you see him. ”

Novi twisted his eyebrows: “Mental attacks, are you specializing in dealing with sentinel guides?”

Xiao Mu said, “Not necessarily. Ordinary people also have mental power, but they are generally low.” He glanced at the time: “It’s not early. Go back and rest. I won’t tell you anything about tonight.”

Novi said: “Thank you.”

Thornton glanced at Xiao Mu, got up to say goodbye, and escorted Novi away.

Joe has been listening quietly by the side, and his eyes are frantic: “If you find a base, you must notify me. I’m sure that their research on mental power is much ahead of the empire!”

He stared at Xiao Mu: “Are you willing to let me study your mental power?”

Leo sullenly twisted his back collar and lifted him from the sofa, pushing him out: “Stop dreaming.”

Qiao managed to adjust the collar, still not giving up, looking at Xiao Mu: “When do you want to, remember to tell me!”

Xiao Mu waved his hand to him, he had no interest in being an experiment.

Leo embraced Xiao Mu and escorted him back to the room, and after reaching the door, he gave a deep kiss: “Get a good rest. I have to go to the celebration site tomorrow morning. You’d better not go out. After tomorrow, I will accompany you wherever you want to go.”

Xiao Mu smiled and touched his side face: “I’m not a kid, don’t coax me, I know how serious things are.”

Leo grabbed his hand and his eyes were deep: “Don’t take the initiative to touch me, I can’t help it, don’t want to leave.”

Xiao Mu’s face turned red, and he poked his shoulder: “Go back to your room,” he knew that Leo would definitely study Novi’s memories carefully, and reminded him, “Remember to go to bed early.”

Leo kissed heavily on his lips before letting go and leaving his room.

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