Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 401: Another?

“Which one do you plan to use first?” Coin asked.

“Mind Serum,” Miles answered without any hesitation.

“Why?” Coin asked in surprise. “I thought you would use Body Serum First.”

“Several reasons really.” Miles shook his head, “Firstly, Val is Mind Branch Master. Having another serum would help me against her illusions and other attacks. I don’t want to go against her outwitted. Second, the documents Dawn left here are too valuable.

I may even derive an antidote if I find an origin virus, at worst, having the original formula may help me to find a solution. It is a long shot I know, but those Walking Dead might still revert back, and I would at least like to try it.

And lastly, I want to free John if it's possible. Although he is obscene and annoying, he was trapped for thousands of years. He is not anything like Shaman Race but acts virulently without any rhyme or reason. Although I won’t trust him even if I manage to free him, I will still try. Though, if I can’t, I will just end him, lest he suffers more. Though he is an information trove that I would very much like to unravel, it seems impossible. I wish I had a power that would allow me to look into that brain. I am sure he has many many good techniques and memories.”

“He is way too strong, sadly. No way for you to read his memories.” Coin said to let Miles not get his hopes high.

“Yeah, sadly.” He nodded as he looked at the Mind Serum. “These shouldn’t expire right?”

“I don’t think so.” Coin approached the battle and took a drop from the serum. A slot opened from the side of his body and started to analyze the serum. After five minutes, he gave the green light. “No problem with the serum.”

“Good, protect my body please, while I am in there. And since I am using the serum, upload as much information as you can from the main computer.” Miles said and attached the serum to his vein.

“Got it, buddy.” Coin floated in the air, as he sorted the files. Since he was connected to Miles's brain, the transfer was more attuned than he had when Evelyn and Adam helped him in the past. Also, instead of testing his limits, Coin was only sending valuable info, thus making it even more worthwhile.

As the medicine started to flow through his veins, Miles felt something was wrong. Unlike the previous times, the medicine wasn’t gliding to his brain cells to rejuvenate them, but instead, was being isolated by his energy. His Mind Limb, the tentacle, was pushing the medicine out. Having nowhere else to go, the medicine was creating a ruckus in his mind.

“No no! Something is wrong!” Miles shouted in panic, as he pulled out the serum from his body. He knew what was happening as it happened once before. At that time, he realized it was too late, and his body was too injured because of his actions. Luckily, this time he caught the sensation immediately and pulled out the serum. Otherwise, he could even lose his mind in the process. Although Body Serum was also dangerous, his body was robust. But the human brain was always fragile, it didn't matter how much serum he used.

The little bit of medicine causing a ruckus in his brain wasn’t completely harmless either. It was trying to break through the barrier put before it by his Mind Limb, and in its wake, it was causing turmoil in his mind. Miles saw illusions, and nightmares, as he tried to push out the medicine.

“Coin, keep me awake!” He hissed with his last strength. He felt like passing out, but if he were to faint at that moment, he would die indubitably.

Realizing something was wrong, Coin took action even before Miles asked him to. He scanned his brain and tried to find where the medicine was. When he found it, an apparatus ejected from its main body. It looked like a cable, but Coin swirled it at high speed and drilled into the skull. As he did so, Miles screamed in pain, but the medicine started to eject out as well with blood mixed in it.

“Sorry, buddy. But this wound will heal. If I let you be, it might get even worse.” Coin depressedly said.

“Thanks.” Miles huffed as he collapsed to the ground. “What the fuck is happening?”

“Just like the last time, your body is rejecting serums.” Coin muttered, “Can it be that you should do something again?”

“What?” Miles asked in a sour mood. “Should I create another ultimate? Is it even possible?”

“Why not? Not like you have a seed, right?” Coin asked.

As if a star exploded in Miles’s mind at that moment. ‘Yes! I don’t have a seed. I never had. When I first created my ultimate, I assumed I probably had Body Seed, but I didn’t. It was just that, I thought I wanted to create Body Seed when I first started, but I failed, didn’t I? My Body Seed exploded, then I created a Mind Seed, then a Heart Seed. All exploded one after the other. Doesn’t that mean I have to create four ultimates? Is that even humanly possible?’

“Miles, this is unprecedented.” Coin excitedly said, “No human ever created more than one ultimate in Form-Rank!”

“I know, but are we sure about this? I may waste days trying to create an ultimate and fail miserably.” He wasn’t sure. Although logic was solid and made sense in his mind, he still couldn’t convince himself. “Is it the Exaltedness of the Creator?”

“You should still try!” Coin urged, “What is it gonna be? Heart or Mind?”

Miles was taken aback. Mind or Heart? Both had pros and cons, but he was still inclined to Mind Serum. Simple really. First of all, he had a Tower Seed of Mind Branch, and its element was compatible with Miles. Secondly, as he thought before, he needed to upgrade his Mind Branch for several reasons, and lastly, he just thought of something. Something that could help him immensely, but he still couldn’t be sure.

“I will go with Mind Serum.” He decided and sat on the ground. He was still feeling groggy because of the failure, but his eyes were shining with determination. Even John, who was far from the duo, felt something in those eyes, and his intuition warned him. Then he remembered, ‘The worst that can happen is death, and at this point, I don’t even care.’

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