Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 416: Revealing Secrets (2)

“You did?” Evelyn asked as she jumped to hug Miles.

“Calm down, mother.” Miles shook his head helplessly, as he instructed in his mind. ‘Coin, translate some of the information, and send it to their wristwatches. Don’t do it for Mother AI and project it so she can transfer them on her own.’

“Which parts?” Coin asked.

“Omit everything about Immortality. Everything about the six races. Only share the cause of Walking Dead without mentioning anything that can give away the secret of Dawn, body and mind serums.” Miles thought and conveyed.

“Got it.” Coin answered and soon, folders started to appear on Evelyn and Mercer’s wristwatches. The coin also created a drop for Mother AI to receive them. As the three of them checked the files, Miles thought about his next steps.

‘Since what I saw in those dreams is true, does it also mean it was Uncle Adam who cripple me?’ Miles asked.

“Lorthew, I don’t know what you saw in my nephew, but I cannot let you reach him. Even I have to destroy his ancient gene.”

Although in that dream, Miles was asleep, now that he was free from Dystopia, he could remember all the details. When Adam injected him with the First Strengthening Serum, he uttered those words.

‘Samuel too called someone named Lorthew when he was kneeling in front of that bed-shape device. Since that lab was Dawn, can it be him?’

“Do you think Uncle Adam has a connection with Dawn?” Coin asked.

‘You have the same language with that lab, and it was Uncle Adam who found you right? Although you said he created you, it seems like not. It means Uncle must have found you somewhere else. And my bet is it was Dawn who gave you to him.’ Miles said.

“That sounds logical.” Coin commented. “Can a person live that long?”

“He was researching immortality. My guess is, he found a way to artificially create an ancient gene that imitates Johns so he could live forever. From what I understood, he was trying to get his hands on me because of my ancient gene. If the first dream is something to go by, if I were to awaken a superpower, it would be Stealing Powers. Similar to Merlin and Marcela and different.

Maybe he wanted my superpower to have immortality and more superpowers.” Miles didn’t know if Dawn was still alive, but if the Lorthew was truly Dawn, then it meant he found a way to live for eons as John did. And in those thousands of years, he would have sharpened the tool that would allow him to toy with ancient genes as he liked.

As Miles was pondering about everything he recently learned, Mercer, Evelyn and Mother AI was having an existential crisis.

“Walking Dead are artificial creatures created to battle against monsters?” Evelyn asked in shock.

“It seems like it.” Mother AI said from the side. She didn’t know. She had never even thought about the possibility. When her race, Lares People, was at the bottom, suddenly a virus appeared on Gaia and changed the weak people who couldn’t battle. At the time, the six AI thought the energy was the sole thing that prevented the virus from infecting others, but it turned out that the creator of the virus deliberately designed it so. He didn’t want people with energy to fall ill. He only wanted the ‘useless’ populace to have a chance against monsters.

“There is a cure too.” Evelyn beamed with hope.

“It cannot revert back those infected.” Mercer poured a bucket of cold water on her hope as he pointed out, “It can only prevent from further spreading.”

“It is still something.” Evelyn was happy. She could use this. She could use this to further improve the vaccine. Who knew, maybe one day she could revert back to the condition and have those poor people gain back their humanity.

“This is all so surprising. Who is this person, capable of creating something so advanced?” Mother AI asked. There weren’t many who could do such a thing. At the time, although the six races had some sort of alliance, they weren’t so close. When the brightest fighters of Gaia sacrificed themselves to create the Endless Mountain Range and Circles, AIs thought they won the battle. But it wasn’t even close. Although Circles shun the higher-tier monsters from entering the outer circles, they also separated the forces of six races. Now, the stronger those native races got, the further they separated from their kin.

AIs, as they were created to help those six races, could only stay back with the weakest. Unlike on Earth, the connection on Gaia was cut off by monsters and fighters couldn’t communicate with each other. So, Mother AI didn’t know who could create something so advanced. There were a few talented fighters she knew, but when they left for inner circles, she lost all her connection with them.

“To get back to the main issue, the person who possessed me and Uncle is probably from the Cross Empire. I don’t know where they are now, but they have something that gives them an edge in energy and technology. Although Coin shares a few similarities, I assure you, he has nothing to do with hackings that happened in the Headquarters.” Miles reminded them what they were talking about before he shared those folders.

“Are you suggesting that whoever possessed your Uncle was also from Traitor Cross?” Mercer asked with a squint.

“I am not a hundred percent sure about it, but the timing proves that they are related.” Miles nodded. ‘Val and Uncle Adam possessed at the same time. Although I omitted Val from my story and instead used myself as an example, it doesn’t change the fact. Since Val was possessed by one Traitor Cross, it means the same happened to Uncle.’

“That makes sense.” Evelyn nodded. “Can you free your uncle as well, as you freed yourself?”

“I was going to propose that.” Miles smiled.

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