Invade the Other Dimension

Page 333

After doing this, I still have some gains today.

"General Lin, now you can..."

Staring at Lin Ye carefully, Huang Weiyi, who was afraid that Lin Ye would be unhappy, decided to speak.

Three minutes have passed by this time, and there are less than two minutes left before five minutes.

The intersection of their hearts kept urging her to let Lin Ye give the termination order quickly.

"Isn't there still time? Before that, let's talk about the belonging of the two of you..."

The two looked very reluctant. Of course, this reluctance came more from the lack of contact in the crisis than from resistance to this topic.

Of course, in fact, there is also resistance, but the current situation can no longer change their future.

They don't have any capital to raise objections, especially in the current situation.

"I didn't do anything to persecute you. I believe that joining Huaguo is more out of your own wishes..."

Speaking of this, Lin Ye, who saw the two helplessly but solemnly staring at him, finally took a step, picked up the communicator, and dialed the number again.

"It's me, Lin Ye, the action is canceled, repeat the action again."

"The order was received and the operation was cancelled."

As quickly as possible, the warhead loaded with nuclear weapons was loaded onto the missile, the target coordinates were set, and waiting for the time to come, but an order to cancel the operation was received.

Liu Mingtao didn't know what happened. The sudden nuclear leveling of Tokyo was canceled again.

But as a soldier, obeying orders is a bounden duty.

What's more, they have always been in a state of constant combat readiness.

Among all the units and arms in China, only they and the nuclear submarine force going out to sea have always been equipped with combat equipment, 24 hours a day, 360 days a year, always ready.

Even if there is doubt, obeying orders has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

"Okay, now you can talk about your belongings with peace of mind!"

The two nodded eagerly.

"General Lin, Weiyi and I both voluntarily joined Huaguo and became soldiers of the Huaguo National Defense Force. You... didn't take any threats or coercion, all of this was voluntary."

"Yes, it's all voluntary."

Huang Weiyi beside him also nodded in agreement.

Joining Huaguo has become an established fact.

Is it just the result!

Thinking back carefully, they didn't have any of the Lin Ye promises they were after.

It made them both very helpless.

They wanted to fight again in this regard, but, thinking of Lin Ye's toughness just now, the two had no choice but to give up.

This is so good to say, but Lin Ye felt a little emotional after hearing it!

Lin Ye knew very well, how could this not contain coercion!

However, since the result has been achieved and the matter is over, the process is left alone.

"I will give you time to go back and go through the relevant procedures. At that time, let's see your family and parents! This farewell, I don't know when we will be able to see each other next time."

Lin Ye picked up his own gun, and at the same time began to pick up the bullets scattered on the ground. Seeing this, the two women immediately knelt down to help Lin Ye pick it up.

"Here, General Lin..."

"Thank you."

After retracting the pistol, Lin Ye thought about it and decided to speak.

Lin Ye could feel that their attitude towards him had improved somewhat.

"It was our task to defend the southern front of the Kyoto front."

It is indeed the mission of their expeditionary force to assist the United Nations Army, the Imperial Defense Forces, and the Siwei Army to maintain the Kyoto front.

It's just that the premise is that there will be no large-scale beta attack on their defense line, and there will be a crisis that will lead to their entire army being wiped out.

For Huang Weiyi's request just now, what is unacceptable is only the bottomless defense.

"I can promise to try my best to maintain the front line and buy more transfer time for the imperial citizens behind, but, as you said before, Lieutenant Yamashiro, we will still retreat when it is a last resort..."

"Then I..."

As a last resort, give up...

Huang Weiyi still hopes that Lin Ye can... Even if she knows that she is a little greedy.

But such greed, she needs it.


Seeing what Huang Weiyi wanted to say, the boss in the mountain city quickly stopped him, and at the same time turned his gaze to Lin Ye, "General Lin can only go so far! If, if it is really possible... I hope……"

"This has always been the principle of combat. Of course, if you don't mind us using certain weapons, I believe that the Kyoto front is absolutely as stable as Mount Tai."

Freya, the goddess of love, is pure natural and non-polluting, as long as she is successfully thrown into the beta pile, it will guarantee a large number of casualties.

However, due to the need for confidentiality, Lin Ye could only use the word "certain weapons" instead.

Lin Ye believed that the two of them could understand.

Moreover, Freya's power was even worse than the nuclear bombs they knew.

"The incident just now let you know that I am not talking empty words anymore. I have this authority. As long as you need it, I dare to blow up. As for the quantity, if the amount is huge, I need to make an application report and go back."

Freya really doesn't have many, but maybe because of the situation in the muv world, the new district took the time to make them.

After all, every time I go back, I am busy with the transfer, and I have no time to take into account the information about the Shuguang base in the new area.

"Some weapons!"

The two swallowed.

The two of them understood very well what Lin Ye was referring to.

For countries that have lost their land, this weapon allows them to have the final bottom line.And in the face of some international affairs, he also dared to challenge it.

For these countries, there is no fear, they can’t beat beta, and they can’t beat you. At worst, everyone will finish the game together. Therefore, even the United States dare not cut off the support of these countries without legitimate reasons.

If you really do this, human beings will not be exterminated by beta, but will be played to death by themselves.

"No, our country does not need to use such weapons. We appreciate General Lin's kindness. We also hope that General Lin can use such weapons with caution. No, we should not use such weapons. Because these weapons are harmful to the environment. The pollution is too serious, and most of the land in Canada is still shrouded in radiation, so please use it with caution."

They are not willing to drop nuclear bombs on their own land.

Even after some time, the two of them will no longer be from this country, but at least for now, they still are, so we must try our best to avoid such things from happening.

However, in the final analysis, the initiative in this matter is not in their hands, and all they can do is to persuade them.

Chapter 535 Attracting Attention

"Well, I'm just talking about suggestions,"

Lin Ye understood the rejection of the two girls.But when it comes to Canada, Lin Ye said with a smile.

25 years after the nuclear explosion, it is still not possible to live. This is a conspiracy.This is very likely to be a premeditated nuclear explosion by the United States in order to consolidate its national hegemony.

After the special nuclear bomb added a large amount of propellant substances attacked the beta landing unit, nearly half of Canada's territory lost the possibility of human habitation.

The main goal is to make Canadian land unusable, and the secondary goal is to eliminate beta landing units.

You must know that at that time, the combat effectiveness of Beta, which began to wreak havoc in Asia and Europe, had already been proven. With the land constantly falling, the population definitely needed to be transferred.

And the Americas would be a good choice.

After all, across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, it is very difficult for beta to reach it.

At this time, Canada, which has a vast area but a small population, will be a good choice. If a large number of people influx, it will greatly enhance Canada's national strength and seriously threaten the national security of the United States.

Therefore, for the sake of its own national security, the top leaders of the United States successfully shot down the beta landing unit with a nuclear explosion, and at the same time destroyed more than half of Canada's territory, consolidating the hegemony of the United States in the world.

"We appreciate your kindness."

This is not a polluted nuclear bomb, Freya is a pure natural and pollution-free existence.

Just want to achieve the purpose of the defensive front, the effect is still very good.

However, Lin Ye reckons that this thing will be used in this world one day.

Freya will be an essential weapon to fight against the beta lair.

As for whether to use it or not, it depends on the situation.

"Your three-day vacation will officially start tomorrow morning. In these three days, you need to complete the relevant procedures on the side of the empire and reunite with your family and relatives. Cherish this last time! Soldiers of the Chinese National Defense Force have their corresponding family leave, but No one knows exactly what will happen in the future, and you, who are already soldiers, understand that every parting is likely to be a farewell."

Of course, Huang Weiyi and Shancheng Shangzong understood what Lin Ye said.

Huang Weiyi remembered how sad she was when she left home.

No matter how confident she is that she can survive, as a soldier in this world, when she goes to the front line, she will definitely be accompanied by death.

Even becoming a Hua Guo soldier can't change this fact.

Unless the world has no beta and returns to peace.

"General Lin, if there is nothing else to do now, Weiyi and I will go back first. Although there is nothing, we still want to prepare."

Now most of the personal belongings of the two of them are provided by Hua Guo, and what they brought over is only the set of enhanced suits and coats.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare to take back.

However, it is still possible to have things, such as the tea provided by Hua Guo. At that time, it may be like Hua... No, I will ask General Lin again.

Give them their future quota in advance.

This thing is a luxury item with a high value, but in recent times, there is no shortage of expeditionary forces.

Moreover, it was just a rationing in advance, and it was not an unacceptable thing.

The two women thought so.

"Go back and have a good rest, relax your mind these two days, and join Huaguo with a better attitude in the future. I believe that becoming a soldier of the Huaguo Defense Force will be the most correct choice in your life. This group will be another one of you... …Family."

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