Invade the Other Dimension

Page 336

The hesitant Huang Weiyi's expression made Huang Wuyuan Youyang understand that the other party was hiding part of the meaning under these words.

However, the other party didn't say it clearly. After thinking about it, she still wasn't going to ask directly.

"All along, the expeditionary force has made outstanding contributions to the defense of the Kyoto line of defense. I believe that as long as the expeditionary force continues to let go, then there will be no problems with the Kyoto line of defense."

Plausible, still not sure, but it would be inappropriate to ask further.

"Your Highness, the further aspect of that relationship is..."

Seeing that Weiyi fell silent, she always asked another point while kneeling on the side of the mountain city.

The further the relationship is, the more it confuses her.

Just because the two of them joined Huaguo can make the expeditionary army and the empire have a close relationship with you, isn't this a joke!They have no such value.

They and Lin Ye, the top leader of the expeditionary force, are not...

Wait, it can't be this one!

The two of them became Lin Ye...

Impossible, this is impossible...

Lin Ye refused again and again. If the empire had made such a promise, then Lin Ye shouldn't have refused to accept it at that time.

In addition to this, there is no other way to make the expeditionary force and the empire have a closer relationship in the mountain city.

You must know that this refers specifically to the Expeditionary Army rather than Huaguo, there is a difference between them.

Huang Weiyi also showed curiosity.

Close relationship or something, when Azka sauce mentions it, people can't help but think of certain aspects.

"Since the two of you lost your status as members of the Wu family, you are Lin Ye, General Lin's..."

A pause suddenly caused the two of them to suspend their hearts.

What became Lin Ye?

It can't really be a wife, or a woman!

If so, do you want to accept it?

Moreover, even if they were worried about accepting it, whether Lin Ye would accept it.

The previous series of events brought the two of them to the lowest point of resistance in this regard.

"The retainer..."


The two were embarrassed and helpless.

Thinking wrong again.

Is it... a retainer?

Does China have such a system?


Chapter 537 The Last Time

"Yes, as retainers, you should understand what you should do."

Huang Wuyuan Youyang added a sentence that made the two of them think for a long time.

The matter of the retainers was also a request made by Youyang of Huangwu Academy for the two of them.

It is normal for the expeditionary army, and even the Huaguo army to have strange reactions to this strange environment, and there are two guards who originally belonged to the empire.

Over the past 25 years, the two sides have cooperated and are somewhat familiar, but they only stay in the category of friendly forces. Even if there have been occasions when the guards of the two sides eventually evolved into love because of the friendship they formed, this is only a rare case.

To win the status of Lin Ye's retainers for the two of them, even if such a system does not exist in Huaguo, as long as there is such a name, it is enough for the two of them to have a better environment.

Because there is Lin Ye, as long as Lin Ye does not fall down for a day, he can protect the two of them.

She didn't want Huang Weiyi and Shancheng Shangzong to be full of indifference and hostility after they went to Huaguo.

"We understand that the two of us will do our best to fulfill our duties and obligations as retainers, and we will not lose the face of Zeng Jin as a member of the Wu family."

"While there are still a few days left, let's go home and have a look! Weiyi, President Shang, your father has also come back on purpose, this may be your last time as imperial people, cherish it!"

All that needs to be said has been said.

The completion of Lin Ye's persuasion work made it very easy for her.

She was really curious about what method Lin Ye used to persuade the two of them to accept the proposal.

Judging from the current reaction, both of them have accepted it.

You must know that in his guess, after the two returned, they might express their loyalty to the empire again, hoping not to leave the empire.

But none of this came up.

So, what this just proves is that the two of them fully accepted it.

"The time of the last imperial man?"

Hearing this sentence, the two muttered to themselves, looked at each other, and finally nodded, making up their minds.

Taking advantage of the fact that he is still a soldier of the empire, and still has the nationality of the empire, so there is absolutely no problem in telling the empire of that information.

But before that, let me say...

"Your Highness, according to the news from General Lin Ye, the United States is likely to tear up the security treaty..."

Things that were completely out of the scope of consideration were in front of my eyes.

"you sure?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't go to the actual evidence, but General Lin said it twice, and it was a clear reminder, so I think the empire should be notified and prepared early. If the United States tears up the treaty, the next step is probably to withdraw its troops Now, when the time comes, there may be a huge loophole in the defense line of Kyoto, and the consequences cannot be afforded by the empire."

"I see, I'll pay attention."

Two clear reminders, then it shouldn't be a joke.

"One more thing is that the expeditionary force is likely to carry strategic weapons... Please also pay attention to this point, Your Highness."

It is really a piece of information that is more shocking than the other.

What is even more unbelievable than the fact that the United States tore up the treaty is that the expeditionary force brought nuclear bombs.

You must know that it is a country that has always said that it will never use nuclear weapons first.

Even if the object is beta, you must know that this land belongs to the empire, and they have no right to use nuclear weapons on this land.

"I'll draw attention to it."

Whether it is true or false, you must pay attention and make preparations.

With the withdrawal of the U.S. troops, the combat power of the Kyoto defense line will be reduced instantly. If you want to successfully resist Beta to the west of the front line, the success rate will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, the losses and casualties of the imperial army will also increase.

Another point is that the anti-American sentiment of the domestic people will set off a wave of climax.

You must know that in the past few decades since the troops of the United States have been stationed, they are not the kind of troops with iron discipline like that in Huaguo.

Especially with regard to... women, there are many problems.It can be said to be menstruation... a problem with menstruation.

However, because of its status in the United States and the agreement, the government has no right to arrest American soldiers. Although they can be tried, they have no right to detain them. Before the lawsuit is filed, the criminal soldiers will often be sent back to the country, and then they will have to leave Very troublesome extradition regulations. (Refer to here, just take a look)

Every arrest is just to assist in the arrest, but to be honest, in the end, what will happen to these illegal and criminal soldiers after they go back, it's... nothing at all.

There is no guilt whatsoever.

Over time, if the United States really tore up the treaty at this most critical moment, Huang Wuyuan Youyang can fully imagine how the attitude of the people towards the United States will change.

At this time, the pro-American faction in China will also change slightly!

But the reason for this change is not what Youyang of Huangwuyuan wanted.

My own citizens are treated like this, but they have no right to intervene. This is only based on reality because they want to protect more people, so they can only endure it. But if the security treaty is torn up, the United States will withdraw its troops...


I really want to let go of my cruel words, but in the current situation, I can't do anything, all I can do is condemn.

Weak countries are really helpless...

Thinking of this, Huang Wuyuan Youyang clenched his fist, but then let go after a few deep breaths.

As for the nuclear explosion of the Expeditionary Force, if such a thing really happened, even if it was to eliminate more betas and maintain the Kyoto front, but without the permission of the imperial government, using it privately would also cause a large number of citizens to arouse anger against China. national protests and hostility.

The good relationship between the two countries will be directly shattered.

As far as the current situation of the empire is concerned, every external support is precious, not to mention the current performance of the expeditionary force.

"Weiyi, President, you two..."

It is a very suitable candidate for the two to investigate, but they cannot do so. They were not spies or insiders in the past, but really left the empire and became Chinese people.

If, if it is really at this time, let them try to detect such information, not to mention the impact on the loyalty and principles that the two have always adhered to. If such a thing is discovered, what will happen to the situation of the two of them in Huaguo? It's going to be very difficult.

Youyang of Huangwu Academy no longer wants the two of them to sacrifice anything for the empire.

Completely let go of everything on the side of the empire, simply go to the past, become a native of Huaguo, and be loyal to Lin Ye and Huaguo, this is the best choice for them.

"Over there, adapt to work and life as soon as possible. They belong to the East Asian cultural circle, but there are still cultural differences between the two countries. Learning and mastering Chinese as soon as possible will be more helpful to your future life. You are Lin Ye General's retainers, if you really encounter something that cannot be resolved, don't be polite and contact him directly. I will occasionally contact General Lin to ask him about the situation of the two of you. If it is not good, I... will definitely let him bear the burden. responsibility. In every sense."

Noticing the playful smile on Youyang's face in Huangwu Academy, the two of them blushed.

In various senses, there is obviously nothing.

Moreover, after that conversation, even Lin Ye didn't have any special thoughts about the two of them, and they kept reminding themselves not to think too much.

"Thank you Your Highness..." X2


After the end, Huang Weiyi and Shancheng Shangzong finally parted ways.

Huang Weiyi once again saw a Japanese-style home in his field of vision, with mixed feelings.

I really didn't know that when I saw this familiar home again, it would make her so nostalgic and joyful.

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