Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 36: Hammering

"There's one!" Ambraz said, and he rushed forward, a hungry look on his face.

Card! Irwin ducked and grabbed the card before the Anvil could… what? Eat it? He didn't know, but whatever it was, he needed to see if they needed it first.

Flipping it around, he saw there was a simple dagger on the front.

Combat card! Years of hoping and wanting one almost made him slot it before he recalled he didn't need it.

With a grin, he shoved it in his pocket before grabbing more books and shaking them. A dozen books later, he had four more cards, all common.

"We need to leave," Daubutim cried.

Irwin saw the sweat drip from Daubutim's head as he stacked books atop the table, which shuddered violently. "The door won't take this much longer!"

"Alright, let's leave," Irwin replied, grabbing four more books and shaking them. Another card slid out, and he snatched it as Daubutim reached him. The sheets of the bed were a crumpled ball in his arms. The desire to shake more books was almost too hard to resist, and Irwin was secretly a little happy when Daubutim pulled him along. Still, he managed to grab two more books. With no way to shake them and get the cards, he clenched them below his arms as he ran towards the staircase. Without Daubutim, the table was thudding, sliding back slightly.

They ran up the stairs, over the wooden balcony to the next one, and then up those. Just as they reached the final floor, the door below slid open. Irwin looked over the wooden railing to see a massive two-horn run into the room. He wasn't much larger than the other two-horns that followed him, but at least three times their weight and circumference.

"Find them, or Doomblade will feed us all to that stupid monster!"

Irwin swallowed as he looked up. The hole was at least fifteen feet up, and angry shouts came from below as he heard the Galubs spread out to search for them.


"Yes, yes. Give me the corner," the Anvil hissed, flying to Daubutim, who was expertly slicing the sheets with his short sword. It almost seemed like he'd done something similar before.

Watching the rope, Irwin quickly stuffed the two books in his bag. He'd check them later.

"Tie," Daubutim whispered as he handed Irwin long lengths of the sheet, starting to tie them up himself.

"Where are they!"

Irwin swallowed at the angry roar. When he had tied up six lengths, Daubutim snatched them away, tying his to it before turning to Ambraz. The tall boy's gleaming eyes suddenly turned dull as he looked at the Anvil.

"Just give it here," Ambraz whispered, sounding annoyed as he bit into the end of the makeshift rope. Then he flew up, dragging it along.

"What…? Up there! Stop them!"

Irwin grimaced and waited as Ambraz reached the hole and vanished inside. There was a sudden loud thud, then a creaking from the ceiling.

"Climb up!'

Irwin didn't have to think about it, but he jumped forward, grabbed the sheets, and pulled himself up. Only when he was halfway did he belatedly wonder if he even could reach the top. But there was barely any strain in his arms yet. He looked down to see Daubutim standing at the edge, staring up with burning eyes, swords in hands.


The shouting and running were close almost there when Irwin reached the edge and pulled himself up. Ambraz stood before him in his large form, the sheets below his massive bulk. He instantly felt the makeshift rope go taut, and a quick look showed Daubutim clamber up rapidly. Behind him, a two-horn appeared, swords in hands and an angry snarl on its face.

"Hurry!' Irwin shouted.

"Pull him up," Ambraz said, and Irwin felt like kicking himself. If he'd let Daubutim go up first, the other could have easily pulled him up. With distress born of fear, he grabbed the sheets and tried to pull them up. It was so heavy he felt his fingers pop, and he growled as he tried to lift it up. Ever so slowly, he managed to pull it up half an arm's length then his arm strength failed him. A hand reached for the edge of the wooden railing, and Daubutim pulled himself forward.

"Cut it!" he shouted.

Before Irwin could, Ambraz flashed and turned into his small form, and the sheet rope shot away and down, followed by a strangled cry.

Irwin looked over the edge to see a two-horn on his back, eyes glaring up in anger before he scrambled up. Four more shoved in beside him, while behind them, a larger form appeared. Sickly red eyes sat in a large face and glared up at Irwin.

"Don't think you can get away! We will find you, and when we do-" the largest of the two-horns made an odd move with his fingers, a nasty grin on his face.

Irwin stepped away.

"Let's get out of here," he said, a slow grin replacing his worry. "We got what we came for."

"Some of it," Ambraz muttered.

Irwin ignored the discontent-sounding Anvil and ran to the nearest corridor leading away.

"This way," Daubutim whispered as he headed to another corridor.

Irwin turned and moved after him, ignoring the angry shouting from below.

Twenty minutes later, they had moved so far away that they didn't hear any of the Galubs. They sat in another room with a ladder leading down, and Daubutim gave him a small look before nodding.

"Down here and a few hallways further is the smithy. If we go in there and close the door, we will be safe."

Irwin sighed in relief, following the other down the ladder. A quick look in the hallway beyond the door showed it was empty. Another few minutes later, they saw the entrance to the massive smithy appear in the distance. There were no signs of Galubs, but Irwin still snuck forward, listening every few moments until he was sure it was safe.

When they finally closed the door and, with immense effort, managed to replace the large bar, he sagged on the ground in relief. He let out a sigh as he realized his sword was gone. He'd left it back in the library.

"So! Let's see what our troubles brought us," Ambraz said as he rushed towards a nearby table. "Come, come! Show me the ones you don't want! I've not had a decent meal in…. Forever!"

Irwin looked at Daubutim, who was staring at the Anvil with a frown before shrugging. To Irwin's surprise, he put his hand in his pocket and removed two common cards.


"They slid out while I was putting books on the table to weigh it down," Daubutim said.

Irwin nodded, then took the books from his bag. Wondering if he was lucky, he picked them up and gave them a good shake. A single card ticked on the floor, and he grinned as he picked it up before heading to the table.

Daubutim swiped his massive arm over it, clearing a space before he put his two cards down, face up, and Irwin followed his lead. A moment later, eight cards lay before them, a wealth far greater than Irwin had ever thought he'd see with his own eyes. Though they were all common, a look at the almost drooling Anvil widened his grin. The Anvil could turn some of these into uncommon!

The staggering wealth before him almost made Irwin want to laugh.

He looked at the cards, and as he focused on the first one, a metallic spiked ball, he felt the second part of his Eyes of Blaze respond. He'd never paid much attention to it, but now he focused on it, trying to activate the ability. Slowly he felt his eyes begin to burn, and there was a surprised grunt from Daubutim. Irwin ignored it as he looked at the curly lines that appeared above the card. They looked like burning letters in the air.

And, of course, I can't read them, he thought with a weary sigh. What was he thinking? He really needed to learn how to read! Perhaps Daubutim could teach him?

"That's part of a morningstar," Daubutim said slowly as he looked at the first card. "Can you see what it does?"

Irwin heard the desire in his voice, and he ignored the question as a surprised grunt escaped him. "Isn't a morning star a weapon?" he asked.

“Yes,” Daubutim said. "But that's only the head-part. I've seen commons like these. They can be used to augment others! My father has a spearhead card that one of his guards uses. It's placed on a staff summoned by another card. It's not as effective as a real weapon card, but-"

Irwin stared at Daubutim, who continued talking rapidly, his eyes bright as he stared at the first card.

I don't really need that, he thought as he ignored the prattling and looked at the other seven cards.

He glimpsed over the dagger, but his eyes widened when he saw two armor-type cards. One was a gleaming chestplate with the insignia of a bird claw on it, and the other was a pair of crossed armguards. He'd seen those before, on one of the top rangers. Then he noticed a card with two clenched fists knocked together. His frown turned to wonder as he saw the dull metallic sheen of the skin.

A body strengthening card! Though it was only common, if he could have Ambraz reforge it into an uncommon, he could increase his physical strength much faster!

It took him some effort to tear his gaze away from the fists and look at the remaining cards. One looked like a metal mug with odd patterns, another was a curled-up rope, and the last one was a collection of leaves seeming to blow in the wind.

"Alright," Ambraz said as he whistled, a sound almost like a flute. "There are at least two good ones here! Impressive!"

Irwin looked up, noticing that Daubutim did the same. When Ambraz didn't speak, he coughed.

"So? What do they do?" he asked.

"Well, this should be the perfect time to use your Eyes of the Blaze," Ambraz said. "Why don't you tell me?"

"Because I can't read, remember?" Irwin said dully.

Ambraz turned to him, then sighed theatrically. "Fine! So, I probably don't have to tell you that most of this is trash. Only Storm Leaves and Coperion Fists are really any good."

Irwin saw a look of dismay come to Daubutim's face, and the noble boy stared at the morningstar's head.

"What do they do?" Irwin asked quickly.

"Coperion Fists are easy. They passively boost your strength and skin toughness, especially in the hands. They also give you the ability to change your hands to Coperion for a few minutes per day," Ambraz said with a grin, hovering above the fists. "They are also prime candidates for reforging!" Then he moved to the leaves. "Storm Leaves is a mental air skill that allows the one who has it to wield parts of the surrounding air. It's not that impressive right now, as it could only blow out some candles, but they would be incredibly useful if reforged. Even more so than Coperion Fists!"

Irwin stared at both with a frown. He'd thought the fists signified a full-strength card and was slightly let down. He still hadn't figured out exactly what he wanted for his next card, but these didn't seem all that great.

"What's that look?" Ambraz snapped. "Both are rarely seen commons, which would have fetched a nice price even at- err…. Never mind. Anyway, Coperion Fists can be reforged to Coperion Body or Greater Coperion Fists. Each has its uses, but-"

Irwin's eyes widened as he pointed at the card. "Will Coperion Body make my entire body tougher or something?"

"Yes. You will turn denser, making it harder to pierce your skin and flesh. Normally that would cause its own problems, as it slows down the body's natural healing, but you won't have that problem. You might lose a bit of speed initially, but that should return as you grow stronger."

Irwin glanced at Daubutim. Luckily the other seemed absorbed by the morningstar card, not listening to Ambraz.

"That actually sounds really good," he said as he focused on the Coperion Fists. The idea of his skin turning into some magical metal caused his eyes to glitter.

"Good, and with all the other cards, I can easily reforge a few of these cards," Ambraz said as he looked at the rest of the cards. A silvery tongue licked his slate-like teeth. "Pick the ones you want, and we can get right to it!"

Irwin stared at the Anvil, shaking his head stupidly. "I thought you couldn't reforge them inside a common portal?"

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do," Ambraz snorted. "This," and he whisked around the table in an odd pattern," doesn't count as a common portal anymore! There's a bloody Bablibon inside! With the energy that thing gives off, I could reforge something up to rare!"

Irwin dumbly stared at the Anvil, then blinked stupidly. Why did he have such bad luck? The first portal he went into was on the cusp of going uncommon, and now he found one with some monster that made it count as a rare portal?

"Now, chop chop! I'm hungry. Tell me which ones you want, and I'll use the rest as fuel!

Irwin looked at the cards and cringed at the prospect of something eating them.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked. "We could sell these and-"

"No. He is right," Daubutim said. "We've got what we wanted, but getting out might prove hard. My father always says one shouldn't linger. It will just invite trouble."

Irwin frowned, then looked at the cards. The mental air card didn't seem too helpful to him, but after some hesitation, he grabbed it and the Coperion Hands one. "Which do you want?" he asked.

Daubutim grabbed the morning star head and the chestplate before frowning. His gaze was on the armguards, and Irwin could see him hesitate.

"Ambraz, what do the armguards do?" Irwin asked.

"Oh, those are one of those useless archer cards, Handful of Arrows. They allow you to summon arrows in your hand. Ten per hand, per day if I recall."

Irwin gulped as he looked at the card, and he wasn't surprised when Daubutim grabbed it. Having twenty arrows without having to carry them was... incredible! What did surprise him was that Daubutim stuffed the card in his pocket.

"We should keep this," Daubutim said. "It is worth… a lot. We can use it to bargain, trade, or sell it." His hand went to his pocket, almost protectively.

It's good, but it doesn't seem like it's worth more than the other cards, Irwin thought, surprised.

"Fine, fine! So then the others are mine," Ambraz said.

Before either of the boys could react, the Anvil dropped to the table and licked up the remaining cards. They disappeared into his mouth.

"... what did they do?" Irwin asked, feeling slightly sad that the dagger was gone.

"Nothing. A Booming Dagger. Ridiculous contraption that. The mug could create a cup of water every half an hour, and the other was just an Endless Rope," Ambraz said as he made an odd suckling noise.

That doesn't sound like nothing, Irwin thought, though he had to admit that he had no desire to slot either. Still, there would have been plenty of people overjoyed with them back home.

A loud crunching and chewing came from Ambraz, and then he shone brightly for a moment. When the light was gone, he sighed.

"Ahhhh, so good. Right! I can reforge three or four items now, depending on which ones," he said. "Let's do it now before we return to the outside. If you two scream, at least nobody can enter here!

Irwin paled, and he heard Daubutim audibly swallow. The image of Twintin screaming in agony was something he'd never forget.

I wonder what happened to her, he thought, trying to suppress his desire to just slot the card as is.

"What does the armor do," Daubutim asked as he held up the chestplate card.

"That? Right now, it's just a normal Rincian Steel Chestplate. It will repair itself when unsummoned."

What's Rincian Steel? Irwin wondered. He'd learned about most common metals, but this one never came up. He couldn't recall Bronwyn ever mentioning it either.

"And if you reforge it?" Daubutim asked, either knowing what it was or not caring.

"I haven't done one of those before, but I would expect it either covers more of your body or becomes a stronger material," Ambraz said, sounding uninterested.

Daubutim nodded, his eyes gleaming. "And this," he asked as he held up the morning star.

"Just a morning star head, also from Rincian steel. I could probably combine it with your club and turn it into a full morning star," Ambraz said.

Daubutim stood up straight, his eyes suddenly gleaming. "Yes," he said as he stepped forward, hand raised. "Please do!"

"Alright! Let's get to work then," Ambraz said. "I would have preferred letting Irwin work on a few cards, but seeing as he has no knowledge, that'd be a waste." The Anvil flashed, and with a thunk, his larger form thudded on the ground. Amongst the other smithing tools and apparatus, it still stood out: dark, smooth, and flawless.

Daubutim closed his eyes, and a moment later, his club hovered above his hand. He stared at it, and Irwin saw him hesitate before grabbing it.

"Do I put my hand on top?" he asked.

He seems unfazed by what is to come, Irwin thought as he stared at the taller boy. Then he noticed the paleness of his face and the sweat on his forehead. As tough as he looked, he was definitely afraid. He just… cares more about the uncommon than the pain.

"Put the morning star on first, then your hand. Oh, and remember. This will sting," Ambraz said. "Irwin, hold his arm in place."

"Sting," Irwin hissed as he walked towards Daubutim. "I'll try and hold you but..." he said, giving Daubutim a weak smile as he shook his head.

"I won't move," Daubutim stated, but Irwin saw his eyes widen. His face was now as pale as a sheet.

"Here we go," Ambraz said cheerfully, and a sound like a hammer slamming into steel echoed throughout the room.

Daubutim stood rigid, his eyes round, his mouth open in a silent scream, but Irwin felt no pull from him to try and remove his arm. A second hammer blow followed, and Daubutim let out a silent whimper. Another, a louder whimper, but still, he didn't move. Then a howl.

Soon, his howling hurt Irwin's ears, and he had to avert his eyes from the boy. The pure agony and terror on his face were getting to him. Yet still, Daubutim's hand didn't move an inch.

He is… incredible, Irwin thought in between cringing from the howling and hammer strikes.

Irwin had no idea how long it lasted, but at some point, he was flinching while there was no hammer strike. Daubutim was softly whimpering, tears running down his face and his jaw clenched.

"Right, that's one," Ambraz said.

Daubutim stumbled back, yanking his hand back as he sank to his knees. His ragged breathing sounded like the bellows around them might have.

"Are you-" Irwin swallowed as he felt his own legs give out. He thudded on his knees. "Are you alright?" he asked again.

Daubutim didn't respond but slowly raised his hand, staring at the back. A smile appeared on his tear and snot-covered face, and with a burst of light from his hand, a morning star appeared in his left hand. Its haft was longer than Daubutim's arm, and there was a pommel in the shape of a bird's head on the end. The spikes on the massive head glinted dangerously, and Irwin thought he saw thin red lines run through the dull gray metal.

"It is fantastic," Daubutim croaked, his voice gone from the howling.

"Yes, it came out surprisingly well," Ambraz said. "I outdid myself! It's called Yighfin's Slammer, and don't ask what or who a Yighfin is. Those names…" Irwin could almost see the Anvil shrug.

"Now then, let's upgrade your Eyes of Blaze!"

Irwin shivered, slumping on the ground as he looked at the Anvil. Perhaps he should have gone first. The screams of Daubutim were still echoing in his head.

"You will survive," Daubutim croaked, and Irwin looked up to see the noble stare at him.

"It is not just the cards that are reforged. I will hold you, and… Irwin? Don't hold in the screams. It helps."

Not helping, not helping, Irwin thought as he began shaking uncontrollably. But as afraid of the pain as he was, he also felt a wonder, a desire, a hunger for the uncommon. Although he had a special card, it hadn't actually felt like that. Now he would get his first real uncommon by his own power, a feat not even Bronwyn could say he had done yet.

Feeling his momentary resolve slip, Irwin struggled up and closed his eyes. It took three tries to summon his Eyes of the Blaze, and by then, he wanted nothing more than to run and hide. Instead, he placed his hand on Ambraz, the metal surprisingly warm against his hand. Daubutim's strong hands wrapped around his lower arm and elbow, and he got a nod from the boy. The approval and respect he saw in the other's eyes barely reached him as he gritted his teeth.

"Here we go," Ambraz said, and then something crashed into his hand, crushing his bones.

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