Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith

Chapter 60: Hot and cold

Irwin rushed down the stairs, still tightening the straps of his new armor, his grappling gauntlets under an arm. As he finished the last bit, he ran into the hall together with dozens of sleepy guards and rangers. A full-armored guard stood by the entrance to the mess, shouting and pointing at the door leading to the square.

"Outside and get ready to fight," he shouted, constantly pointing at the door.

So much for regrouping, Irwin thought as he followed the mass through the hall and outside.

A cold wind gushed around him while the dull explosions from before came from all around. Screams and shouts from people in pain echoed from the streets and alleyways. Guards were blocking those entrances, only stepping aside to let people through. A small melee of fighting was happening on the road leading to the main gate.

Those are Frozir? Irwin thought as he saw blue-white beings surge forward.

Most were shorter than the guards, but some towered over them. Though they looked nothing alike, they reminded him of the Galubs. A dozen of older, wizened guards that had just exited the tower sprinted towards the fighting, drawing swords and axes.

Irwin hesitated, not sure what to do. He saw the same looks of fear and trepidation on the faces of the rangers and guards.

The cold wind and lack of sun were making him shiver already, and he knew he would need to be careful. Still, he didn't turn Coperion Body on yet.

"Jamel, take that group and lead them to the east gate! Clear it and then head around the side," a familiar and booming voice roared.

Irwin looked up to see Hutch nearby, waving at him and the group that came with him. Another grizzled guard with a massive two-handed sword ran towards them.

"Follow me, ladies!" he roared as he began shoving people away from the door and towards one of the blocks of roads. Within moments the guards began showing their training, falling in line, and Irwin did his best to follow them. From what he could see, they were almost thirty-strong.

Jamel ran to the front of their group, then stopped and looked at them. His eyes were darting across everyone as if he were looking for something. When he reached the end, he shook his head and muttered something. Then he pointed at two guards and a ranger. "You three will act as squad leaders! You-" and he waved a section of the group. "Split off and follow him. You-"

Irwin watched in awe as the man rapidly turned the disorganized group of guards into three squads, giving each of the ad-hoc sergeants a set of instructions. Then he turned and looked over the group.

"These bloody demons sent an advance force, and somehow they managed to create a portal to one of their horrible worlds! Don't ask me how- I don't know. Now! Hundreds managed to get out before Jamil, and the other higher-ups reached it and cordoned it off! While they are doing the hard work, it's up to us to clean up what managed to slip past! Follow me, stay with your squad, and kill any of these Frozir you see! Remember your training. They are extremely cold to the touch, and the bigger ones can breathe out cones of frost! Move out and watch each other's backs."

Jamel turned and ran towards the guards blocking the road. They moved out of the way, and the group followed Jamel out and into the city.

Irwin was in the third of the groups holding his jaw clenched to stop the constant ticking of his teeth. He felt the cold run through him, and he barely managed to put his grappling gauntlets on.

I should have stayed inside, he thought. How was he going to help anyone if he couldn't move due to the cold? Two streets in, a warning shout came from ahead. Irwin tried to look over the others, but as much as he'd grown, he was still barely average.

"First group engage and kill them," Jamil's voice rang out. "Second group hold back. Third group, circle around the right!"

The guards around him, eyes wide and hands gripped around weapons, began moving in the direction of those ahead, and Irwin followed along. The clatter of weapons and screams of pain came from beyond the chaotic mess of people, and as the group of ten he was part of split off from the rest, he caught glimpses of pale blue figures in white armor fighting with the others. Jamil stood in the center, a large space around him as he swung his massive two-hander around.

"More incoming from Calder street," someone screamed.

"Second group, deal with it!"

Irwin followed the ranger leading his group as they ran through a narrow passage. He'd not been to this part of town, and everything looked foreign.

"Dammit, dammit. We should have brought light," one of the guards next to him muttered, gnashing his teeth as he raised his shield higher. Young, probably only a few years older than Irwin, his eyes were looking around in fear.

Irwin was suddenly incredibly glad about his ability to see in the dark. Without it, he would probably be just as afraid.


The warning came too late as a Frozir two heads taller than the tallest guard jumped from an open doorway. Three men between him and Irwin, he could see its cold blue eyes radiate hate as it grabbed one of the guards with one hand and rammed a shortsword through his gut. As the bloody end shot out the back, the demon lifted the guard up and raised itself up to its full length as it let out a growl that made Irwin's hair stand on end. At the same time, the temperature seemed to drop significantly.

Irwin didn't hesitate but triggered his Coperion Body card. Instantly the icy cold seemed to vanish, though his body was still cold and sluggish.

Over half a dozen Frozir spilled out of the doorway behind the large one. The front two guards backed up until they were blocked by those behind them. The dark and narrow street, barely ten feet wide, gave little room to dodge.

"Ranged to the back, shieldbearers forward," their lead ranger shouted. "Get rea-"

Whatever he wanted to say next was cut short as the massive Frozir jumped at him, sword forward. Screams came from the other guards as the seven Frozir clashed with them. White frost was growing on the guards' helmets, armor, and weapons.

At the back, Irwin saw two guards drop, and within two seconds of the ambush, they had already lost four, including their new leader. The three guards ahead of him were stepping back. The screams from behind them showed that something was happening at the square, and it didn't sound good.

I need to do something!

"We need to flee," the guard next to him shouted. "I can't even see what's attacking us!"

Irwin clenched his grappling gauntlets, stepped as far to the wall as he could, and took a breath. "Close your eyes," he roared. He waited for a split second, hoping the guards would listen. Then he summoned his flame, causing it to hover above his hand and stretching it forward and up, increasing it to its maximum power.

It was as if a massive bonfire roared to life, a wave of blistering heat rippling away from it. To Irwin, it felt like a soft spring balm, and his body finally began warming up.

A surprised scream came from the Frozir and a few guards that hadn't done as he had said.

Irwin rushed forward and clenched his grappling gauntlets. He shoved a guard away, then pulled another from between the three Frozir about to impale him. They were rubbing their eyes, peeking through their fingers.

Triggering his Eyes of Blaze, the world turned orange as fire roared over the Frozir. Their bodies tensed, arms outstretched as they let out a scream that hurt Irwin's ears. He saw their armor crack while pale, wet drops appeared on their exposed skin, almost as if they were melting.

Startled by their scream, Irwin dropped Eyes of Blaze. As if waiting for it, a sword flashed past him, stabbing one of the Frozir in the throat. It gurgled, grabbing its throat before dropping to its knees.

"Kill them! Quickly before they can see!" a guard shouted as he rushed at the other two.

Irwin jumped with him, shoving his flame toward one. Its scream increased in pitch even more, and Irwin almost felt bad.

Then he saw the remaining Frozir that had backed up, stalking forward. The giant Frozir stood behind them, hate in his eyes as he glared at him. It opened its mouth, and an icy air rolled out of it, rippling forward in a billowing cloud that engulfed the other Frozir. The walls it touched turned into ice which gleamed and reflected the light of his flame.

Then the cloud of snow reached the Frozir that Irwin was torching, and his flame was pushed back. Worse, Irwin felt his blood run cold as he saw the almost dead Frorzir bask in the wave of cold, then stare at him with lucid and hate-filled eyes.

"Stop it! It's boosting their strength," the guard shouted.

Irwin heard rustling from behind, but he had no time to check. He used another of his slowly dwindling Eyes of Blaze, focusing on the Frozir and the cloud. The cone of fire washed over the wall of icy cold and began pushing it back. The Frozir jumped back this time, barrelling into the others.

Sensing his energy start to run out, Irwin stopped his skill.

"Kill the warmbloods," the giant Frozir growled in a voice like cracking ice.

We need to run, Irwin thought as he took a step back. He couldn't get anywhere near that cloud, and they were outnumbered!

The Frozir he had burned raised its sword and darted forward. Irwin backed up another step, feeling something stop him. Fear growing, he panicked and readied himself to grab the incoming frozir. Two steps from him, an arrow passed by his ear, thudding into the Frozir's eye. Another followed almost instantly, then two guards pushed past him, pushing him against the wall.

"Keep the light burning, kid!" Jamil said as he followed them, eyes focused on the massive Frozir.

Irwin swallowed, raising his hand to increase the light. The two guards slammed into and shoved the remaining Frozir away, creating room for Jamil to pass by. More arrows shot out in rapid succession, and within a second, all of the Frozir, besides the tall one, dropped to the ground.

Irwin turned around and saw three rangers, bows raised, arrows nocked, seemingly waiting for something.

A shout came from ahead, and he snapped his gaze back forward to see Jamil barrel through the Frozir with no regard for the cloud of cold air that created a layer of frost on anything it touched. A barrier of ice appeared a foot before the Frozir.

"Kid, fire off another one of those fire beams!"

Is he crazy? Irwin thought.

Jamil roared as he struck the barrier with his sword. There was a dull clank, and cracks appeared on the ice, but it held. "Don't worry about me! Do it!"

Gritting his teeth, Irwin focused on Eyes of the Blaze, blasting another cone of fire. He sensed his energy running low and knew he wouldn't be able to use it many more times. The fire rippled around Jamil, who seemed unharmed as he continued striking the icy barrier. A chunk blasted out, revealing the Frozir, hands outstretched, eyes wide, and mouth open in a silent scream.

"Keep it up!" Jamil shouted.

Irwin licked his lips, feeling his energy dwindle rapidly. Knowing the fire would vanish in a moment, he rushed forward and reshaped his flame into a shield. There was barely any room beside Jamil, and he knelt so he wouldn't get hit as his energy ran out.

"What-" Jamil roared just as Irwin pressed his fire shield against the icy barrier. There was a soft cracking, then a loud pop, and the entire wall burst apart. Splinters of ice ticked against his reinforced skin.

Jamil, still seemingly unharmed, roared a challenge and charged at the Frozir. A step away, he blurred and reappeared behind the Frozir. It fell down below him, its head dropping to the side with a dull thud.

He was breathing heavily and shaking while his heart thudded in his chest. He'd fought before, but never in a group like this, and he realized he'd felt held back. The moment where he couldn't turn replayed in his mind, the fear he'd felt, something he didn't want to feel again. Something like this had never happened while fighting with Daubutim.

Because we practiced and planned, he thought, leaning with his back against the wall.

"Kid, can you turn down the heat?"

Irwin looked up to find Jamil staring at him from a few steps away. His face was pale, and his body was shaking. With a quick focus, he turned down the flame and finally realized all of the guards had backed off from him, staring at him with wide eyes.

"A new definition of hothead," Jamil said as he came closer. "Good job. Now follow me. We aren't done yet."

Irwin swallowed back a reply, then followed the other guards back to the main square. Bodies lay everywhere, mostly Frozir, with almost a dozen guards mixed in.

One fight and we lost over a third, Irwin thought as he shivered.

"Listen up! I know you are all afraid and tired. So am I," Jamil shouted. "But there are still Frozir in the city, and people need our help. Now, follow me and keep an eye out for another ambush!"

Irwin shivered, then followed the other guards.

A weary mutter came from his side as someone fell in line with him. "Thanks for saving us back there."

Irwin looked up to see the young guard that had rushed to his aid. He nodded.

"That's one hell of a card you have. The one with the eye thing," the guard said, looking slightly curious, despite the situation. "The best I have is this-" He raised his hand and showed Irwin an image of a shield with a glittering top. "I can use it to cover a shield with a layer that is able to block any single attack. The problem is that the shield breaks right after… kind of annoying to carry a dozen shields along."

Irwin took a quick look, but the guard only had a single shield on his arms.

"The rest got lost the last few days. I've been trying to get new ones but…" the guard shrugged.

Irwin shook his head as he realized that explained something.

"Quiet back there," Jamil snapped. "You'll alert everything that we are coming!"

The guard shrugged, but Irwin saw him pale, and he didn't speak again.

I wonder how long Coperion Body has been up, Irwin wondered, glad nobody had asked him to turn off his flame. He knew it made him a big target, but if he got ambushed by one of those ice things, he might not have the time to react otherwise.

A few streets later, Jamil stopped and turned.

"Eej, Hothead, come here for a sec."

Irwin suppressed a cold shudder. Coperion Body had stopped a while back, and even his flame wasn't enough to completely push away the cold. Wishing for the heat of the forges, he walked up to the senior guard. "It's Orwin," he said, the name flowing out easily. As he did, he was slowly starting to think of himself as Orwin. Ever since coming here, nobody had even called him Irwin anymore, not even Daubutim.

"Well, Orwin, I need you to do something dangerous," Jamil said with a wide grin. He turned and pointed at the square. "According to Brundich over here, there are a few of these icy pests in that building. I need you to draw them out with your little flame."

Irwin blinked, then stared at the building across the square. It was probably some kind of noble residence, but the door had been rammed open. "How?" he muttered, suddenly feeling worried.

"Simple. You are going to run up there with your flame and run back as soon as they come out."

"Can't we just shout?" Irwin asked dumbly.

"I don't think amidst all this noise they will care much," Jamil said as he put his hand to his ear.

Irwin realized he'd somehow tuned out the constant shouting and screaming that came from further away.

"Don't worry. All of the rangers will be ready to shoot when you come out, and I'll be waiting over there." Jamil pointed at a fountain that he would have to pass.

Irwin stared at the door, then at the rangers around him. There were only seven left, but all had bows out, arrows ready. He'd seen them shoot. The other guards were silently watching, probably glad they weren't the ones asked.

For a moment, he wanted to reject the idea, then he pushed his fear down. Jamil was right. They needed to kill these things. And not just for the people. He needed Degonda safe so he could become stronger.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the building. He heard Jamil follow him, the large guard's footsteps moving towards the fountain. Irwin increased the output of his flame until it was roaring at its maximum power and changed it into a shield. It wouldn't stop any arrows, but if those Frozir were going to shoot ice at him, it should help.

Halfway across the square, he heard muffled sounds from inside the building, and he slowed his pace. A quick look back showed the rangers with arrows pointed at the door. Jamil waved at him from behind the fountain before hiding again.

I don't like being bait, Irwin thought. Then he reached the door. As he did, he saw something move inside, and he barely managed to jump to the side when a white shimmering orb shot through the space he'd just occupied. Irwin turned and sprinted back at an angle, so whatever was inside would have to come out first.

A set of footsteps came from behind, and he took a quick look across his shoulder. Three smaller Frozir ran out and after him, while a tall one with long white hair stood in the door opening looking after him. He was holding his hands in front of his body, and a white ball of swirling snow was rapidly forming.

Where are those stupid archers? Irwin thought. He'd barely finished the thought as he heard the faint snapping of bowstrings followed by a woosh. A shout was almost instantly cut off, and another look showed the frozir had dropped the icy ball. Five arrows poked from his chest while he was clawing at another protruding from his throat.

Footsteps rang, and he stopped as he saw Jamil run towards him. A dozen feet away, he changed into a blur, and Irwin spun around just in time to see him slash through the Frozir that had chased him.


Irwin and Jamil looked up to see more Frozir run from the door, using icy shields to block the arrows directed at them.

"Let's go, Hothead!"

Irwin growled but ran after Jamil.

A few minutes later, another dozen Frozir lay sprawling on the street.

"Not bad," Jamil said with a wide grin. "Hutch trained you, didn't he?"

Irwin nodded his head, increasing the output of his flame to combat the cold.

"Well, I'll have to buy him a drink later!" Jamil said cheerily. "Now, let's go!"

Irwin sighed as he followed the other, hoping he didn't have to become bait again.

His wishes weren't granted.

They patrolled the district for two hours, clearing out so many Frozir that Irwin lost count. They lost a few more guards, but as they began getting the hang of it, it became easier.

When they hadn't found another Frozir in over ten minutes, and the sounds all throughout the city had died down, they headed back. By this point, Irwin was walking in the front next to Jamil. When they reached the square before the tower, they saw that the blockades were gone. Dozens of tents and bonfires dotted the area, only a single narrow path free to the tower's door.

"Alright. All of you head back. Get food, let someone look after your wounds, then sleep," Jamil snapped. "And don't you bloody have nightmares! We will probably need to fight again tomorrow!"

None of the guards said more than a few grunts as they staggered back to the tower.

"Orwin, you did really well," Jamil said as he pulled Irwin back. "I'm not sure what Hutch has planned for you, but I'm sure you will be with one of his elite groups soon!"

Irwin grimaced, then nodded. "Probably. But sleep first," he muttered.

"Off you go!" Jamil said, forcing a weary laugh.

Irwin turned to the tower, cold, hungry, and tired. Again.

I hope tomorrow will be better, he thought.

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