Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

18 – Is it wrong to want a happy family?

"Thank you for buying some Jagamarukuns, Mister!" Fina let out a bright smile and waved. "Come again next time, okay?"

The adventurer was a gruff middle-aged man with dark brown hair and scars over his gray eyes. A serious and stern individual. Even so, he let out a soft smile at Fina's expression and nodded before walking away with the potato snacks.

It was an odd sight. After all, the man looked like someone who wouldn't even grunt if he got stabbed, and yet when facing Fina he couldn't help but return her bright expression.

And he hadn't been the only one like that today.

Hestia watched Fina and let out a sigh. "I suppose this is a good thing...?"

After Fina came to help Hestia sell the potato snacks, there was a surge of business. Part of it was due to the novelty of seeing a cute young girl, but soon enough it turned into a sort of indirect support.

Curious individuals came over to see what the commotion was about, and then when they saw Fina's energetic waves and service, they stuck around to help her out.

Of course, Hestia made sure to keep a careful eye on everyone to make sure there weren't any impure intentions. But it seemed like there weren't. At least, none that had come to buy snacks from Fina yet.

Fina carefully counted the valis from the last purchase and then handed them to Hestia. "Here you go, Mommy!"

Hestia smiled and took them. "Thank you, Sweetie."

"Heehee." Fina smiled back and lowered her head, shifting shyly in place.

Seeing that made Hestia's heart warm.

It was still odd. The fact that Fina looked so much like her that it was impossible to not think Fina was her child, and the fact that her features were just like Bell's with her one red eye and that pure white hair...

It was like looking into the future of what could be. Or rather, like peering into a dream.

A child. Her child. Not just a part of her Familia, but her flesh and blood.

And she was, in a way. Like Bell said, Fina had a bit of herself inside of her, as well as a bit of Bell.

While Fina wasn't birthed by Hestia, and while Fina's true nature was unclear, the fact was that, in that moment, in the present, she was their child.

And that thought...

Hestia set the valis aside and then pulled Fina in for a hug.

"E-Eh?!" Fina shifted in Hestia's embrace and looked up. "Mommy?"

"...It's nothing, Sweetie." Hestia brushed Fina's long white hair and let out a soft smile. "Mommy's just happy right now."

"Oh!" Fina nodded and hugged Hestia back. "I'm happy too!"

"Mm." Hestia let Fina go and then looked up at the sky.

The sun was setting now, long past noon. Seeing that, Hestia frowned and said, "Did something happen to Bell again?"

He said that he would only take a quick look in the dungeon, but he hadn't returned yet.


Hestia nodded, still mulling over her thoughts. "That's right. Mommy's just thinking about your Daddy right now-"

"No, Mommy! It's Daddy! And look, he brought a friend!"

"E-Eh?" Hestia blinked and then looked down. When she did, she saw that Fina was right.

Bell was walking down the street, the same as always. A heroic face, lightly curled white hair and a confident smile.

Even now, Hestia could see a few female adventurers and travelers turn to stare at him.

It annoyed her a bit, but she let it be. After all, it was impossible for them not to stare with how he was now after his ridiculous training.

Perfectly trained muscles like a sculpted statue and that confident aura, paired with his sharp eyes and bright smile... If Hestia fell for him after being a virgin goddess since the dawn of time, she couldn't fault any other girl.

That didn't mean she'd let them step in on her territory though.

To rub it in, Hestia stood up and waved at Bell. Putting a bright smile on her face, she said, "Hi Honey~! Back from work already?"

The man walking with Bell, a young man with red hair and a giant sword strapped to his back, stumbled. He blinked and quickly flitted his eyes to Bell, Hestia, and then to Fina. As he did, it was almost possible to see the gears spurring in his head.

Bell sighed and opened his mouth, presumably to explain to the red-haired man. But before he could, Fina dashed out from the counter.

"Daddy!" She grabbed Bell's waist, pulling him in a tight hug and said, "I missed you!"

Bell sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose. But after that, he put a smile on his face and patted Fina's head. "I missed you too, Princess. Did you have a good day with Mommy?"

"Mmhm!" Fina nodded and said, "We sold a lot of Jagamarukuns! Oh, I sold a lot too!" She smiled and said, "There were a lot of nice people!"

"Is that so...?" Bell tilted his head and looked over at Hestia. "Fina wasn't a bother?"

Hestia huffed. "How could our sweet Fina ever be a bother?"

Bell laughed and patted Fina's head again. "Of course. Just being silly, I guess."

Hestia looked over to the young man beside Bell and said, "I see you made a friend, Bell?"

"Oh yeah." Bell nodded and turned towards the young man at his side. As he did, he spun Fina around, holding her in his arms and said, "Fina. Tia. This is Welf, my party member. He's a really nice guy that put up with a troublesome guy like me."

Hestia hummed. "Welf, is it?"

"O-Oh." Welf quickly bowed his head and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you... Um, Lady Hestia, is it?"

Hestia started cleaning up her stand and said, "Just Hestia's fine. If you're helping Bell, then there's no need to be on formalities."

"R-Right..." Welf nodded. But then he glanced at Fina, confusion filling his eyes. He looked up at Bell and said, "Um... Not to pry or anything, Bell, but this girl-"

"I'm Fina!" Fina smiled and waved. "It's nice to meet you, Mister Welf!"

"Right. Nice to meet you too Fina. But, um..." Welf glanced back at Hestia and then at Fina.

Hestia hesitated, wondering how to explain the situation. Especially when she saw some nearby adventurers idling to hear the explanation.

But Bell wasn't deterred or put off. Instead, as if to affirm it, he lifted Fina up and plopped her around his shoulders.

"E-Eh?! Daddy~!" Fina giggled and said, "I'm not small anymore! You can't do that!"

"I can, and I will." Bell grinned and then turned to Welf. "As for who Fina is... Isn't it obvious? She's my daughter and sweet little princess." He made a point to glance around at the surroundings and said, "That's all you need to know."

"Ah." Welf seemed to be quick on the uptake and nodded. "Got it."

Bell's grin widened and he said, "I knew you were reliable, Bro."

Welf laughed. "Bro, huh? What an honor."

Bell winked. "Oh it is. You just don't know it yet."

Welf shook his head and then turned back towards Hestia. With a short bow, he said, "It was nice meeting you, Lady- I mean, Hestia." He raised his head and waved at Fina. "You too, Fina. Take care!"

Hestia blinked and said, "You're leaving, Mister Welf?" She turned to Bell and said, "You aren't inviting him for dinner?"

Bell shrugged. "I offered, but-"

Welf laughed. "It's fine. I've got more than enough from Bell here today. Besides." He rolled his shoulder and winced. "After the workout we went through, I think I'll be taking it easy for a day or two and relax in the forge."

Bell chuckled. "Only a blacksmith would call banging metal in a blazing furnace relaxation."

"You know it." Welf waved one last time and then said, "I'm off then. You know where to find me if you need me, right Bell?"

"Considering the number of times you told me on the way back, it'd be hard not to."

"Great. Then I'll catch you tomorrow to go over some new armor ideas. Let me know how Black Demon fits, alright?"

With that, Welf vanished into the crowd.

Hestia finished closing up her stall and then walked over to Bell. She stared after where Welf had gone and said, "Seems like you've found a good friend, Bell."

Fina leaned forward and said, "Mister Welf seems nice, Daddy!"

Bell smiled. "Yeah. Welf's a good guy... Ah. Almost forgot." He reached into his bag and then pulled out a smaller bag.

Unlike the one Bell used to hold his dungeon spoils and valis, this new bag was clear and transparent, holding... magic stones? No, it was just candy that looked like magic stones.

Hestia blinked and then tilted her head. "Bell?"

Before she could ask anything else, Fina squealed and said, "You remembered!"

"Of course I did, Princess." Bell held up the bag and said, "Here you go. Don't eat too many now, alright? Too much sugar isn't good for you."

"Kay~!" Fina snatched the bag from Bell's hand and then opened it, carefully pulling out a single crystal. Afterwards, she plopped it in her mouth and then let out a happy squeal.

Bell smiled at that and then turned towards Hestia. Glancing at the stall, he said, "You done for the day?"

Hestia moved close to Bell and nodded. "Since a certain someone took longer than he said he would, I figured I might as well turn in for the day." She glanced at Fina and said, "Our cute mascot did more than enough to make up for it anyway."

Bell chuckled. "Alright. Let's get going then." With that, Bell started walking towards the church, holding Fina on his shoulders while the young girl munched on the crystal candy.

Hestia smiled and followed after them.


At the top of Babel, gazing down on the world below. From her seat by the window, a goddess of beauty watched a certain trio making their way down the street.

"Strange..." Freya muttered and carefully observed her targets.

The first was a young man. He was different now, but there was no mistaking who he was. A wondrous mix of pure black and white, perfectly separated and yet swirled together in harmony.

It was a stark contrast from the beautifully clear soul she first saw. From that time, and from how he seemed to be able to sense her gaze, Freya had been interested.

But now she was even more interested.

"How did he change his body so quickly?"

Freya idly swirled her finger around a wine glass and hummed, lost in thought.

The young man she saw the first time had been a frail and wispy thing, like a pure white bunny. One with a beautiful transparent soul. But that young man and beautiful soul was nowhere to be seen now. In his place was a... Well, who he would become was yet to be seen. But at the moment, Freya thought he seemed quite like a hero. A brilliant, confident, and unyielding hero that would face down any foe... and one with such a curious mix of black and white in his soul. Of good and evil, kindness and malice...

But while interesting, the other small light next to him was even more so.

A beautiful young girl with a soul the purest white that Freya had ever seen. A pure white surrounded by a lovely blue flame.

A blue flame the same color as Hestia's divine authority, emanating the same light as well. Close enough that it was impossible to see it as anything but an extension of that childish goddess's authority.

But it wasn't.

Others might not be able to distinguish it, but Freya could.

The same 'shade', but a different 'texture.' Where Hestia's flame was calm and comforting, that blue flame around the young girl's soul was bubbling and energetic. As if Hestia's flame had mixed with something else to change in nature.

As if that girl was her child.

But that was impossible. At the least, it should be impossible.

Yet, the signs were all there. The Virgin Goddess... Well, it was debatable whether that title remained true. Either way, the Goddess of Home and Hearth had hidden it well, but it was impossible to hide it from Freya.

"Hm..." Freya placed her finger on her chin and thought about what she should do.

For now, it could be explained away. After all, it was fundamentally impossible for gods to have children. Because of that, while it was suspicious, most would brush it off as coincidence. But Freya had no doubt the more astute gods had noticed. And with Ganesha's banquet coming up...

"I suppose I should help her out a bit."

If that girl was truly Hestia's child... And if that child was one born from a union between her and that adventurer Freya had her eyes on...

Well, Freya was a goddess of love and beauty. She could accept Hestia being the first as the Goddess of Home and Hearth, but there was no way that Freya would lose out on being any later than the second Goddess to birth a child.

Especially when they turned out to be as cute as that lovely little thing.

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