Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

25 – Is it bad that I might have inspired something ridiculous?

Late at night. Fina was exhausted, so we tucked her into bed early. But Hestia and I were still wide awake.

And like always, Hestia was relaxing on the couch reading a book. As for me, I also had a book. But it was my notes, both to review what happened today and what I learned. An 'adventure log'... kind of to save my game.

Except this wasn't a game. Fun joke though. At least, I thought so.

After writing down some more stuff, Hestia called out.


"Hm?" I looked up and said, "Something wrong, Tia?"

"No. Just..." She looked thoughtful and said, "I might need to have you watch Fina for a few days next week. Is that okay?"

"Of course!" I set my book down and said, "I'd be happy to spend time with our cute little princess."

Hestia giggled and said, "You really do see her as your daughter, don't you?"

I nodded. "Obviously. It was definitely unexpected... but Fina's clearly my daughter. Well, 'our' daughter, technically. She wasn't born the normal way, but even so."

Fina wasn't born normally, but there was definitely that familial bond there. Not only that, but she definitely was my biological daughter as well. Probably. Didn't have DNA testing here to confirm that, but there was a sort of connection there that made me want to protect her against the entire world.

If something were to happen to Fina... Well, I guess I'd have to see just what happened when you killed a god. And if I could rip out the status of other adventurers to use as my own.

Hestia gave Fina a soft smile. And then a strange expression crossed her face.

I frowned. "Tia?"

She shook her head and looked back at me. "It's nothing, Bell. I'm just... Happy." She sat up and hugged her knees together. "I've gotten everything I wanted since I came here. A family. A child I never thought I could have. And..." She sighed. "I'm just worried. Right now, things are fine. But if anything comes out about Fina... about you..." She shook her head and said, "The other gods won't sit still, you know?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Then let them move. I'm not afraid to rage against the heavens for the sake of my family."

Hestia's eyes widened, and then those clear blue orbs started to tear up. She shook her head and said, "You can't do that, Bell."

"Why not?" I looked at her and said, "You and Fina are the only things that matter to me. If you two are gone... I'll do anything to get you back. And if that involves clawing my way to heaven and dragging down the ones responsible."


I blinked. "No?"

Hestia stared at me and said, "Bell. I want you to promise me. If-"

"I won't promise."

"Bell!" Hestia looked at me and said, "Listen-"

"No. You listen, Tia." I stared her in the eye and said, "You aren't just my goddess. You're family. And while I'm not sure if what I feel for you is love... mostly because I honestly don't know what that is. But I care for you a lot. Fina too. And if anything or anyone ever threatens you, I'm not going to hold back. Also..." I looked at Fina and smiled. "You're not the only one who's gotten everything since we've met. It was pretty unexpected and rushed, but... I always did want a cute daughter and a beautiful wife."

Hestia's face turned red. "Bell..."

I looked at her and said, "That's all I have to say about it. Now... how about we get back to relaxing? It's been a long day, right?"


"Then I'll let you get back to reading, Tia."


A tense but comfortable silence fell after that.

And then a few hours later, we went to sleep, cuddled up together with Fina.


"Morning, Bro."

"@#$@!" Welf let out a strangled scream and jumped into the air, dropping his hammer on the ground. "By the gods, Bell!" He looked at me and said, "How do you get here so quietly wearing that thing!?"

I chuckled and then took off Black Demon. "Trade secret."

Mostly dampening the soundwaves with active noise cancellation. An interesting technique that I'd need to try out in the dungeon at some point to see if it helped with stealth.

"But anyway, how've you been? Did you get any sleep?"

I got up early again, so after making breakfast for Tia and Fina, I headed over to visit my blacksmithing bro's forge. Mostly to make sure he wasn't doing anything reckless.

And speaking of breakfast...

"Oh yeah." I pulled out an egg sandwich and a glass of water before handing both over. "Got you some food. Figured you'd have forgotten about it."

Welf sighed and then took the food. "Thanks man. But seriously." He took a bite from the sandwich and said, "You don't have to visit, you know? You've got your family to consider too."

"I know. Which is why I'm visiting." I pulled out a notebook and said, "If my best buddy gets famous, I can leech off your fame and live a comfortable life, right?"

Welf finished his sandwich and drained his glass before setting it aside. After that, he shook his head and said, "Considering all that you've done for me, I don't mind. But I think that you'll have more problems than good times if you go that route, Bell."

"Probably true. Self-accomplishments are the best way to deter others and show strength in the end, I guess."

Welf laughed. "That's definitely true. Borrowed power is always a bit... Well, it's better to make things on your own merit." He picked up his hammer and said, "What brings you here anyway? I thought we were taking a break from the dungeon after yesterday's fiasco?"

"We are. But I wanted to hand you some useful notes." I held out the notebook and said, "I was doing a lot of thinking about what you said regarding the Blacksmithing skill-"


"Blacksmith skill." I waved the book and said, "I also remembered some different forging tips and ideas that might be useful for you. I'd say them out loud, but..."

I tapped my ears and pointed to the walls.

Welf frowned and took the book. When he flipped through, his eyes widened, and then he started reading it again. And again. And then he looked up at me. "Bell. This book..." He shook his head and held it back. "I can't take this. It's too valuable!"

I didn't blame him.

The book wasn't really a book. Instead, it had my memories about a certain wrought-iron hero that Welf reminded me about, as well as that guy's process on creating swords.

It also had a breakdown of how skills worked, how to achieve the same results, and also how to acquire said skills without leveling up like Welf intended.

Also miscellaneous information about blacksmithing, alloys, minerals, etc. that I could remember from Earth.

All of it compiled into a neat experience imparting book that I made as an experiment.

And judging from his reaction, it seemed like that experiment was a success.

I shrugged and said, "Burn it then. I made it for you, so if you don't want it, destroy it."

Welf saw my expression and then took a deep breath. After staring at the book a bit more, he carefully tucked it into his shirt. "...I'll guard it with my life."

"Don't need to be that serious about it, Bro. You're the only one who can read it anyway."

Mostly because the book would self-destruct in other hands, but no need to mention that.

At least, it should self-destruct. It might be more likely that it'd turn into a bomb though...

...Nah. Should be fine.

Welf shook his head. "Seriously though. The more I hang out with you, the crazier you seem to be. Are you seriously just a farmboy...?"

"Former farmboy. Jury's out on my bloodline though."


"...Don't worry about it." I leaned against the wall and said, "What are you up to? More armor experiments?"

I could see bits of armor scattered on the ground. A few were similar in design to Black Demon, but sleeker. More refined. I also saw some diagrams on the floor with notes scribbled all over them.

Welf nodded and walked back to his anvil. "Something like that." He picked up a pair of tongs and grabbed the hunk of metal on the anvil before sticking it back in the crucible to heat it up. "You're fine in Black Demon, but I'm worried about me." He looked back at me and said, "Still confused on how easy you can move around in that thing, by the way. I tried making a suit for me last night, but I could barely move a muscle. And that was with iron instead of lead too."

"Again, trade-"

"Secret. I know, I know." Welf sighed. "Still. I'm wondering what kind of a mess I got into with you. Not that I mind, but life's definitely going to get more complicated. Especially when I start churning out works on par with someone that has the Blacksmith skill..."

"Then don't?"

Welf hummed. "I'm considering it. And I'm considering making 'that' too with all the chaos we're finding in the dungeon. We might need it if something big pops up."

"Hm?" I frowned. "That? What, you got a trump card too that you've been holding back?"

Welf was quiet for a bit, and then he nodded. "That's right. I can make magic swords. It's the Crozzo blood, you know?"

"...I don't? Are magic swords that special?"

"Huh?" Welf turned to look at me and said, "...You're kidding, right? Crozzo magic swords? The ones that can split apart the oceans and cut mountains? You've never heard of them?"

I paused to think about it and said, "I think I vaguely remember reading something like that in the notes I saw from Eina... But magic swords aren't that special, right? Can't anyone make them?"

Welf rolled his eyes. "As if. The Crozzo family can do it... Well, used to be able to do it. I'm the only one left with the skill, but it's a gift from the spirits. Not just any-" He suddenly cut himself off before looking at me. And then his eyes shook. "H-Hey. Bell. You're joking, right?"

I blinked. "About what? I haven't said a joke, have I?"

He pointed at me and said, "Don't kid. The way you said that... it sounded like you figured out how to make magic swords without a skill. That's... You're joking. Right?"

"Hm... Well." I noticed a sword lying on the ground and picked it up. "If you're talking about *forging* a magic sword, I don't think I can. But if it's just a magic sword... like a sword that can use magic..."

I focused. Mana, running through and weaving in the blade. A spell pattern intricately woven within the folds of steel.

It was just a theory. Something I thought about when I was considering uses for magic stones. But... Since Compilation was a thing... And since this was *definitely* simpler than trying to save Fina...

A faint hum echoed. At the same time, the edge of the blade I was holding started to blur. An invisible wind blade. "Something like this, right?"

I handed the sword hilt first to Welf.

He took the blade and stared at it. Then he placed it on the anvil and raised his hammer, smacking the blade.

I blinked. "Um, Welf-"


He stared at the sword, focused. At the same time, he started hitting the sword again.

Was he trying to break it? No, he seemed to be testing something-

Wait. Why was that sword glowing now?

I focused on the sword and also Welf's hammer.

There was an energy spilling out from him. A dark crimson light that was like a cursed flame. But when it hit the sword, that cursed flame turned a pure light green. Similar to the mana I put in.

And then he lowered his hammer, leaving behind a bright green blade.

One that reeked of mana and energy... but also one that was completely stable.

It was like he did what I did, but turned the entire sword into mana instead of just putting the spell in. As if he tempered the steel with the mana and turned it into a mana crystal sword with the properties of steel.


"...Pft. Ha. Haha. Hahaha!"

Welf burst out laughing, a maniacal and full-on gut laugh.

"Er... Welf?"

He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. "It was so simple. Putting our heart and soul into the blade... We should have trained the blade like a crystal instead. Weaving the energy, refining it... Not just hammering the power in. Of *course* it would break if we did that. But if we changed the very core of the sword..."

"...Are you alright, man?"

Welf looked at me and then handed the sword back. "Here. Take it. And don't let anyone else see it."

A serious expression.

I nodded and put the sword away. "Er, sure. But what-"

Welf shook his head and said, "It's a miracle. Something that shouldn't exist. And something that I'm not going to make again for a long time." He frowned and said, "I'm definitely not strong enough to protect it. But should I tell lady Hephaestus then? Something like this is definitely proof that I can- No. I'm still borrowing power. It's not on my own merits yet. That one was a fluke. If I want to make my own, I need to start from scratch... Then can I do the same with armor? Changing the essence by adding bit by bit, resonating with the structure... And if I tune my mana to the base level, threading it like in those notes to create filaments..."

Welf walked back to the armor he placed in the crucible and pulled it out, putting it back on the anvil. "Let's try it." Saying that, he started hammering.

"...Should I leave?"

Welf ignored me, staring at the armor with intense eyes. At the same time, he threw his entire body into the hammer swing, as if trying to deny the reality in front of him and change it.

"...Yeah. Guess he forgot about me, huh?"

I shook my head and then placed some food nearby for him.

The forge was warm, so it should keep for a while.

Though it meant my morning plans were dashed.

What should I do now...?

Oh right. I should probably check in with Eina.

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