Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

28 – Is it wrong to make a new friend?

"Thanks for the sweets, Daddy!" Fina looked up at me with a bright smile as she carefully took a bite out of the crystallized honey bar. When she did, her smile widened and she started humming.

I laughed and ruffled her hair. "Anything for you, Princess. Though you have to eat veggies later to make up for it. Promise?"


I smiled and then took a look around.

After finishing business with Miach and Naaza... Mostly by double-teaming Miach with Naaza to force him to accept payment for services rendered.

Honestly, that guy was too nice. It was good that he had someone like Naaza in his family to make up for his sincerity with cunning and guile otherwise he'd be completely impoverished.

...Though I don't think that Miach would mind as long as people were safe. He was just that kind of nice guy.

Anyway, after that was done, I took Fina out for a walk around Orario to both get a feel for the town and to do a bit of light shopping. We were running low on groceries, so I wanted to stock up a bit while I had the time.

At the moment, I was holding Fina's hand and walking with her down the main street of Orario, glancing at the stalls we passed.

There were quite a few people selling Jagamarukuns. A good number of gods too. It seemed like Tia wasn't the only divine being who resorted to working to support their family.

But there were also gods selling other wares. Some were selling trinkets, a few different food items, like the crystallized honey bar I got for Fina. And a few others were advertising services like item appraisals and fortune telling.

Seeing all of that, I couldn't help but mutter, "Orario really is an interesting place, huh?"

"Mmhm!" Fina looked up at me and said, "Orario is super fun! There's so many people and shiny things!"

I laughed and said, "True. But you shouldn't trust strangers or things by how they look. There are a lot of bad people out there as well you know?"

Like that goddess who was still staring at me from somewhere high up.

Did she have a private room on top of Babel or something? Sheesh. Talk about a super stalker...

"I know, Daddy! Mommy told me too."

"Did she now?"

"Mmhm!" Fina nodded her head and said, "Mommy said that I should never take candy or gifts from strangers. And also that I shouldn't talk with strangers at all unless Mommy or Daddy is there. She also said that if I get scared, it's fine to burn people up and run to Mommy and Daddy."

Eh?! Tia! What the heck are you teaching Fina?!

...I mean, it's not wrong, but come on!


Fina nibbled on her candy bar and then said, "Oh. But I'm only supposed to burn people if they try to kidnap me or do weird things." She paused and then looked at me. "Mommy didn't say what the weird things are though. Do you know, Daddy?"

Pure, innocent eyes. A completely trusting gaze waiting for my answer.

...Gah. What the heck was I supposed to say in this situation?

Fina was definitely too young to have the talk yet, but Tia already started implying it.

...Though the fact that she implied it... Did that mean that it was commonplace in this city?

No, think about that later.

For now...

I stopped and stared at Fina.

Fina stared back.

And then I decided. "Well, Princess-"

"Mister Kranel? Is that you?"


Ah wait, I really should answer Fina first though.

"It's complicated, Princess. But basically any person touching you without permission counts."

"Oh! Okay Daddy."

Fina looked a bit confused still, but I could sort that out later. Now for the person who called out to me-

"Miss... You know, I never got your name."

It was the beautiful blonde elf woman from the Hostess of Fertility.

She glanced at Fina and looked a bit confused, but she looked back at me and said, "My name is Ryuu Lion, Mister Kranel. And... are you not going to the Dungeon today?"

I let out a bitter laugh. "Yeah, I'll pass on that."

Pretty sure Miss Dungeon was pissed off at me. I'd let her cool her head for a while first. And in the meantime, I'd prepare more countermeasures.

Because damn did I barely make it out last time. Definitely needed to chat with Welf about making a set of light armor instead. Maybe a shield too. And a few other weapons. Compilation turned theory into experience and skill, so I lean into being a jack-of-all-trades who uses trump cards instead of a specialist

I looked back at Ryuu and said, "What about you though?"

She wasn't wearing her waitress outfit and we were pretty far from the cafe... diner... Whatever the Hostess of Fertility counted as.

Ryuu sighed and said, "Miss Mia and the others insisted I take a day off." She let out a wry smile and said, "It appears that I have been working too often and have been required to take mandatory leave."

"Mm." I nodded and said, "You do seem the type. It's important to take time for yourself every now and then though."

A tug on my sleeve. Fina.

I blinked and looked down at her. "Yes, Princess?"

"Who's the pretty big sister, Daddy?"

"Right." I pulled Fina close and said, "Ryuu, this is Fina, my adorable daughter. Fina, this pretty miss is Ryuu, one of the nice ladies who helped make the food I brought back the other day for you and Mommy."

"Oh!" Fina gave a bright smile to Ryuu and waved. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Ryuu!"

"It... is nice to meet you as well, Fina. However..." She looked back at me and said, "Mister Kranel-"

"Bell's fine."

"...Bell, then." She looked at Fina and then said, "You were married?"

"I'm not." I paused and added, "Not yet, at least. Still need to get stronger first. Also save up money, maybe get a few more reliable people to join our familia..." I paused and said, "Say. You wouldn't happen to be looking for a familia, would you?"

Fina gasped and said, "Is the pretty elf sister going to join too? Am I going to get an aunty?!"

Ryuu flinched. "T-That... Um..." She fidgeted and said, "...My situation is complicated. My apologies."

Fina looked dejected and said, "Aw..."

Ryuu flinched again, pursing her lips.

I quickly patted Fina's head and said, "Now Princess. You shouldn't pressure people into decisions like that."

"Eh?" Fina blinked and said, "But Miss Ryuu looks so lonely. If she joined our family, she'd be happy and have fun too, wouldn't she?"

Critical damage to the heart. With every word Fina was saying, I could see Ryuu crumbling.

And while I'd definitely appreciate having someone who was definitely at least twice as strong as me right now join our familia to help out in the Dungeon... it really wasn't fair to pressure her with Fina.

Though I'd have to keep that ability in mind for the future. Fina definitely had a knack for guilt-tripping...

But anyway.

"Maybe. But either way, Miss Ryuu's too busy right now. Right?" I looked back at Ryuu.

Thankfully, she picked up on my intentions and nodded. "Yes. I am rather fond of my current job. My apologies, Fina."

"...It's okay." Fina smiled and said, "As long as Miss Ryuu's really happy, I can wait. And you want to join our family, right? You're just busy?"


"Yay! Then it's a promise!"


...Fina is scary. Was this the power of children, or was it that Luck stat of hers rolling a natural 20? Either way, I couldn't help Ryuu out of that now.

So instead, I changed the topic.

"Anyway, Ryuu. Are you out shopping or something?"

She was wearing a plain white blouse and simple black pants with a small bag tied on her waist. In other words, dressed for a day out in the town and not for business.

Ryuu nodded and said, "Yes. I was hoping to see if there were any deals for cooking ingredients so I could inform the others when I returned."

"Really? That's convenient. I was actually about to take Fina with me to do just that. How about we take a look together?"

Fina gasped and then ran over to grab Ryuu's hand. "Yes! Will you come with us, Miss Ryuu?"

Ryuu blinked. And then she blinked again. And then she looked between me and Fina and then let out a sigh. After that, she smiled and said, "I suppose that will be fine."

"Yay! I made a friend today!"


I shook my head while I watched Fina chat away with Ryuu. At the same time, I did my best to avoid the pointed stare coming from the higher floors of Babel that felt like it was trying to dig into my soul.

...Yeah. Definitely needed to do a lot more prep work.


In the commercial district of Orario, on the top floor of the Hephaestus Familia's main shop. Hephaestus's office.

There, Hestia and Hephaestus were seated across from each other at a table, both with a cup of tea.

Hestia took her tea and smiled. "Thanks for clearing your schedule to see me so soon, Heffy."

Hephaestus's visible eye twitched and she said, "I didn't say anything last time because of how shocked I was, but no. You are not allowed to call me Heffy."

Hestia pouted and said, "But Heffy is cute!"

"No means no." Hephaestus took a sip from her tea and said, "I will accept Fae. I will even accept something like Faefae. But Heffy? No."

Hestia sighed and said, "You need to lighten up a bit, Hef-"

Hephaestus narrowed her eye.


Hephaestus scoffed and said, "I'll lighten up when we return to heaven. Unlike you, I'm hard at work managing my children to make sure everything is going well."

"Which is why I'm really grateful." Hestia sipped her tea and then sighed. "I've had a lot on my mind, so I'm glad we could talk."

"I figured." Hephaestus sighed as well and said, "Considering that your child has been dragging Welf into the dungeon and inspiring him enough to work through the night, it seems that you've got a handful to deal with as well."

"Mmhm-" Hestia paused and said, "Wait. Welf?"

Hephaestus nodded. "Yes. The newest child in my Familia." She sighed and said, "It's a pity. He has the Crozzo blood, but he's refusing to use it. If only he would utilize all of his talents..."

"Oh." Hestia sipped her tea and said, "I wouldn't worry about that."

"Hm? Why not?"

"Bell tends to drag everyone into his own pace." Hestia sighed and said, "Me included... But anyway." She looked up at Hephaestus and said, "Just you wait. I'm sure that Bell will change Welf's mind sooner or later and make him start using all he's got."

...Mostly because it would take all that Welf had to keep up with Bell. Not to mention that his <Storyteller's Refrain> skill would inevitably make the people around stronger the more they stuck around Bell.

Hephaestus smiled and said, "My. Hestia? Having faith in a man?" She laughed and said, "Is the world coming to an end?"

Hestia frowned and muttered, "Maybe. Considering how crazy Bell is, I'm starting to get worried he might cause it."


Hestia cleared her throat. "N-Nothing, Faefae. Anyway!" She took a quick sip of her tea and pushed it to the side. "First... Do you know how to lock an adventurer's status? You know, make it invisible?"

"Of course I do." Hephaestus nodded and said, "It's just another step near the end. After you copy the status onto the paper, you just dismiss it instead of leaving it on the back." She paused and said, "...But why are you worried about that, Hestia? Does it have to do with that girl?"

"...A little." Hestia crossed her arms and said, "I'm just... Bell and Fina are special. And I'm scared." She looked up at Hephaestus and said, "I'm really scared, Hephaestus. Right now it's fine, but it's only a matter of time until other people start realizing how special they are. At that time... I don't know what I can do. I'm just me. Hestia, the Goddess of Home and Hearth. I don't have any resources, connections, or even powers to help protect my family."


Hestia shook her head and said, "I don't want to lose them. But I don't want to hide them away either. I just..." She looked up at Hephaestus with teary eyes and said, "I just want a normal family. I just want to live a happy life with my Bell and my daughter, but...!"

Hephaestus was quiet. And then she let out a deep sigh. "Hestia. You know that's impossible. Especially if that girl..." She looked at Hestia and said, "Is she really your daughter? Your flesh and blood? She looks like it, and she gives off the same feeling, but..."

Hestia nodded. "She is." Hestia sniffed and then let out a bright smile. "My sweet little Fina."

Hephaestus rubbed her face. "...We're best friends, Hestia. You know that, right?"


"And you know that I'll be honest with you, right?"


Hephaestus nodded. "Then I'll just say it. I can't help you."

Hestia flinched.

Hephaestus pursed her lips and held her cup of tea. "This is big. A daughter between a goddess and an adventurer... Maybe it would be different if the Freya familia were willing to help but-"

"Then shall I?"

A casual seductive voice from behind the door to the office.

Hestia froze, looking at the door in a panic.

Hephaestus stood up and glared at the door. "Freya. What are you doing here? And what did you do with my children?"

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with flowing silver hair and... a surprisingly modest black dress.

Freya smiled and said, "Don't worry, Hephaestus. I didn't charm your children to get here. Did you forget? We had a meeting today to talk about Ottar's new sword. I just happened to arrive a little early."

Hephaestus flinched and then covered her face. "That's right. Argh... I forgot after Welf's declaration last night..."

Hestia didn't react, her mind still reeling from the realization.

Freya was standing there. And since she said she arrived early, that meant she had been there for at least the last few things Hestia said.

Which meant she knew.

She *knew.*

Hestia quickly stood up, holding out her hands. At the same time, she prepared to use her Arcanum. Although she couldn't do much... If it meant that she could keep Fina and Bell safe from Freya...

Bell was special. Hestia knew that even without his Falna, he could keep Fina safe long enough to transfer to another family. And Take would definitely help. So.

Even if it meant that Hestia wouldn't be able to see them again, if she got rid of Freya and prevented the largest familia from being a threat to her family-

"H-Hestia?!" Hephaestus's eye widened. "What are you doing!?"

A stir of divine energy. Wisps of the Eternal Flame slowly emerging as Hestia's hair flashed crimson.

Even so, Freya didn't cower. Instead, she let out a wide smile and said, "Such devotion and resolve..."

Before Hestia could do anything else, Freya crossed the room and grabbed Hestia's hand. But instead of hostility or guile, the only emotion in Freya's eyes were... Admiration?

Hestia blinked.

Freya laughed and said, "I knew I liked you, Hestia. A goddess of family and a goddess of love... I would say that we're quite similar, aren't we? Going to any lengths for the ones we love?"


Freya let out a bright smile.

And that's a wrap for now. It's about the size of a LN novel, so let's call that volume 1.

Hope you enjoyed this story. And hopefully by the time this chapter is released I'll have had time to at least map out more chapters. Who knows though. I'll update this note if that changes.

EDIT: This story's a blast to write so I definitely want to keep updating it. Not sure how to slot it in with everything though. Something's gonna give if I do. Gotta do some calculating and see how everything hashes out, but there should be one more chapter after this to let you know how that'll work out.

I think the key is just disciplining myself to cutting off at 1200 words to keep it manageable, but that's always so hard since nothing seems to happen...

Would you guys be fine with that sort of chapter? Let me know in the comments below.

...Hah. Now I'm feeling like a YouTuber. XD

Anyway, thanks for reading! Talk soon.

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