Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

43 – Is it wrong to advance the plot?

The eye of the storm. A place of calm amidst absolute chaos.

That was what Hestia felt like as she walked into the Ganesha Familia mansion alongside Hephaestus and Freya.

The plan was to arrive as late as possible. In that way, there were last chances for people to question them.

That was Freya's suggestion. Hephaestus didn't like it very much, but Hestia agreed with it.

After all, if they were going to draw attention to themselves anyway, better to do it in a super public manner.


'I didn't think it would be this much.'

Hestia did her best to avoid showing her panic on her face while striding across the hall. As she did, she inwardly thanked her past self for having the foresight to wear boots instead of heels. If she hadn't, Hestia was sure that she would have tripped and embarrassed herself on that sparkly tile floor.

Was it because of Freya? Hephaestus? The fact that Hestia had changed so much? Or was it because news had already started spreading about her mystery child and Bell?

Hestia didn't know, but she did know that everyone was staring at her.

...Maybe because she was taking the lead.

Freya had suggested it. Since Hestia was still relatively new goddess here on Earth, having Freya and Hephaestus behind her would help by making people think twice.

After all, even though Hephaestus was Hestia's friend, she was also known to be fair and impartial among the gods. Paired with the fact that Freya of all people was also standing behind Hestia...

Yes. Calling the hall a storm would be appropriate.

While swallowing down a nervous gulp, Hestia ignored the pointed stares at her and walked towards the host of the party. As she did, Hestia casually took a look around at the surroundings.

The countless staring gods and goddesses aside...

The Ganesha Familia mansion was weird. That much had been evident from the fact that it was located inside a giant statue of said God of Beasts.

But despite being weird, it was well furnished.

An inner courtyard with private booths that were blocked by hedges. A running stream of water flowing around the perimeter. A water fountain in the center of the main hall, set with another statue of Ganesha as a centerpiece. And then a pair of spiral staircases leading upstairs to more private venues.

Delicious foods and fancy catering were laid out along the sides of the courtyard, along with drink carts carrying expensive wine and spirits. A 'serve yourself' layout with glasses and plates set out for people to grab what they wanted.

And people had already done that as the party was in full swing by the time Hestia had arrived with her entourage.

...Which made the hushed silence that filled the venue when they arrived even more striking.

But Hestia ignored it all. Instead of worry, she put on a soft smile and walked towards the host of the banquet who was standing in front of the water fountain.

Silence, broken only by the sound of Hestia's footsteps and the clattering of heels from Freya and Hephaestus behind her.

And then she had arrived in front of Ganesha.

Again, it was silent. And that silence was starting to grow heavy.

But Hestia endured it and gave a small wave to Ganesha. "Thanks for inviting me, Ganesha. I appreciate it."

A man baring his trained body for the world to see. Wild black hair, an orange elephant mask covering his eyes, and an orange sash paired with white pants and boots.

Ganesha grinned at Hestia and then said, "I am Ganesha! Instead of thanking me, I thank you for accepting, Lady Hestia! I will not forget this favor!"

They were meaningless words. Hestia didn't have or do anything for Ganesha for him to say that.

But she could see that it was his way of trying to set her at ease, so she smiled back at him.

Freya walked up at that time and casually looked around the room. After that, she gave an approving nod and looked towards Ganesha. "It's a bit excessive, but you've certainly earned the title of 'Banquet of the Gods' for hosting this, Ganesha."

Ganesha laughed and said, "Thank you, Lady Freya! I am Ganesha, and I am honored for the praise!"

Hephaestus walked over as well and nodded. "You've done well. I was a bit worried that you'd overdo it like last time, but it seems you decided on something simpler this time, Ganesha."

"I am Ganesha! Grandeur and showmanship go hand in hand with Ganesha! ...But I decided to listen to my children for this feast." He chuckled and then said, "And thank you for lending your scarce time to attend this feast, Lady Hephaestus."

Hephaestus smiled and didn't say anything else. Instead, she simply rested her hand on her sword and idly looked around the room.

Calm and collected responses. Without giving an explanation as to why they were with Hestia, both Freya and Hephaestus naturally talked with Ganesha and then stepped back.

The moment they did, a low murmur echoed around the room.

Hestia felt sweat drip down her back and inwardly thanked the fact that it wasn't visible because of the black cloth.

Good job, past Hestia. White would have been a terrible fashion choice.

Although... What did they do now?

Freya tugged Hestia's hand and said, "I'm feeling a bit parched, Tia. Why don't we all enjoy ourselves a few drinks while we're here before finding a private spot?"

Right. That was the cue.

Hestia casually... at least she hoped it was casually, turned her head to look at Freya and nodded. "That sounds wonderful. Allow me."

With that, Hestia took the lead again, walking over to a drink cart with Freya and Hephaestus in tow.


"Ugh. That was so nerve-wracking." Hestia mumbled and downed a glass of fruit punch.

Freya smiled and said, "You did well, Tia." She sipped on a glass of dark wine and said, "One would have never expected such confidence from a newly descended goddess."

Hestia refilled her glass from a pitcher she pilfered and said, "I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, Freya."

A private booth on the upstairs balcony, overlooking the courtyard below.

After that little display, the three goddesses grabbed some refreshments and headed upstairs.

Hephaestus sipped on her own glass of wine and said, "It will eliminate some troubles at least. Right now, you've shown that you're confident and that you have something to fall back on. It seems to be us, but people are probably wondering why we would help you in the first place."

Seated next to Hestia, Freya set her glass down and nodded. "Indeed." She gave a sidelong glance to the gods staring at them and said, "It must come as quite a shock to have one such as myself endorsing a relatively unknown goddess like yourself, Tia."

Hestia sipped on her fruit punch and muttered, "I still can't believe it either. Stupid Bell."

Why did her lovely Bell have to be so ridiculous?

Hephaestus tilted her head from across the table, listening into the conversation around them. As she did, she said, "On the bright side, it looks like the talk of the party is why we're together instead of Fina or Bell."

"For now." Hestia sighed and said, "We've distracted them a bit and bought some time." She glanced down at Ganesha giving an impassioned speech and said, "And Ganesha hosting Monsterphilia will help too. But the Denatus is coming up. At that time, we won't be able to avoid it."

Hephaestus winced. "That's... true."

Freya sipped on her wine and chuckled. "Relax you two. It will be fine."

Hephaestus frowned at Freya and said, "I don't see how you're so calm. There's less than a week left."

"And plenty of time for our beloveds to work their magic." Freya set her glass down and said, "Besides. In the worst case scenario, I can-"

"What the hell was that."

A crude and tomboyish voice cut in. Loki, wearing a black sleeveless dress, matching gloves, and black heels. An elegant outfit that clashed with her tomboyish nature.

Freya's eye twitched for a moment, but she quickly smoothed her expression and glanced over at the unexpected guest. "Good evening to you as well, Loki."

"Shut it, Freya." Loki glanced between Hestia, Freya, and Hephaestus and said, "Since when were you three a thing? I thought the Shrimp didn't have any friends... And I thought you hated hanging around other people, Freya?"

Hestia snorted. "I have plenty of friends. Mostly because I'm not a rude goddess like you who butts in when she's not needed and shamelessly wears a tight dress with nothing to show for it."

Loki reflexively crossed her arms over her chest before scowling and said, "At least I'm not shameless enough to show up late."

Hestia leaned back and smiled. "What do you mean? I was perfectly on time. Didn't you see how Ganesha didn't start his welcome speech until after I arrived?"

"You...!" Loki gnashed her teeth.

Hephaestus glanced at Hestia and quietly muttered, "Bell is a terrible influence."

Freya smiled at Loki. A pleasant expression, but one at odds with her cold gaze. "Is there a reason why you're here instead of enjoying yourself among the other gods, Loki?"

"Yeah!" Loki plopped herself in the seat next to Hephaestus and said, "What's up with you? My kids got their weapons trashed in our expedition and needed repairs, but I just heard back from the Hephaestus Familia that we got dropped because of some urgent project you had."

Hestia blinked and looked at Freya.

Freya blinked and then looked at Hephaestus.

Hephaestus coughed, reflexively holding <Eternal Love> and looking away.

Freya blinked again and then smiled, her violet eyes flickering with realization. Shifting her attention back to Loki, Freya picked up her wine glass and said, "And what is it to you? There are plenty of other blacksmith Familia in Orario, are there not?"

"Yeah, but we had a contract with Hephaestus! Just what the hell did you offer to break it?" Loki looked at Hephaestus and said, "And why didn't you say anything to me about it?"

Hephaestus crossed her arms and said, "I don't answer to you, Loki. And it couldn't be helped. There was something important that I needed as well."

"Tch." Loki shook her head and then shifted in her seat, placing one arm over the backrest. "Whatever." She snatched Hestia's glass and took a swig before pausing and said, "The hell? Non-alcoholic?"

Hestia rolled her eyes and said, "Unlike a certain drunkard, I don't need alcohol to have a good time. Manners are more than enough."

Loki blinked and then snorted, setting the glass back on the table. "You're getting wittier these days, Shrimp. That have something to do with your sudden growth spurt?"

Hestia straightened and puffed up her chest. "Unlike you old hag, I still have room to grow."

"...Tch." Loki drained the glass and then stood up.

Freya watched her and said, "Is that all, Loki? Did you just come here to vent your frustrations by being rude?"

Loki glanced between Hestia and the other two goddesses before shaking her head. "No. I was thinking that Shrimp here got in over her head. But since it looks like you three are plotting something, I'll just leave it with that little temper tantrum. Although..." She paused and then turned to look at Freya. As she did, Loki opened her eyes wide, staring Freya down with a sharp glare. "...Freya. Do you know anything about the variant monsters in the Dungeon?"

Hestia tensed.

Variant monsters...?

Did Loki know about Fina? Bell mentioned that he had registered being a monster tamer to a Jackbird, so did that information come out somehow?

Loki noticed Hestia's reaction and frowned.

Hestia started to sweat and began to open her mouth to explain herself.

And then Freya nodded and said, "Of course. My Ottar and Hestia's beloved Bell are working together to hunt them down as we speak."

...Okay. Although Hestia still didn't like the fact that Freya was trying to squeeze her way into their family, she appreciated the support-


Hestia stood up and said, "Bell is hunting monsters with Ottar? In the dungeon!? Since when!?"

Freya raised an eyebrow and said, "Since this morning? Did he not tell you? In fact, they should be... Well, knowing Ottar's skills, I would hazard that they're on the thirteenth floor by now?"


...Okay. Hestia took it back.

Freya was a menace.

And if she really did have a child with Bell...

...Oh Heavens. That child was going to turn Orario upside down from mischief...


"Ugh." I wiped my mouth after finishing the last of the experimental potions Naaza gave me. "I'm getting sick of this damned orange gravy taste."

Ottar looked at me before giving an approving nod. "Even so, it appears effective. You have already put on a fair bit of muscle from this training."

I pushed myself to my feet and pulled out a stone spear from my inventory. "I just hope that this is all the muscle I'm gonna get."

Since rushing through the dungeon to the Middle Floors with Ottar, I'd already had to recraft my clothes and equipment a few times to match my growing muscles.

There wasn't a chance to check my growth yet, but considering that my biceps looked pretty massive from my point of view...

"...Hey Ottar."

"Yes, Bell?"

I stared at him and focused on his muscles before saying, "...I'm not as muscular as you right now, am I?"

"Of course not." He gave me a faint smile and said, "It would take some time for you to forge a body like mine. Particularly as you are human."

"Good. Because it would be awkward if I went back home as buff as you."

Lean and mean was the name of the game. Especially for my fighting style. Being too bulky would be bad.

Just like how the fake Super Saiyan 2 increased power but was much weaker since it was so slow and hard to maneuver in.

"Meaningless worries." Ottar shook his head and then hefted his great sword. "Now, shall we advance?"

I spun my spear around and nodded. "Yeah. We're looking for an Almiraj variant, right? Knowing my luck, we'll probably find one if we roam around here a bit, so-"

A soft plopping sound. Like something hopping around.

I blinked and then slowly turned off to the side.

There, a tiny white bunny with blue eyes peered out at me from behind a giant boulder.


"...Alright. So being a Gary Stu can have its perks. I'll take it."

Ottar blinked and said, "What is a Gary Stu?"

I put my spear away and held out my hands to the bunny. As I did, I turned my head towards Ottar and said, "A man of unfathomable and unfair power who the entire universe revolves around."

"...A god, then?"

"I'd say more than a god, but you can think of it like that. Anyway." I smiled at the bunny and said, "Heya, Bunny-kun. Can you understand me?"

"Kyu!" The bunny nodded and then hopped over before jumping into my hands. The moment it did, the bunny nuzzled against me and let out more content 'kyus.'

I laughed and turned towards Ottar. "Mission accomplished. Now, we just have to head back to Freya and see if this little guy will-"


A harsh and grating voice echoed in my head. At the same time, the dungeon started shaking.


The bunny trembled and pressed itself closer towards me.


"Um." I took a few steps back and glanced at Ottar. "Can you hear that, Ottar?"

"I can hear the sounds of the walls breaking, but nothing else." Ottar raised his sword and said, "What do you hear?"



"...A whole boatload of trouble. Heya, Bunny-kun. Hop inside my inventory for a bit. This is gonna get messy."


The bunny looked confused, but I didn't have time to explain.

I opened my inventory and pushed it inside.

The bunny let out a few surprised sounds, but then it let out a few happy sounds, paired with some munching noises.

...Munching noises?

"Hey! Don't eat the magic-"

"It comes!"

Ottar rushed in front of me and swung his sword.

The moment he did, the sound of screeching steel echoed as a flaming silver vine was swatted to the side.


Just as I was starting to process what happened, the wall in front of us collapsed. And in its place...

"...A Juggernaut." Ottar frowned and said, "...This is unexpected."

Silver flames roared to life within the gap formed by the collapsed wall. And when it did, our attacker's form was revealed.

It wasn't a monster I recognized from reading the bestiaries in the guild library. However, it was one that any gamer would recognize, if not by name than by sight.

A beautiful woman that appeared to be trapped within the center of a blossoming silver rose. Swirling vines all around that it used for offense along with a perfect and bare body that was designed to distract adventurers enough to cut them down in that gap of attention.

An Alraune. One that Ottar recognized as a Juggernaut... and from what it had just said, a monster that had it out for me as much as Dungeon-chan did. And probably came around because of Dungeon-chan.

I sighed and mentally primed a bombardment of weapons from my inventory. Staring at the monster, I shook my head and said, "We have *got* to stop meeting like this, Dungeon-chan."




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