Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

55 – Is it wrong for something to be amiss?

Hestia flopped onto a couch in her home's makeshift living room and let out a deep sigh.

Freya chuckled from nearby and said, "Exhausted?"

Hestia groaned and said, "More like I have a giant headache."

She didn't mind the fact that she had to do so many status updates. Considering how Bell had promised to expand the Familia in the future, it was good practice for when they started having more members join.

But all of the *nonsense* that she just read in all of the statuses...

Then there were thhe portions of Bell's status and Artemis's status that were written in characters Hestia couldn't understand but that *Bell* was able to understand.

*PLUS* all of the additional information that conveniently showed up now to explain what the skills and magic did...

Hestia covered her face with her hands and muttered, "Why do I feel like the world keeps trying to pull us into trouble?"

All Hestia wanted was to live a happy and carefree life with her family. Was that too much to ask?

Freya sighed and then glanced at a sheet of paper in her hand. "I can sympathize with that. To think that Bella inherited Bell's ridiculous nature... I suppose it runs in the blood? <Silence> was a monster of talent and her son is definitely the same."

Hestia groaned again. "Right. There was that too..."

The fact that Bell was apparently the secret son of a top-class adventurer from the Hera Familia... and the fact that said top-class adventurer had recently showed up again despite the fact that she was supposed to have died ten years ago.

Freya smiled and said, "On the bright side, Fae has decided to be considerate enough to shift the focus away from our dear Bell. Isn't that right?"

Hephaestus adjusted her clothes and blushed. "Do you always have to throw a jab at me, Freya?"

Freya looked at her fingernails and said, "I have no idea what you mean, dear Fae."

Hephaestus sighed and said, "Of course you don't." She shook her head and looked at Hestia. "But relax, Tia. If you just act like we planned, everything should turn out fine."

Freya paused and looked at Hephaestus. "And you will be made a laughing stock because of it. Are you sure that will be fine, Hephaestus?"

Hephaestus laughed and said, "I've been ridiculed since we were in Heaven. A little more won't hurt. And besides..." She reached out to grab <Eternal Love> sheathed at her side and blushed. "...I can finally be open about Welf and Pyrrha."

A giddy smile. A flushed face and eyes that instantly turned hazy, staring at a rosy future.

...Was that how Hestia looked when she was talking about Bell and Fina? She could see why people could be annoyed if it was... But in any case.

Hestia sat back up and then glanced towards the courtyard.

Bell was playing with the kids today, making up for the time he missed in the past few days. Artemis was there to help keep an eye on the rowdy bunch while Welf had immediately holed himself back up in his forge.

As for the goddesses...

Hestia glanced at Freya and said, "So they're having it today?"

Freya nodded. "I received the missive from Ouranus early this morning. And if I am not mistaken..." She glanced out towards the courtyard again.

Hestia followed Freya's gaze and saw a young elf woman with short and bobbed brown hair wave from the front gate. Wearing a Guild uniform and clutching a scroll with the official Guild seal on it, there wasn't any mistaking why she was there.

Freya tilted her head to the side and muttered under her breath.

Hephaestus frowned.

As for Hestia...

She watched as Bell walked over to greet the elf with a smile. But that smile quickly faded as he grabbed the scroll and opened it. After that, he turned to look towards Hestia.

A tense expression. Not only that, but crimson eyes burning with determination. As if he would set out then and there if there was any danger to them.

Hestia smiled and shook her head.

Only then did Bell relax. Wrapping the scroll back up, he put on his usual carefree smile and then laughed as both Fina and Bella ran over to greet the elf. And he laughed more as the elf's eyes widened in shock.


It should be like this. Fun and carefree times.

...Although it would have been ideal if it was just Fina there instead of Bella as well.

But in any case.

Hestia stood up and adjusted her clothes. Brushing off her wrinkles on her dress and fixing her hair, she nodded and said, "Let's go."

This time, she would be the one to protect their family.


The grand hall in Babel floating above the halls. That was where the Denatus would be held.

Marble pillars, lush greenery, a fountain in the middle of a courtyard along with comfortable chairs scattered about.

Although it was meant to be a meeting about formal affairs, as expected for gods that descended to the lower realms for their own interests, it was a relaxed setting.

Even so, that didn't mean that the people arriving were relaxed.

Freya casually swept her gaze around the area as she arrived along with Hestia and Hephaestus.

Usually, the atmosphere for each Denatus was lively. Though formally a proper meeting to discuss Orario's on-goings, it was truthfully a casual get together for gods to brag about their children.

Freya thought it all a bit trite. It was amusing every now and then when it came time to decide adventurer aliases, but she could do without the incessant babbling that most gods did.

Of course, today was different.

Tense expressions on all the gods present. Gazes of suspicion cast all around.

Not only that, but quite a few fixed on herself, Hestia, and Hephaestus.

Ordinarily, Freya would have been worried. Hestia was a kind soul and not the sort to dwell amidst the den of snakes the gods pretended not to be.

But she was different now. Perhaps because of Bell's influence, or perhaps because she had something to protect, Hestia's entire atmosphere was different.

A faint crimson haze. A pressure wouldn't lose out to Freya's own Charm.

Freya let out a faint smile, feeling a vague sense of pride.

But Hestia wasn't the only one that was a bit different today.

To the right, Hephaestus walked with her head held high.

From what Freya could recall, Hephaestus had always been aloof during these meetings. Doing the bare minimum, speaking only what was necessary. Professional and minimalistic.

But that wasn't the case now.

Sleek crimson armor that Welf had forged specifically for the day. That outrageous blade the Crozzo poured his love into creating for Hephaestus's sake...

Seeing that, Freya couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

Like this, would others not think that Hestia and Hephaestus were goddesses of war and not her?

Of course, that was for the better.

After all, though a simple meeting on paper, in practice when gods met like this, it was undoubtedly war.

The area was already packed by the time Freya, Hestia, and Hephaestus had arrived.

It was inevitable, really. Although the Denatus was important, making sure that Bella, Fina, and Pyrrha were assured nothing would happen was more important.

But in any case, that led to the goddesses taking a seat near the outskirts of the courtyard and a bit out of the way.

Not that it make any difference in terms of the attention they drew.

Of course, with Hestia's fiery determination and Hephaestus's steely resolve, it didn't matter how many people stared at them.

And for Freya, that made it all the more convenient.

Sweeping her gaze around the area, Freya took note of a few gods to keep an eye on.

'Soma, Apollo, Ishtar...'

Soma was seated by himself and letting off a gloomy aura, caught up in his own thoughts. A god who cared naught for his Familia other than its ability to aid him in his journey to recreate the ideal drink.

As a result, the Soma Familia was slowly spinning out of control. And knowing their dear Bell, Freya was sure that he would get involved with them at some point.

Then there was that Apollo... A man who cared only for beautiful things and did whatever he wished to obtain them. Obsessive and single-minded...

And also one who would likely target their children the moment he found out about them, if he did not know already. Then considering his propensity for war games...

Freya made a note to pass information about that along to Bell.

As for Ishtar...

The seductive dark-skinned beauty glared at Freya.

Freya smiled back.

...She would be trouble.

Bell was incredible. And while he had yet to truly make a name for himself, there were rumors aplenty of his actions during the recent incident, even if they had yet to be attached to his name.

Considering the grudge Ishtar had against Freya... and particularly considering how Freya had foiled the slu- scandelous beauty's plans to charm Ganesha during the banquet, Freya had no doubt that Ishtar would try and make trouble for Bell just out of spite. That, or try to steal him away.

It was almost cute, really. Trying to control or 'steal' a man like Bell was impossible.

After all, Freya had only recently managed to gain a spot as 'begrudgingly accepted' at his side despite all of her charm.

...Perhaps she should have her children act up a bit? She had been neglecting them recently, so they should be eager to jump at whatever scrap she threw their way. And it *was* a bit of an eyesore to see Ishtar use her divine charm to claim those she wanted.

It gave other Goddesses of Beauty a bad reputation. Freya, for example, would never do that. There was nothing she could do about the faint natural charm she emitted as a Goddess of Beauty, but actively using that ability to wash away a person's will and trap them in a dreamland revolving around her...

Freya would have to be crazy to do that. Even for Bell, she couldn't imagine doing that and destroying everything just to have him by her side. If anything, she would rather destroy everything she had to be by *his* side.

...Which reminded her that there was that sticky situation with her children.

Ottar was fine. He loved Freya dearly, but it was the pious love of a devotee to their goddess rather than romantic love. And if not that, it was familial.

The other children like Allan, however...

Hm. Perhaps she should perform a small play with Hestia? It was a bit early since Bell was still Level 1, but considering his current abilities, perhaps after he leveled up...

"Thank you for gathering here today."

A calm and refined male voice echoed through the surroundings.

Freya blinked and looked up to see Dionysus standing at the center of the courtyard, leading the Denatus.

The blonde god glanced at Freya and smiled before looking back out at the other gods. "As my family was fortunate enough to not be affected by this incident, I was asked to lead today. But before we begin, shall we discuss some administrative duties?"

Freya frowned.

Dionysus was an elusive god. He rarely showed up at meetings and if he did, he was usually quiet and kept to himself. But now...

...Once was a coincidence. But twice...

She glanced at Hestia.

Hestia glanced back at Freya and frowned as well.

Freya looked back at Dionysus and paid close attention to the god as he started going through the motions.

It seemed like this meeting might be more troublesome than expected...

World keeps trying to nerf my writing. orz Sick with a sore throat and congestion right now. Hopefully I feel better soon. :fingerscrossed:

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