Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

59 – Is it wrong to have some random encounters?

Fina was having a wonderful day. Her Daddy had come back from work and woke up early to make them all a big breakfast, her cute younger sister Bella was playing with the fluffy bunny toy that Daddy brought back, and their whole family was home.

Well, except for Miss Ryuu. Fina thought it would have been perfect if that big sister was around too, but she was busy.

Even with that in mind, it was a wonderful day. Especially since her Daddy was home. And speaking of that...

Bell scratched his head, staring at Fina with a strange expression. "You... want me to make you materials?"

Fina nodded her head and let out a bright smile. "That's right, Daddy! You can do it, right?"

Fina remembered how her Daddy made those big rocks fall from the sky to attack the monsters, so he could definitely make materials for her and the other girls to use!

"I mean... Yes. But..." He tilted his head and then took a look around.

The father and daughter pair were standing out in the church courtyard. The sky was a clear blue, the sun was out letting out its warm rays, and birds were happily chirping away in the distance.

Bell turned back to look at Fina and said, "...Are you sure you don't want to do something more fun like playing tag?"

Fina shook her head. "That's fine, Daddy! Tag is fun, but it's more fun making gifts for everyone!"

Bell scratched his head and said, "Is it...?"

"Mmhm!" Fina nodded and then said, "People are really happy when they get gifts, and it makes you feel good! Like when you gave Mama Freya my baby sister!"

Bell coughed and then quickly cleared his throat. "A-Ahem. That's a bit different, Fina..."

Fina tilted her head. "...But Mama Freya has been super happy and nice ever since Bella was born, right?"

Fina remembered that Miss Freya was a bit scary at first, but now that Bella was around, Miss Freya was really nice and different! And she even asked to be called Mama Freya too, so it meant Fina had two Mamas!

Ah. Mommy made a strange face when Fina said that, but it seemed like she was okay with it, so it was all good!

Bell stared at Fina for a bit before shaking his head. He muttered, "Children really think in different ways from us, huh?"

Fina blinked and tilted her head. "What was that, Daddy?"

Bell smiled and then reached out to pat Fina's head. "Don't worry about it, Princess. Now, you asked me to make some materials for you, right?" He pulled his hand back and said, "Is there anything you-"

"Stones!" Fina's eyes sparkled and she said, "Crystals, diamonds, and shiny things! The more the better!"

Bell froze.


Bell let out a deep sigh before a letting out a wry smile. "So this is what people mean when they say raising daughters are expensive, huh?"

Fina puffed her cheeks and said, "Nuh-uh! I'm very cheap, Daddy! And I help pay for rent too!"

Bell laughed and rustled Fina's hair again. "No, Princess, you're priceless. And don't worry about the rent thing so much." He smiled and said, "After tonight, we're going to be rich."

Fina blinked and then crossed her arms. "Daddy! No selling your body!"

Bell flinched and then said, "W-What?! Wait, who taught you that? Do you even know what that means?!"

Fina nodded. "Mmhm! That blonde mister said that people can do that to make a lot of money really quick! But he said that it was really bad and that cute girls shouldn't do it!" She paused and then said, "...But why not?"

"Blonde mister, huh?" Bell muttered to himself. "...Must be that shady guy I met before. Hm... looks like me and Welf need to have a chat."


Bell shook his head and then smiled. "Don't worry about it, Princess. Anyway, you wanted shiny things, right?" He cracked his fingers and then said, "I've been meaning to practice making minerals anyway..."

Fina's eyes lit up and she clapped her hands. "Yay!"

Bell smiled and said, "Alright! Let the Magic Princess Parade show start!" After that, he clapped his hands. And the moment he did...


...The courtyard started shining in countless colors.


"Bell. I love you, but do you have to give me a headache all the time like this?" Hestia stared at Fina, Bella, and Pyrrha playing in the yard with a giant pile of gemstones before letting out a deep sigh. "I don't know if gods can get gray hair, but at this rate I just might, you know?"

I set a platter of cookies down in front of Tia and started pouring some tea. "It'll be fine. Apparently, I have a super strong background or something what with Hera vouching for me and my alleged mother being a super former adventurer."

Tia sighed again and grabbed a cookie. "And that's what I'm worried about... Well, more worried about." She munched on the cookie and said, "At this rate, it helps explain all the weird things happening around you. But it's just going to draw attention..."

I shrugged and said, "Better me than the kids, right?"

It was annoying, but it was expected. Since the world seemed set on making me the protagonist and the center of events, I might as well grab that role and strangle it by the neck.

Tia frowned. "...I guess that's true. Hah..." She slumped over the table and said, "I just wish I could do something to help..."

I grabbed a cookie from the platter and patted Tia's shoulder. "You're doing plenty, Tia."

Tia looked up at me and said, "Am I though?" She tilted her head and stared out the window back at the kids. "Freya is helping settle everything by talking with Hera and Fae, Artemis is going to join you and Welf as an adventurer... and all I can do is stay at home and do odd jobs." She paused and then said, "And I don't even need to do that now since you can make money from thin air."

I chuckled and said, "Technically, it's from ambient mana, but close enough."

Tia sat up and puffed her cheeks. "It's not funny, Bell!"

I munched on my cookie and said, "It kind of is, actually." I finished and smiled at her. "Just relax and accept all the good luck coming your way. You've worked hard enough to earn it, Tia."

The Goddess of Home and Hearth... one who didn't have any marketable skills but still worked hard to support her Familia. And while we were in a good spot now, from what Cranel told me, she had swallowed her pride and worked hard just to make ends meet in that time.

And from how Tia was when we first met, I was sure she would have done the same if I hadn't been given such cheat powers.


I finished my cookie and then gave Tia a quick peck on the forehead.

She flinched and then sat up, face a beet-red. "W-W-What was that for?!"

"For being cute, Tia."

Tia huffed and then crossed her arms. "...This doesn't get you out of trouble, Mister."

"Of course not. But it's enough to get my cute goddess in a better mood, right?"

Tia's mouth twitched, a smile threatening to start. But she forcibly firmed her lips in a frown. Still, she couldn't hide the happiness in her clear blue eyes.

"Anyway." I watched the kids play outside... and by play, I meant pulling off some stunts that would probably flip Orario upside down with the things they were making.

It must be in the blood. Pretty sure a few of those little trinkets they were making would be prized artifacts worth millions of valis... Guess the apple didn't fall too far from the tree?

I looked away from the kids after making sure they were alright... and that Cranel wasn't getting too roughed up since he was in plushy form.

Looking back at Tia, I said, "Since money's a non-issue now, you don't have to worry anymore, Tia. You've always wanted to have a happy family, right? Now's your chance to do that."

Tia fiddled with the plate of cookies. "That's true." She paused and rested her hands on the table. Looking out at the kids again, she let out a soft smile and said, "It's nice. Even though it's been a bit troublesome, living in a warm home like this with a family of my own... It's like a dream."

I reached over to place my hand over hers and said, "But it's not. It's reality, Tia."

"Yes." Tia nodded and said, "I suppose it is. And because it's reality..." She looked at me and frowned. "...What are you trying to butter me up for now, Bell?"

I coughed and said, "Ah. You caught on, huh?"

Tia rolled her eyes and said, "You think I wouldn't after hearing you try and charm me all the time, Bell?"

I laughed and said, "True, true. I might have to up the ante a bit to fluster you in the future then."

Tia reached out to poke my head and said, "Stop trying to tease me and get to the point, Mister. What trouble do you have in mind this time?"

"It's not really trouble, Tia. Just..."


"...Welf and I are going to have a guy's night out at the red light district."



"So..." Welf adjusted his tuxedo and said, "...Remind me again why we have to go to the entertainment district, Bro?"

"Because it's suspicious." I adjusted the bow-tie on my own tuxedo and slicked back my dyed black hair. "And right now we need to mitigate all the suspicious and potential plot points we can."

The red-light district was the only place left completely unscathed after the monster invasion/dungeon break. Not only that, but my gut was telling me that important things were happening there...

Well, that and Cranel mentioned that he got wrapped up in some things there before.

That guy's memory seemed to be suspiciously faulty when I tried to pry for specific details though... which was all the more reason to consign him to a perpetual life as a child's play thing.

But anyway.

Even if I didn't think the place was suspicious, I was planning to make a trip there anyway. After all, since Freya had clearly and explicitly... in more ways than one, told me that I was her one and only, I had earned a swathe of enemies in the form of her admirers as well as her own personal enemies.

Like a certain rival Goddess of Beauty who was known more for her lust and obssessiveness, Ishtar.

"And you're doing the thing again, Bro. You know, most people can't mind read."

I paused mid-step after hearing that and looked over at Welf. "People can mind-read?"

Welf blinked and said, "Well..." He rubbed his chin and said, "I guess it's not technically mind-reading. But high-level adventurers have all sorts of weird skills, and I've heard of a few who can tell what people are thinking just by looking at them... Plus, most gods can do that too, right? I mean, Miss Freya is famous for reading people, isn't she?"

Note to self. Definitely brush up on Occlumency and other related mental guard techniques.

"But anyway." Welf took a look around, fiddling a bit with the bronze sword cufflinks at his wrist. "...You still haven't explained what we're doing here, Bell."

Was it because he was nervous? Welf had slipped back to calling me by name instead of 'Bro'.

Then again, I couldn't blame him.

It was a dark night with a new moon. Because of that, it would ordinarily be completely dark out. And in fact, most of Orario at this time was completely dark.

All except for the entertainment district.

Fighting off the darkness were crimson lanterns tinging everything a soft red. While there were places that were better lit with ordinary lanterns and lights, the streets were tinged that red hue.

Not only that, but I was fairly certain that an enchantment of some sort was floating around the air, making people a bit disoriented and dizzy.

Welf and I weren't affected, of course. My best buddy had recreated a certain ribbon that negated all abnormal status effects in preparation for rushing past the dungeon floor filled with Purple Moths.

But I saw more than a few guys swaying on their feet and easily getting dragged away by scantily clad Amazonesses.

I pulled out a pocket watch to check the time... which seemed to be a quarter til midnight, and then said, "Like I said, we're here to scout. And we're also incognito, Wolf. I didn't go through all the trouble of synthesizing hair-dye for you to mess everything up now."

Welf tugged at his currently black hair and said, "Still don't get how you can make all of these crazy things, Bro..." He shook his head and then took a look around. Catching the gaze of some scantily clad woman, he quickly blushed and cleared his throat, walking a bit closer to me. "...W-We really are here on serious business, right? You just aren't dragging me here because you want to have a fun time away from Tia? Because I just got in a good spot with Fae, so..."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I have an adorable goddess in love with me, and the most beautiful goddess in Orario willing to jump me if I so much as look at her a bit too long. Do you really think I came here for that?"

Welf cleared his throat and said, "True... Speaking of which, you really haven't-"

Before he could finish, a short girl with light brown hair bumped into him.

"S-Sorry!" After saying that quick apology, she dashed off into the distance, stopping only to give me a quick look before ducking down an alleyway.

...It seems like I can't avoid random encounters no matter where I go, huh?

Welf patted his clothes down and said, "That was weird." He glanced back after the girl and frowned. "This isn't really the place for someone like that..."

"You'd think so, Welf. But the world is ugly."

Welf blinked and then grimaced when he caught the implication.

Not that I thought the girl was doing anything like that. But better for him to remember that people were capable of terrible things.

Gods weren't much better in that regard, actually.

And speaking of gods...

I glanced at a few Amazoness women walking around. Particularly at the sticky pink threads that weaved in and out of their heads, like puppet strings wrapping around their brains.

"...You know a bit more about Orario than I do, Welf. The entire Entertainment District is owned and run by Ishtar, right?"

"Huh?" Welf blinked and then nodded. "Yeah. That's right. Why are you asking?"

"Oh." I glanced at a nearby casino and smiled. "No reason. Anyway... you ever played blackjack, Welf?"

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