Is it Wrong that I Woke Up in Danmachi as the Main Character?

6 – Is it wrong that I improved so quickly after that fight from hell? No. It’s not.

"Fuck. Shit. Ass. Dammit." I limped up the stairs, clutching a bag full of magic stones and drop items. "I am NOT coming back until I'm better prepared... Fuck."

I wasn't bleeding or seriously injured, thankfully. Although there were a lot of monsters, they weren't dangerous. Well, they were, but it was on the level of being jumped by a group of people.

I'd been through a few of those, so I managed to pull through. Especially with the useful info I got from reading earlier. The weak points and attack tendencies I memorized helped me out a lot.

...It was weird how my body somehow automatically moved according to that info, but I wasn't about to question what kept me alive.

Even so, though I wasn't injured, my body wasn't fine. My memories allowed me to move like I wanted, but my body wasn't up for it.

Bell hadn't exercised a day in his life. At least not seriously like I did. As a result, pulling those martial arts moves and attacks had strained a bunch of muscles. Not to mention the few bruises on my arms and shoulders from blocking and tackling the monsters...

I sighed and stepped back into Babel.

The sun was setting outside already. Seeing that, I sighed again. "Well... there goes the chance to get groceries."

I'd have to head there tomorrow morning instead... if I could get up. No, walking was good for rehab, so I'd have to force myself.

I made my way over to the automated exchange machine and dumped about half of my magic crystals inside. Six.

In exchange, a small mountain of golden coins spilled out, each one marked with a 'V' that had two lines through it. Each one worth 100 valis.

A quick glance and estimation brought the total to be around 8k. More than enough for at least a few days of rest.

I sighed and scooped it all into my bag, along with the other stuff, and then started walking back. Or, that was the plan.

As I made my way towards the entrance, a familiar face showed up. One that I met just a few hours earlier.


Her eyes were frantic, scanning around the lobby. And then when she saw me, her eyes lit up and she sighed in relief. But that relief quickly turned into anger. However, she was professional and kept her face neutral as she approached me.

I held up my hand and gave a tired smile. "Heya, Miss Tulle."

"Mister Kranel." She narrowed her eyes and then stared at me, her face becoming grim. "What did I tell you?"

I chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I listened to your suggestion and kept to the first floor. Unfortunately, it seems like the Dungeon has it out for me." I sighed and said, "Stupid goblins and kobolds. About a dozen of them spawned and trapped me in."

She gasped. "A dozen? Trapped?!"

...Well, forget what I said about her being professional. It seemed like even surprise could break her mask.

Eina flinched, realizing her actions were drawing attention. After that, she ushered me into a side room. Closing the door, she looked at me and said, "Tell me what happened."

I nodded. "Right. Hopefully you can help me figure it out too... Is it normal to have monsters spawn in groups to ambush you?"

Eina frowned. "...Technically, yes. But that shouldn't be the case on the first floor. Especially with the monsters being cleaned up so regularly."

"Well, guess I'm just unlucky." I sighed and leaned against the wall, resting my body. "I stuck around near the stairs, planning to just fight a goblin or kobold before heading back. And I did. But when I was walking to the stairs, I got jumped by a mixed group of goblins and kobolds."

Eina's eyes widened. "That would explain your condition... But I'm surprised. You don't look injured."

"I'm not. Well, not really." I flinched as my shoulder started throbbing and massaged it. "Just not used to moving so much, I guess. I'm planning to take a few days off to rest up and train now that I don't have to worry about funds for a while."

Eina shifted her gaze to my bag and said, "It seems like you made quite the profit...?"

"I damned better well have for all the pain I went through."

"Did you exchange it all?"

I shook my head. "I'm planning to make another trip later. I don't have the space to carry it all anyway in my bag if I exchange them... and I also have monster drops to appraise. I'll probably head to the Guild building tomorrow morning."

Eina nodded. "I'll keep my schedule open for you then, Mister Kranel."

I waved my hand. "Just Bell's fine."

She let out a faint smile. "Then it will be fine for you to just call me Eina, Bell. Although..." She frowned. "Monsters showing up in groups that large on the first floor... I'll need to report this."

"Please do. And let me know if they get that sorted out. I *really* don't want to deal with that again when I barely made it out the first time. Ah, and thanks for all that info by the way. Definitely a life saver."

Eina nodded, a bright smile on her face. "You're welcome. And I'm simply glad that you're alive... So don't do anything stupid like trying to go fight again when you're injured."

"Don't worry. I know when I'm over my head."

"Good. In that case... My apologies for holding you up, Bell."

I waved my hand. "It's fine. I'm sorry to have worried you. Thanks for sticking around to watch out for me."

Eina blushed and said, "I-I was doing nothing of the sort! I was just curious to see if you listened..."

I chuckled and then waved. "Even so, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Eina."

With that, I left.


"God I hurt everywhere." I muttered and unlocked the iron gate to the abandoned church.

It was night now. I had to take my time since my body revolted against my orders.

Well, more like it just couldn't handle it anymore rather than revolting... but the sentiment was there.

I shut the gate behind me and then glanced at the church.

The light was on, so it seemed like Hestia stayed up waiting for me.

I felt a pang of guilt at that.

She was definitely worried.

I walked into the front door and then put on a smile before calling out. "I'm home, Tia!"

"Bell?!" Footsteps dashed over and then Hestia came into view.

She stood in front of me, her eyes wide with worry. Relief filled them for a second when she saw my face and then she pulled me in for a hug. "Welcome back!"

"Grk." I did my best to not flinch from the pain and said, "Could you not do that? I appreciate it, but I'm really sore from fighting."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I should have realized..."

"It's fine."

Hestia stepped back and then motioned for me to get in.

I walked inside and then slumped on the couch, letting out a deep sigh. After that, I unfastened my bag and placed it on the table nearby.

Hestia walked over to sit beside me and said, "Are you hungry? You were out for a while..."

Now that she mentioned it, I could feel my stomach rumbling.

I let out a wry smile and said, "Sorry to bother you, Tia. And here I wanted to treat you out... I'm just too tired right now though."

Hestia smiled at me and said, "Don't worry! I saved some potato crepes from work. I'll be right back." She walked over to the kitchen and rummaged around in the fridge.

Seeing that reminded me of just how weird this place was. Mostly medieval but with random modern conveniences like a shower, indoor plumbing, etc...

Well, I guess even gods didn't like being forced to live in the stone age. They probably had a hand in that...

Hestia came back with some wrapped food that looked like hashbrowns and then offered one to me. She frowned and said, "It's probably not the best... but it should fill you up! I hope..."

I smiled and took it from her. "As long as it's from you, Tia, I'm more than happy. Seeing you happy washes away the pain in my body... Is what I'd like to say." I sat up and then winced. "But damn. I should have done more training before jumping in."

Hestia frowned. "Was it that bad, Bell? You don't have to be an adventurer if it's that dangerous... I'm sure that we could find something-"

I shook my head. "No. I have to be an adventurer."

"...Do you?" Hestia stared at me, biting her lips.

I could see why. This time, I wasn't injured. But in the future if she saw me come home with injuries...

Well, I'd just have to make sure that didn't happen then.

I stuck up my thumb and said, "Of course! How else are we going to make the Hestia Familia the biggest in Orario?"

Hestia blinked and then she laughed. "Bell... You're silly." Her smile turned soft and said, "It's fine, you know? You don't have to work so hard..."

"But I want to." I took a bite from the hashbrown... potato thing, and then said, "My beautiful and cute goddess deserves the best in the world, and by the gods I'm going to make it happen."

Hestia's eyes widened and then she sighed. "Well... If you're that resolved, I won't say anything else. But... be careful, alright? If you were to get hurt, I... I don't know what I'd do."

I nodded. "I will. But for now... I think a nice cold shower is overdue. That should help my sore muscles a bit."

Hestia nodded.

I pushed myself to my feet... Well, tried to. The moment I did, I started to wobble.

"Bell!" Hestia reached out to steady me.

"...Sorry about that, Tia. Er... Could you help me to the bathroom? I'll be fine once I'm inside, but I guess I pushed it a bit too much walking all the way back."

Hestia let out an exasperated sigh, but she smiled as she helped me over. "Come on then. And then after your shower we can update your status."

"Oh yeah. That was a thing..."

There was something else I was forgetting too... Oh, right.

"By the way, Tia. The Guild gave me some papers for you to fill out. Something about tax forms. Could you go through those for me? I'll hand it back to them tomorrow when I go see my advisor."

"I will! Now, go relax those muscles, Mister!"


Hestia bit her lips as she stared at Bell's status.

'This fast...?'


[Bell Kranel]
Lv. 1
Strength: I 50
Endurance: I 50
Dexterity: I 50
Agility: I 50
Magic: I 50
Energy Manipulation: I
Compilation: H

Quantum Magic: Instant Magic

Liar's Phrase - Reality is nothing more than the lies we tell. Growth is determined according to the user's will. External influences are subsumed and overwritten.


It had only been a day... No, not even a day. But he was already halfway to the next rank in all his stats.

"Bell..." Hestia trailed off and then said, "Just what exactly did you go through today?"

He let out a long suffering sigh and said, "A pain and a half. Apparently, the Dungeon doesn't like me very much. That or I was unlucky. I only went a few rooms away from the main stairs but I got jumped by a dozen monsters."

"A DOZEN!?" Hestia growled and said, "What is the Guild doing?! Ambushes on the first floor...!"

Bell waved his hand and said, "It's fine, Tia. It's not a normal occurrence. My advisor reported it to the Guild as well, so we should be fine. Though I'm making sure to take a few days off to be sure."

"You'd better! I'm not letting my Bell go anywhere that dangerous until it's safe!"

"...'My' Bell?"

"Er..." Hestia froze, blushing.

Did she really say that out loud?! Oh no, what if-?

Bell laughed. "It's fine. Then, I guess you're my lovely goddess."

Hestia poked his back.

"Argh! That hurts!"

"...Stupid flirt."

Bell laughed again and said, "I can't help it, alright? You're fun to tease."

"Hmph." Hestia placed a piece of paper over Bell's Falna and copied his status over. After that, she handed it to him.

Bell sat up and stared at it. "...Huh. I improved a lot. I was wondering why my body felt a bit lighter."

"Don't go making a habit out of it!" Hestia frowned and said, "You got lucky today, Bell."

And he did.

While the growth rate was incredible, from what Bell said, it came from risking his life. And more than a normal adventurer should have.

A new adventurer, forced to fight for his life with nothing more than a simple knife and not a single piece of armor...

Hestia was still new to everything, but she knew a bit from talking with Hephaestus and poking around.

Nine out of ten times, if a new adventurer ran into that sort of situation, they would die. The situation that Bell was placed in was one where it'd be a miracle to come out alive, let alone uninjured like he was.

Well, he was a bit bruised and sore, but that was all.

...Did he have the talent for it? Was that why he was fine? Or did his skills have something to do with it?

While Hestia was lost in thought, Bell sighed and said, "I know, Tia. I really was lucky." He frowned and said, "If I hadn't studied so much beforehand, it might have been a stick situation. Good thing Eina was so thorough."

Hestia started to nod, but then something stuck out to her. "...Eina?"

"Mm? Yeah. That's the name of the advisor the Guild assigned to me. She's really knowledgeable and wicked smart." He frowned and said, "It only took her a couple hours to figure out what I spent years working on... Elves really are unfair."

"I'll have to thank her for helping my Bell get home safe then."

Eina... Yes. She would have to go see for herself just who this Eina person was.

Bell yawned and said, "Anyway... I think I'll go to bed now. There's a lot I want to work on, but sleep is more important."

"Ah." Hestia nodded. "I'll go get it ready then!"

"Thanks Tia. Appreciate... you."

Was he that tired? Before Bell could get out of the sofa, he slumped over, already asleep.

Hestia sighed and then carefully pulled him to the mattress. "This child of mine..."

He must have really pushed himself today.

Hestia patted Bell on the back for a bit and then turned back to look at the table. There, a small pile of golden coins spilled out from his bag. Already more than Hestia could make in a single week.

Seeing that made Hestia a bit depressed. But she pushed through it.

She might not be able to do anything for Bell to help the bills very much, but she could provide him a warm home. That much, at least.


"...But is that enough?"

She turned back to look at Bell.

A single day, and he was already halfway through I in all of his stats. If this pace continued, wouldn't he be ready to level up in just a few weeks?

At that time... Would it still be alright for someone like him to be with her?

Hestia bit her lips, but then she pushed that thought away.

It didn't matter.

She would believe in Bell.

Even so...

Hestia crawled into bed next to Bell and stared at his face. Tucking a strand of his white hair away from his forehead, she said, "You won't leave me, right Bell?"

He didn't answer. No, if he could hear her, he would probably call her stupid for thinking that.

Hestia sighed and closed her eyes.

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