Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 1: I’m A Quincy Now


That's all I feel at the moment.

'Fuck.' I thought. 

This is horrible.

Several minutes passed before the pain even started to reduce.

Just as it did so I heard footsteps.

Then I started hearing voice.


"Hear me. Hey-"


I can make out several voices but the pain is still so bad I can barely make out what they're saying.

Even so given my situation I will have to rely on them.

"Help me." I managed to say.

I then reached out and ended up grabbing a hand, despite my eyes being closed.

As I took hold of the hand on the unknown person I felt a gentle squeeze.

But right after I did so I felt myself fade once more and blacked out.

Looks like my second life is not off to such a great start.


"Oh, what hit me?" I said.

My body is aching all over.

But at least the intense pain from earlier is finally gone.

Taking a moment I let myself fully wake up before slowly opening my eyes.

After doing so I scanned my surroundings. Finding myself lying in a bed in what looks like some sort of infirmary.

As I took this information in the door to the room suddenly opened and someone walked in.

Directing my attention to said person I saw it is none other than Riveria Ljos Alf.

Vice-captain of the Loki familia, first-class adventurer, elven royalty, a beauty than can even rival the Goddesses of this world, and also one of my top waifu of all time.

The moment she entered the infirmary my eyes became glued to her.

Seeing her as flesh and blood is very different from seeing her in a novel or a skin.

Pure unblemished skin, silky-jade green hair, a strength and grace in her movements. Not to mention a body with curves in all the right places.

As I continued looking at her only one word came to my mind.


She's absolutely stunning.

After I spoke Riveria looked in my direction. Locking her gaze with my own.

"Oh good, you're finally awake." She said.

"Yes." I managed to say.

Riveria simply nodded at my answer.

"Right then. Before we continue give me one moment." She said.

I nodded.

Once I did so Riveria stepped out of the infirmary.

Then five minutes later she returned with two other people.

Finn and Loki.

Directing my gaze towards Loki I tried to see if she's actually female or just a dude cross-dressing as one like depicted in some fanfiction in my last life. But I'm not getting anything.

Catching me looking at her Loki put a trademark smirk on her face.

"Hey handsome, if you keep staring me like that I just might eat you up." She told me. Licking her lips in a seductive manner.

Only to earn a slap to the back of her head from Riveria.

Seeing this I put a wry smile on my face.

Finn doing the same.

Also, what does Loki mean by handsome?

I can't say I'm ugly, but I know I'm definitely not handsome. I'm average-looking at best.

I'll just add it to the list of questions I have.

To get rid of the awkwardness Finn faked-coughed into a closed fist.

"Am don't mind that young man, it's an ordinary thing around here.". He told me.

"Ok." I said.

"Right then. My name is Finn. The elf is Riveria and the red-head is our goddess Loki." He explained.

"I know. The Loki familia is quite famous." I said.

"Well that's one thing out of the way." Finn retorted. "Lets move on. You're probably curious as to how you ended up here?"

"I am." I said. "Also, where is here exactly?"

Our home, Twilight Manor." Riveria answered. "While leading a patrol through the city my group stumbled upon you buried under some debris from a destroyed building. Don't worry, we had you examined and found no serious injuries. But since you weren't not waking up we decided to bring you here and wait until such time as you did." She explained to me.

I nodded at Riveria's explanation.

As well as for a shiver down my spine.

Since if she and her fellow familia members hadn't stumbled across me when they did who knows what might've happened to me.

Dying right after being given a second chance at life.

That's a scary thought.

"Thank you for that once more." I said.

"It was no trouble at all." Finn told me. "Especially after how some of our members acted towards you."

"Eh, I'm sorry but please explain?" I asked.

Since I have no idea what Finn is talking about.

I literally just interacted with the Loki familia today, and for most of that time I was out cold.

So how could I have done anything to piss them off?

"What do you remember from when you were found?" Finn asked me.

"Not much. I was in pain and was in and out of it." I said.

"Do you remember grabbing someone's hand?" He asked.

"I do." I said. 

"Am, that was my hand." Riveria spoke up.

As soon as she did do I realized the issue.

Elves have the whole "Do not touch me." thing going on. So not only did I violate said rule I also laid my hands on Riveria who all elves put on a pedestal, but especially those of the Loki familia.

"I see now." I said.

"Yes." Finn said, putting an apologetic smile on his face.

While Riveria simply gave me a strange look.

Loki on the other hand is grinning like a maniac.

"Sorry once more." Finn said.

"It's fine." I spoke. 

Just after I did so the door to the infirmary opened once again.

This time the person that entered Ais.

But chibi Ais. Since she looks exactly like she did in the Memoria game in my last life.

Which tells my my place in the timeline.

I have arrived either sometime before or after the Seven Days of Death or the Great Feud.

I really hope it's the latter.

Carrying a sheathed blade and a sack Ais looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

'Even as a kid she's a kuudere.' I thought.

"Ais, good you've arrvied, and you brought the items I asked for." Finn said.

The little Sword Princess simply nodded.

"Good. Then please return the young man's items to him Ais." Riveria said.

"Yes mo-"

Ais stopped what she was saying as Riveria leveled a glare at her that could make hell freeze over.

'She really doesn't like being called mom.'  I thought.

Deciding to leave things alone Ais brought the sword and sack over to me and I accepted them.

"Thank you little lady." I told her.

Ais simply nodded before moving back over to Finn and the others.

"These were all the belongings we found you with." Riveria told me.

As she did so I nodded.

I then examined the sword in my grasp and noticed a strange familiarity about it.

But I just can't place my finger on it.

Deciding to leave the matter for now I moved and opened up the sack.

Inside I found a pouch filled with valis, as well as something I never expected.

Jugrams' Sternritter uniform as well as a Sternritter medallion.

Looking at the medallion I felt a strange sensation throughout my entire body.

But that paled in comparison to my final discovery.

Since the medallion is so shiny I am able to see my reflection, and what is staring back at me is a teenager with blonde hair and green eyes.

So not only have I been de-aged but my appearance has been changed as well.

And the thing is I know exactly whose face is being reflected in the medallion right now.

Jugram Haschwalth.

So it looks like I did not only obtain Jugram's power, but also his appearance as well.

At least now I know why Loki called me handsome earlier.

Jugram is quite the looker, and I'm secure enough in my manhood to admit that.

But back to the point.

It looks like I have literally become a Quincy.

Well, at least things won't be boring from now on.

Not by a long shot.

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