Is It Wrong To End Up As A Quincy In Danmachi?

Chapter 3: Settling In

Standing in front of a full body mirror I made sure my clothes looked decent.

They are the only set I have at the moment so I have to take care of them until I can get more. 

And even then I will take care of this outfit, since I'm just that type of guy.

But back to the point.

After putting on my Sternritter outfit I left the infirmary sword and sack in hand.

An entire week has passed since I've been in here and today I was finally given the all clear to leave.

So you can bet that's exactly what I'm doing.

As soon as I exited my home for the past week I saw Riveria waiting.

"Good morning Ms. Riveria." i said.

"Jugram you can just call me Riveria. Even if I am older than you we are part of the same familia and besides. Formal titles do not agree with me." She explained.

"Sure thing your highness." I said. Putting a cheeky smile on my face as I did so.

At my comment Riveria's eyes twitched but that only lasted a moment.

"Very funny. Anyway, jokes aside. Come along we have much to do today." She told me.

Riveria is going to get me settled properly into the Loki familia today.

I gave her a curt nod.

Once I did so she started walking and I fell in behind her.

As we moved through the grounds and halls of Twilight manor many of our fellow familia members looked in our direction.

Particularly any elf we passed gave me a sour look and looked like they wanted to say something to me.

But one glare from Riveria stopped any of them from doing so.

I simply decided to ignore them all. Especially given how petty they're acting. If they can't understand that me touching Riveria without her permission was an accident then that's on them, not me.

Moving on.

After fifteen minutes of walking Riveria and I arrived at the door to a room.

Going up to it she knocked and a moment later it was opened. Revealing another familiar face.

Raul Nord.

"Raul meet your new roommate. Jugram the same." Riveria said.

"Nice to meet you." I said to Raul.

"So you are the one everyone has been talking about. The man who was able to lay his hands on Riveria." Raul spoke.

"Phrasing my friend." I retorted.

Just after I did so Riveria leveled one of her icy glares at Raul that has him quaking in his boots.

"That will be enough on that subject. Jugram please place your things so that we may continue with our business." Riveria said.

Giving her a nod I went into the room and placed what little belongings I had on the unoccupied bed.

But I kept the sword with me.

Once that was taken care of Riveria and I left my new room and then left the grounds of Twilight Manor entirely.

Our next stop, the guild.

As the two of us walked through the streets of Orario I noticed heavy construction taking place.

Not surprisingly at all. Since after talking to Loki I learned that only two weeks ago did "The Great Feud" come to an end.

I won't lie. I'm glad I avoided that.

This also told me I have seven years until canon begins.

Plenty of time to gain strength before shut hits the fan.

As well as have some fun along the way.

After 30 minutes of walking Riveria and I reached the guild headquarters.

The Pantheon.

Which is also undergoing construction.

Those Evilus fuckers didn't spare anyone or anything.

Pieces of shit.

Entering the building Riveria guided me to the reception.

Where I came face to face with a red-headed female werewolf with yellow eyes and a resting bitch face.

Rose Fannett.

"Riveria. Hello." Rose said. She then looked at me. "And who is this?"

"Our newest recruit." Riveria spoke.

"Jugram Haschwalth. Nice to meet you Rose." I said.

"The same." She said. Sounding irritated.

"Jugram, Rose here is the guild advisor for the entire Loki familia. Should you need assistance simply ask her if someone else is not available." Riveria explained to me.

"Will do." I said.

"Good. Now then time to do your registration." Riveria spoke.

"Right. Follow me." Rose said.

We then followed her to her private office.

Then we got down to business, which actually didn't take long at all.

As soon as things were completed the two of us left the Pantheon, bidding Rose a farewell.

Not that she showed she cared at all.

But I know that deep down she does.

She only wears a mask to keep from getting too hurt when her assigned adventures die in the dungeon.

I wonder if I can change that. Since Im sure a smiling Rose would be super cute.

As I imagined this Riveria snapped her fingers in front of my face.

Right after she did so I looked at her.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Please focus. The next task is very important and your input is required especially." She told me.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We're going to expand your wardrobe." She told me. 

'Oh no. Shopping.' I thought.

"And don't try and run away. This is necessary. As a member of the Loki familia you should not only have one available outfit to wear. As such the familia will pay for your clothing until such time you can afford it on your own. I wont have another Ais in our house." She explained to me like an actual mother would.

I simply nodded my head in resignation.

Besides saying no to free clothes, I would have to be crazy.

Seeing my attitude Riveria put a small smile on her face.

"Let's go." She said.

The two of us then headed off to start our shopping trip.


Entering my room I released a sigh.

I then dropped the bags on my arms near by bed and sat down on it. Putting a smile on my face as I did so.

"What happened to you?" Raul asked.

"Shopping. Riveria." I said.

That was all Raul needed to understand the situation.

What I just experienced was one of the toughest trial of either life.

It looks like no matter the world and no matter the race women love shopping.

Riveria dragged me to literally 20 different stores and had me try on over 50 different outfits. When out of all of them we only actually bought ten.

As well some undergarments.

Riveria herself even bought two dresses.

"My sincere condolences." Raul said. "I too have experienced that hell."

"Then let us work together to make sure we never experience it again." I said.

Raul nodded. 

The two of us then clasped hands like old friends.

Looks like I have found my first comrade.

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