Is the Wizard Reborn?

Chapter 91

Chapter 90:

“…It’s over?” Enfi asked with difficulty, lying on the ground, he still had the consciousness and the ability to act, enough to see how much water Shouhe punched just now. Yaojin was half-kneeling in front of the spaceship door and looked down, seeing Shouhe instantly disappear into the clouds without speaking, Lian Yu interrupted Enfei’s Qiyi mercilessly, “Stop dreaming.”

“How much time is there for the transition?” Cen Zhen asked the side in the cab, who immediately replied, “Ten and nine seconds.”

“…” Cen Zhen silently retracted the snow leopard into the spiritual space, and took the initiative to disconnect the spiritual link with Lian Yu. This move made Lian Yu stunned for a moment, but when he regained control of his five senses, he instantly understood Cen Zhen’s meaning. Lian Yu has always been keen, otherwise he would not have lived to commit suicide in his previous life. In between, a basic plan prototype was constructed through ideas that Cen Zhen had not even expressed, and several possible outcomes were also envisaged by the way.

Looks like…a show? Although the success rate is minimal, as long as it is not zero, it has been called progress. Lian Yu turned his head and asked Cen Zhen, “Are you sure?”

“No.” Cen Zhen is also very honest and straightforward, “I just learned this skill, and when I am full of mental energy, I can control two masked people with brain problems.

But this time is different from before, I don’t need to control Shouhe for a long time, all I need to do is to let Shouhe leave the spaceship at the moment of the jump… No, I even I don’t need to control him completely, as long as I can influence Shouhe and cooperate with your force to contain him, it is enough to make him unable to move at the moment of the jump. ”

“…” Lian Yu sighed, “Then you have to think clearly, if you are arrested again, it is not a crime of obstructing official duties, but a blatant assault on the police.”

Lian Yu spent three seconds thinking about the so-called prison fascination in Cen Zhen’s mouth, but inexplicably felt very emotional and exciting. For example, the two of them can mess around with the iron bar door that only allows one arm to stick out. Anyway, the arm can pass through, so what else can’t pass through…

During the conversation, Cen Zhen’s vast spiritual net was already laid out. This huge net that no one can see and no one knows is like light, like shadows, all pervasive, and the tentacles are the first to capture It was Shouhe, who was floating high in the sky. He pressed his ear with one hand and said something with a sinking face. It must be a communicator with the ground embedded in his ear.

Since the only target has broken into his mental net like an ignorant moth, Cen Zhen cautiously prepares to save mental energy to shrink the size of the net, but at this moment, there are two things that are very Breaking in unexpectedly, Cen Zhen frowned and saw that it was two spaceships slightly larger than the one they were in. The tails of the spaceships were all marked with symbols of justice and fairness at the Interstellar Police Department.

The radar of the IVS01 type spacecraft naturally also detected the two police spacecraft that suddenly appeared. Jiu immediately turned on the defense mode, and only a few seconds of observation. With the intention of clipping, the two police spaceships would also extend their mechanical arms to fix their airships. Even if they could not stop immediately, they would come to their airships through the aisle formed by the robotic arms to catch them all.

Ban’s driving lessons were never for nothing, but his strategy class was obviously listened to. After drawing the above conclusions, his head went blank, and he couldn’t think of any solution, so he hurriedly It informed the four people outside the cab and asked for countermeasures.

“…” It was not obvious when it was only Shouhe in plain clothes. As soon as the spaceship with the police badge appeared, Yaojin’s inner guilt immediately soared to a level that could not be ignored. .

The Jiu and Enfei, who have no room to retreat, can only go to the black one way; it’s not like they have given up thinking, no matter what the consequences are, I will listen to Yaojin.

The guilty conscience made Yaojin think about the philosophy of life, who am I, where I am, and what I am doing.

“Never be touched by them!” Jiu said solemnly, “This will lead to the failure of the transition.”

“It’s really impossible to take them to jump with them.” Lian Yu said: “As long as Shouhe is not there, everything else is waste.”

“No.” Jiu shook his head, “I don’t have enough energy. I set up a quantitative jump for this transition. Two more ships will lead to failure, and I won’t take them with me.”

“So…” Cen Zhen concluded, “Ban, it’s up to you.”

“Ah? Why do you just look at me??” Pan was about to cry, “Why do you and Lian Yu have blind and excessive trust in my driving skills…”

“No, if one of us is really skilled enough to fly a spaceship to escape the police’s pursuit, then it must be you.” Cen Zhen said seriously, but unfortunately, this sentence is not only a few words No one outside the palace believed it. Although the bank is very moved, even if the reason for being moved is that my best friend can make up any nonsense in order to encourage me.

After being moved, Pan took a deep breath, adjusted the hatch to allow only one person to enter and exit, then turned off all autopilot functions, replaced them with manual control, and then adjusted the safe speed limit threshold to The biggest, Jiu widened his eyes in the passenger seat, calling for Enfi to quickly find the safety rope.

The facilities inside the spacecraft were replaced with combat readiness early, and all recreational and entertainment measures were turned over to the bilge, and there was a row of seats against the bulkhead on the surface. The safety rope is strong enough to grind the teeth of the deep-water mermaid, and the oxygen mask is placed on the top where the hand just touches it.

Lian Yu skillfully took out two, handed one to Cen Zhen, and fastened a safety rope around his waist, while Yaojin was imitatingly learning from the side.

The next second, the IVS01 stealth spacecraft flew out at the speed of light.

Accompanied by their actions, Cen Zhen’s mental net was full of noise. After being surprised, the auxiliary police immediately calmed down and devoted themselves to the pursuit.

And their behavior obviously angered Shouhe. The most obvious reaction was that he teleported into the cabin again within 30 seconds after the spacecraft accelerated, as if to say: Do you think Can this escape?

Five minutes and twenty-seven seconds. Pan glanced at the transition’s countdown progress bar, and felt that every minute and second was terribly long. Fortunately, there were no birds or other flying objects other than the three of them in the sky, and he only needed to concentrate on getting rid of the other two spaceships.

Five minutes, it would definitely not last by just hitting, Cen Zhen patted Lian Yu’s back in the violent turbulence, indicating that he can start babbling.

Lian Yu shook his head frantically to indicate that he couldn’t, and his stomach hurt when he saw Shouhe.

Cen Zhen sighed and said with his eyes that you are not the protagonist of the novel, but a villain who died early. Generally, in such a critical moment when the gap between the strength of the enemy and us is so great, the protagonist can rely on his righteous words. The speech made the powerful enemy suddenly brain-twitch, thus turning defeat into victory.

Lian Yu didn’t taste such a complex meaning from Cen Zhen’s eyes, but he couldn’t, Cen Zhen couldn’t, who else could? So Lian Yu and Cen Zhen looked at the real male protagonist Yaojin at the same time.

Yojin held the safety rope tightly to fix his body, he saw Shouhe getting closer and closer to Enfi, and he saw the two friends standing in the corner as if they were down. , staring at him only with a very strange look, he scratched his head and suddenly said loudly: “Mr. Shouhe, I have a question to ask you!”

Shou He ignored him, he firmly grasped Enfi’s arm, and took out two finger buckles from behind. After countless generations of evolution, the handcuffs of Star Police have become so simple and easy It is portable, but the finger buckle with more complete functions is equipped with functions such as electric shock paralysis and so on.

“Mr. Shouhe, as an interstellar criminal policeman, is the justice you implement really correct? Putting a good person who has been wronged in prison is what you think is doing your duty? ”

“…I said it.” Shouhe actually stopped and looked back at Yaojin, “Whether he has been wronged, I have my own judge and legal trial, as a star policeman, All we have to do is take all the suspects back to face the law.”

“If the judge can really perform his duties impartially, if all the processes are really fair and open, and if there is no collusion, how can he be wronged and imprisoned?”

“Then how do you know that he was wronged, not a fabricated lie?” Shouhe said: “Should I give up because you say that he may be wronged? Arrest him? I can get the Star Police to intervene in his case, facilitate a retrial, and gather evidence to prove his innocence, but I can’t let him go at this time.”

“Have you ever thought that just because of this little possibility, you will kill an innocent life?” Yaojin took off his oxygen mask and asked clearly: “He is a Zerg , will be sent back to China and be detained in the Zerg Prison. It is far from the Star Police Headquarters. Even Mr. Shouhe, you cannot absolutely guarantee his personal safety? When the Star Police intervene, he will really be able to alive?”

“It’s also possible that I let go of a murderous first-level wanted criminal, resulting in more innocent deaths.” Shouhe’s heart is like a rock, and he doesn’t feel at all about Yaojin’s questioning. any sway.

“So many lives are more important than one life?” Yaojin asked: “Is it right for one person to sacrifice for a group of people?”

Cen Zhen lowered his head and looked at the time, and found that if they quarreled again, it would be time-out, five minutes was not enough for them to argue. During this period, countless tentacles invaded the entire spaceship. He did not rashly attack the spirit of guarding the river, but like a patient hunter, dormant quietly, accumulating the number of tentacles.

In the cockpit, Pan’s attention has always been highly concentrated, he has no time to watch the countdown, his arms are almost almost afterimages, the whole palm is sweaty, but the movement is getting worse Skilled.

Nine is mainly responsible for using the arsenal to launch an attack, but under the tricky and completely unpredictable driving route, unless it is a tracking missile, the rest of the missiles are really difficult to hit, and the opponent can’t hit them, They can’t hit the opponent either. Jiu Bian didn’t bother to use force again, so he obediently attacked the bank, and then stared at the countdown. Fifteen seconds later, he reopened the spaceship door.

10, 9, 8…

Cen Zhen suddenly launched an attack, and the dense mental tentacles entered the spiritual sea of Shouhe at the same time, and Lian Yu also bullied him up instantly, with the same number of attacks as before, to knock Shouhe out of the hatch.

From the moment the tentacles entered Shouhe’s mind, Cen Zhen suffered a very strong mental backlash. He was knocking stones with soft eggs, and there was even a phantom sound of tentacles cracking in his ears.

Shouhe frowned at the noise coming out of his mind, but even so, he would definitely not fall twice in the same pit, he reflexively caught Lian Yudi fist However, with a pair of four, Yaojin’s S-rank sentry’s physical energy also exploded, heading straight for his softest abdomen.

Enfi shot his needle gun tainted with insect poison. This kind of bullet is extremely precious, and one less than one bullet is used. He will never use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Contained, the needle bullet hit Shouhe’s shoulder.

In the end, he still had kindness in his heart, not aiming at Shouhe’s heart.

6, 5, 4…

The insect poison immediately made Shouhe’s right shoulder blue and purple, the roots of the blood vessels protruding, and green poisonous blood glowed in them. At the same time, it also paralyzed Shouhe’s spirit for an instant, but it was only a momentary paralysis, and the toxin that could kill an elephant in an instant would have an effect on Shouhe.

Because of this less than a second of relaxation, Cen Zhen finally took his last egg to find the only weakness of the stone, and then plunged into it fiercely.


Shouhe’s eyes widened, and he found himself unable to control his body in disbelief.


Lian Yu kicked Shouhe out of the spaceship, his face full of revenge.


As everything slowed down, Shouhe suddenly rolled his eyes and stared at Cen Zhen, who was as pale as paper.

The spacecraft disappeared right in front of Shouhe, and the radar of the two police spacecrafts behind them also heard the high-pitched whistle of the lost track.

And at this moment, Cen Zhen lost consciousness and fell into darkness, accompanied by strong tinnitus and white light.

Cen Zhen: …Next time you come to the Baita, I will show you

Shouhe: You said it! I’m here

Lian Yu: No no no no! ! !

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