Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 22

I gauge the distance to that little shit, Lucian.

About 6 meters.

It seems close, but to me, who has only close-range attacks, it feels far away today.

On the other hand, Lucian wasn’t wary of me at all.

In any case, there was something I wanted to test.

I gently lowered my sword and shotgun to the ground.

“I just realized you’re a talentless loser. What the hell were you thinking charging at me?”

“That’s none of your business, Ear Goblin. Let me ask you one thing before we begin.”

“I’ll be magnanimous. Go ahead, Short-lived Race.”

Lucian spoke haughtily as if he was granting me a favor.

I still didn’t like his attitude.

“Juji has many wives without even cooling down. Why the hell are you causing a ruckus about making Hyeji your wife?”

“Through mating with strong women, I shall become even stronger—”

– Whoosh!

Before Lucian could finish his sentence, I instantly pulled out my daggers, throwing four of them, two in each hand.

My brother Eldmia said surprise attacks are the best offense.

I’m 20, so why am I calling him ‘brother’? Damn it, if you fight well, you’re my brother!

If Chobi carries me in rankings, I would be calling him ‘Chobi-hyung’.

However, right before my hands moved, the number above Lucian’s head increased by one.

It seemed like he understood my actions to some extent, standing completely still.

But the change happened elsewhere.

Three daggers froze in mid-air.

It seemed the spirit of wind was doing its job.

“Damn it, that freeloader.”

The three daggers that had been suspended in the air soon flew back toward me.

However, out of the daggers thrown, Lucian twisted his body slightly to evade one of them.

I quickly made a judgment.

“The spirit can only block up to three attacks at once.”

The daggers flying towards me didn’t go far and fell at my feet.

As I picked up the fallen daggers, Lucian started to sneer.

“You’re resorting to pathetic antics fitting your level.”

“Watch your mouth about my brother, or you’ll end up with a cracked head. He said this is the best attack.”

“You’ve got the level of this academy figured out as well.”

It didn’t matter to me.

The academy is indeed filled with idiots.

“You’re the one strutting around here with women that shows your tribe’s education level.”

“Don’t insult my tribe!!! The Pond Leaf Tribe is the noblest among the High Elves!!!”

“Let’s say that’s true. Do you have only people like yourself there?”

“Y-Yes!! All members of our tribe possess my grace!”

“Grace, my ass.”

For some reason, Lucian looked like he was feeling a pang of guilt.

This is where I can dig in.

“The Water Lily Tribe are just pathetic bastards who only swindle women. I’ve learned something.”

“N-No!!! My siblings hold the proud title of ‘Elf Warriors’!!”


A grown man like him coming to an academy while leaving his siblings behind?

And he’s supposed to be better than the Elf Warriors chosen from the strongest of elves?

“Your siblings are Elf Warriors?”

“Yes!! They are great warriors that no one here can match!!”

I could see the estimate now.

You’re done for, damn Ear Goblin.

“Turns out this Ear Goblin is just a pathetic insect.”


“Your siblings are recognized for their abilities, holding higher positions and the support of other elves.”

As I picked up my shotgun, I said.

“While you obviously have no abilities and have been leeching off your family.”

“Y-You’re wrong!!!”

This time, Lucian was really denying it with force.

Strong denial means a strong positive.

It’s time to dig into this pathetic brother’s heart.

“‘Ah! I’ll handle it myself!’, ‘Leave me alone! Why do you keep bothering me!’, ‘I have my own thoughts!” This is what you said while being locked away in your room, right?”

“W-What nonsense!”

“Can’t your mom cry out, ‘Lucian! Please come out and do something!’”

“N-No, my mother wouldn’t cry like that…”

Suddenly, Lucian started to mumble.

Like a hunting dog that caught its prey, I pounced.

“Wow, so she did cry, huh?”

“Stop it!!! Don’t jump to conclusions!!!”

Lucian was glaring at me, desperately refuting.

Damn Ear Goblin.

It’s already too late.

“Later, did your dad force you out of the room and say you shouldn’t live like this, sending you half-forced to the academy?”

“How do you know that?”

Lucian’s face twisted as if I struck a chord.

“Ear Goblin. Your siblings are the pride and representatives of the elves, right?”

“W-What’s it to you!!!”

“They’ll meet better people than you, get better positions at a younger age, and acquire better houses.”

“S-Shut up.”

Tears were forming slowly in Lucian’s eyes.

He seemed unable to deny it.

“When your academy life ends, the only place you’ll return to is a corner room at your parents’ house.”

“No!! I’ll have my own place soon!”


It’s tough to even get a house.

Unless you’re at LH, you can’t even dream of having a house.

It’s something a freeloader like an Ear Goblin wouldn’t dare reach for.

“Your siblings have their own houses and beautiful Elf wives waiting, but you don’t.”

“Please, just be quiet!!!!”

Finally, a single tear fell from Lucian’s eye.

Seeing that, I twisted my face sullenly.

“Your siblings will likely have an official elf marriage first!”

“Shut your mouth!!!”

Now Lucian, threw his dignity away, and screamed at me.

Of course, that would fuel my mouth.

“Congrats. The only thing you have over your younger siblings is the number of bowls you’ve eaten from.”

“I told you to shut up!!!!!!”

“Well, it seems like your libido beats theirs? Seeing you getting excited over inferior races they wouldn’t even touch.”

“Shut up!!!!!!!”

Though he spat out those words fiercely, it looked like he would crumble any second.

I clapped my hands towards Lucian, driving the nail in.

“Are you a damn Sesshomaru? You’re making half-demons with humans you looked down on, huh?”

Despair washed over Lucian’s face.

Clearly, my mental attack had landed.

In the sparring ground, there is a speaker amplification system built-in.

This was intended to make the spectators more engaged in the sparring.

In other words, unless it’s just a quiet mumble, everything we say can be heard by everyone.

Naturally, everything I said was transmitted straight to the audience.

As a result, those listening began to cough up blood soon after.

“…Stop Splend.”


“I’m not the useless one… my siblings are the weird ones.”

“I did my best, I swear.”

“No, I was just unlucky back then…”

“Mom, I’m sorry. Mom, I’m sorry. Mom, I’m sorry.”

The atmosphere in the audience changed slightly.

Resignation, resentment, and deep sadness.

Just then, Kyoukyou’s voice rang clearly in the sparring ground.

“Looks like it’s all NEETs and recluses herewwwwwww. This academy isn’t anything but a green campwwwwwwwww”

Like pouring oil onto a fire, the somber mood burst into flames in an instant.

What a lovely sight.

Meanwhile, Lucian managed to regain his composure.

Soon after, a strong fury shone through.

“How dare you seduce me with your silver tongue!!!”

“Are you an idiot? I only spoke facts, and you sank yourself.”

“Shut up!!! I’ll kill you right now!!!”

Lucian began murmuring something incomprehensible like he did back in the classroom.

The atmosphere began to tremble.

Just as he extended his outstretched hand towards me.

‘That’s a cancel move.’

I acted a bit faster.

Before his hand fully extended, I quickly threw two daggers.

Seeing that, Lucian canceled his previous action.

Naturally, the eerie atmosphere that was shaking suddenly turned into a gentle breeze.

Here’s my chance.

I dashed forward and threw my longsword.

At that moment, the number above Lucian’s head increased by one.


Just as Lucian said, a giant tree rose from the ground.

The tree deflected my flying longsword.

‘Only 3 plants left.’

In front, the tree stood tall, blocking my longsword.

Just before I switched directions to the left, I threw four daggers from my right.

Immediately twisting my body to the left, I braced my shotgun on my shoulder, placing the barrel against the side of the tree.

Since the shotgun was meant to be used with both hands, I couldn’t expect perfect recoil control.


‘At this distance, I just need to shoot roughly for a hit.’

I figured I could land a solid shot.

The muzzle of the shotgun erupted in fire.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds, flowing smoothly.

At first glance, it seemed almost simultaneous.

– Whoosh!

– Bang!!!

However, the number above Lucian’s head had increased by one more.

Out of the four daggers launched, three were deflected by the spirit again.

The remaining dagger was caught by a vine-like plant that grew behind Lucian, waving around.

Lastly, the three shots of birdshot were blocked in an instant by two trees that grew to intercept the trajectory of the bullets.

‘Birdshot is great, but the penetration isn’t quite enough.’

He’s indeed a tough opponent.


‘Still, Ear Goblin, you used all four, huh?’

It’s time to leave.

To the Lord!

I let go of the shotgun and, based on the newly sprouted tree, moved to the left again.

Here the distance between Lucian and me was merely two steps.

Gripping an axe in my left hand, I swung it wide from left to right.

Putting force into my waist for a more certain result.

The axe I swung aimed straight for Lucian’s neck.


“Where do you think you’re aiming.”

– Crack!!!

Two vine-like branches that grew behind me caught the handle of the axe.

Looking back, I saw the number above Lucian’s head increased by one again.

Moreover, contrary to the Wiki’s records, it showed two additional plants had grown from the original four.

‘Right. There can be a discrepancy of one or two in the records.’

With a slight disappointment at the Wiki not being updated, I let go of the axe.

Taking a step forward.

The distance was sufficient.

This time, I held the axe inversely with my right hand, swinging it upward from below.

The target is his solar plexus.

“Please die from this.”

However, again, the number above the Ear Goblin’s head ticked up.

Simultaneously, another tree grew diagonally to block the path of my axe.

Although it was smaller and thinner than the previously grown trees, it was sufficient.

Sufficient to block my assault.

– Wham!!!!!!!


Caught off guard, I unleashed a flurry of expletives.

No, what the hell.

It was recorded as four, so why is he using seven?

Even so, a difference of three is too much, damn it, Wiki!

Before you write about the relationship between Marisa and Alice, do some editing, damn it.

As all my attacks returned null, I gazed at Lucian with a bewildered look.

“You said four, damn it.”


Suddenly, Lucian extended his right hand toward me, as if he had completed his casting.

Soon, a roaring wind charged at me.

Though it was a brief gust, it was enough to bounce my body back to its original position.

Luckily, due to the defensive coat I wore, I received no damage.

However, it hurt too much to widen the gap I had reduced.

Lucian pointed at my coat with a finger, wearing an intrigued expression.

“That rag isn’t half bad. Otherwise, your head would be gone by now.”

“If you’re jealous, then introduce me to a woman, you damn freeloader.”

The plants Lucian created began to slowly vanish.

Weapons falling from the sky, one by one, under the influence of gravity.

Of course, they weren’t nearby.

“Damn, all my weapons are over there.”

I watched the weapons with regretful eyes.

Just then, that image of Lucian shedding tears had disappeared, and he began to mock me.

“Are you finally understanding the difference in levels?”

“Differences, my ass! The map difference is bullshit. I can’t play anything but Hunter maps in Star.”

“It must be the World Tree’s will for me to win.”

“No, you said the plant limit was four. Why did it increase to seven?”

As Lucian heard my words, he began laughing maniacally.

It seems he was mocking me for relying on outdated information.

Damn it, Wiki, please update already!

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