Is This a Novel or Something?…Everyone and Their Dog is Regressing, It’s Fking Ridiculous

Chapter 8

As soon as class ended, most students bolted out of the classroom.

Some students were hopping on desks to leave, while others crawled on all fours or even climbed the walls.

It felt just like watching a B-grade zombie movie.

As the impatient ones left first, the remaining students began to make their exit slowly.

Of course, it’s not like they weren’t in a hurry.

Their eyes were slightly glazed over.

Eating alone during lunch was enough to trigger the students.

Seriously, some students were so desperate they literally jumped out the window.

Following that, a thud echoed as someone landed on the ground.

‘Looks like there’s an ability user among the idiots who would jump from the fifth floor.’

“Ah!!!!! My leg!!!!!”


Never mind.

We definitely need to add ‘Captain America landing is prohibited’ to the school rules.

Eventually, all the students exited the classroom.

The only thing left in the classroom was me and the leftover garbage I had.

Since I already had an early lunch, I wasn’t really thinking about eating again.

So, what I chose to do was to rush to the dormitory to wash up during the remaining lunch break.

Even in the gold-tier classroom, some mistook me for a research student, even if only briefly.


Please, don’t do that.

As soon as I got to the dormitory, I hurriedly stripped off my outerwear.

Having worn it since the day before, it felt like a musty smell was rising, and it was so uncomfortable that I wanted it as far from my body as possible.

I immediately opened the washing machine door, tossed my clothes in, randomly threw in some detergent, and started it.

I watched as the water slowly filled the machine and the clothes tumbled around.

Finally, I headed straight to the bathroom to wash my body, turning on the water.

Every time the washing machine spun and water splashed on me, it washed away the remnants of my messy past.

They say you can’t forget the past, but there are some memories that are surprisingly easy to forget.

Of course, the messy past was just drool stains from when I fell asleep drunk.

Be careful.

This is not despair.

This is an academy story.

Honestly, I wanted to ditch the classes and everything else.

And I genuinely wished to fill the bathtub with water and sink in for a lazy nap.

But that was just wishful thinking; I had to get back to class.


The academy generally allows for free dress, but basic uniforms are provided.

The reason for this policy is simple: if they were going to enforce strict rules, they’d rather just let everyone dress as they please.

Occasionally, there are reports of crazy people wearing traditional garb roaming around the academy.

What a mad world.

That’s not a concept; that’s just a real lunatic.

When dormitory assignments are confirmed, the academy prepares the uniforms in advance and distributes them.

The uniforms are no different from military uniforms. They’re hot in summer and cold in winter.

In fact, the colors are just the default light novel colors: white tops and black bottoms.

The design is also classic light novel style.

Does this supplier deliver to other worlds too?

That’s a monopoly, you bastards.

I’m suddenly saying this because right now, I have nothing to wear except the uniform.

The clothes I wore yesterday are in the washing machine, and my casual clothes are still yet to be found.

So, as I reluctantly put on the uniform, a question popped into my head.

‘…How did they know my size, those bastards?’

The uniforms are custom-made based on data collected during a physical exam a week ago.

Of course, my pathetic brain didn’t realize this and just kept thinking of ways to protect my precious youth.

After putting on everything and hanging my ID around my neck, I grabbed my writing instruments and headed toward the classroom before lunch break ended.


I entered the classroom about three minutes before class started.

This time, I didn’t come in late like I did before, so no one particularly noticed me.

However, as soon as I sat back in the front row where I was in the morning, I suddenly felt eyes on me, and whispers began.

“Hey? Isn’t that the homeless loser from breakfast?”

“Why does he look fine after washing up?”

“Seriously. You look like a mess even after washing.”

“This is unfair! Why do I look like a total wreck?”

“To be honest, when I first saw him in the morning, I thought he was an MSc research student.”

“I thought he was a Ph.D. student.”

Those last two bastards were the same jerks from earlier.

Soon, I’ll give them a reason to act like idiots, those bastards.

A moment later, the professor who had just finished the third class entered again.

And of course, he was surprised to see me sitting there.

“Oh my! Is this seat for a research student?”

“……A research student?”

“You were that crazy idiot.”

The professor said seriously as he warned me.

“Don’t sit near those insane dogs; it’s dangerous.”


These bastards are seriously something.


To be honest, the class was really hard.

Except for the ability registration procedures, everything was new to me.

Because of that, the once empty notebook filled up quickly with notes.

But are these chicks just naturally smart, or something?


Did they learn from a top-notch private academy instructor?

Before I could even get lost in that thought, more unknown content stimulated my ears.

What’s it to me?

I’m dead if I don’t get this, damn it.

After much ado, I managed to jot down some notes from the class.

As soon as break time came, people began to gather in groups.

Honestly, I had hoped someone would approach me since I had just defeated Professor Pilyong on my first day.

But no.

No one came.

They just glanced at me but didn’t approach at all.

In those cringey light novels, the protagonist is mobbed by famous people just for breathing.

I’m also a protagonist, you bastards.

But nothing changed.

It was likely due to the discrimination against the powerless.

In the early days of ability users, the discrimination based on power was a serious societal issue.

Although it has alleviated somewhat now, it isn’t completely gone.

‘These bastards haven’t learned anything since the KKK.’

Then I thought about Ryu Kang-hyuk.

Surprisingly, Ryu Kang-hyuk didn’t look down on people based on their abilities.

He just beat the hell out of everyone without regard.

‘After all, the only things equal to everyone are guns, blades, and bats.’

Don’t believe me?

Get hit once with a lead bullet and think again.

Whether a user or a non-user, it’s all one shot.

Finally, the painfully dull lesson I had to endure came to an end.

Just as I was about to head home after a stressful first day,

tap tap.

Someone lightly tapped my shoulder from behind.

When I turned to look, my view was filled with red hair and golden eyes.

Even in this free-dress academy, she wore the same uniform as I did.

The female student who met my gaze waved her hand in greeting.

“Hey~. We saw each other this morning, right~?”

But my head didn’t think to respond.

The information my eyes received suddenly paralyzed my thinking.

6135 (312).

The number above the head of the female student I was staring at.

I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with four-digit regression counts.

It’s just that in her case, it was proof she hadn’t gotten what she wanted, given the high red number.

But the situation before me felt a bit different.

Compared to the regression count, her red number was relatively low.

“Excuse me~? Hello~?”

The female student waved her hands in front of me, seemingly checking if I was okay.

Finally, I snapped back to reality and apologetically responded.

“I’m sorry. Who are you again?”

“I was the one who offered to build the arena for big dogs~? You already forgot?”


She was the one who created the arena.

“The one who built the big dog fighting ring!”

“…Well, that is technically correct, so I can’t say anything.”

The female student scratched her cheek awkwardly and extended her hand to me.

“Anyway, nice to meet you! I’m Hyeji Kim~.”

“Nice to meet you too, Hyeji. I’m Kim Shinwoo.”

“Don’t be so stiff~. We’re the same age, so let’s speak comfortably~.”

“…Sure, Hyeji.”

Since we were the same age, I dropped the formalities.


“By the way, are you really the same age?”

“Of course!”


My eyes silently wandered over to Hyeji’s height and chest.

She was very short. There was barely anything there.

….Optical illusion?

There’s really nothing there?

Seeing me go silent, Hyeji tilted her head in confusion.

Then, noticing where my gaze was lingering, her expression stiffened.

Before I could even speak, Hyeji’s number above her head went up by one, and she quickly interjected.

“I’ll tell you now that I’m still in my growth period.”

“……I didn’t even ask anything yet.”

“There’s a way to know everything so don’t bring it up. If you don’t want to die.”

Is the growth period something that starts after high school?

That might be possible.

Only in your dreams.

At that moment, a terrible thought crossed my mind.

A boy.

Could Hyeji be a cross-dressing boy?

With a flat chest and small height, it makes sense if Hyeji were a cross-dressing boy.

Of course, there’s a difference between understanding that and being a heroine.

If a cross-dressing boy dares to eye the heroine position, it’s only a one-way ticket to hell.

Carefully, I tried to snoop around about Hyeji’s gender identity.

But once again, Hyeji’s number went up, and she quickly cut me off.

“Are you-”

“If you ask me if I’m a boy, you’re really going to die.”


In the midst of it all, Hyeji’s cutesy tone of voice broke.

That makes sense.

When you’re angry, the first priority is to express that rage, not the facade of cuteness.

In the meantime, Hyeji who had regained her composure started speaking again.

“Anyway, nice to meet you! We always welcome a talented person like you~.”


Does this bastard dare to throw compliments?

“I’m a non-user, though?”

“I know that already~. That’s why I came to find you~.”

For the non-users, as I mentioned, they face all sorts of discrimination from ability users.

Non-users are generally viewed as useless and inferior, leading to discrimination.

If I were under twenty, I might try for an ability coin, but once I crossed twenty, those chances evaporate.

But an ability user comes directly to me, a non-user?

That’s a red flag.

The alarms in my body were ringing loud and clear.

I raised my guard and began listing out possible intentions behind Hyeji’s appearance.

“Multi-level marketing? Cult? Shincheonji? Insurance? Why did you come here?”

“…None of those.”

“Then what kind of scam are you pulling?”

The fact that she was excluding those options made it even more suspicious.

Hyeji sighed and said,

“Ugh… I came because I’m a supporter.”

“Supporter as in?”


At that moment, the banned word from AOS games came to mind.

The name fit perfectly.

However, the number above Hyeji’s head rose again, and before I could speak, she cut me off.


“If you mention AOS games, I’ll kill you!!!”

Hyeji, who a moment ago had that gentle demeanor, was now showing her true anger.

Before I could even open my mouth, Hyeji unleashed her frustration on me.

“Don’t ask if I like cats or fairies!!! I really hate it, fuck!!!”

Hyeji looked like she was about to lose her sanity.

Then suddenly, she pointed at me and yelled.

“Don’t ask if you’re a utility pot! Just shut your mouth!!!!!!”

She was coming out swinging first.

I wish I had that boldness; it would make me rich.

Though her rage surged like wildfire, it took a while to settle down.

Once Hyeji calmed down and recovered her composure, I finally tried speaking.

“Can I ask just one thing?”

“What is it~?”

“How about mermaids? Don’t you like them?”

“You bastard!!!!!!”

Hyeji raged again.

This time it took a little longer for her to calm down.

Once she regained her sanity, she finally stated her intent.

“I’m a supporter, so having a non-user like you is actually quite nice~.”

“In what way?”

“I’ll support you with the equipment I make~.”

“That equipment is all verified, right?”

Hyeji suddenly averted her gaze.


“Answer me.”

After some silence, Hyeji started to ramble, sweating a little.

“If I make it on the spot, there shouldn’t be a problem~.”

“For me, there are a ton of problems.”

“You get the gear, and I get results. It’s a win-win, isn’t it?”

“Win-win my ass. No matter how you look at it, I’m just a lab rat.”

Hyeji tried to reassure me with other words.

“I’ll ask for help from my senior supporters if needed~.”

“I just can’t trust supporters.”

“Why not~? Where else can you find someone as trustworthy as a supporter~?”

Why can’t I trust them?

Well, because I’m at the top.

“I don’t put much trust in tools.”

“You bastard!!! Stop calling me a tool!!!”

Hyeji exploded again with rage.

In the end, we had a half-forced agreement to help each other, but it was basically exploitation.

Not that there’s much difference.

Whether it’s cooperation or exploitation, they’re just two syllables.


That was an incredibly naive way of thinking.


A contract had formed between Hyeji and me.

However, I never expected modifications to happen right from the first day.

“Test this out.”

“What’s that?”

Hyeji suddenly pulled out a skeletal suit.

“I just made it this time. It’s been verified.”


But something about it felt off.

Do you trust tools?


Absolutely not.

Before trying on the exoskeleton, I turned it on for a test.

Suddenly, the lower body anchored itself to the ground.

At the same time, the upper and lower halves separated, and the upper part started flying into the sky.

Both Hyeji and I watched the exoskeleton’s upper half soar into the void in silence.



“You said you verified it, damn it.”

“…Looks like it might not be the case.”

If I had directly worn it without any tests, I’d be Kim/Shin/Woo now.

The protagonist who died in his eighth chapter.

‘They say to read the fine print and be cautious while signing contracts…’

My distrust in Hyeji had already hit its peak.

However, when it came to writing the contract, she was at her most rational.

“Hey. Set the details here.”

Hyeji, why only act normal when writing contracts? Damn it.

Why does she cosplay a lunatic the rest of the time?

“Huh, Kim Shinwoo. What’s this content?”

“You don’t get it~?”

“Damn you.”

It wasn’t working. I had to act even more absurd.

A fierce battle of banter and checks ensued.

In the end, I managed to add two key clauses to the contract.

1) If you conduct a reckless experiment, I will flee immediately.

2) Equipment that’s tested will at least ensure minimum safety.

With that, I should be safe from death.

Surely, I wouldn’t die after that.

I did.

Damn, I really did.

Tuesday. Wednesday.

In just two days, the death count had risen to 24.

“Time for the next test~!”


A supposed supporter, how come the death count is so high?

Please stop killing me.

Though there was no shortage of equipment, that was the唯一 advantage.

Hyeji’s ability was inherently focused on creating gear.

Hyeji’s ability was to manifest metal objects, simply put.

“Just a minute~. I’ll whip it up quickly~.”

“Please take your time.”

It could be divided into two main categories.

The first is the manifestation of weapons and armor she has directly handled and used.

The second is limited to manifesting only objects she knows the structure and design of.

But even the second category is restricted to weapon or armor types.

I was swinging around a hammer that Hyeji created.

Suddenly, a brilliant thought occurred to me.

“Hyeji, let’s make all the weapons out of gold and sell them.”

“But they only last for 15 minutes~.”

“That’s incredibly useless.”

“Damn you.”

The downside of Hyeji’s ability is that items lasted only 15 minutes.

If they could be maintained permanently, that alone could cause problems, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

And the other drawback was.

“Why does this hammer have a metal handle?”

“It seems non-metal parts get replaced by metal~.”

If parts that are not metal in the manifested object get replaced with metal.

And while she can manifest weapons based on chemical reactions, she can’t use them.

“Something feels off~. At least being able to manifest bullets is a blessing.”

“Stop flirting in front of a non-user.”

Meanwhile, I pressed the button on the hammer that Hyeji claimed was a new feature.

When I did, poof!

Thorns shot out and pierced my hand.

I looked at Hyeji as blood dripped from my hand.



“Why the hell are thorns coming out of the hammer’s handle? Did I just turn into Jesus?”

“……I was supposed to put it in the head part, but I accidentally swapped it~.”

At this point, nothing was surprising anymore.

I detached the hammer from my hand and spoke to Hyeji again.

“Hyeji, you said the duration is 15 minutes, right?”

“Yep! Why?”

“We need to sell it quickly and run. This is a land of scams, after all.”

Hyeji looked at me like I was an idiot and told me it was impossible.

“That’s not possible~.”

“If we don’t get caught, who cares?”

“The academy prohibits selling items made using abilities~.”


Yo, you damn bastard. Wait a second.

“You said this was a product meant to be sold.”


“I’m supposed to get this for free, right?”

Hyeji averted her gaze.

Then she coughed a few times before finally speaking again.

“Regardless, financial transactions are banned. Even if you tried, there would still be issues~.”

“But what if you already sold it?”

“You’d get caught fast~.”

According to Hyeji, there are CCTV cameras all over the academy.

Additionally, ability users monitored the academy in shifts.

“This isn’t an academy; it feels more like a prison or military camp, damn it.”

“But the food is good~.”

“I’ll admit, that sausage from yesterday was delicious.”

Of course, there are professors who would love to munch on the students’ food.

The quality gap compared to the professors’ dining is astonishing.

The student cafeteria is the place where the no-profs go, so who would eat sausage there?

Come eat my delicious food, Ms. Go Soon-jo.

Hyeji seemed to ponder for a moment, expressing her exasperation.

“I have to submit plans every time I do this~. It’s boring~.”

“Can’t you just let it slide?”

“That’s impossible; I have to submit one every morning.”

Once again, the harsh realities of Korean society seeped into the academy.

“Proceed only at designated locations, and everything from creation to disposal must happen at that spot~.”

“It felt like I got screwed over from the start…”

“Lastly, you’re under constant watch until the ability user is no longer present~.”

Suddenly, I felt really envious.

Just watching could earn you money?

“Is it true that you make money while just watching?”

“The conditions for ability users are to maintain a plank posture~.”

Suddenly, it didn’t sound very appealing.

“If they endure longer, they’d probably suffer too, huh?”

“Then I’d have to execute another test~? With new gear~.”

“Sorry, I was wrong.”

The sensation of my body being torn apart was still awkward.

Then again, being within the academy meant there were no particularly strange restrictions.

Outside, all kinds of ridiculous limits existed.

For a simple example, abilities can only be used at specific locations, and your body must be scanned before and after.

If there’s any difference, you have to explain it.

Three days later.

I spent the time testing gear with Hyeji and dying repeatedly.

And on Friday, just 15 minutes before class started,

The front door of the classroom suddenly swung open violently.

Through the opened door stepped a woman marching in.

She had dark blue hair tied into a ponytail.

She wore a black martial arts uniform embroidered with golden threads, along with wrapped hands and feet.

Her eyes glowed with anger in a fierce green hue.

At first glance, she resembled a martial artist.

While everyone expressed confusion, the woman casually walked to the center of the classroom.

Suddenly, she glared at the room and surveyed it before shouting.

“Where is that bastard Kim Shinwoo? Come out now!!!”

Instantly, the classroom was filled with her booming voice.

Caught off guard, all the students covered their ears and groaned.

However, no one stepped forward.

Why didn’t they come out?

It’s obvious; I wasn’t even there.

I hadn’t left that early.

Not even an idiot would do that.

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