Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 7: Adventurer Guild

I walked inside the big 3 story building of the adventurer guild excitedly as the smells of the alcohols, cigarettes, and sweats greet me all of a sudden after entering the room. 

I could hear some rowdy adventurer boasting about their experience, and saw others playing the card by discussing their strategy to hunting some monster. In short, this place just looked like some sort of a bar with a lot of customers. 

This is really my first time to experienced this atmosphere as I never had a hobby to go clubbing or went to some bar for drinking. In the first place, I was never strong in dealing with some sort of alcoholic drinks so I rarely drink, I would be preferred drinking some colas than any alcoholic drink out there!

While having these random thoughts in my mind, I headed nervously to something like a receptionist-counter place, I saw a beautiful beastkin with a fox ear giving me business smile, she has beautiful long orange hair and limpid eyes.

[umu, unfortunately, It's B cup..]

she twitching her mouth after seemingly heard my whisper. Wha- as expected of beastkin they have good hearing!

[Can I help you, sire?]

[I want to register as an adventurer, umm is this the right counter?]

[Yes, this counter provide the registration services, let's see... do you have a combat job? you must have a combat job as a basic requirement to register within the adventurer guild]

[I am an Apprentice Swordsman, is it count as a combat job?]

[Excuse me, can you put your hand on this crystal?]

After hearing that I had a combat job, the receptionist lady take a black ball the same size as the crystal ball the guard used when I enter this town

[ummm.... is this crystal ball will reveal all of my statuses? if possible I don't want to reveal all my skills and status for privacy issues so..]

the receptionist smile after hearing my words

[Dont worry sir, this crystal will just reveal your name, level, and jobs. We Adventurer guild always protect the privacy of our adventurer as long as they not breaking the law]

[Thank you for your understanding, and sorry if somehow I am being rude to you]

I put my hand on the black ball, and my job and level magically appear with the glowing word, come to think of it, I could somehow understand the words that are written there, but if you ask me to write it, I didn't know for sure if I could do it or not.

[I already confirmed your information and combat job, please wait a minute, the guild staff will make your adventurer card soon, while we waiting for your Adventurer card, I will now explain about the adventurer rank and quest for your basic information as newly registered adventurer]

[the adventurer divides the lowest to the highest Rank as Iron Rank -> Copper Rank -> Silver Rank -> Gold Rank -> Titanium Rank -> Mithril Rank -> Adamantite Rank]

[As the new registered Adventurer you will start at the lowest rank, that is an Iron Rank.

As for advancing your rank you need completes some quest, and the guild will evaluate your rank if you fulfilled the requirements needed to advances to the next rank, and we will appropriately adjusting your rank after the guild deemed you are qualified for bearing the advanced ranker]

[As for the quest, you freely take available quest in the quest board in the guild there]

the Fox eared lady pointed at the place where some adventurer gathers in front of a large board that has lots of paper-like thing stick to it. It looks like some sort of bulletin board!

[you can freely take the paper quest regardless of the difficulty in there before bringing it to the Accepting Quest counter over there and after you finish your quest you can go to the Completed Quest counter there. we encourage you to choose the quest difficulties according to your capability, and we will not taking responsibility if somehow in any case you failed, and... sorry, lose your life concerning the process during your quest, so we, the adventurer guild, advise you to take the quest very~ carefully]

The Fox lady pointed towards two another counter sequentially, and give me advice regarding taking a quest with a business smile. 

Somehow her smile gave me a "don't be reckless and tried to show off kiddos!" vibe to it, she talked to me with good-intentions so I don't mind it too much though. 

She continued her explanation

[Some quests will ask you to meet with your client personally and the detailed quest will be given by the client in concern. after you finish your quest you can go directly to the client and he/she will give you the quest completion paper and you can take your reward in the guild by bringing the paper to the Completed Quest counter]

[For Monster subjugation you can bring the requested subjugation proof parts stated in the bulletin board, together with the quest paper to the Completed Quest counter and claimed your reward]

[you can go to the dismantle counter to get the monster corpse that you hunt during your exploration to be dismantled there, we will buy the monster's parts according to the market price. and also, you could sell your own monster part that you already dismantled yourself in there]

The fox eared lady pointed at the counter with the old man waiting there, some adventurer speak something to him before both of them go to the back of the counter

[With this, I finish Informed the basic information that you have to know as a newly registered adventurer, until here, do you have some part that you didn't understand sire?]

[No, thank you, your explanation is really easy to understand, thank you very much!]

[at your service~, ah it seems your adventurer card is done.... here is your adventurer card, you will start as Iron rank so please work hard to advanced your rank! but, please don't lose your card or we will be fined you with 5 gold coin or 5000 Rham with this kingdom currency to remake your new card again later~]

[and as the registration fee, it's 200 Rham, please~]

I give 2 silver coin to the fox eared lady that always gave me business smile all the time during her service

[here is the fee, and thank you very much for your explanation and service!]

I take my guild card and put it in a storage bag. after giving my thanks once again to her, I walked to the dismantle counter to sell the forest wolf corpse in my storage bag, it seems the time flow in the storage bag was stopped because the corpses didn't rot when I checked it during the journey before.

[can I help you?]

the old man at the counter ask me with an expressionless face, i tried to appraise him because he seems to look like not simple old man at a first glance~

Guild Staff

Job : Archer

Lv 60

HP : 13000

MP : 13500

Skill : Bow Mastery VI[Rare] Magic Arrow II[Rare] Blessed by the Wind[Rare] AGI Up large[uncommon] Dismantle V[common]

I checked the skills that he has, the bow mastery and magic arrow seems like archer skill, did Archer is an advanced job? his HP and MP are higher than mine, it seems it looks like a really high-level job. I couldn't judge for sure though as I barely know about the job information in this world.

Anyway, I copied the Blessed by the Wind skill and AGI Up Large skill because it seems useful for my current situation now

Blessed by the Wind[Rare] : every attack give additional wind magic damage by 200, add movement speed by 150% when running, boost attack speed by 50% permanently

AGI Up Large[Uncommon] : Boost AGI to 150% permanently

[May I help you, sir?]

[O-oh sorry, yes, I want to sell monster corpses that I hunt before, could you process it for me?]

[please follow me to the back of the counter, as you could take out the corpse there to be processed and dismantled]

I followed him to the back of the counter and sell the forest wolf's corpses, I got 1500 Rham for selling 15 of it, the old man somehow said something like D rank monster or something while he asked the staff to process the corpses.

After I checked the rank information about the monster rank in the bulletin board, I realized that the people in this world, actually divided the rank of the monsters according to their danger levels.

The monster rank in this world was divided into SS-S-A-B-C-D-E from the highest to the lowest.

[is there SSS Rank monster in the world?]

I murmuring myself in wonder after reading the monster rank information

[Are you a newbie? if you ask about SSS Rank monster, there is one! on the contrary, it's not that far from here, you can go to the deepest part of Arkham mountain and you would meet it there! hahahaha]

All of a sudden, a veteran like oldmen started to talk to me playfully, I didn't know if he is mocking me or not but I didn't care about it, as the information he provided is the important one!

[did you mean the Ancient Dragon?]

[Bingo! it's the disaster class monster that needs some mithril and adamantite Rank, the peak of this continent power, to subjugated it!! so of course it couldn't be ranked as SS! anyway before talked about something like SSS monster, it'll be better if you hunt some goblin and slime first brat!! it's 100 years too early for you to think about that kind level of monster after all!! kilkilkil!!]

The old man veteran-like adventurer started to leave after mocking me. I don't even want to appraise him because he really smelled like small fry. thanks for the info tho~

After I checked the quest in the quest board, I started thinking it's better to take the monster subjugation quest and I could go tomorrow after some rest. Also, I need to find an inn to spend my night in this town.

after looking around I took both Orc and Goblin subjugation quest, it's better to take it easy in my first quest. I walked to the counter to take the quest and asked the receptionist for a recommended inn that had the best comfort and privacy service

[Its kinda expensive if you looking to an Inn like that, because, only the wealthy merchant will go to that kind of inn, but if you really don't mind about it, I would recommend [Lamia's scale] Inn as its fulfill the requirement that you asking for~]

After giving thanks to the Fox eared lady receptionist, I exited the guild with a lighthearted feeling~

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