Isekai Harem of Smut and Magic

Chapter 44 – Evil Eyes are Evil

10-16-21: Chapter 38B nsfw released
In the previous chapter…


Shaki’s roar echoed in the cave. Her voice carried unexpected levels of fury. It surprised the gnolls who were getting used to her cold, but helpful attitude.

The troglodyte pawns rushed to answer her call, shoving aside the astounded by-standers.

Milia snatched a spear from a passing-by pawn and joined her friend. “Pin the Evil Eye down!”

Fourteen stone spears struck down Griscent’s tentacles, nailing her against the ground.

Pinned Griscent

The situation grew tense. The crowd of gnolls and beholders studied Slade’s reaction, ready to carry out his orders.

But the slime froze, horrified by the judging stares of the crowd.

Without leadership, the civilians broke into a chatter. Panic broke inside the cave. Will their new boss let Griscent die? Should the beholders shoot their rays despite friendly fire? Should the gnolls fight the beholders? So many questions went unanswered.

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg“There is no need to be rash. Griscent will surrender quietly, right?” Metiva feared that her clan would be swept in the crossfire between beholders and troglodytes.

08619006-3d1e-4c5e-b474-0f1214bee4ef.jpg “We can’t allow that creature to hypnotize our people. We are doing it for the safety of your clan too.”

288aa3ec-736c-4672-b544-6a24bc2e2dcc.jpg “Or did the Evil Eye brainwash you too?”

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg “Your wariness is understandable, but we should think calmly about it. A mistake could prove disastrous.” Metiva spread her arm, showing the beholders glaring at them.

288aa3ec-736c-4672-b544-6a24bc2e2dcc.jpg “Tampering with the mind of a rook isn’t already a disaster?”

This prospect terrified them. Such a vile act demanded urgent punishment.

b6856003-e93f-48d4-8cfa-7cfb1eaba342.jpg “I know it’s unpleasant, but we have to remove threats even if nobody likes it.”

2193e2df-c53f-4dcc-af5e-205ce2ee9b3c.jpg “What should we do, master?… Master?”

Slade cowered, shutting his eyes. Losing his past identity was not enough. He was only left with the dregs of decadence and lust that Griscent planted inside him.

W-what am I?

He was incomplete, like a newborn. Yet, he was not a perfect blank slate either. With no other foundation to his identity, his sense of self was entirely built on his memories of Hekalys. Meanwhile, the memories of Earth felt like stories told by a friend. He couldn’t relate to them on a personal level.

His lust was a droplet of ink falling in a glass of water, it colored his entire memories during the system’s recovery.

The mental reversion made him destitute and vulnerable. The stares of disbelief from the on-lookers pierced his core, to the point he would cry from the shame of his exposed lust.


Am I disgusting? Should I even exist?

However, there was an easy solution to his pain.

“It wasn’t me… I’m not a pervert. It wasn’t my fault… Griscent! It was Griscent!” Slade blamed the Evil Eye.

dd2e5da8-e860-43de-8e52-219c02be2887.jpg “See! Now he’s troubled. We shouldn’t let the Evil Eye live.”

f9c69b80-12f7-4623-bdae-1a0b5adaf6f5.jpg “Correct. Guilt confirmed.”

She didn’t deny it.

Her words knocked Slade out of his tormented mind. He breathed in relief.

The beholders glanced at each other, unable to understand her intentions. Why would their gritty leader yield her life so easily? What was her plan?

“At least, you’re honest. I like that.” Milia climbed on top of the Evil Eye.

Metiva made a sweeping motion with her hand. The gnolls nodded and backed off from the crowd, abandoning Griscent to her fate.

The noise of chatters died. Lorely’s sobbing was the only sound left. She was sitting at Violet’s side, unaware of what was happening.

“Any last words?” Milia lifted her spear above Griscent.

Half of the troglodytes raised their spear to strike at Milia’s signal. The other half kept her pinned against the ground.

Slade’s brittle heart shook. No…

Griscent glanced at Slade and spoke in Beholder’s tongue. “(Thank you for opening my eye to the truth that I could never fulfill my goal.)”

The beholders exchanged incredulous glances.

The slime wobbled in discomfort. “Wait…”

He didn’t want Violet to die because nobody could repair her magic seals.

He didn’t want Griscent to lose her life in vain.

In the Prison of Illusion, the Evil Eye overcame the emotional pain to accept her nature, and manifested a new self that was honest and at-peace. All thanks to Slade’s efforts.

It dawned on him that he was a hypocrite. He rejected the disgraceful facets of his heart to avoid pain and blamed it on others.

“(I can face death without regret. Thank you so much, Slade.)” Griscent concluded.

“I didn’t get it, but farewell!” Milia turned into a full minotaur to exert her full strength.

“No, stop...” Slade could not reject his darkness anymore. Nor could he reject his aspiration for greatness.

The image of Tannhauser flashed into his mind. He admired the prideful knight for how shameless it was despite its wonky appearance and demeanor.

Tannhauser's shadow

Tannhauser was the uncompromising mastery of the basic self, sharpening both the strength of desire and meaning into a single spear.

The time to own his spear had come, however repulsive it looked.

It was now or never.

He could no longer allow Griscent to die.

Because he would forever miss the opportunity to be worthy of that spear.

“Milia, stoooooooooop!” Slade yelled.

“Don’t falter, he got brainwashed. Let's give it a painless death!” Shaki readied her spear to make sure they deal enough damage at once.

Milia brought down her weapon.

It doesn’t matter! I WILL STOP THEM!!

The slime exhaled his mana. A swirl of particles condensed in front of him. It formed a wooden stick, ending with a pointy flower bud.

Using Verdant Mercy came to him as easy as breathing. It was nothing like the system skills that he begged the status window to activate. No, the ability was his birthright.

Verdant Mercy

In this instant, he became who he was always meant to be.

But it was too late. Milia’s spear pierced into the Evil Eye from one side to the other.

Griscent let out a shrill scream of pain.

“NOOOOO!” Slade howled.

Soon the other troglodytes would follow up her strike, and Verdant Mercy couldn’t bind so many pawns at once.


Pillars of earth shot up from the ground. The troglodytes, Milia and Shaki flew away from Griscent, hit by the powerful blow. A cloud of dust rose, obscuring the view.

The beholders and the gnolls screamed at the jump-scare. They ran away in panic from the fight that broke out. A series of loud vibrations shook them, as if the explosion was only the prelude of a full-fledged war.

Slade rolled towards Griscent.

“Griscent! I’m sorry! Hang in there, I’ll heal you!” The slime melted, spreading his flesh to her wound.

“(You came... for me?)” she groaned.

“Everything will be fine!” His healing skill repaired her broken tissues.

“What the hell happened?!” Shaki growled. She picked herself up, fanning away the dust blocking her vision.

The cloud settled down. Slade was on top of Griscent. Sensing a presence, he looked upwards.

A stone giant stood above them.

Deja vu

Friend, okay? A voice resonated in Slade’s mind.

Slade looked at the golem in disbelief. “You… You’re the other earth spirit, like me!”1from chapter 22

The golem nodded.



Honk honk!

Sorry for the late release, I changed the size and design of dialogue icons. I've had a feedback that the icons were distracting, and tried to gauge their impact on the forum. I'm posting a poll here to check how you guys feel with it.

Special thanks to our subscribers: Eternal_Havoc, LabRunner, JK, GM, TB, MS, S2, SD, Moose, U8, XCER, thedemongoku, Panthara, Nova69, PandaDaoist, Xerias, Mervvin, Vex, DivinePoodle, TheMuffinEmpire and especially Hedgeboar for generously funding our degeneracy (´▽`ʃ❤ƪ).

See you Saturday for chapter 38B NSFW (after that, I'll finish route A first and then B),


SubStar 38B NSFW

SubStar 45

Preview chapter 45

Cross-promotion time with friendly authors who offered to do shoutouts!

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Blood Demon’s Retirement by Avitue
Check it out if you like Slice of Life, Travel Journal, and Slow pace stories!

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