Isekai Hotel

Chapter 36 – Three televisions.

All the televisions were placed one on top of the other, and Nahida looked at them, thinking about the best way to carry them all. He couldn't just pick them up and put them under his arm since they were so big.


"Yeah... I'll carry them like those women carried those buckets in that movie."




"I saw a movie a while back where women carried big water buckets on their heads. It will work if I do that. I have a good balance, so it's no problem."


"Are you sure about that? If you break them, I won't change them."


"Well, I'll try." Nahida smiled at the salesman and bent down to pick up the three televisions. As Nahida had expected, it was very light. His strength significantly increased, and he took the three televisions easily.


It was as if all three were made of cardboard.


When the salesman saw Nahida lifting the three televisions as if they were nothing and placing them on his head, his jaw dropped. "How is that possible? Aren't they heavy?" The salesman asked.


"They're not heavy, don't worry. I'm going now, thank you."


"..." The salesman watched Nahida leave his store and laughed at the funny scene. "That guy is amazing. He was very muscular. Should I start working out?"


This also encouraged the salesman to start going to the gym. As he was overweight, Nahida helped him become healthier even though he didn't intend to.





Nahida got much attention because of the televisions, but he didn't care. All he cared about was keeping the TVs safe. "But now we have a problem."


Nahida remembered that he had to buy many things at the market. And buying everything with the TVs in his head wouldn't be possible. It would get in the way too much, and he could break them.


"Well, I'll take the TVs to my hotel and then go to the market nearby. Maybe they don't have all the ingredients there, but in the worst case, I only need to come back here to go to a bigger market."


Nahida arrived at the train station, and people kept staring at him and talking about him. But he didn't care. He entered and put the televisions on the train floor.


He ensured they didn't get in the way of the other passengers.


Then, after less than an hour, Nahida picked up the TVs again and left the train station. He arrived at his hotel shortly afterward. His neighbor wasn't outside, and Nahida sighed with relief.


If she were there, she would try to talk to him.


Nahida then opened the hotel door with his only free hand and pushed it open with his foot. He then removed the TVs from his head and entered the hotel. Then Nazuna, who was at the reception, approached to help him.


"What's all this?" She didn't know what all those technological things drawn on those boxes were. So Nahida decided to give her a brief explanation. "I see. So that's why Rimuru-sama put those things in his house."


"Exactly. He needs the energy produced by that thing to make it all work. I have the same energy in my hotel, but it's produced differently. A slightly more complex form."


"It's the same energy that keeps all the lights on, right?"


"That's right." Nahida fiddled with the switch and turned the light off and on. "The energy I have here is unlimited. Of course, as long as I pay my electricity bill every month. Unlike the energy the generator produces, which doesn't last very long."


"I see. Is there no way to make this energy 'infinite' in my world?"


"That would be very difficult, but it may be possible..."


"Hm, ok."


"All right, now I need you to call Rimuru. Can you do that?"


"Sure, I can do that. Will you stay at reception?"


"Yes, I will. But first I will carry these TVs to a more appropriate place. Leaving them on the reception floor isn't a good idea."


"Do you need any help?"


"Don't worry, I've gotten stronger."




"Exactly. It's because of the training I had with Rimuru."


"I see. I'm going to call him. I'll be back in a second."




Nazuna left the hotel, and Nahida put all the TVs in his room. All the hotel guests were gone, so no one asked about the TVs. Nahida was sure the TVs would make the guests very curious.


After some time, Rimuru arrived at Nahida's hotel with Nazuna. Rimuru went to Nahida's room with him. As soon the Slime entered the room, his eyes lit up.


On Nahida's bed, there were three televisions, one on top of the other.


"So you bought them! I'm finally going to be able to use the Playstation." Rimuru started to open one of the boxes, but Nahida stopped him.


"Take it to your house first before you start opening the TVs. You can store them and take them, can't you?"


"Oh, I can do that."


"You could have done it before, couldn't you? When we had to carry all those boxes when we installed the generator."




"But that doesn't matter now. Take the TVs with you. If you need help, just come and talk to me."


"What? I thought you'd come to my world with me so we could play games together. Speaking of games, we don't have many, do we? You need to buy more games."


"Right, right, I'll buy some. But now I need to go out and buy ingredients for my kitchen. We're out of ingredients."


"Oh, I see. When you're not busy, come over to my place." Rimuru put the three televisions away in his storage. When they disappeared, Nahida was startled.


Even though he had expected this to happen, it was still surprising.


Nahida then cleared his throat. "Cof...Cof... Rimuru, about what happened to Nazuna. I was hoping you could get someone to work as a guard at my hotel. What do you think?"


"As a guard? Well, I can talk to Shuna about that. She can get someone to work for you."


"That would be a great help."


"I'll talk to her as soon as I get home."


"Okay, see you later."


Rimuru left the hotel, and soon afterward, Nahida also left to go to the market to do some shopping. Luckily for him, the market near his hotel had all the ingredients he needed.


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