Isekai Hotel

Chapter 50 – Fooled.

When Nahida woke up the next day, he sat down at one of the tables. The hotel guests were sitting and having breakfast. He could see Nazuna serving one of the guests.

Nazuna saw that Nahida was sitting at one of the tables and approached him. "Good morning." She said.

"Good morning."

"Can I get you something to eat or drink?"

"Yes, please."

Nazuna went to the kitchen and returned with a cup of coffee and a loaf of bread for Nahida. She placed everything in front of her and then turned to leave. She didn't feel like talking to him.

However, Nahida called out to her.

"Nazuna. I'm sorry about yesterday. I promise I won't do anything like that again. I need your help. We need to take care of the food for the festival, and it will make it easier if you help me."

"I'll think about it." Nazuna walked to another table. Nahida sighed and ate his food. After eating, he went into the kitchen to talk to Lucky about the festival.

He explained to Lucky everything that Rimuru wanted.

"Has he gone crazy?! He wants me to make all the food and take care of several stalls. It's impossible! I can't even leave the hotel!"

"Don't worry about it. I'll get you some help. I'll hire some more cooks, and I'll also upgrade this kitchen a bit. You'll cook everything here, and I'll take the food to the festival."

"I see. But are you sure this will work?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't hurt to try. And we need to hurry. The festival is tonight."

"What do I do about the hotel? The customers' lunch and dinner."

"We'll serve them the festival food."

"Right. First, get some other cooks to work here and expand this kitchen, after which I'll start cooking. Of course, before I start cooking, I need the ingredients."

"I'll do one thing at a time. First of all, let's take care of this." Nahida opened his system and looked for an upgrade for his kitchen. The price was affordable.

The kitchen wouldn't get much bigger, but the space would be enough for a few cooks to work.

[ - 200 ]

Nahida spent 200 points to enlarge his kitchen and another 150 points upgrading a few things, such as the stove and the oven. He didn't have enough points to be able to upgrade everything.

He had to save some points for the cooks.

"Is that good enough?" Nahida asked Lucky.

"I was hoping for more, but this will help."

"Unfortunately, I can't get any better than that for now. Now I'm going to hire the other cooks. Since there's not much room, I'll only hire four, okay?"

"Four? That's good enough. If we start preparing the food now, it should be fine. We can leave everything pre-prepared for the people in the stalls to finish preparing."

"I was thinking just that. If we start preparing the food now, when the time comes, it will be cold. So I want you to prepare it and then freeze it. What do you think?"

"It probably won't be as good as a fresh dish, but I think it'll work."

"Then do it this way. There should be enough room in the freezer. Damn, I don't know why Rimuru had to leave this job to me." Nahida still didn't understand why he had done that.

Rimuru has people capable of preparing the food he needs, so why did he ask Nahida to take care of it? This was highly irritating for Nahida. Even so, he felt excited.

He believed Lucky and the other cooks would do a good job, but he was still nervous.


Nahida hired the four cooks and left the job of explaining everything to them to Lucky. He then asked Joulan to open the door and went to meet Rimuru to tell him how everything was going.

He arrived at Rimuru's house a few minutes later. Nahida was amazed at how decorated were all over the city. The festival atmosphere had taken over.

It was even better than yesterday.

"So you've turned up. So, what about the food for the festival?"

"First of all, I want to ask you again why you left this 'job' to me."

"I told you before. I want to taste all this food made by a professional chef."

"Just for that?"

"That's right."

"Haaaa~~ Right. Everything's going well. I've hired new chefs using my system, and now they're preparing everything at my hotel. We'll leave everything pre-prepared for you to finalize in the stalls."

"What?! No, I won't accept that! It'll be too bad this way! I want to eat everything fresh."

"You're kidding, right?"

"What? I'm serious."

"What do you want me to do, then? It's impossible to start preparing food when the festival starts and be able to meet the demand."

"All right. You prepare the food for me, and I'll take care of the festival food."


"I was already going to take care of it anyway. I wasn't confident that you would take care of everything."

"So I spent all my points for nothing?!"

"At least you've improved your kitchen and have more cooks now, haven't you? I'll be looking forward to eating the chefs' food from your kitchen."

"Man, I hate you."

"Did you say something?"

"No, I didn't say anything. I will return to my hotel and tell them to stop mass-producing food."

"You do that. Oh, and remember to come to the festival in the evening. I'm preparing a little exclusive show."

"I'll be looking forward to it." Nahida sighed and went back to his hotel, annoyed with Rimuru. He had made Nahida spend many of the points he had accumulated during the night, and now he no longer needed help.

It was highly annoying.

"Nazuna, forget about the festival food. Rimuru will take care of everything."

"What? Is that true?"

"That's right. He didn't trust me enough and already intended to take care of everything. But he still wants to eat Lucky's and the others' food."

"I see..."

"Man, I'm annoyed with him. But now that I don't have to take care of it, I don't have to worry about the festival." Nahida sighed and leaned on the reception desk. "So, Nazuna. Do you want to go to the festival together with me today?"



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