Isekai Hotel

Chapter 68 – Sakura in the real world?

The woman's appearance left Nahida speechless. Short pink hair, white skin, and light green eyes. On her head was a bandana with a strange symbol that Nahida knew very well.

Nahida thought he was hallucinating.

"Sakura?" Nahida asked the woman. He held out his hand for her to take.

"Who are you? Why do you know me?" Sakura didn't accept Nahida's hand and stood up frightened. Nahida could see that her body was shaking. She was nervous and also afraid.

She didn't know where she was or how she had gotten there.

"I can help you if you want," Nahida told her. "I can send you back." Nahida smiled at her. Sakura was in her mid-teens, not yet an adult. What's more, she had lost all her abilities.

"First, tell me where I am! What is this place? And why does everyone keep staring at me like I'm someone strange? Besides, that man." Sakura looked at the man on the ground. Her blood began to boil.

"He tried to abuse me!" She shouted.

Nahida sighed and then explained the situation to Sakura. He didn't say that she was a fictional character. He just explained that this was another world.

As she listened to Nahida's explanation, Sakura's eyes began to fill with tears, perhaps accepting her fate of having to stay in that world forever.

"But I told you, didn't I? I can help you if you come with me."

Listening to Nahida, Sakura swallowed her saliva. She was deep in thought.

'Should I trust him? He knows I came from Konoha, he knows who I am, and he also knows I'm not from here...' Even if he was someone who knew what was going on, she didn't want to trust him.

But her situation was terrible. She didn't know how to get back, and there was no way she could survive in that place without being able to use any of her skills. She was a fragile girl.

'Damn it...' Sakura clenched her fists and looked at Nahida with her sharp eyes. "I'll trust you, but if you try anything, I'll kill you!" Sakura didn't think she could do anything against Nahida after what she had seen, but she still wanted to show her strength.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. Here." Nahida tossed Sakura his coat. "Hide your hair and also your clothes. People will stare too much." But everyone would think it was a very well-done cosplay.

But Nahida wanted to avoid attracting attention.

"Thanks..." Sakura said with a blush on her face.

The two of them then started walking towards the hotel.

'What's going on here?' Nahida slapped himself in the face. Something strange and problematic was happening.


When they arrived at the hotel, Nahida paid for another room for himself and gave the room he had previously paid for to Sakura. He took her up to the room and went in with her. "You can shower and then rest until tomorrow."

"I thought you were going to take me back today."

"I'm sleepy, you know? I've been playing all day. I'm tired. Besides, I haven't eaten anything yet."


"Are you hungry?"

"No, I'm not." After Sakura said that, her stomach started rumbling. Nahida laughed and then called room service to bring Sakura something to eat. And while he was waiting for the food, she was showering.

Even though it was difficult because of the difference between the bathroom in the real world and the one in her world, Sakura managed to shower since Nahida had taught her everything before she got into the bath herself.

She put on the same clothes she was wearing.

Just as she finished showering, a woman knocked on the bedroom door to deliver the food.

"Thank you." Nahida picked up the tray with the two plates and put it on the bed. Sakura was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and her mouth began to salivate as soon as she saw the plates.

"How long have you been here?" Since she was so hungry, she probably hadn't eaten for a long time.

'She probably arrived in this world a few hours ago.'

"In the morning. I was home, and when I opened my bedroom door, I came to one of the alleys. It was unbelievable, you know? I got scared when one of those big things almost hit me."


"That's the name of it?"

"That's right."

"Got it. I've never seen anything like that before." Sakura began to devour the food and finished eating in an instant. After eating, she collapsed on the bed and took a deep breath.

"If this is another world, how can I understand you? I could understand other people, too."

"Maybe the two worlds speak the same language?"

"But the world I came from had nothing to do with this world. The buildings, those things called cars, everything is very different. Even the clothes, the clothes are very different."

"I know it's all different. Now I think I'll go to my room. I hope you sleep well." Nahida picked up the tray and prepared to leave, but Sakura grabbed his shirt.

"Wait!" She said. Sakura looked away, embarrassed. "Please stay here with me tonight."

Nahida stared at her for a few seconds and could see the handprint on her neck.

'She's probably scared. Her mind is probably a mess with everything that's going on.' Sakura was just an idiot teenager, after all.

"All right, I'll stay with you."

Sakura's eyes sparkled.


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